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February 23, 1974 - Image 1

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See editorial page

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See Today for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 121

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 23, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages



Vote note
Detroit Federal District Court Judge Damon Keit
was named yesterday to rule on a suit against the city's
voter registration plan filed this week by the Human
Rights Party (HRP), Student Government Council and
the Democratic Party. Attorneys for the two sides are
scheduled to meet in Keith's chambers Monday morn-
ing. Meanwhile, voter registration for the April 1 city
elections begins today - if you can find it. HRP said
last night it would run shuttle service from Bursley,
Baits and North Campus Co-ops to the only registration
site open -the Stone School, 2800 Stone School Rd. -
from noon to 4 p.m. today.
Cohen raps
"'States' rights' must not continue to be an excuse
for perpetuating states' wrongs," University education
Prof. Wilbur Cohen quipped yesterday in a Chicago
speech before the American Association of Colleges for
Teacher, Education. Cohen, former U.S. Secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare, told the group's 26th
annual meeting that variations between states in school
taxes, educational spending and educational achievements
levels must be reduced during the coming decade.
Funds for transit
A $21.5 million transportation budget recently recom-
mended by the state's Public Transportation Council
(PTC) for the fiscal year beginning July 1 names Ann
Arbor as recipient of a hefty allocation for mass transit.
The PTC budget would grant $77,332 in state funds and
an expected $309,330 in matching federal money for the
purchase of 10 buses carrying 10 to 16 passengers for
the city's Teltran system, and 45 passenger buses for
regular line service. The recommendations go to the
State Highway Commission and finally to the legislature
for approval.
Regent legislation
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) and twelve
other legislators have introduced an amendment to the
state constitution that would seat students on the control-
ling boards of state colleges and universities. The
House resolution, introduced Wednesday, also proposes
policies to insure that all board meetings are open to
the public. Both open meetings and student representa-
tion on the University's Board of Regents have long
been sought by student activists here. Presently, the
Regents hold two public meetings a month, but many
observers say the board's important decisions are made
in private caucus. If passed by the legislature, the mea-
sure would be taken to a general vote by state residents
in November.
Happenings.. ..
.are variegated today, with the continuing Third
World People's Solidarity Conference topping the bill.
The conference will hold an 11 a.m. rally "to support
sisters and brothers at the Wounded Knee trials" fea-
turing American Indian Movement leader Clyd Bella-
court . . . conference workshops on minority affairs
will continue throughout the day in Angell and Mason
Hall with a "Party for All People" in East Quad's din-
ing room at 9 p.m. . . . in sports, the hoopsters take on
Purdue in Crisler Arena at 2 p.m. . . . West Quad's se-
cond benefit showing of "Carnival" is at 8 p.m. in quad
dining room 4, with receipts going to local daycare
centers . . . and UAC-Daystar presents Gato Barbieri,
Esther Phillips, and Keith Jarrett in concert at Hill
Aud., 8 p.m.
Behind each great man.. ..
President Nixon announced yesterday he is sending
his wife, Pat, on a major diplomatic mission" o Latin
America. She will head the U.S. delegation at the in-
auguration of the presidents of Venezuela and Brazil in
March. The First Lady is to depart March 10 and
return March 16 after inspiring a sense of "equality
and respect for the dignity all" in the residents of
Caracas and Brasilia, according to White House Press
Secretary Ronald Ziegler.
Warner silent
State Rep. Dale Warner (R-Eaton Rapids) vesterday
stood mute on charges of heroin possession in Ingham

County Circuit Court. Warner, 34, was arrested in an
Aug. 14 drug raid on a Lansing motel. Warner's trial
date has not yet been set, but is expected to be sched-
uled for mid-March.
Wallace to roll
George Wallace announced in Montgomery yesterday
that he would seek an unprecedented third term as
Alabama governor, keeping alive his possible presidential
aspirations. Throngs of stomping, cheering supporters in
colorful campaign hats and toes gathered for the an-
nouncement in the halls' of the state capitol building.
Wallace, paralyzed from the waist down during an
assassination attempt in 1972, yesterday supported him-
self in a special "standing box" as he spoke.
On the inside ..
.The Arts Page offers Doug Zernow's raview
of bluegrass singer Bill Monroe's Pretzel Bell appearance
... Brian Colgan analyzes congressional candidate John
Reuther's campaign on the Editorial Page . . . and Andy
Glazer covers the Notre Dame-Michigan hockey game
on the Snorts Pae.





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HPC trade
In their first face-to-face confrontation, the
Housing Policy Committee (HPC) and Vice
President for Student Services Henry Johnson
yesterday clashed on the newly-revived issue
of student power on University policy boards.
The debate, the latest episode in a long-
brewing disagreement between Johnson and
HPC, took place at yesterday's meeting of
the Office of Student Services Policy Board
The meeting provided HPC members an op-
portunity to personally present Johnson with
their complaint that he has usurped the com-
mittee's power as a decision-making group.
THE COMMITTEE feels that Johnson's pre-
decessor, Robert Knauss, delegated HPC the
authority to make policy decisions.
As Vice President, Knauss had said he
would resign his position if he was so strongly
opposed to any student policy board recom-
mendation that he felt he could not pass it
on to the Regents.
Johnson yesterday argued that Knauss' pol-
icy is now irrelevant.
Johnson commented, "President Fleming
told me, at the time I was hired, that I would
be held accountable for the recommendations
I would pass on to the Regents. At no time
See HPC, Page 8

Murphy frigtene
ATLANTA, Ga. (M - Atlanta Constitution Editor Reg
Murphy, ransomed by his newspaper for $700,000, returned
home unharmed last night and said of his kidnapers, "It's
important for them to know they didn't win a big victory."
"They frightened me very badly. They frightened my
family," Murphy told a crowd of reporters and neighbors at
his two-story brick home 50 hours after he had been ab-
MURPHY was kidnaped Wednesday night by men who said they
were members of the "American Revolutionary Army," an apparently
right-wing extremist organization unheard of before the kidnaping.
With his arms around his wife and two daughters, Murphy said,
"I'm all 'right. I don't feel very good. I'm kind of shaky."


Ron Beck

Henry Johnson

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"You saved my life today," he
lay of messages from his news-
paper to the kidnapers via radio
and television.
"Before I was so rudely inter-
rupted, I used to say this ought to
be a civilized country," Murphy
said. "I still think this ought to
be a civilized country. The people
who think like this are going to
have to use some other tactics be-
causethis won't win them many
LESS THAN three hours before,
Jim Minter, the managing editor of
the Constitution, drove an open
jeep in cold, windy weather to the
end of state highway 400, a limited
access highway which ends in a
lonely area near Alpharetta, a
town about 30 miles north of Atlan-
ta. He carried the, $700,000 ran-
som packaged in plastic bags in-
side two suit cases. He went alone.
"When I arrived there was a car
in frontnand a car in back of me,"
Minter said. He said there were
two men in one car and a single
man in the other. He said they
were not disguised but he did not
get a look at their faces.
He said he dropped the money
beside the highway and lift. The
FBI had little immediate com-
"Our efforts so far have been
directed toward getting Mr. Mur-
phy back safely," said Special Ag-
ent Richard Hamilton. "And we
have no further comment at this
EARLIER, Minter had asked the
abductors, who identified them-
selves as the right-wing Ameri-
can Revolutionary Army, to give
an indication that Murphy was still
alive. An affirmative reply was
"We are acting in good faith,
but we must have definite informa-
tion that Reg Murphy is alive,"
Minter said.
The assurances came only hours
after the kidnapers promised to
release Murphy last night if the
ransom was paid and all went

told newsmen, referring to the re
- ---- - -----
By The AP and Reuter
ditional $4 million in free food to
the needy in California was pledged
for ransom yesterday by the Hearst
Coro. on the condition that Patricia
Hearst is first released unharmed
by her terrorist kidnapers.
The pledge was issued at an
afternoon news conference by San
Francisco Examiner p u b 1 i s h e r
Charles Gould.
AS GOULD spoke, a $2 million
program set up by Patricia's
father to feed the poor began hand-
ing out fresh meat, milk and pro-
duice in four California cities, re-
sulting in food riots in some areas.
Patricia's father, R a n d o1p h
Hearst, introduced Gould to a news
conference after saying the demand
by the Symbionese Liberation
Army (SLA) for the extra $4 mil-
lion in free food "is far beyond
my financial capability. Therefore,
the matter is now out of my
Gould said the Hearst Corp. "is
prepared to contribute to People
in Need $4 million for a food dis-
tribution program for the poor and
needy, provided Patricia Hearst is
released unharmed."
Gould said $2 million would be
provided "immediately upon her
release and $2 million will be -con-
tributed in January 1975. This
January payment will be evidenced
by a binding agreement with
People in Need."
See NEW, Page 8

asWht House opens defe.
By THE AP and Reuter THE COMMITTEE prepared its ski and St. Clair have called for The dei
WASHINGTON-The House Judi- first request to the White House for secrecy of evidence given the com- attemptin,
ciary Committee, encouraged by information, approved rules to mittee. ties andI
signs of cooperation from Special guard the confidentiality of any The rules limit initial access to vestigatio'
Watergate Prosecutors Leon Jawor- evidence it gets, and made plans all material to Rep. Peter Rodino financier
ski, sharply increased the pace of to interview witnesses on a major (D-N.J.), chairman of the coin- for a secr
its impeachment inquiry yesterday. scale next week. mittee; Rep. Edward Hutchinson, tion to Pre
The White House also made its The White House brief was pre- the ranking Republican member; campaign
first move in defense of President pared by the Justice Department, John Doar, special counsel, and
Nixon, ordering a legal brief sent and officials said another brief Albert Jenner, chief minority coun- IN OTI
to the committee that attacks the dealing with the nature of impeach- sel. * Richa
committee staff's conclusion that a able offenses is being prepared by Each of the 38 members of the became t
president may be impeached for James St. Clair, Nixon's special committee would be given a list of elected to
noncriminal offenses, counsel, for submission to the com- all evidence in the staff's posses- t ,

fendants are accused of
g to sidetrack a Securi-
Exchange Commission in-
n into the activities of
Robert Vesco, in return
ret 200,000 dollar contribu-
esident Nixon's re-election
HER developments:
ard VanderVeen said he
he first Democrat to be
the House from Grand
lich., in 64 years because
ry protest against Nixon.
had been held by Gerald
il he gave it up for the

mittee next week.
Both documents are intended as
an answer to a committee staff
~ report issued Thursday declaring
that a president can be impeached
for serious offenses that need not
be violations of criminal law.
THE COMMITTEE'S request for
White House information was based
on a list of evidence the White
House has already given to the
t special prosecutor's office. After
spurning the committee's previous
requests, Jaworski supplied the list
Thursday night.
The committee, which also wants
access to the evidence gathered by
the special prosecutor's office,
viewed Jaworski's submission of
the list as a hopeful sign of full
THE KEY to the quickened pact
was the adoption by the committee
of rules designed to prevent any
Rodino leaks of information. Both Jawor-
Local unit handles
health care hassles

sion, however, and would be able
to examine any of it under rigid
security conditions. .
ON THE strength of the rules
and Jaworski's list, the committee
indicated it expected St. Clair to
cooperate in its opening move for
White House documents.
Jenner, talking to newsmen, said
it would be "asinine" for the White
House to refuse to give the com-
mittee anything it has already given
to Jaworski.
Doar was questioned by several
members as to what the committee
would do if the White House re-
jects any of its requests for in-
formation. He said he would rec-
ommend issuing a subpoena, but
declined to say how the subpoena
could be enforced.
THE TURNING over of the list
by the special prosecutor, Leon
Jaworski, was the first disclosure
of cooperation between him and
the committee, which is bound to
benefit in its impeachment investi-
It was widely viewed as an im-
portant break-through for the com-
mittee in view of the failure of the
President to pledge that he is will-
ing to supply it with all the docu-
ments and other evidence it deems
necessary to determine if he should
be impeached.
The House of Representatives
earlier this month voted 410-41 to
affirm the committee's constitu-
tional right to obtain and sub-
poena evidence it feels it needs.
IN ANOTHER Watergate devel-
opment, the first week of jury
selection in the obstruction-of-
justice trial of former Attorney
General John Mitchell and former
Commerce Secretary M a u r i c e
Stans ended yesterday after a

xapius, lvi
of an ang
The seat;
Ford unti

Angela Davis cals for unity
iigh tigrenewed racism
Black activist leader Angela
Davis strode onto the stage at Hill
Auditorium last night with one
fist held high, and told a cheer-
ing audience: "We have got the
answer, we have found the solu-
tion. The key is unity-in strug-
Davis, who was followed by
American Indian Movement (AIM)
leader Clyde Bellacourt, headlined
the second day of speeches and
workshops in the Third World Peo-
ple's Solidarity Conference.
POINTING specifically to a de-
cline in non-white enrollment at
major universities in the past year,
Davis warned of a "renewed out-
break of racism" throughout the
"We aren't fighting back like we
should," said the reknowned Corn-
munist Party figure, who spoke in
a tired but impassioned tone.
"Why didn't we fight back when
those two students were murder-
ed at'Southern University?"
During her speech, which lasted
more than an hour, Davis man-
aged to cover a wide range of
radical concerns - from the fate
of 27 prisoners awaiting execu-

"If the public gets bad service
from a plumber, the-guy is liable
to go out of business, but if a doc-
tor gives poor service, his author-
ity is unquestioned," says Mi-
chael Castleman, spokesman for a
unique local organization called
'Medical Mediators.
To deal with the health care sys-
tem's impunity, 'Castleman states,
"we've got to demystify the medi-
cal rrofession."'
IN RESPONSE to this ne-d.

Monday through Wednesday from
S to 8 p.m. The organization is
the only one of'its kind in the na-
tion, according to Castleman.
"In the past, progressive groups
which have criticized local health
care delivery have been accused
of making unfounded allegations.
We wanted some hard data on the
subject, and Medical Mediators
can help provide this," Castleman
staff also attempts to help dissat-



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