Page Tvwo THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 19, 1974 Page TWo THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 19, 1974 LAST WEEK TO SIGN UP! MONTEGO BAY ICA l/ '149- +15% TAXES AND GRATUITIES MARCH 3-10 * MARCH 4-11 TRIP INCLUDES: S 8 DAYS,7 NIGHTS * ROUND TRIP SCHEDULED FLIGHT WITH AIR JAMAICA e 7. NIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS AT THE NEW HERITAGE BEACH HOTEL .0 - PLUS TRANSFERS, IN FLIGHT FOOD DRINKS, WELCOME COCKTAILS, AND ANY OTHER EXTRAS 665-3603 610 S. FOREST, No. 4 (OPEN ALL WEEKEND) "SPECIAL SHOWING" New Movie on the October War "H YOM KIPPUR WAR" TUESDAY, FEB. 19 TWO SHOWINGS-7:30 and 8:30 p.m. at H ILLEL-1429 Hill St. FOREST TERRACE 1001 SOUTH FOREST Fall Rentals Modern Two-Bedroom Apts. " fully furnished & carpeted erch apt. equipped with its own burglar alarm system " privateparking-free 0 garbage disposals "@24 hr. emergency maintenance service " live in resident manager " Cable TV-free @ 8 or 12 month lease available See Randy or Andy Young Apt. 211, 769-6374 (Continued from Page 1) there is no legal reason why the group cannot be authorized as a bar- gaining agent without MERC approval. In a statement released yesterday, University General Counsel Roderick Daane declared the University "is prepared to enter into a consent election" through MERC without further question if GEO accepts all graduate employes into its bargaining unit. THE VOTE TO strike began at a mass meeting last night and will continue today. If the strike is approved by a majority of the Univer- sity's 1600 TFs, picket lines will be thrown up around major buildings on central campus. A GEO strike action committee has already prepared picket signs and leaflets and has appointed strike captains to coordinate the pro- tests.{ David Ruhland, a GEO executive Committee member, empha- sized that the pickets will be peaceful, but "we will attempt to appear as unyielding as possible." GEO also solicited support from outside unions asking them to honor the picket lines. No immediate response has been offered. GEO ALSO hopes to gain support among the undergraduates. Any undergraduate endorsement appears to hinge on GEO's willingness to adopt a "no-tuition-hike" stand. Undergraduates fear that if the University meets the teaching fellows' demands, it will precipitate a tuition increase. Following a TF strike threat last fall, the teaching fellows won some gains from the University including a 5.5 per cent cost-of-living- increase in stipends -half their demand at the time - and other financial gains which offset the increased tuition. VOTING TODAY TFs unsure a bout striking At that time many undergraduates felt the University "bought off" the teaching fellows with funds obtained through last term's tuition hike. Thus, the undergraduates remain apprehensive about supporting the teaching fellows' demands, fearing another fee hike. SOME teaching fellows share that view. "The only people who stand to get hurt in this are the students," said one TF. "They may get really screwed." President Robben Fleming said such an election could be held within several weeks. But the process could take as long as a year, according to a local attorney. Late last week Fleming conceded that the strike vote is inevitable. On Friday he met with the department chairpersons to discuss the results of a strike. Several chairpersons yesterday characterized the session as "vague and dealing in generalities." CLOSE ON the heels of that meeting, a number of department heads - among them math and economics leaders - sent out.memo- randa warning that striking employes will not be paid. Several teach- ing fellows called the memos "open threats." However, many teaching fellows cited resulting economic hard- ships as a major reason for not supporting the strike. GEO has made some efforts to put together a strike fund, but that idea has received a relative low priority in strike planning. Although the GEO leaders have urged that the organization pledge not to accept an administration offer conditional on a tuition hike, the rank-and-file TFs split over a similar proposal during a mass meeting ten days ago. A potential bargaining lever for the teaching fellows may be pres- sure from parents of undergraduates unable to attend class because 'of the strike. Consequently the GEO leadership has been careful not to antagonize undergraduates. However, the GEO does not expect over- whelming support from undergraduates. INDIVIDUAL departments, however, are well aware of the impact a TF strike could have on day-to-day operations. Many introductory courses employ teaching fellows who carry the majority of the teach- ing load. "Our department would be particularly hard hit by the strike," Romance Languages Chairperson Frank Caca said yesterday. "We could not possibly cover all section with our regular staff." Mathematics department chairperson Frederick Gehring said a teaching fellows' strike "would have a potentially serious effect" on his department. Other chairpersons echo these sentiments. NONETHELESS the department heads presently are not actively developing contingency plans in the event of a strike. They have gen- erally characterized their attitude as wait and see. The Literary College (LSA) -- which employs the majority of See TFs, Page 8 I.3 ashi 't 1' i r Ui JOLEN Creme Bleach Marvelously safe cosmetic to quickly lighten excess hair on face, arms and legs. JCB turns dark hair blond to blend with your own skin tones. Try it now - JOLEN CREME BLEACH available at $2 and $5. 112 South University Phone 665-5533 Ann Arbor Civic Theatre presents A PULIZER PRIZE DRAMA H OGAN GOAT by WILLIAM ALFRED WEDNESDAY through SATURDAY evening MENDELSSOHN THEATRE TICKETS: $2.50-$3.00 Call: 763-1085-10 a.m.-5 p.m. I AM t Greatl products: -0011mb" lllplq- = l rp - F-- Great prkes. Great prices: Great' policies I We carry more than 100 of the best lines in the industry. The Small Advent is the type of pro- duct that you can expect to find at Tech Hifi. Although it comes in a smaller package and sells for a considerably lower price, the Smaller Advent Loudspeaker de- livers the same highly accurate sound as the reknowred Large Advent. Designed by Henry Kloss, one of the genius' of the hifi world, the Smaller Advent may turn out to be his most popular loudspeaker. The speaker could not be driven into significant distortion . Like its; larger ances- tor, the nevw speaker system has a neutral, honest quality on all types of music.' High Fidelity There are over 5000 items in stock in our 39 stores, but not all stores have everything. For some models* quantities are very limited. ALL sales final and the policies listed do not all apply. If you want to know where you can most likely find any one of these items call our special Washington's Birthday' Sale line (313) 422-8326 and we will try to help you. ALL BASF DP26 at cost ALL Dynaco A50 at cost ALL Akai CS30D at cost ALL Ampex tape at cost ALL AR 2ax demos at cost ALL AR 3a demos at cost ALL BIC/LUX receivers at cost ALL calculators at cost Capitol 1200 ft. tape 700 ALL Craig car units at cost. ALL David Clark headphones at cost ALL Empire cartridges at cost ALL Grado cartridges at cost ALL Harman Kardon 230a, 330 & 50+ demos at cost ALL Koss demos at cost ALL Memorex tape at cost I I ALL Metrotec 4-channel adaptors at cost ALL Nortronics accessories at cost ALL Panasonic 275, 5200, 5800, and 6200 at cost ALL PE 2035, 2038, and 2040 at cost ALL Pax/Mercury 8-tracks at cost ALL Macom telephone callers at cost ALL Scotch tape at cost - ALL Audio tape at cost ALL Irish tape at cost ALL Sharpe headphones at cost ALL EV 4-channel decoders at cost ALL University loudspeakers at cost ALL Sanyo electronics at cost ALL Sony decoders at cost ALL Shure M55E, M75E at cost ALL Superex headphones at cost ALL TDK tape at cost ALL Telex headphones at cost LOTS MORE ...and lots of other things at really good prices. Including overstocks and demos. 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