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January 12, 1974 - Image 1

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Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 85 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 12, 1974 Ten Cents

Eight Pages



presidency: Dreams,


Cross-country skiing offered
For skiing enthusiasts feeling blue about being away
from the slopes, the Washtenaw County Parks and Re-
creation Commission is encouraging people in what it
hopes will be a satisfactory substitute -,cross-country
skiing. Three Wednesday evenings at 7, the commission
will offer sessions to the interested. The first will be
held at the city's Island Park on Jan. 23, the second on
Feb. 13 at the Middle School in Ypsilanti, and the third
in Saline on Feb. 27 at Henne Field. Skiis, boots, and
poles will be supplied free of charge. In order to regis-
ter, send a postcard with name, address, phone number,
and session choice to the Washtenaw County Parks and
Recreation Commission, County Building, Ann Arbor.
The cost per person is two dollars, payable with the
registration in the form of a check or money order.
... are topped by a Native American Powwow at the
League Ballhoom, from 1 p.m. to midnight . . . movies
include A Night at the Opera at Arch. Aud., Lolita at
Aud. A and Bastien and Bastienne and Ages Ago at
Trueblood Theater . . . and our hockey team clashes
with North Dakota at Yost Field House at 7:30 tonight.
Deal for Ehrlichman?
A spokesperson for special Watergate prosecutor Leon
Jaworski yesterday denied reports that a meeting Jaw-
orski had with former presidential adviser John Ehrlich-
man involved a deal. The Los Angeles Times said yes-
terday Jaworski offered Ehrlichman a deal in return for
cooperation in Watergate-related prosecutions, but that
Ehrlichman had neither accepted nor rejected the offer.
The Times said the deal would have allowed Ehrlichman
the chance to plead guilty to one felony count in ex-
change for his help in other Watergate prosecutions. A
spokesperson for Jaworski denied that this was the meet-
ing's purpose and the irrepressible Ehrlichman, spot-
ted leaving a Washington restaurant Thursday night,
would only say, "I came back to see the cherry blos-
soms, but I understand I'm a little early."
Ford lays off 3,400
The Ford Motor Co. announced yesterday it will shut
its Mahwah, N.J., assembly plant for one week begin-
ning Monday, because the full-size cars it produces are
not being bought by energy-conscious buyers. Ford said
3,400 hourly workers will be idled at the plant, the fifth
one-week shutdown announced by the second largest
automaker so far this month as it tries to cut 100,000
cars from first quarter production schedules. Since the
automakers decided to trim production of the slow-selling
big cars in December, about 60,000 U. S. auto workers
have been laid off. Ford said that as of Monday 159,000
of its 175,000 U. S. hourly workers will be on the job.
Solzhenitsyn compared to Nazi
The official Soviet campaign against writer Alexander
Solzhenitsyn appeared to be broadening yesterday as he
was publicly compared to Knut Hamsun, a Norwegian
novelist and 1920 Nobel Prize winner who backed the
Nazis in World War II and then faced treason charges.
Sovietskaya Kultura, organ of the culture ministry, made
the comparison in the first direct Soviet newspaper com-
ment on the writer and his newly-published history of
Soviet labor camps - "Gulag Archipelago." Indirect at-
tacks began more than a week ago. Until now, the cam-
paign has been waged on television and through reprint-
ing in the press of foreign Communist condemnation of
the Nobel Prize winner, which was seen as an indica-
tion of Kremlin hesitance on how to treat the affair.
Further wage controls debated
The Nixon administration is debating whether to ask
Congress for authority to continue wage and price con-
trols beyond April and according to Cost of Living Coun-
cil Director John Dunlop, the decision will be announced
by Feb. 6, when he testifies before a Senate subcommit-
tee. One high council source said officials are recon-
sidering stopping the program because of the energy
shortage and the prospect of continuing high inflation. It
"could go either way," the snokesperson said. Dunlop
said in a recent interview that the "rapid price increases
we will be experiencing creates a special problem" for
getting out of controls. But he added, "There is never
any ideal time to get out of controls."
Baby boom feared
One of the lesser known results of the energy crisis
has lead television stations in London to flash birth con-

trol commercials to millions of viewers before they sign
off each night. Television networks were ordered by the
government to close down at 10:30 p.m. to conserve elec-
tricity during the country's devastating energy crunch.
And London borroughs sponsoring the commercials fear
this means more babies. "Undoubtedly, the early close
down of television, which means people will have more
recreation time, could result in an increase in the birth-
rate," a spokesperson said. The campaign's theme is
"Make sure your baby is a wanted one."
On the inside .. .
the Editorial Page presents a probing look at wide-
spread contamination of hamburger . . . the Arts Page
reviews Merle and Doc Watson, in town this weekend
at King Pleasure . . . and Marc Feldman chronicles to-

Lee Andrew Gill was far and away the smoothest
dude to ever sit upon the swivel-chair throne of Stu-
dent Government Council.
He was a black activist on a campus dominated by
passive whites. He was flashy, funny, controversial,
and at times, showed promise of being one of the
most effective SGC leaders in recent memory.
HE ROSE TO power in a glow of success as the
campus gave him a landslide victory in May's elec-
tion. Gill's supporters on the Student Rights Party
(SRP) had high hopes that he would keep his post-
election promise to "turn SGC back to its constitu-

But a little more than seven months later, the
optimism had fully dissipated. SRP lost its voting
strength on the Council in the October all-campus
election. Gill, after abandoning the short-lived tuition
strike, slipped into a low-profile presidency as his
vociferous opponents repeatedly attempted to remove
him from office for alleged improprieties.
Finally, Gill shocked Thursday night's Council meet-
ing by announcing his resignation. He blamed his
sudden exit on "academic reasons".
BUT THE PRESIDENT departed in a distinct air
of failure-inability to cope with academic pressures,
failure in convincing opponents of his own integrity,

and failure to pull SGC from its stubbornly
tive ways.
And that element must have played a vi
Gill's last decision as SGC president, for th
dressed young activist was far more familia
exhilaration of success.
Lee Gill was born in Gary, Indiana and
as he often reminds his listeners, "on thes
Gary and Chicago. By the time he was 20,
record included nine arrests on charges ran
concealing a deadly weapon to interstate
ONE ALMOST legendary rumor places
the Blackstone Rangers, a Chicago street;

gone sour
unproduc- denies that story vehemently, explaining, "I ran with
the bad guys back then. When you live on the street,
ital role in you have no choice."
he sharply- Only one of the criminal charges stuck: Gill was
ar with the convicted of interstate auto theft after fleeing state
and federal agents for a year and a half. He was
grew up, given a two-year sentence in Milan Federal Correc-
streets" in tional Institute, and was released on parole after eight
his police months behind Milan's barbed-wire walls.
nging from He went to jail in 1970. Since then, it's been Hora-
auto theft. tio Alger Gill.
PRISON OFFICIALS and parole officers virtually
Gill with fell in love with Gill. Assistant Warden Clarence
gang. Gill See GILL, Page 8
Wifts see
.i the "wVake-







Jeff Schiller has been President of Student Government
Council (SGC) for 24 hours, yet it is possible that his gavel-
wielding days are nearing an end.
One story coming out of an impromptu meeting held yes-
terday had it that Schiller would resign his office and step
aside in favor of fellow Council member Carl Sandburg, the
Rackham representative to the Council.
SCHILLER WAS thrust into the presidential chair Thursday night
following Lee Gill's bombshell resignation announcement. Gill blamed
academic difficulties for his departure, but hinted that the constant
harassment he had been subjected to by opposition party members may
have influenced his decision.
Reached at home yesterday, Schiller denied the story claiming he
"had no plans to quit at the moment." But Campus Coalition party boss
David Faye, a key figure on the Council, would not rule out the possi-
bility of a Schiller resignation though he termed the speculation "rather
Faye attended yesterday's gathering along with Sandburg, SGC at-
torney Tom Bentley, Campus Coalition member Robbie Gordon and
former SGC Treasurer David Schaper.
SCHAPER, the target of numerous fraud charges in past Council
elections, was said to be acting solely in an advisory capacity at the
meeting, providing information about the SGC constitution which he

LEE GILL: He's been out of
office for a mere 24 hours and
already there's talk of replac-
ing his successor.

AP Photo
Goin' to Kansas City
These travelers found the perfect way to cruise through the snow-covered thoroughfares of downtown
Kansas City yesterday without burning a drop of ga soline.



Contract negotiations between
the University and the University
Employes Union for service-main-
tenance, have been given an ex-
tended deadline for the second
time in a row, and a state media-
tor has been called in, amid the
threat of an impending strike.
The University's three-year con-
tracts with Union Local 1583 of the
American Federation of State and
County Municipal Employes (AFS-
CME) were to have expired on
Dec. 31. However, due to unsuc-
cessful negotiations up to that

Jeadline nears

According to Council sources, the
elevation of Sandburg to the presi-
dency would be part of an attempt
to counter the organization's ex-
tremely partisan image and shore
up SGC's nearly shattered credi-
Sandburg is not a member of any
political party while Schiller is af-
filiated with the Campus Coali-
tion. In addition, Sandburg is con-
sidered both honest and intelligent.
with the present situationonSGC
are the members of the Minority
Affairs Committee (MAC). With
Gill out of the picture, the MAC
has lost its most powerful sup-
Asian Affairs Director, Ted Liu,
admits he is "very, very pessimis-
tic" about the future of minority-
oriented programs 'on the Council.
"The. Screw SGC Party and the
Campus Coalition now have a gold-
en opportunity to dismantle MAC,"
commented Liu.
Attempts to diminish the power
of MAC have repeatedly been made
over the last few months, particu-
larly at the insistence of Screw
SGC Party leader Mat Hoffman.
Contacted last evening Faye
termed "ridiculous" the notion
that the MAC would be eliminated
or cut back. Still Liu was suffic-
iently worried to remark, "There's
a real possibility we won't be in
existence after next Thursday
night's meeting."

point, the contracts were first ex-
tended for two weeks, and now
have been extended a second time,
giving the two parties a January
21 deadline to reach a settlement.
IN ADDITION, a mediator from
the Michigan Employment Rela-
tions Commission (MERC) has
been called in, at the suggestion of
the AFSCME team, to assist in the
remaining week of negotiations
which have been in progress since
Oct. 22.
Commenting on the status of the
negotiations, University Manager

Kissinger, Sadat
start peace talks

Energy crisis claims
more industrial jobs

of Staff and Union Relations and
chief University negotiator James
Thiry said, "we have mutually
concluded that we are at an im-
passe and that mediation should be
Both sides have declined to pub-
licly discuss the specific contract
terms at issue in the negotiations,
with Local 1583 President Charles
McCracken replying with a terse
"no comment" to all questions.
MEANWHILE, University Hous-
ing has quietly been preparing for
the strike possibility.
At the direction of Gerald Burk-
house, the area manager for Uni-
versity dormitories located in the
"hill" area, (including Couzens,
Alice Lloyd, Mosher-Jordan, Mark-
ley, Stockwell, and Oxford Hous-
ing) the building directors for
these dorms met last Jan. 9 to dis-
cuss' the problems an .AFSCME
strike would entail.
Another meeting between Ox-
ford Housing resident directors,
sparked suggestions of stockpiling
LOCAL AFSCME 1583, repre-
senting some 2,400 employes, is
responsible for service - mainte-
nance services to the University.
If a strike was called, food, elec-
trical, and plumbing services to
Universitydhousingand other build-
ings might be curtailed.
University Housing Director
John Feldkamp also had a few
c o m m e n t s on the threatening
ctir rieiiltrA VU11n n-..n re r

ASWAN (Reuter)-U.S. Secretary
of State Henry Kissinger flew into
this winter resort town last night
for talks with President Anwar
Sadat and promised a major effort
cowards peace.
Kissinger, here to disclose troop
disagreement between Egypt and
Israel, declared: "We will make
a major effort to make a big step
towards peace."
ASKED IF things looked better
than on his last visit to Egypt in
Deecember, he replied: "I hope
After stepping from his special
Boeing airliner he told reporters:
"I come here to exchange ideas
with our Egyptian friends."
Kissinger who was met at the
airport by Egyptian Foreign Min-
ister Ismail Fahmi, drove straight
to the reverside villa where Presi-
dent Sadat has been recuperating
from an attack of bronchitis since
KISSINGER, WHO is due to fly

on to Israel 'this afternoon, was
not beginning his formal talks here
until 11 a.m. local time.
But after his. arrival here, he
had a 30 minute informal meeting
with Sadat.
Egyptian and American officials
said he will be back here Monday
for further talks after his brief
visit to Israel.
KISSINGER IS expected to pre-
sent Sadat with proposals on troop
disengagement put forward in
Washington last week by Israel
Defense Minister Moshe Dayan.
Fahmy told Reuter yesterday
that he had not so far received a
copy of Dayan's proposals, despite
a report in the Cairo Daily Al
Ahram that they had been submit-
ted to him in advance by the U.S.
envoy in Cairo, Herman Eilts.
Fahmy said this report was "com-
plete nonsense."
Fahmy said 'the exact timing of
Kissinger's return here after meet-

White House reveals leak of
national security information

ernment statistics released yester-
day indicated as many as 100,000
workers were laid off in mid-De-
cember because of the energy cris-
is. And things are expected to get
The Labor Department said a
payroll survey for the week of Dec.
9-15 showed large declines in em-
ployment by service stations, au-
tomobile dealers, hotels, motels,
recreation facilities and transpor-
tation firms - industries that are
dependent either directly or indi-
rectly on gasoline.

instance, cutbacks in auto produc-
tion could reduce steel orders and
bring layoffs in the basic steel in-
The unemployment rate rose in
December from 4.7 to 4.9 per cent,
with 4.4 million workers out of
jobs. Administration economists
expect it to rise to 5.5 per cent or
more this year, but some other
economists forecast a jobless rate
of 8 per cent.
EACH ONE PER cent rise in the
unemployment rate means an ad-
ditional 900,000 jobless workers.
Tlti n q C r ran rata -..il

White House disclosed yesterday
that in late 1971 a government of-
ficial was found to be leaking
extremely sensitive national secur-
ity information of interest to other
The White House said the source
of the leaks to the news media
"was a low-level employe whose
clerical tasks gave him access to
highly classified information."
THE WHITE HOUSE did not say

the Pentagon spied on Kissinger
after he cut off non-military intel-
ligence information to the chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm.
Thomas Moorer.
The White House statement did
not address itself to the question
of whether information was leaked
by Kissinger's national security
staff to the Pentagon.
It said "the most that properly
can be stated is that yesterday's
news accounts convey an incorrect
imnression of the knowledge and




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