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February 21, 1974 - Image 1

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Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 119 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 21, 1979 Ten Cents

Eight Pages



Professor dies
English Prof. Joe Lee Davis, a University faculty
member since 1930, died Tuesday afternoon of a heart
attack. Davis, 67, had served as chairperson of the
American Culture program and for many years was the
English department's ranking staff member in American
literature. He is survived by his wife, daughter and
granddaughter. A memorial service for friends and stu-
dents will be held next week.
Third World Conference
The Third World People's Solidarity Conference will
kick off a weekend of activities tonight at 7:30 p.m. in
the Power Center. Tonight's speakers will include Pat
Sumi, chairwoman of the Third World Women's Confer-
ence, and Texas gubernatorial candidate Ramsey
Muniz, co-founder of the Raza Unida Party. The eve-
ning's activities will also feature the Chicano Theatre,
Teatro de los Estudiantes. The events, to continue
through the weekend, include speeches by activist An-
gela Davis and Clyde Bellacourt, co-founder of the
American Indian Movement.
Ackley testifies
University Economics Prof. Gardner Ackley told Con-
gress's Joint Economic Committee yesterday that infla-
tionary events of the past two and a half years could
not have been counteracted by government action.
Ackley, who served as chairperson of President John-
son's Council of Economic Advisers, did blame the Nixon
administration for some of the inflation's impact, how-
ever. "The administration's complete ideological rejec-
tion of any government interest in or responsibility for
attempting to influence particular wages and prices .. .
has surely neither allayed inflationary expectations nor
contributed to the success of the subsequent controls,"
Ackley contended.
HPC blasts move
The Housing Policy Committee yesterday approved
unanimously a motion expressing dissatisfaction with
the Regents' recent decision against introduction of
male residents to Stockwell Hall. The motion directed
housing chief John Feldkamp to advise the Regents, Vice
President for Student Services Henry Johnson, and the
Office of Student Services Policy Board of the commit-
tee's displeasure. The HPC called the Regental move
"very detrimental to the committee's efforts to evolve
housing policy which is reflective of student interests."
In other action, the committee pronounced.that stu-
dents have the right to democratically determine dorm
bathroom policy on a corridor-by-corridor basis.
Happenings .. .
.. today are multifarious. The United Farm Work-
ers Support Committee will pick up Wrigley's picketers
a 3:15 p.m. at the north door of the Union . . . Michi-
gan Women in Science sponsors a lecture and discus-
sion on-"The Future of the University of Michigan Medi-
cal School" featuring Dean John Gronvall in Rack-
ham's fourth floor West confesrence Room at 8 p.m.
. ..the Hungarian Language Society is holding a meet-
ing at the Russian and Eastern European Studies Center
in Lane Hall at 9 p.m.. . . Project Community child care
volunteers will meet at 8 p.m. in the Project Commun-
ity office, 2204 Michigan Union . . . the Ostomy Club of
Washtenaw County gathers at the Senior Citizens' Guild,
502 W. Huron, at 7:30 p.m , . the Bach Club presents
French horn music at 8 p.m. in E. Qua's Greene Lounge
. .and the Substgnce Abuse Co-ordmating Council
holds a seminar on drug abuse entitled "Drugs as Re-
inforcers" at the Mental Health Research Institute's
Main Conference Room at 10:15 a.m.
Hearsts wait
Law enforcement officials and the family of kidnaped
Patricia Hearst yesterday continued their waiting game
on the occasion of Patricia's twentieth birthday, despite
a claim by the FBI agent in charge of the case that he
had "a seat of the pants feeling" the heiress would be
released that day. "I don't have any information that we
have accumulated that would support this from a factual
standpoint," agent Charles Bates told reporters yester-
day. "I'd be happy if I did, but I don't." Meanwhile, pub-

fisher Randolph Hearst continued preparations for his
sweeping $2 million project to feed 100,000 needy people
free for a year.
Unusual punishment
Five pickpockets stole a man's wallet in Paris yester-
day, but the wallet blew up, injuring two of them ser-
iously, police said. They said a man telephoned the hos-
pital where the two were taken and said he placed an
explosive device in his wallet "because I'm sick and
tired of being hit by pickpockets. Now I'm ready to
surrender." But police said he slammed down the phone
and never showed up.
On the inside ...
. ..The Arts Page presents a description of this
weekend's Experimental Theatre Festival by Michele
Becker . . . Stephen Selbst comments on City Council's
McDonald's decision . . . and Bill Steig immortalizes
Michigan hockey's star goalie, Robbie Moore, on the
Sports Page.

Mead tells
her view
of world
"Ladies and gentlemen . . . and
others," began anthropologist Mar-
garet Mead, addressing an over-
flow crowd at Hill Auditorium yes-
terday afternoon.
Co-sponsored by the F u t u r e
Worlds Lecture Series and the Of-
fice of Ethics and Religion, Mead
lectured on the state of the world
from an anthropologist's viewpoint.
"EVERYWHERE IN the world
there is a new emphasis en di-
versity," said Mead: "After Wtld
War II the emphasis was on un-
iformity, everyone in the world
having everything like everyone
else had-rather boring, really."
Mead described the problems in
preserving diversity. "Unless we
develop a second language that will
be worldwide, most little lan-
guages will be wiped out," she pre-
dicted. "It is a paradox-the only
way to preserve diversity is to
have a piece of uniformity."
"Young people have developed
their own second language," con-
tinued Mead. "They can sing their
way around the world. Much of
the chance to preserve the divers-
ity of the past is in the hands of
the youth," Mead said.
MEAD FIELDED questions from
the audience on issues from im-
peachment to the future of the
On Nixon and impeachment,
Mead said, "Most Americans don't
know what impeachment means.
It simply means we're going to
give him a trial he has a right
"Watergate has more or less
saved this c o u n t r y," continued
Mead, "and in an all-American
style. We have to think about
Watergate as an American device
to deal with a President who ar-
rogated powerto himself above
the limits of the constitution."
QUESTIONED ON the cultural
See MEAD, Page 2

Court rules on
info obtained
WASHINGTON il--The Supreme Court yesterday approved
the use of evidence gathered by court-ordered wiretaps against
persons not specifically under surveillance.
The six to three decision said the Federal Omnibus Crime
Control and Safe Streets Act of 1970 requires that warrants
name specific persons only when the government has probable
cause to believe they are acting illegally.
Otherwise, a wiretap may lawfully, be placed on a telephone over
which it is suspected that unnamed persons are committing an offense,
the court said.
THE DECISION arose from an attempt to suppress wiretap evidence
gathered by the FBI against a suspected bookmaker's wife. The war-
rant authorizing the tap named only the suspect and "persons as yet
unknown," but not his wife.
Writing for the majority in the wiretap case, Justice Potter Stewart
rejected the contention that the government should investigate potential
targets so that all may be named in warrants for wiretaps.
"A requirement that the government fully investigate the possi-
bility that any likely user of a telephone was engaging in criminal

RENOWNED ANTHROPOLOGIST Margaret Mead tells her view of the world before a packed crowd
yesterday afternoon at Hill Aud.

HRP files suit against city over
present voter registration plan

activities before applying for an
interception order would greatly
subvert the effectiveness of the
law enforcement mechanism that
Congress constructed," Stewart
IN DISSENT, Justice William
Douglas said the decision appar-
ently means that wiretap warrants
"need specify but one name and
a national dragnet can become op-
Justices William Brennan and
Thurgood Marshall also dissented.
In an identical six to three vote,
in a separate case, the court also
ruled that it is not necessary for
a defendant or suspect himself/
herself to give police permission
for a warrantless search of his/
her property or effects.
The court said prosecutors are
entitled to use evidence gathered
in searches if someone else who
"possessed c o m m o n authority"
over the property permitted the
police search.
IN ANOTHER action the court
held unanimously that either party
in a housing discrimination suit
filed under the 1968 Civil Rights
Act could demand a jury. The law
does not specifically authorize trial
by jury. Civil rights lawyers ex-
pressed fear that juries would be
less likely to render fair verdicts
in housing discrimination cases
and would slow down the process.
The justices said trial judges.
could counteract both drawbacks.
The court also unanimously ex-
tended federal general assistance
benefits to Indians living near res-
ervations and maintaining ties with
the Indian community.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs
wanted the benefits reserved sole-
ly for reservation-dwelling Indians..
The court held that Congress in-
tended otherwise.
The benefits are approximately
equivalent to state welfare bene-
On Tuesday; the court refused
to interfere with the state convic-
tion of Arthur Bremer for the May
1972 shooting of Alabama Gov.
George Wallace in Laurel, Md.,
during a stop in Wallace's presi-
dential campaign.
Bremer's lawyers contended} in
his appeal that he was denied a
fair trial because of heavy pretrial
Bremer filed an affidavit in sup-
port of his appeal declaring, "I
was convicted of a political crime
at the height of an election year."

JERUSALEM (P-Premier Golda
Meir announced last night that she
was forming a minority govern-
ment, the first in Israel's history.
Observers said that despite the
weakness of a minority govern-
ment, it would probably be able tb
handle the Israeli-Arab negotiations
with a strong hand because of
backing in Parliament en questions
of war and peace.
Moshe Dayan, who has threaten-
ed to resign over criticism of his
handling of the October war, was
invited to r e m a in as defense
a seven-week Cabinet crisis, but
promised major clashes in Israel's
Knesset, or parliament.
After hours of what were de-
scribed as "feverish" last-minute
efforts to solve the crisis-and six
hours after the deadline-Meir met
with President Ephraim Katzir and
then announced: "I am prepared
to present a government to the
Knesset. This is the plan-to pre-
sent a government with 58 seats."
Her government will be three
seats shy of a majority in the 120-
member Knesset.
She did not name any ministers
except Dayan. Katzir said Meir has
one week to present the govern-
ment to parliament.
She said her government would
include te Independent Liberals
and two Arab groups attached to
her Labor Party. The right-wing
Likud bloc, which holds 39 seats
in the Knesset, was excluded.
THE DECISION to form a mi-
nority Cabinet meant the govern-
ment could be defeated on many
key domestic questions facing post-
war Israel. But on peace negotia-
tions with the Arabs, Meir was
See MEIR, Page 8

The Human Rights Party (HRP)
is filing suit against the city in
Detroit's f e d e r al court today,
charging that the voter registra-
tion plan adopted by City Council
Tuesday night is so inadeqpate it
violates the civil liberties bf stu-
dent voters. -
Pitched to the city election April
1, the plan makes no provision
for door to door registration and
instead relies only on fixed regis-
tration sites.
chler (HRP-Second Ward) charged
yesterday that approval of the
plan by the Republican majority
on council had been "purely po-
litical." She said the suit will chal-
lenge not only the lack of door to
door registration but also the fail-
ure to provide a registration site
for the predominantly student pop-
ulated Second Ward.

"The Republicans are restricting
registration as far as it's political-
ly feasible," Councilmember Carol
Jones (D-Second Ward) said yes-
terday, "in order to cut off all
new voters who are unlikely to
vote Republican." She added that
she would "offer her support" to
the suit.
BOTH MAYOR James Stephen-
son, the author of the plan, and
City Clerk Jerome Weiss, the im-
plementer of it, declined to com-
ment yesterday afternoon.
However, councilman William
Colburn (R-Third Ward) yesterday
placed the responsibility for the
ending of door to door registra-
tion on the HRP.
"THEY JUST can't be trusted,"
he said of the volunteer registrars
from the HRP who carry out a
major portion of any door to door

GEO to seek legal
recognition as union

Colburn was referring to a con-
troversy which developed during
the city's last registration drive,
held in January for last Monday's
primary election.
The controversy started after
Jones charged that HRP workers
had been politicking while regis-
tering door to door. Although the
door to door effort was contrary
to a directive from the city clerk,
HRP spokespersons denied that
their workers had been engaged
in any partisan activity.
Colburn added yesterday that the
city had been forced to rely solely
on fixed sites because it lacked
the funds to pay registrars to go
door to door. " We probably would
have expanded the registration ef-
fort," he claimed yesterday, "if
tre HRP hadn'teabused the rules
of the game."
the Jones charges as a pretext to
limit voter registration in student
a r e a s," an HRP spokesperson
claimed yesterday, however.
Responding to the charge that
her action had been responsible
for the Republican move, Jones
said yesterday that "they were
tending toward a more restrictive
registration plan anyway."
Door to door registration, as
well as fixed sites around campus,
first became standard practice in
voter registration drives in the fall
of 1971. This was about the time
that students became a power in
student politics through the HRP.
In the largest of these drives, in
the fall of 1972, 14,000 new voters
were netted, primarily young peo-
ple and students.
"A blatant move to prevent stu-
dents from voting," Weschler call-
ed the lack of registration sites in
the Second Ward.
site in the Michigan Union, all the
temporary registration sites are
located around the periphery of
the city-where in previous drives
th fn--ae v-- rcNava h armrvc

Porno flick draws crowds,
profit at campus showings

"Once you get involved in litiga-
tion, it's better to do your talking
in court," Stephenson observed yes-
ACCORDING TO Jones, the chief
difference between the clerk's and
the mayor's plan is the location of
the Third Ward site. While Weiss
located it in a low-income co-
operative h o u s i n g development,
Stephenson removed it to the Stone
School-in a high income, low den-
sity neighborhood.
Each of the temporary sites will
be open for four hours on four
separate dates between Feb. 23
and March 4. March 4 is the last
day on which voters will be able
to register for the April election.
The HRP suit will also challenge
a city ordinance which prohibits
the use of sound trucks during
campaigns, on the grounds that it
violates freedom of speech.

During a lightly - attended mass
meeting last night, the Graduate
Employes Organization (GEO) de-
cided to seek recognition as a for-
mal bargaining unit for teaching
fellows (TFs), research (RAs) and
staff assistants (SAs).
The group began plans to hold a
recognition election - which could
be completed within a month -
through the Michigan Employment
Relations Commission (MERC).
About 70 people attended the
session in the"Rackham Amphi-
theatre last night. It was the first
GEO meeting following the rejec-
tion of a GEO-sponsored strike
, vote conducted among graduate
employes Tuesday.
Although the organization's lead-
ers underscored the need to con-
tinue unionizing efforts, GEO chair-

Previously GEO rejected going
through a MERC election fearing
the administration would bottle-up
the process via various legal chal-
However, on the day before the
strike vote the University stated
that it would "enter into a consent
election" and waive all legal ques-
tions as long as GEO continues to
represent all T~s, RAs, and SAs.
GEO has consistently contended
this is the group it represents and
now has declarations from nearly
half of the 2200 graduate employes
authorizing the organization to bar-
gain collectively for them. That
total represents more than enough
to gain recognition in a MERC
election - if everyone who signed
declarations voted.
AT LAST NIGHT'S meeting,
many naniaca irh0 r -ln~htar the

Explicit sex.
That's what has been bringing them here from
as far away as Flint and Pontiac, some as many
as three times, approximately 4,000 in all.
Mostly male and predominately students, they
came to Natural Science Auditorium last night
and two nights last week, to watch a porno-chic
film entitled "Behind the Green Door."
But more specifically, they came to gaze at
Marilyn Chambers, of Ivory Snow flakes fame,
perform sexual acrobatics with two dozen writh-
ing men and women.
Sponsored by the New World film coop, the film
has been by far the biggest draw of the year,
outdistancing such classics as "King of Hearts"
and "Cabaret," while selling out eight of nine
performances and turning away an estimated
3,000 other frustrated customers.
The film revolves around the formidable Ms.

and uses every available organ and limb to have
sex with a group of swinging men.
More traditional redeeming qualities are diffi-
cult to find. The dialogue is flat and boring
(Chambers has not a single line); any intended
message is obscure; and the plot is thin at best.
Nonetheless, a random sample of those waiting
in the long lines-and of the questionnaires they
were filling out for an interested researcher-
revealed that few had come to see only sex. Or
more accurately, that few were ready to so admit.
"I'm curious," said Steve Ledbetter '77. "I want
to see what a really dirty flick is like."
"It's cheaper than the Ypsi-Ann," said Cecil
Goodman, grad.
"I'm looking at it in-terms of whether I should
let my 16 year old daughter come to see it," said
a woman who asked not to be identified because
"I'm known around the University."
Standard fare from the preponderance of people

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