.E!I ITOLD YOU THERE WAS A E OS EHIA IGICAL EXPLANATION FOR THE TE HOUSE TECHNICAL SSING 18 MINUTES ON THAT BYHAEDEFECT IN THE MACHINE. r4 Reuther aspires to retire Esch V mmmmmm9w4 I I WONDER WHAT WAS DEFECTIVE ABOUT IT? )I THE OPERATOR. By BRIAN COLGAN ON AUGUST 6, the Democratic primary will decide, among oth- er things, which Democrat s h a 11 oppose incumbent Republican Con- gressman Marvin Esch. John Reu- ther, born in Detroit in 1943, is one of the aspirants for the Democratic nomination. He tends to agree with Walter Shapiro (candidate for the Demo- cratic 2nd congressional district nomination in 1972) when he s a y s that fthis district is the most dif- ficult in the country to win. The heterogeneous nature of the district makes it imperative that Reuther not only receive the sup- port of the left, but find a way to reach those in the middle and the right. However, he makes it quite clear that he's not going to do this by "backing down" or "softening on ths issues." Rather, he hopes to accomplish it through personal contact and dis- cussing the issues with them, Itres- sing those issues that they have in common with the left, such as cam- paign reform, unemployment and health care. On Nixon's national health insurance plan he comments, "It doesn't change the system of health care; what it does is double the profits of the $26 billion-a-year health industry." REUTHER WAS amazed at the hypocrisy in Nixon's call for an end to the invasion of personal privacy. He states that the recent election of Democrat Richard VanderVeen over his Republican opponent in Gerald Ford's old district demon- .trates a "clear rejection of the serious scandals of the Nixon ad- ministration." He hopes that legis- lation requiring public financing c.f presidential campaigns will de- crease corruption in the executive branch. Legislation to de-criminalize the possession of marijuana, and to ef- fectively deal with sorely needad penal and pension reforms also re- ceive his support. He favors impeachment and he will speak frequently on the sub- ject during the upcoming cam- paign. "Polls show that m a n y people in this country don't under- stand what impeachment is." He continues by saying that it is the representative's duty to explain tha process. Reuther could be described as a liberal who happens to be quite candid when discusing nearly any- thing. His campaign will be direct- ed against Esch, not the o t h e r Democratic hopefuls. He makes it obvious that he wants to retire Esch when he says, "I wouldn't have run this year if I thought someone else could have been beat- en him (Esch). I would've worked for anyone, within reason of course, who I though had a decent chance to beat him . . . One of my cnief aims in this campaign is to expo.se Esch." REUTHER graduated from Cor- nell University's School of Indus- trial Relations in 1966, whereupon he became a legislative aid to Sen- ator Birch Bayh. In 1967 he left Bayh's staff to take a job as a congressional liason for OEO. Ile worked in the 1968 Kennedy cam- paign in California with Cesar Chavez until Kennedy's death. Af- ter that, a discouraged Reuther packed up and spent two years in Hussia studying the contemporary role of Soviet trade unions. Upon returning to the U.S., Rea- ther spent the next several years working in various poliical cam- paigns. In 1970 he worked in Sen- ator, Edward Kennedy's re-election effort, then joined the presidential campaign of Sen. Birch Bayh, first as a youth coordinator, then as re- gional mid-Atlantic coordinator. With Bayh's decision to drop out, Reuther promptly joined the Mc- Govern forces and directed M,- Govern's victorious primary cam- paign in Massachusetts. During the general election race he acted as a peacemaker between the Mc- Govern camp and hostile labor force- es in Minnesota. He held a job with Ford as a legislative re ;earcher into industrial-governmental rela- tions until just recen*ly when he decided to devote full time to his campaign. THE SON OF Roy Reuther and nephew of the late Walter Reu- ther says Esch will have the ad- vantage over his Democratic op- ponent in that he is the in-umbent. He doesn't believe that his famous name will be much of a factor once the voting begins. "The name Reuther gets me the initial focus of attention, but I've got to cary it from there," Reu- ther says. Brian Colgan is a staff writer for The Daily. \ \ r «+ a O1 Q ~'TIE MILWAUKEEB JO UNAL I'ulisem-ailSyudicat.,1971 I I ~4e £ t B~an tiI Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan John Reuther Food stamps give aid to eligible students 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 I_ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1974 Solidarity program continues NOw THAT THE Third World Confer- ence is in progress, students must come 'out of their pre-spring doldrums and give the conference avid support. Lectures and rallies will mark the re- maining two days of the conference which opened last night with lectures by Pat Sumi of the Third World Women's Alliance and by Ramsey Muniz, Texas gubernatorial candidate. Calling for mi- nority unity, Muniz, who ran for gover- nor in 1972, exclaimed that "the man is out to get all of us.," Muniz is the co- founder of the Raza Unida party (all peo- ple united), founded in 1969. Tonight the conference continues with black activist Angela Davis speaking and American Indian Movement co-founder Clyde Bellacourt. Bellacourt is currently on trial for an array of charges ranging from arson to assaulting federal officers. Narrowing THEGUIDELIE FOR impeachable offenses outlined yesterday by law- yers for the House Judiciary Committee is a sound document that could force Richard Nixon to account for more than his strictly criminal acts. The report argued that the President has the duty "not to abuse his powers or transgress their limits--not to violate the right of citizens such as those guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and not to act in; derogation of powers vested elsewhere by the Constitution." Thus, the President could be impeach-; ed for bombing Cambodia without ap- proval from Congress, or for impounding $12 billion appropriated by Congress for A rally at 11:00 AM today will try to gain support for the Wounded Knee defendant. People should meet on the ding to demonstrate. Support for the Wounded Knee defendants including Dennis Banks, Russell Means, and Bella- court, is essential. This rally needs stu- dent support as the trial is expected to constitute a major civil rights case for Native Americans. It should be of the highesty priority for all students to at- tend. THE THIRD WORLD- Conference closes tomorrow with workshops, among them one on the need for a minority pro- gram. Dr. Les Owens, Director of the center for Afro-American and African studies, is among the list of today's speakers. -CLIFFORD BROWN .Q N on Nixon vital social needs. The President has vio- lated the Bill of Rights by harassing and intimidating journalists and political op- ponents, and by setting up a secret police force engaged in illegal espionage. IT IS IMPORTANT to establish that there are strict limits to the powers of the presidency, and that the President must be held accountable when he ex- ceeds them. The impeachment of Rich- ard Nixon will serve as a healthy prece- dent, and as a warning to future presi- dents that their attempts to usurp power and flaunt the Constitution will not be tolerated. -MARNIE HEYN Editorial Director By ,ANGELA BALK FOOD STAMPS, popularly associated with the indigent members of society, a r e also available to low income University students since the Supreme Court over- turned several amendments to the F o o d Stamp Act last June. Food stamps are a subsidy from the fed- eral government for food expenses. Under the food stamp program, "households" ex- change their food money for coupons which are worth more than the money. They can be used to purchase food at retail food stores which are authorized by the United States Department of Agriculture. In late December, 1970, Congress passed amendments to the Food Stamp Act, en- acted in 1964, which were aimed at getting hippies and college students off the food 'stamps roles. One amendment denied food stamps to persons otherwise eligible if all members of their "household' were not related to each other. The other stated that if persons of 18 or older were claimed as dependents by a taxpayer not eligible for food stamps, the 18-year-old and his "household" were also ineligible for stamps, even if they qualified in every other way. These amendments hurt students because most of them live away from home w i t h people to whom they are not related, and many are claimed as dependents 3n their parents' tax returns. Both amendments were declared in vio- lation of the Fifth Amendment by U.S. Su- preme Court decisions handed down in June of 1973. Students can now receive f o o d stamps if their income (minus certain al- lowable deductions) is low enough, A "HOUSEHOLD", as defined in the Food Stamp Act, is one person or a group of people who buy, store, and prepare food together. More than one "household" may share the same living quarters, as long as each separate household buys, stores, and prepares its food separately from the other "households." The amount of money that an ligible household must pay to receive a given amount of food stamps varies according to the income of the household. For example, a two-person household whose adjusted income for food stamp pr- poses (this -is not the same as their gross or net monthly income) is $85 a month would pay $18 to receive $66 worth of food stamps. However, a two-person household whose monthly income for food stamp pur- poses was $235 would pay $46 for $66 worth of food stamps. Households which are receiving public as- sistance, such as Aid to Dependent Child- ren or Aid to the Blind, are automatically eli'gible for food stamps. ELIGIBILITY OF non-public assistance 'households' for participation in the food stamp program is based on four criteria: residency, income, resources, and work re- gistration. To be eligible for food stamps, a person must live in the county in which he applies for food stamps. All this means is that one has to live within the county. A person can be an'out-of-state student and still re- ceive food stamps in Washtenaw County. Another requirement is that all food stamps recipients must live in a dwelling which is eqimyed with cooking facilities. All income received during the certifica- tion period (generally the three months fol- lowing the day a person's application for food stamps is accepted) must be taken into account when an applicant is figaring his income for food stamp purposes. A food stamp recipient must apply at the be- ginning of each new certification period. RESOURCES, the third criterion, are such things as money in savings accounts, stocks and bonds, and the market value of buildings and lands (except Indian tribal lands) not used for a home. Not included as resources are one's own place of residence, one car, property used in earning a living, household goods, per- sonal property, and life insurance. The total resources of a household cannot ex- ceed $1,500 for its members to receive f od stamps. Students over 18 years of age who are enrolled less than half time in a school or training program must register for work through the social services department in order to qualify for food stamps. The Student Legal Aid office is beginning a program to assist students who think they may be eligible for food stamps to eval- uate their income, deductions, and ^esourc- es to see if they are indeed eligible. Appointments will be available on Tues- day evenings from 7 to 9 p.m., beginning with next Tuesday, Feb. 26. Anyone who is interested in an appoint- ment for next Tuesday can make the ap- pointment by calling the Legal Aid office on Monday afternoon between 2 o'clock and 5 o'clock. The telephone number is 665- 6146. The Legal Aid ofice is located at 4310 Michigan Union. Angela Balk is a volunteer at the Stu- dent Legal Aid Office. Letters: Insuring justice for AIM Nixon crimes merit trial THE CONCLUSION by the legal staff of the U. S. House Judiciary Committee that Richard Nixon need not be guilty of a strictly defined criminal offense in order to be impeached is a significant move forward - an indication that the Watergate issue may yet be resolved with the interests of the people, not just of the President, taken into account. The invasion of Cambodia; the "secret war" in Laos; the President's approval of the Gestapo-style Huston internal secur- ity plan; the possible covert arrange- ments between the Administration and (take your pick) the dairy interests. ITT, Robert Vesco, and Howard Hughes; the President's tax returns; his notorious - and possibly illegal - backdating of the contribution of his Vice Presidential pa- pers to the National Archives: all these add up to a strong prima facie case that Richard Nixon has systematically abused the nowers nrivileos nnd1 alergd rights To The Daily: JUDGING FROM America's his- toric vendetta against theNative American People and the charges facing those active in last years Wounded Knee insurrection, the U.S. government is preparing an- ther Indian massacre. The trial of Russell Means and Dennis Banks, two leaders of the American in- dian Movement (AIM), has begun to take on tremendous historical significance.; The trial of Banks and Meansis the first of those stemming from the Wounded Kneertakeover. The two AIM leaders are charged with assisting in burglary, theft, a s - saulting federal officers, possessing explosives and conspiracy. They face possible sentences from 85 to 200 years. More than 150 other militants who took part in the se.;,- ure have been indicted by federal grand juries and still face charges. THE PRINCIPAL aspect of the Wounded Knee trial hinges on the question of treaty rights, not on the question of the 71 day takeover of a small portion of land by AIM and others. Washington's continual violation of these treaties c o u I d possibly be broughttto justice or at least thoroughly aired through the vehicle of the St. Paul trial. The confrontation between the Indian people and the government over treatyurights represents a momen- tous turning point in the :struggle against the government's attempts to steal Indian land and destroy Indian culture. At a recent press confeerence, Means detailed the real issues in- volved. "We didn't break any laws," Means said, "out w2 went into Wounded Knee to uphold laws. The statements put forth by the independent Ogala nation inside Wounded Knee is that we were trying to get the United S ates of tined to change the course of Ind- ian history." ONE OF THE main functigns of the trial wil be to put before the American people the true history of the Indian people. It is a history of genocidal destruction of a na- tion, racist degradation andl ex- treme oppression. The wrong done to the Native American People can never be wiped out. ChapterI of Wounded Knee is already his- tory, but chapter II is still in the process of being completed. A judicial decision in favor of t h e Wounded Knee defendents and a public airing of the treaty right.s can go along way towards educa- tion of the American people about the rights of Native Americans and exposing the racist and imperial- ist policies of our government. As students we can play a key role in supporting themWounded Knee defense. The mass rally scheduled this Saturday on t h e Diag is one big step in that direc- tion. Great public pressure oz he- half of the defense must be im- mediately brought to insure t h a t both the judge and the jury t) not push the essential issue of treaty rights to the background and that another Wounded Knee massacre does not become a reality. Already thousands of people have mobilized throughout the country. 2,500 re- cently gathered in St. Paul and 15,000 came together in New York to support the Wounded Knee de- fense. THOUGH the early 70's have been cynical times for the student move- ment, we should keep in mind the strong points and successes of the late sixties, when student activism was at a high point. Thy dem:-n- strationsato free the.Chicago ' de- fendents and Bobby Seale should not be forgotten. If students had not come out for those demonstra- tions, today many of those defend- ents would be behind bars. T h e the trial and the hicor7 of t h e Indian people. We should welcome him as a leader of the American Indian Movement and thc Wounded Knee insurrection, representing the Indian people who are still fighting back against centurimes of oppres- sion. At the same time we should let him know that the studen:s of Ann Arbor will not sit back and let the brothers and sisters of Wounded Knee be run up for many years in prison. The rally will be- gin at 11 a.m. this Saturday on the diag. -Mark Leit4zn Attica Brig-ide February 20 of his office in an attempt to institute a government by Presidential decree, of, by, and for Richard Nixon and his friends. JT IS CRITICAL for the future of American democracy, such as it ex- ists, that these charges be investigated in exhaustive detail, both to determine any possible civil and criminal liability on the part of Richard Nixon, and to judge whether this pattern of behavior--legal or otherwise - constitutes a violation of the President's oath to "preserve, pro- tect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Richard Nixon won in 1972 by a land- slide. Should he eventually be ousted, those who voted for him have every right to demand that such a move be not done arbitrarily or capriciously. But it is equal- ly important that this issue be settled: can Nixon-like behavior be tolerated in fl, ff. R , 7. . s 4