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February 20, 1974 - Image 1

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See Today for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No.118 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 20, 1974 Ten Cents

Eight Pages


FINAL VOTE 530-355

Chaplains confer
The University's office of Ethics and Religion and
EMU's Offie of Religious Affairs are hosting some 150
college chaplains and religious coordinators for a three-
day conference on the theme "Re-Visioning a Multicul-
tyral World." The conference started yesterday with a
chartered bus tour of Ann Arbor after which the visitors
broke bread in style at Win Schuler's restaurant. Fea-
tured in the conference is President Robben Fleming,
who will speak at noon on "value structural problems"
in a university in the Michigan Union ballroom.
No grapes at Bursley
The Bursley Hall student-elected board of governors
unanimously voted last night to support the United Farm-
workers (UFW) grape boycott. Most other dorms are
presently circulating petitions and preparing referenda
on the boycott move, which bars purchase of non-UFW-
grown grapes by dorm food services. Dorm govern-
ments are also seeking to spread the word about UFW's
boycott of Gallo and other non-union wines.
Bullard seeks truth
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) has pro-
posed a "truth-in-packaging" bill that would require
that all packaged items sold to consumers list the
price per single unit of weight measure or count and
the total selling price. Bullard notes that consumers are
often misled by what they buy, particularly groceries.
The present law only requires that the package state the
identity of the contents and the net quantity in terms of
weight measure or count. "My bill would go a step
beyond this and tell the buy just how much he or she
is paying for the item by actual unit count," Bullard
A gency chief killed
Gary O'Donnell, executive director of the Michigan
Kidney Foundation, was killed early yesterday when a
state police cruiser rammed his car on Washtenaw
Avenue in Ypsilanti. Police claimed the patrol car,
driven by trooper Dennis Honch, was in the left lane
when O'Donnell attempted a left turn from the far right-
hand lane. Honch and trooper Robert Behnke were re-
ported in fair condition at University Hospital yesterday
with multiple injuries.
... today are wide-ranging. The Students International
Meditation Society is holding a lecture on transcendental
meditation at 8 p.m. in the Thieme Lounge of Baits II
. . .Future Worlds presents Margaret Mead at Hill Aud.
at 4- p.m., admission is free . . . The University Choral
Ensemble and the Faculty Instrumental Ensemble are
presenting a concert at 8 p.m. in Rackham Aud. .
David Gutmann, professor of psychology, will be speak-
ing on the "Influence of Parenthood on Sex Role
Changes Across the Life Cycle" at 10 a.m. in .the audi-
torium of the Children's Psychiatric Hospital . . . and
Professor Stanley Ingerman of the University of New
York lectures on the "Legacy of Slavery" in Schloring
Aud. in the School of Education at 2 p.m.
Gas for the people
Federal energy supercoach William Simon announced
yesterday that oil companies will send an extra two mil-
lion barrels of gasoline to 20 states to relieve beleaguered
service stations. Simon said the shipments are "a one-
shot deal" to assauge the critical gas shortage with an
extra 5 per cent allotment to the troubled states. Michi-
gan, by the way, isn't one of them.
Greeks crack down
The Greek government announced yesterday the arrest
of 35 top members of the outlawed Communist party
and its youth branch, charging that they planned to
overthrow the Greek regime and impose a Communist
dictatorship. The government claims that the Commu-
nist party had played a role in last November's student
demonstration in Athens and had planned similar ones

on the nation's campuses this week.
I ain't got you, babe
It looks like. the all-American couple is on the skids.
Sonny Bono has filed suit for divorce from his wife and
singing partner, Cher, a spokesperson for the televised
twosome said yesterday. The source said Sonny's sepa-
ration petitio cited irreconcilable differences. The news
follows several months of rumors that the pair were
in trouble. but as yet CBS has net given word on the fate
of the popular "Sonny and. Cher Comedy Hour.".
On the inside
...David Stoll discusses the demise of Mark's coffee-
house on the-Editorial page .. . the Arts page features
Joan Borus' exclusive interview with French-Canadian
fiddler Jean Carrignan . . . and John Kahler elaborates
on what's lift of the Big Ten basketball race on the
.Sports page.

Sirica to
halt tape
Judge John Sirica yesterday moved
to halt further public speculation
about the findings of technical ex-
perts examining the subpoenaed
Watergate tapes.
In a related development, the
Senate WatergateCommittee voted
yesterday to cancel all further pub-
lic hearings.
SIRICA IMPOSED the gag rule
after meeting with attorneys from
the White House, the special prose-
cutor's office and counsel for Rose
Mary Woods, President Nixon's
personal secretary.
A month ago Sirica had referred
questions about the gap in one
tape and the claim that two other
conversations were never recorded
to special prosecutor Leon Jawor-
ski with a recommendation he
turned it over to a grand jury.
After yesterday's meeting, Sirica
issued a brief statement saying,
"All participants in the meeting
have agreed that continued public
comment on the grand jury's work
by those who have any association
with the investigation is inappro-
MEANWHILE, in announcing the
6-1 vote to cancel public Watergate
hearings, Senator Sam Ervin (D-
N.C.) said, "Tie passage of time
and the development of new events
have persuaded the committee
that further hearings are not neces-
sary for the committee to success-
fully complete its work."
"The coinmittee believes that it
should be careful not to interfere
unduly with the ongoing impeach-
ment process of the House Judi-
ciary Committee or the criminal
cases which will soon be prosecuted
by the special prosecutor, on which
the attention of the country appears
now to be focused."
Ervin said, however, the com-
mittee will pursue documentary
evidence and the testimony of wit-
nesses in executive sessions relat-
ing to circumstances surrounding
the CIA's involvement with Water-
gate, the so-called milk deal and
the Howard Hughes-Bebe Rebozo
THE COMMITTEE voted to ask
the Senate to extend its life to
May 28, three months beyond the
Feb. 28 deadline, to finish the final
preparation of its report.
Ervin said any information un-
covered in the continuing investiga-
tions will be revealed in that final
report. It will also contain "recom-
mendations for legislative remedies
to safeguard the integrity of the
electoral process by which we
choose our President," he said.
The senator said he expects no
opposition to a resolution extending
the committee's life by three



strike vote
- GEOoptimistic about
University teaching fellows soundly defeated a strike call,
as results of a day-long vote on a work stoppage were an-
nounced last night.
The final total showed 530 teaching fellows voting in
favor of the strike and 355 opposing it. The Graduate Em-
ployes Organization (GEO) would have called a strike if a
majority of the University's 1600 teaching fellows cast ballots
supporting the action.
ALTHOUGH no strike mandate was issued, .GEO leaders viewed
the turnout optimistically. They stressed that the total indicates strong
interest in unionization among graduate employes.

Daily Photo by ALISON RUTTAN
DAVID FENTON argues against the proposed McD onald's site on Mlaynard street during last night's
City Council meeting.
c a

"A pro-strike vote of 500 will put
pressure on the University admin-
istration," GEO Executive Com-
mittee member Anne Bobroff said.
"There is definitely going to be a
GEO has called a mass meeting
for tonight at 8 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre to discuss fur-
ther action.
THE STRIKE vote was precipi-
tated by the administration's re-
fusal to discuss "in good faith" a
demands package p r e s e n t e d
through GEO. The demands cover
a wide range of issues including
recognition of GEO as an official
bargaining agent for graduate em-
ployes, tuition waiver for teaching
fellows, and written contracts. '
About 950 g r a d u a t e workers
voted yesterday-a figure present-
ing nearly half of all those em-
ployed at the University. Nonethe-
less only one in six research and
staff assistants bothered to cast
President Robben Fleming last
night said he was "pleased" the
teaching fellows did not approve
the strike mandate. "It would have
been a serious mistake for them
and harmful to the University.
CLEARLY THE graduate em-
ployes intended to continue pursu-
ing their demands with the admin-
istration. "We are on the way to
victory," said GEO chairwoman
Sandra Silberstein.
Another }teaching fellow quickly
added "now it just may take a
little longer."
Today's mass meeting will prob-
ably focus on whether GEO should
seek formal recognition as a bar-
gaining agent through an election
sponsored. by the Michigan Em-
ployment Relations Commission
THE UNIVERSITY has refused
to negotiate with GEO until it is
authorized by MERC. On Monday,
the administration stated that if
GEO agrees to represent all grad-
uate enfiployes the University "is
prepared to enter into a consent
election." GEO considers its con-
stituency to include all such em-
In addition the University prom-
ised to waive any other legal chal-
lenges to the MERC election. GEO
termed this announcement "a ma-
jor concession" on the University's
Presently GEO has declarations
See TFs, Page 8

Compared to other Big Ten
schools, University teaching fellows
fare rather well.
According to Edward Dougherty,
assistant to the literary college
(LSA) dean, "we come out in a
competitive position-nearer to the
MOST LSA teaching fellows re-
ceive an average of $1800 a se-
mester. This is based on a 20 hour
work week. TFs in the engineering
school receive slightly more. All
TFs are granted in-state tuition
Wisconsin teaching assistants re-
cently unionized 'and were recog-
nized as a bargaining unit by the
state. The Teaching Assistant's
Union joined the AFL-CIO last Fri-
day after terminating its affilia-
tion with the American Federation
of Teachers.
Wisconsin teaching assistants re-
ceive a small stipend sand most pay
in-state tuition. Students are hired
to teach for a minimum of six
hours a week nand are guaranteed
employment for four years. In ad-
dition they receive state health
care benefits which guarantee com-
plete coverage during the school
year, plus disability insurance for
maternity leaves.
The University of Minnesota hies
more graduate teaching assistants
than any other fig Ten university
-nearly 3,000. They are also paid
the most roughly $7,300 a year, and
like TFs here must also pay tui-
See 'U' TFs, Page 8




City Council last night voted 7-4
to approve the site plan for the
controversial proposed McDonald's
restaurant to be built on Maynard
Street, despite presentation of pe-
titions bearing 6,813 names opposed
to the plan.
Council also approved a Repub-
lican-backed resolution on voter
registration. The resolution pro-
vides for six fixed registration sites,
open only a few hours each day,
to sign up new voters for the city's
April elections. None of the sites
are in the seocnd ward-a primar-
ily student ward where the Repub-
lians have little strength.
THE PETITION drive, explained

David Fenton of the Ann Arbor
Sun was an ad hoc affair carried'
out in just two weeks. Fenton said
two to three times as many sig-
natures could have been obtained
had the drive been more coordinat-
Presentation of the petitions was
made by "Ronald McColburn" a
man dressed up to look like Ronald
McDonald, the figure on the Mc-
Donald's TC commercial. The "Mc-
Colburn" nickname refers to Coun-
cilman William Colburn (R-third
"McColburn" was wearing a sign
which said, "Eat plastic, it's good
for you."
Voting on the plan broke down
along strict party lines with the

Mideast peace talks on Syrian,
Israeli troop separation to begin
By APand Reuter

Republican majority voting for the
presence of the golden arches and
the Democrats and Human Rights
Party (HRP) voting against the
burger emporium.
DEBATE AT the meeting center-
ed on whether the city could re-
ject a site plan which conforms to
all technical requirements. Oppo-
nents of the McDonald's claimed
the city had the power to turn
down any proposal which ran
counter to the public interest.
To back this claim opponents
cited a ruling handed down last
week by Judge Ross Campbell of
Washtenaw County Circuit Court.
Campbell ruled the city's police
powers include the ability to cate-
gorically deny approval to any pro-
posed construction.
Burgerbackers"appealed to City
Attorney Edwin Pear who admitted
that the city did indeed have that
right, but cautioned, "the city
can't just deny plans at will." Pear
added, "The best place to control
development is at the zoning level."
OPPOSITION to McDonald's cen-
tered on seven points, some of them
peculiar to this particular plan,
and some zeroing in on McDon-
ald's as a symbol of all fast food
franchises. The points were:
-McDonald's would destroy the
historic and v i s u a 11 y pleasing
Nickels House presently standing
at the Maynard Street site;
-Ecological considerations due
to the traffic and litter problems
created by the type of fast food
service provided 'by McDonald's;
-Concentration of fast food res-
taurants in the area with Gino's
on Washington and State and a
plan for a Burger Chef to be built
down the street at Maynard and
-McDonald's food fails to meet
human nutritional needs. The fare
is alleged to be high in cholesterol
and low in vitamins. Oppontnts
claim a "steady diet of McDon:ald's
would cause scurvy;"
-McDonald's policies run ccun-
ta rn ffirinive aionnbrare-

Secretary of State Henry Kis-
singer will begin Monday a second
round of shuttle diplomacy in the
Middle East, this time seeking a
formula to separate Israeli and
Syrian forces on the Golan Heights.
At the same time, Israeli De-
fense Minister Moshe Dayan has
announced that he will refuse to
serve in the newgovernment now
being formed.
THE DISPATCH of Kissinger to
the Middle East was believed to
have followed assurances to Nixon
that the Arabs will soon lift their
oil boycott imposed during last
October's Middle East war.
Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister
Omar Sakkaf, hailing the new U.S.
peace initiative after conferring
with Nixon at the White House yes-
terday, told reporters he was hope-
fu.l "something will happen soon
to the benefit of the United States."
The mediation attempt by Kis-

Exorcist' ominates
LOS ANGELES (IP)-The Exorcist, which frightened audiences with
devilish doings, and The Sting, which tickled them with a tricky con
game, trotted off with the most Academy Award nominations yesterday.
The two films, with success records that proved both horror and
comedy salable at the box office in 1973, were nominated in 10 cate-
gories each, including best picture of the year.
ALSO NOMINATED for best picture were the dramatic Cries and
Whispers, the romantic comedy A Touch of Class, and a nostalgic
reminiscence of the 1950s, American Graffiti.
In a choice likely to spur interest in the April 2 awards, Academy
members nominated Marlon Bran-
do as best actor for his Last Tango. ,
in Paris performance despite his
refusal last year of his Oscar for
The Godfather.
Nominations which set up strong
competition in the best actor cate-
gory were: Jack Lemmon, Save },
the Tiger; Jack Nicholson, The
Last Detail; Al Pacino, Serpico;
and Robert Redford, The Sting.
was dominated by previous win-
ners an nnnmine ;Ellen Burstvn.

.. .. ..

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