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February 21, 1974 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1974-02-21

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Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

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Action program needed


420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

News Phone: 764-0552

IN THE FEW months that I have
been at college, I have learn-
ed of many thing.s outside of my
classes. Among them is the Affirm-
ative Action Program. It is a pro-
gram which seeks to admit ar'd
enroll more minority students in
College. The conditions of the past
make the program a necessity and
it must be a success if better con-
ditions are to emerge for the fu-
The question often asked about
affirmative action is, why is it

slight decline in the applying per-
centile ranks (rank in high school
class), this is only due to t:he post-
war baby boom in the 190'3.
Many qualified white students
were turned away because t h e
level of competition was extreme-
ly high. Qualified in-sta:e students
with as high as an eleven-hundred
SAT score and a three point grade
average were turned away in fav-
or of better qualified out state stu-
dents. This was bound to level off
and it has. When there are fewer
students there are fewer spaces


Public silence, private power

tJDGE JOHN SIRICA moved Monday to
stop further public speculation on
the findings of the technical experts ex-
amining the subpoenaed Watergate
tapes, saying that all the participants
}have agreed that public comment on the
work of the grand jury is "inappropriate."
In a similar move the Senate Water-
gate hearings will be closed to the public
in the future. Senator Sam Ervin ex-
plained it by saying, "The passage of
time and the development of new events
have persuaded the committee that fur-
ther hearings are not necessary for the
committee to complete its work."
There may be very valid reasons for
this sudden wall of silence which has
been thrown up around Washington.
These investigating committees may
want to insure a fair trial, they could
want to protect innocent people involved
Message to
THE VOTERS OF Grand Rapids and the
Fifth Congressional District are to
be congratulated for overcoming a long-
standing prejudice in their part of the
state. In a 'special elction Monday they
"elected a Democrat to Congress, notably,
to the seat formerly occupied by Vice-
president Gerald Ford.
Made into the national weathervane,
Grand Rapids voters have provided a
, clear portent for the national election
in November, as well as a personal mes-
sage to the President..
The Fifth is a solid Republican con-
stituency which last elected a Democrat
Ediorial Sta
E9dlto' in Chef
Managing ditors
TONY 8CEWART .......... ....... uday ditor
MARTI rORER ..............Sunday Edtr
SUE STEPHEN8ON..................Peatu Editor
M1A;N1 S fI't................. Edtorl i rctor
NDYE .HILL...................aeutiv e Eit
KENET'H FINK.................... Arts Editor
STAF? WRTERS: Praksah Aani, Gordon Atchesoan,
Laura Berman, Dan Hugerman, Howard Bric,
Bonnie C amae, Dharls oema, Brb Cornell.
Jtt' Day. Della DPietro, MWleDuweck, Ted ai-
off, Matt Gersen, wiltam Heenan, Steve Heruch,
Jaock Krot, AnrEa Llly. Mry Long, Jen Los,
Jeff Luenberg Josphine Marobtty, Bth Nissen,
Cheryl. Pilate, Ann Raulma, Sara Rimer, Jim
Schuster, Bob Seidensteln, Stephen Selbt, Chip
Sinclar, Jeff Sorensen, David Stoil, Paul Ter-
DAIL? WWATHER bUREAU: William Marin iand Den-
.is Dismachek (forecasters)
Business Staff
Business Manager
RAY CATALINO................Operations Manager
sHERRY CASTLE............. Advertising Manager
SAND? FIENBERO ................ Finance Manager
DAVE. ML SON ..................Sals Manager
DEPT. M3R.: Stee LeMre, Jane Duning, Pala
ASSOC. MORS.: Joan Ades. Chantal Banclhon, Linda
R6ss, Mark San'ainte S u a n n e Tibero, Kevin
ASST. MGES.: Marene Katz. Bill Nealon
8TAV!F: Sue DSmet Laurie Gross, Debbie Noves,
Caerol Petok, Mimi Bar-on
SALESP!OPLE: W e n d i Pohs, Tom Kettinger, Eric
Phillips, P e t e r Anders, R o b e r t Pischer, Pauls
& , hwach. Jack aara, John nderson
DALY WEATHER BUREAU; William Marino and
Dennis Dsmanek (forecasteral

in the mess, they may want to be care-
ful not to interfere with the impeach-
ment proceedings, should any come
BUT AMERICANS HAVE a right to know
what's going on. As it stands now,
the only people who do know are the
committee, the judge, the attorneys, and
the grand jury. No information on the
Watergate hearings will be released to
the public until the end of May, in the
committee's final report, which will also
contain legislative remedies.
Why, after a year of open discussion,
is the door suddenly shut? We believe
that the American people should have
information about what's going on. It is
our government, our president, and we
have the right to judge.
to Congress when Teddy Roosevelt's Bull
Moose Party split the Republican vote in
1912. No Democrat ever garnered more
than 40 per cent of the vote against Ford,
who has been returned to Congress from
Grand Rapids since 1948 with the mo-
notonous regularity of a Southern Dem-
Democrat Richard VanderVeen once
before sacrificed himself to the two-party
system by running against Ford. This
time he had the help of a top-notch con-
sulting firm from Boston and a cam-
paign chest larger than his opponent's.
BY NO MEANS A colorful campaigner,
VanderVeen based his campaign on
just a few issues: the energy crisis, eco-
nomic conditions and President Nixon.
Although he stressed the Watergate is-
sue more than anything else and called
for the President's "graceful resignation,"
whether the voters were responding to
their outraged moral sense or to their
sad economic condition is unclear.
Tuesday Vice-president Ford blamed
the defeat on the "temporary turmoil" in
Michigans economy and unemployment
caused by the energy crisis.
What is certain is that Mr. Nixon
and the Republicans in Congress are in
deep trouble. Since the Democratic vic-
tory in Grand Rapids Monday night, Re-
publican politicians have not only ex-
pressed a great deal of dismay, about
their chances in November, but also put
the blame squarely on the President.
Behind the headlines, even on the days
whe there aren't any, the pressure in-
News: Jeff Day, Ted Evanoff, Jack Krost,
Rob Meachum, Sue Stephenson, Becky
Editorial Page: Brian Colgan, Ma r n i e
Arts Page: Ken Fink
Photo Technician: Tom Gottlieb

"The conditions of the past make the program a
necessity, and it must be a success if better con-
ditions are to emerge for the future."
r} p jar@}}".". sx.n".}"r. . ;.". .a .w,.. .r S ; *. t :M/ u..a r
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necessary? That question can he
answered in one sentence. It is
necessary because of the preludice
of the past.
In the not too distant past, many
qualified minority students were
denied entrance to top colleges and
even to low ranking schools. This
led to the emergence of b I a c k
colleges. When qualified blacks
knew that they were being denied
an education simply because of
race, they formed their own
schools. Now, thanks to affirmative
action programs and the persist-
ent actions of a few, minority stu-
dents are getting a chance at a
good education in white schools as
well as in black and otner minor-
ity colleges.
OPPOSITION to AA programs by
some is usually justified by saying
that admitting more minority stu-
dents brings down the quality of
the class and of the school. This is
not true. While there has been a

to fill and the competition level is
It is also a fr ctor that ar this
school, more black applicants are.
refused admission than are white
applicants. Many people think that
blacks are admitted regardless of
qualifications. This isn't true. The
difference between Opportunity
freshpeople (disadvantaged stu-
dents) and non-Opportunity fresh-
people in terms of SAT scores is
only seven points. Non-opportunity
freshpeople show an SAT score of
1159 while the minority total score
is 1152. One must reason and think
that if a minority student w e r e
admitted with no qualifications,
then he or she would soai be phas-
ed out by the qualified student. It
is obvious that regardless of the
way a particular school wantsto
fill it's AA quota of minority stu-
dents, it can only afford to admit
the qualified minority students.
EVEN WHEN it is considered by

those who object to AA program<,
the issue of minorities competing
in the same classes is rejected by
those in opposition to such p r o-
grams. It must be considerel. Us-
ually the basis for rej ccting that
thought are CUS classes (Coalitioni
for the Use of Learning Skills).
While some may think that CULS
classes were designed to be ea -
ier for blacks, let me assutre you
they are not. They are usually
taught by minority grad students,
and whether or not they were de-
signed to be that way, they are
much harder than regular secions.
Perhaps the CULS TF know:,that
minority students will have to work
a little harder upon graduation so
they should start working a little
bit harder now.
The AA program at :he Univer-
sity is a very good one to have.
But more and marked".y better
steps must be taken to enroll mor
minority students in his school.
The University failed in its ques-
tionable attempt to meet the de-
mands of the Black Ac ion Move-
ment (BAM) of having ten per cent
minority enrollment. At present
seven per cent minority students
are enrolled at the U. The recruit-
ing must be stepped up to me:et --
and possibly exceed - :he quota
in admitting qualified minority stu-
ADEQUATE financial aid must
also be given or some sr'idents will
find themselves failing in studies
while worrying about fiusncial mat-
ters. The fact that in-state tuition
has doubled and out state tuition
has tripled in the past six years is
obviously a big reason why some
minority (and majority students),
do not apply for admission. Tlhe
financial aid office must be on its
toes and stop giving excessive
amounts to some studetns and :n-
adequate amounts to ot'lers.

" - M

Letters to The Daily

To The Daily:
GEO - OTF's attitude change re-
garding the relationship between
implementation of demands and
the possibility of another intoler-
able tuition hike. But the real de-
plorability of the situation is the
fact that the matter must even be
considered. I believe that re-
sources exist to meet most de-
mands without additional charge
to other students: the powers that
be must permit that to materialize.
Certainly, the GEO-OTF would
rather avoid the extra expense of
other students, but the willingness
to accept that possibility may cost
the potentially valuable support of
other sympathetic factions. We
must remember the divide-and-
conquer tactics of you know who.
We are placed on earth not to
see through each other, but to see
each other through. This is true
now more than ever: We are all
being shafted. Not only do teaching
fellows deserve what they ask, but
some of their demands, if met,
would benefit the entire campus.
stop treating T.F.s (all students,
for that matter) like children and
start viewing them as possessing
the dignity to which such dedi-
cated persons are entitled. The
undergraduate education depends
on teaching fellows and without
them this University would fall flat
on its elite, prestigious face. I
strongly recommend that the ad-
ministrative foot remove itself
from this banana peel. Today's stu-
dents and T.F.s are the alumni
and taxpayers of tomorrow.
I therefore urge close co-opera-
tion between T.F.s and under-
grads, an encourage active sup-
port -- if necessary, to the paint
of student strikes and peaceful
After all, teaching fellows are
students, too.
Marcia V. Lindsley, S. '75
February 9
a tale of rugby
To The Daily:
WHERE DEBBIE worked this
New Year's day is a long jaunt
from Jerry's walls to up-the-street,
but if McCormick's sparks of Phy-
sics 126 aren't driving you "wili"
by mid-semester, they're doing
rugby behind the walls down there
in the sleet!-.
Don't look now but Walt's got
term papers stuck in his cleats
and gentleman C. just asked the
scrum-half: "Get laid?" At that
moment a freak Viking poet tosses
you head - to - the - mat from his
shoulders and **STTN!** you feel
glad that you once took up wrestl-
Debbie'll make it, but what
about you? That disconnected
lump of Pete's nose you saw in the
pre - season scrimmage w e n t
through fine surgical hands, but
Ann would never forgive that
bruise on your gluteal - not that
she would, but she couldn't. After
all, bygones are bygones, comedy
is turf-cheap, and the ball's in
play. "But who's got it?" It
looked, . no, Gordon's got his

ankles, and he came dow
IT WAS IN the last m
the game, and Bo wasn
but you wanted to tell1
were sorry for wanting t
andHayes' autographs o
ball for your little brot
home. Then you remem
fatty's players wouldn't
have it, and you laugh!
But didn't Griffin, Gree
shaw, and Hunter look
New Year's?! We won't
ing in Detroit next year,.
maybe rugby. It'd be j
fun to have at it with yo
"They.don't hunt lion
"Amnesty for Vesco."
And humbug the snow!
Zeke Cires '73
January 2
To The Daily:
your editorial article ofF
7. We dearly appreciate ti
"Africa, the Forfotten1
well written, and well re
by your editorial writer T
We hope that the Michi
will continue to investi
this ignored catastrophe i
hel Region of West Afric
Mahmoud Diallo
Sahel Task Force
February 12
To The Daily:
"The ghost of Malthus in
Asia" and "Beatles repl
in school", a very relev
of news attracted me in
York Times of 14th Feb.
The president, while
the 90th birthday prty fe
portant social figure in W
had come up with his o
for longevity. "If she had
of her time reading the
the Star, she would have b
by now . . . keeps young
ing obsessed with then
political things that allo
fortunately think about
One could have said th
things about the Daily a
ago. Fortunately for all of
are no more miserable
things in Ann Arbor. Now
the pie eating contests
with the kissing contests
attention. Take care, Me
somebody is out to getl
-A Grateful Dead
February 18
To The Daily:
tide on the critical sh
child-care funds in Ann
thought you should know
effort to combat the pr
For the second consecu
Michigan House of West
staging a musical, thep
which go to local child-c
ities. Last year's prod
"You're a Good Man, C
Rrnmn"1was sePCQCnI a

Nn like a
inutes of
't there,
him you
:o get his
n a base-
her back
ber how
let you

about child-care will spend just
a buck to see a good showv, we ll
have at least made a start. See
you this weekend.
-Al Raine,
Resident Directorg
February 19
peace f undt

To The Daily:
ne, Brad- RECENTLY THERE has been
good on discussed in yoir columns the ideas
be play- of exempting conscientious obje2-
- except "tors from paying for the support of
olly good a war in which they disaoproved.
u. Now, if anyone, following the ex-
s in Ap- ample of Thoreau, wants ro refuse
taxes as a protest, a sort of ad-
vertisement of his opinions (nd
take the consequences), wetl a n d
good. But the idea that such n-
dividual protests could be ome a
legal option, is, however attractive
# in the abstract, impossible for two
Africa reasons.
much for One is that taxes are paid into a
February general fund, and disbursed from
e article that fund. It is not always easy to
Famine" say which expenditures are war
asearched expenditures aiyhow (service pen-
Ted Hart- sions?, space research, foreign
loans?). But, for the sake of ar-
gan Daily gument, let us suppose that Mr .
gate into Pacifist has figured out t 1 a t 47
n the Sa- per cent of his income tax goes
a. for what he considers war pur-
poses. He pays 53 per cent to the
government. Not only will the gov-
ernment refuse to recognize his
distinction, but what he pays in
may actually be used for war pur-
poses; it is impossible ±x "ear-
igevly mark" taxes.
The other objection is even more
d about serious. There are minority o -
S o u t h jectors to each and every tax and
ace bells to each and every government ex-
ant piece penditure. A Ca±'Thc might say "I
the New send my son to a parochial school;
why should I pay taxes for public
attending schools?' The Amish Mennorite
r an im- might say "Higher education is a
ashington, worldly luxury; why should I sup-,
wn recipe port it against my. convic'ions?"
spent all The free trader could say "I dis-
Post or approve on principle of any and all
een dead tariffs; therefore I will smuggle
by not be- goods past the customs". An c i d
miserable fashioned Victoria:r might say "I
of us un- always did object to social welfare
in Wash- legislation, it destroys inividial
initiative; I will toot pay taxes to
e s a m e that of which I disapprove". Un-
few years less the majority rules we have
us, there anarchy. Anarchy is a delightful
political theory but it will never wo:'k till
a days, all men are angels.
compete -Preston Slossgn
for ou:
you. musNet
To The Daily:
ALTHOUGH the children receiv-
ed tfle highest acclaim for their
arnival part in the MUSKET prod'uction of
Gypsy, the staff, cast and crew
°e~e ar- showed little or no concerai for
ecet ar- the well being, safety, or feelings
xtage "f of the children in the cast. In fact,
Arbtr. I the entire MUSKET production ex-
about one ploited the children and comntmu-
±ive year, ity, utilizing their performance, but
Quad s giving much less in return.
prifits of Many times, the children, w h o
are facil- are neither professional actors nor
i ti 1 of adults with flexible schedules (un-
h a r 1 i e like college students who can Aleep
a mu= in an mornings) were called to re-

city lights
Golden arches win
MAESTRO, DRUM ROLL please! And the award for the most pre-
dictable major decision of the year goes to the approval of the
McDonalds site plan on Maynard street.
Monday night City Council voted by the usual 7-4 margin to allow
McDonald's brand of plastic pap to enter the city, blithely ignoring
the solid bloc of the community outraged by the presence of the
Golden Arches.
People who expected a big show at City Hall were disappointed.
There were no displays of guerrilla theater to shock the sensibilities of
the solid burghers who sit on Council. The Council had come to
vote, not to decide, an important difference.
The debate among members of Council seemed restrained, like
actors reciting their lines one more time before the show closed.
Even the old partisan animosities failed to raise the blood pressures
of the participants.
PRIMARILY, COUNCIL was arrogant in their handling of the
issue. Knowing the matter was decided, they were insulting to the
constituents who appeared; When petitions with nearly 7,000 names
opposing the McDonalds were presented, Councilman William Colburn,
(R-Third Ward) airily dismissed them as not containing "an item or
ounce of truth." Had 7,000 names signed an anti-rent control petition,
you can be sure they would not have been so easily ignored.
Yet, the Republicans can afford such intolerance. They have
their constituency, well defined, law-and-order, and affluent. It's highly
unlikely they'll make any new friends among the workers and the
students in town, so they don't even try.
The truth of the matter is that the matter was decided long ago.
No minds were going to be changed no matter what was said. The vote
on McDonalds could have been taken last April when the present
City Council was elected.
MOSTLY, THE WHOLE meeting, and indeed the entire year, has
been an example of the symbolic uses of politics. The microphones the
Council members speak into, the invocation, the roll-call votes, all these
are hauled out to insure the citizenry that the machinery is still run-
ning in the way that it should. If it wasn't for the show aspect, Council
could easily conduct its business at a Republican party meeting.
However, nothing was going to get in the way of that symbolic dis-
Jerry DeGrieck tried to open the meeting into a public forum where
people could express their feelings, but as Mayor Stephenson rminded
him, with a grin, that measure would require the consent of the
full Council. And there was no way the Council was going to waste
their time with the issue. They didn't have to. The vote was in the
Just for the sake of appearances they hauled the architect out to
answer a few questions, but nobody got tough with their queries
and he didn't even break a sweat while he was there.
THE PRESENT STATE of affairs on City Council is a gross travesty
of how municipal government should operate, bringing inevitable com-
parisons to Mayor Daley in Chicago or the worst examples of boss rule
during the nineteenth century.
The legitimacy of the Council, and hence, it's effectiveness are se-
verely threatened when the management of city affairs assumes this
predictable format. People lose faith very quickly when they no longer
believe that further rule is part of a fair deal.
The city is highly politicized. This polarity cripples the city. In-
stead of compromise and gradualism, each stiuggle becomes a matter
of paramount ideological importance. Each retreat from a previously
stated position is like making a pact with the devil. Mutual respect
breaks down very quickly.
The sad part of this is that the opponents of McDonalds have
a legitimate gripe. The building will be ugly, in the worst tradition
of American gaudiness masquerading as taste. The food will be
standard McDonalds, just like it is all over the country, unfit for
human consumption. The labor practices of the chain are atrocious,
and the litter problem will probably be great.
BUT EVEN IF all this was not true, there would still be the fact
that large numbers of people are against the presence of McDonalds in
the community. They took their case to the government and they were
ignored and insulted.
This is not in the pluralistic tradition, the current Bible of Ameri-
can political science. Pluralists would say that an organized, diligent
group could influence the political system to see things their way.
The facts are that the powers at City Hall have no intention of
listening to or paying attention to the students, the workers, the HRP,
or the Democrats. And as long as they maintain their stranglehold on
City Hall nothing will change.


;. .
r l l G MIAwfi1NEw


fect during the duration of the pro-
THIS TENDENCY reached i t
heights on the final Sunday f per-
formance. The kids were cxpected
to work a twelve hour day, were
not allowed to leave the Power
Center between performan:es, and
their parents were not allowed to
even bring them a sandwich.
The cast and crew behavior ws
not any more sensitive on Friday
and Saturday of performance week.
Saturday the cast and crew check-
ed out at 11:00 without bothering
to find out whether or not t h e
children had rides. The kids were
left to fend for themselves. Friday
night's post-production perform-
ance was quite cruel. After having
invited the children to an after-
the-play party, the cast and crew
summarily dismissed the Jhildren
informing them their presence at
the gala affair would not be re-
In other words, the kids car work

To The Editor:
I WOULD LIKE to take this op-
portunity to "explain a section of the
1973 Michigan Individual Income
Tax form that is relevant to Ann
Arbor residents who have moved
into the state within the past 18
The section appears on page one
of ,the ivory colored pages under
"General Information: Qualifica-
tions." The instructions state that
"In general, a claimant must have
been a resident of this state on
July 1, 1972, to claim a credit or
refund for 1973."
This is incorrect. This should
read: "In general, a claimant must
have been a resident of this state
on July 1, 1973, to claim a credit
or refund for 1973."
This wrong information w a s
brought to my attention by a resi-
;dent of the 53rd district who called
the district office to inquire about
this confusing section.
Transfer students, graduate stu-
dents and freshmen shuld enec.

1111' i 7C'"'.'_ 111 11111

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