THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five s f shun7: from gn leader to By ALBERT OSBORNE type of l This spring Chris Christian mate lang will direct a one-act play he vulgar is wrote, "The Killers" From E-1, "Killing, t at the Residential College thea- The Kill ter. action of To put some of the most vi- mates who brant black language of the late into cell b 1950's "in the museum" is the fight the aim of The Killers, Christian's main cell first play. The language belongs Christian to what some social scientists subject he termed "corner - boy culture," play is de a life style based on street gang imaginatio rule. "Corner - boy culture" ma is base lasted only four or five years tian actu during the late "1950's and early feels it is 1960's. Although much has been of words, written in Southern and urban felt into t dialects "no one has ever taken literaturea this language and preserved it," mitting p Christian said. "the mind Christian is a short, burly 30- people." p laywrig anguage. It's a legiti- they made their own laws." uage. The thing that's When asked if he always that cowboy" stuff. a fair fight like the gang le, hat's vulgar." Crust, the main character in ers deals with the re- Killers whom Christian base four new prison in- himself, he became most o upon being processed cere. "I always gave a block E-1 will have to fight. It was for fame "killers" from that glory." He added that it block. "part fantasy," though he n has written on the hold "the desire to see r knows first hand. The done. I always had that attit finitely a work of the You pay dearly for just b n, but because the dra- yourself." gave ader The d on sin- fair and was did ight ude. eing DIMENSIONS OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE LECTURE AND DISCUSSION SERIES FEBRUARY 20, WEDNESDAY, 4 P.M., HILL AUD. "ANTHROPOLOGICAL VISIONS OF A MULTI-CULTURAL WORLD" by DR. MARGARET MEAD NEXT WEEK, February 26 and 27, 1974 "Shamanistic Yogic Gnostic Socio Economics (South America)" Johnny Earles, Tues., 7:30, Angell Aud. D, "Inca Mind and Cosmology," Michael Horner, Wed., 3:00, Angell Aud. A, "Shamanism and Hallucinogens," Mick Taussig, Wed., 7:30, Angell Aud. D, "Sham- anism, Religion and Rural Capitalism" Sponsored by the Office of Ethics and Reigon, 3rd floor, Michiga, Union, 764-7442 STAGECOACH (at 6:30 & 10:15) John Ford's classic 1939 western is about the best ever made. A stagecoach containing the vrarious characters of the West-a gambler, dance hall girl, an outlaw, a soldier's wife, a town drunk, a whiskey salesman, and a dishonest banker-trqvels through Indian territory. John Wayne's first role as the Ringo Kid is worthy of an Academy Award. THE THIRD MAN (at 8:30) Orson Welles and Joseph Cotton star in Carol Reed's 1949 thriller about a fascinating man of evil and his haunting story in post-war Vienna. Contains the original "chase through the sewers" sequence. ARCH ITECTU RE Cinema EACH SHOW $1-AUD I, --.- -- ' -- - -- -.'" I eed on an ordeal Chris- ally experienced, he y"not just an account " but rather "emotion the words." He views as a means for trans- ersonal feelings into s and hearts of other A writer should function "to bring a person inside (your vision) and let them see what's there to see--'-teach them to see. And it's the readers' duty to see what's there." -Chris Christian y. ;.ra h:: "....: :T: :e4i.{. 4< ?. ..;: a,} lg :iTggggsag ":nggg gg year old black man currently working on a Master's degree in Urban Education at the Univer- sity. "I love to be frank even when it's painful," he says. "It's an obsession to get things out that are truly felt." After reading the manuscript of The Killers, Arthur Miller flat- tered Christian by taking him out. to dinner. Not having read Mil- ler's works Christian "couldn't say I read Death of a Salesman or anything." Miller "just talked about jails" and other writers.. "I talked about The Misfits" (a film starring Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable for which Mil- ler wrote the screen play). Chris- tian, who has a keen phonetic ear, said the interplay between Monroe's soft voice and Gable's harsh reply "really moved me." Some may find the "hip" talk used in The Killers vulgar. How- ever, Christian says that "you have to have the guts to use that Christian was born in Philadel- phia in 1944. When his mother died he became "a ward of the state of Pennsylvania"; never experiencing any real parent- child relationship. "The gang was the family."' In and out of reform school, his education stopped at the fifth grade. "I raised a lot of hell," he said. In reform school his boxing skill earned him a city-wide re- putation. Owning to his legend- ary reputation he became lead- er of the Germantown T's street gang. Looking back on his gang experience Christian deemed "a lot of it senseless." It was "a sub-conscious form of self-ha- tred." The result of a "real sub- tle" type of "indoctrination - through white motion pictures," to take one example. Gangs were "a way to achieve" accept- ance, As most gang members were "ostracized, to compensate In reform school Christian read Huckleberry Finn which gave him a "whole mode for writing. I feel Mark Twain brought to- gether the doctor and the third grader in terms of language. A guy with a PhD. can enjoy it." As Christian believes "a writer should be universal, sharing with everyone" possible, he re- gards today's elitest writers with an intolerant eye. He describes to the realist viewpoint that writing should be "edifying to human kind, helping people with some kind of message." A writer should function he says, "to bring a person inside (your vi- sion) and let them see what's there to see-teach them to see. And it's the readers' duty to see what's there. I don't think that's asking too iuch." In 1965 when Christian was 21, he boxed in the Golden Gloves national championships in Wash- ington, D. C. (He lost in the final round to "Gypsy" Joe Harris, who after turning pro beat the world welterweight champion in a non-title bout.) Returning to Washington Christian "got real sensitive" towards social prob- lems and began doing volunteer social work. In those days it was just be- coming "fashionable to be black" and he got a job prepar- ing Vista volunteers to work in the inter-cities. At this time he first gave serious thought to writ- ing after reading David Walker, the firebrand whose appeal was the most powerful denouncement of slavery of the 1820's. Along with Walker, Christian mentions the work of Ezra Pound, particu- larly Hugh' Selwyn Mauberley, and the minister Oswald Cham- ber as his main influences. In 1968 while working at a va- riety of volunteer social occu- pations Christian was asked by a man he prefers not to name, to, come to Ann Arbor to work with children. Arriving in Ann Arbor, Christianfound this person head- ed a committee composed mostly of whites. "I said what was on my mind. Afterwards he said I was supposed to play ball or not get paid. To make a long story short, after two weeks at the YMCA I wound up on skid row in a Cass Avenue (Detroit) flop house." At this point he "surprisingly" passed a G.E.D. test (the equiv- alent of a high school diploma) and entered Highland Park Corn- munit College. After graduat- ing he enrolled at the Univer- sity. "The Killers" From E-1 was written last summer over a span of thirteen weeks. The play is published in the Winter Genera- tion, a literary review. As Chris- tian likes "to do everything for social reasons," a portion of the proceL'ds will be given to the Af- rican Famine. Christian is currently working on a short piece of fiction entitled The Niggy Man. By CINDY HILL Last weekend's production of S ha k esp ear e 's "Mea- sure for Measure," performed by the New York City Center Act- ing Company, all in all captured the rolicksome and boistrous comedy of the bard, and, were it not for the unduly heavy and flawed first two acts of the play, would have been a fine produc- tion as a whole. It's pretty hard to ruin Shake- speare. Even in the most miser- able of vehicles, Shakespeare's poetry almost strives to rise above the stuff and save itself. And this production, directed by John Houseman, is far from bad. Norman Snow's interpretation of the Duke may have been a bit disconcerting to those who ima- gined him as the wise and good sovereign. Snow's Duke panto- mimes a lesson in slowing his buoyant gait to a friar's plod while in disguise, and engages in furiously hyperkinetic efforts to insure a happy ending for all. In short, Snow's Duke was more like a well-intentioned but overly exuberant puppy dog. Granted, Snow had consider- able help from other members of. the cast, notably Sam Tsoutsou- vas as the conniving Lucio; Jar- ed Sakren as the hapless procur- er for a whorehouse; and Rich- ard Ooms as they patient and all-enduring Escalus. But the last three acts of the play - from the riotous jail scene to the last scene - depend on the Duke as much as the first two depend on Isabella. And therein lies the flaw. Mary- Jownan Negro looked every inch the virtuous and beautiful of vo- tarist of St. Clare. But she fail- ed to see the innate gentleness and naive purity that, in the course of the play, causes two men to fall in love with her. In- stead, she is as hard and ram- rod stiff as Angelo. She varies between three emotional ex- tremes: a teary tremulousness which is as close as she comes to softness; shreiking, hoarse hysteria; and the toneless sever- ity which is her norm. Isabella's compromising prin- ciples, the play leads us to be- lieve, result m o r e from a dreamy spirituality and shelter- ed youth, rather than unbending hardness. David Schramm, as Angelo, properly conveys the harsh aus- terity of his role, but fails to convince us of his newfound passion. His first scene' with Isa- bella appears more of an intel- lectual dilemma than a man en- countering human emotion and frailty for the first time. It was equally difficult to en- vision Houseman's 1850 setting for the play. Although the public has be- come fairly well immunized from the seemingly endless attempts to "modernize" Shakespeare, the 19th-century setting of "Mea- sure for Measure" is wholly in- appropriate. Ignoring the fact that the hu- mor of Shakespeare's "problem play" is bawdy and typically Elizabethan (ironically, 19th cen- tury critics disliked the play for what they considered to be its baseness and crudeness), sever- al more pointed incongruities confront the audience. Convents, priests, etc. play a dominate role in the play, as they did in Elizabethan world. It is more difficult to envision them with this importance and high credibility in Strauss' Vien- na. And, by the way, beheading as a form of capital punishmentr was long since demode in Eu- rope by the 19th century. s 3 BOND 39 COPIES Just Like Xerox Copies! 20 lb. Bond Paper 81/2x 1 I : ALSO GIANT : 11x19 COPIES 9C SIMPRESS COPY CENTER ! ' 524 E. WILLIAM-665-4321 ' _ Open 9-6 M-F; 10-5 Sat. 1 mm mm m m m m mm m mu mm m m m EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY-MAJOR EVENTS COMMITTEE PRESENTS -1N CONCERT- Daily Photo by DAVID MARGOLICK Chris Christian PTPs Measure.* Fun, though flawed EARTH, WIND & FIRE WITH SPECIAL GUEST STAR WEATHER REPORT MARCH 3 8 P.M. BOWEN FIELDHQUSE TICKETS: $2.50, $3.50 (general) $4.50 (reserved) AVAILABLE AT: Ann Arbor Music Mart, McKenny Union, Huckleberry Party Store and J.L. Hudson's. ~Mass in B Minor' handled admirably By JEFF SELBST The BachM ass in B Minor, performed by the :.University Choir and Orchestra,.cane off well. It had its bad points, but the piece and performance were handled admirably. The Mass itself, ;unlike other extended religious choral works, neither dragged much or bored. The first part of the program. went by quickly and only at the intermission could it be realized that an hour and a quarter had passed. The second part went more slowly, as Bach was caught up. in a myriad ocf solemn choral numbers. The soli and the duets lent a relief to the rich texture of the .choirt.t The orchestra was offrthe te- pa now and then, and the sing- ers were often conscious of this and 'struggled to. catch up to their accompanists, rather than vice versa,..They were very cer- tain of the notes, and even oc- casionally seemed to engage in battle, the victor drowning out the vanquished. Other than that, the 'interpretation was worthy of Bach and of the topic of the work. The sopranos were a joy. As far as volume, they often had to fight being drowned out, and were periodically sucked .under. But their notes were clear as bells, and wboth lilting and flex- ible. . The basses were also particu- larly good, forming a convinc- ing base for the tenors and al- tos to build upon., The notes for each of the above three sections were true and the singers ob- viously had an idea of what they were singing and how they should be singing it. The auditorium was just over half-full Friday night, and that can have a depressing effect on the performers. All those empty seats can provide a damper for spirits and ultimately vocal qual- ity. But the choir and orchestra succumbed to no such excuses. They put on a show despite who was there or wasn't. The Music School has a fine record with such choral perform- ances. It can be seen as a combi- nation of good judgment as to what to perform, and a plain and simple competence. They proved this last term with the performance of Mahler's Resur- rection Symphony, and they add- ed another feather to their col- lective cap Friday with the Bach. g ,} 4 N. . .. r~. ..F 4, 4':. '' . 4 .. i ':.54.. .. j q '"~.% ~~4~ ' rY: r : .,,..,, .i~ ~..F,.? 5. fr Beethoven In thitetthe erofnemlwrkTH RO ANA TROhsand TroinDmao.:p.7,No. Tro n -fatmaor O. 7 "he Arhduke" f io n ' m M, p.1, No. . 3 Concrt hisFi-dax, Fbruay 2, i Rakha ' uditriu at8:3. Tckes a BuronToer Y 4.van $, r tte oo .om7 m.Fidp 21 S. FFT AVE. ANLN ARBOR 761-9700R Youve been BLACULA-RIZED and SUPERFLY-ED -but now you re gonna be glorified and filled-with-pride. when you see s "FIVO on it BLCH{1