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February 19, 1974 - Image 1

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High--4 s
See Today for details

See editorial page

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 117 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 19, 1974 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

/ %

Senate Assembly meets
The Senate Assembly voted 40-5 yesterday to approve
a motion to "strongly support retaining the age of 70
as the mandatory faculty retirement age." The Assem-
bly's vote was in response to Vice-President for Aca-
demic Affairs Allan Smith's announcement last week
that the administration was considering lowering the
age of mandatory retirement to 65. Smith said that the
change is an attempt to speed up turnover in the faculty
Prof. leaves
Prof. John Styan, head of the English Dept. and
University's resident expert on Shakespeare, has ac-
cepted Prof. Andrew Mellon's prestigious position in
the University of Pittsburgh's English Dept. Styan
will be leaving the University at the end of the academic
year. His replacement has not yet been named.
Miners support
The Sparticist League and Revolutionary Communist
Youth (RCY) are mobilizing support for the British
miners among American working class and socialist
militants and students,. The RCY will be holding a
meeting on campus today at noon in Room 4202 of the
Michigan Union to build support for a demonstration
tomorrow noon at the British Consulate, Fort and Wash-
ington Blvd. in Detroit. (See today's letter on the
Editorial Page.)
Man burned
An Ann Arbor man is listed in critical condition
after wedging himself or being wedged into a trash
can filled with carbonic acid, police officers report.
Police are not certain whether the incident was an
attempted suicide or murder. The man could not be
extracted from the can by ambulance operators and
had to be taken to St. Joseph's Hospital in the can.
The acid discolored his skin black from the waist down
and red from the waist up, Police Chief Walter Krasny
reports. Krasny is not certain why the man was in the
can. He said detectives were trying to determine whether
the man was "high or had flipped his lid."
... include something for everyone today, especially
if you're of a political bent . . . for the artistically in-
clined, paintings by Joan Matthews will be on exhibit
in the Union Gallery beginning at 10 a.m. . . . the
ACRICS committee meeting will take place at 3:15 p.m.
in Crisler Arena . . . Asst. Prof H. Versyer from the
Northwood Institute will speak on the energy crisis at
7:30 p.m. in the Henderson Room of the League spon-
sored by the Ann Arbor Libertarian League . . . also
at 7:30 p.m. Feminists in Struggle Together (FIST) will
meet in East Quad's Strauss Lounge . . . the Awaji
Puppet Theater of Japan will perform at 8:30 p.m. in
Rackham Auditorium . . . a student mass meeting for
undergradaute support for the TF strike will be held
in Room 35 Angell Hall at 9 p.m. . . . and if partying
is more in your line, Primo's will have a benefit concert
for the Ann Arbor Sun tonight.
Dope note
Alfonso Martinez, the 21-year-old Detroit police cadet
and hero who may be rejected in his bid to become a
police officer because he admitted he once smoked
marijuana, may have a job afer all. Genesee County
Sheriff John O'Brien called Martinez Sunday and told
him he may have a job at the county department. "It
would be a great advantage to have another Spanish
speaker in our department," said O'Brien. "We've got a
Mexican-American population in Genesee County of some
10,000 people." Martinez was recommended for a bravery
citation after rescuing a man from a burning building
Saturday. His admission that he had smoked marijuana
a few times as a teenager came during a police depart-
ment interview,
Aard creature

TFs ap
Daily News Analysis
Although a strike vote among the University's
teaching fellows is already underway, a majority of
graduate employes, faculty, and administrators ap-
pear highly undecided about the success and effects
of a strike.
The Graduate Employes Organization (GEO) lead-
ership claims the prospects for a strike are greater
than ever, but in a number of departments most
teaching fellows remain perched on the fence - wait-
ing to see how many of their colleagues will join the
picket lines.1
WHETHER the strike mandate will be approved ;
remains a mystery even to GEO leaders. While TFs
in several departments - Romance Languages, Po- l
litical Science, and History - are solidly committed





Units differ on support for walkout

to the strike, other units do not strongly back the
GEO demands or methods.
Some departments - particularly in the natural
sciences - are generally opposed or ambivalent to
the strike issue. Nonetheless, these teaching fellows
tend to be uninformed or vaguely informed about the
GEO efforts.
"I'm just too busy to be concerned," a physics
teaching fellow said yesterday. "The strike just isn't
a topic of conversation." The strike-support leaflets
which adorn most buildings across the central cam-
pus are noticeably absent in the halls of the West
Engineering and Physics and Astronomy buildings.

The math department - touted as a bastion of GEO
support - seems typical of most divisions. Perhaps
a quarter to a third of the teaching fellows actively
support the strike move. A somewhat smaller per-
centage strongly opposes GEO. The remainder claim
to be sympathetic but "don't want to get stranded
backing a strike that fails."
THE ADMINISTRATIQN yesterday remained firm
in its position that GEO must receive formal recog-
nition from the state Employment Relations Commis-
sion (MERC) before the University will consider the
teaching fellows' package of demands.
The recognition question has directly precipitated
s egin

the strike threat, and the additional demands - tui-
tion waiver for all TFs, maternity leave, written con-
tracts, affirmative action procedures, and other de-
mands concerning job security, working conditions
and dismissal - have become secondary
The TFs' demands now cover only broad areas
since the exact details and contract wording theo-
retically would be hammered out during negotiations
with the University.
The University contends no negotiations with GEO
over these demands can take place until MERC re-
cognizes the group, and an official certification elec-
tion is held among teaching fellows, research assist-
ants and staff assistants.
GEO LEADERS argue that the University could
block the recognition process in the courts and that
See TFs, Page 2




ado pt





450 GObackers
attend mass, meeting
The Graduate Employes Organization (GEO) began its
24-hour strike vote with a mass meeting last night, as a work
stoppage by most of the University's 1600 teaching fellows ap-
pears more likely than ever.
Some 450 teaching fellows filled the Union Ballroom and
sounded a strong pro-strike call, while expressing an equally
strong distrust for the University administration.
If the strike vote is successful, the walkout will begin Thursday
morning with picket lines around the entrances to the main buildings on
central campus.
THE BODY ADDED a "no-tui-
tion -hike" stand to its previous1
list of demands presented to the
University. The measure, which in
par stt "we fin"*d any increase
in tuition unacceptable . . . we"
support all University workers-who P P ro
seek a fair and living wage, and
all students who oppose tuition
hikes," was considered crucial in o_
gaining undergraduate support for
the strike.
The meeting also tabled action
on a University offer to conduct a ord in ce
Commission (MERC) election to
recognize GEO as an official bar- By CHERYL PILATE
gaining agent for teaching fellows. Ypsilanti v ot e r s yesterday ap-
Recognition has b e c o m e the proved by a slim 29-vote margin
crux of the confrontation between the area's first anti-obscenity law
the administration and GEO, since which will prohibit "any material
the University has refused to ne- or performance whose predominant
gotiate with the teaching fellows appeal is to prurient interests."
until a MERC election is held. Since 1 a s t summer's Supreme
The meeting viewed the election Court decision granting local com-
-which could take a month or munities the right to determine
more-as an administration ploy to their own obscenity standards, a
dissipate the momentum GEO has heated controversy has raged over
built. "It would be very dangerous the pornography issue. Last Sep-
to go through MERC," GEO chair- tember, the Ypsilanti City Council
woman Sandra Silberstein said last tabled the proposal after a lengthy,
night. "We should strike and de- heated debate.
mand the University immediately The proposal, which drew most
come to the bargaining table." of its support from Republicans and
THROUGHOUT the meeting Sil- religiously - affiliated groups, was
berstein and others charged Presi- nearly defeated until absentee bal-
dent Robben Fleming and the ad- lots, which were 3-1 in favor of
ministration with completely "fail- the proposal, were tallied-putting
ing to bargain in good faith" with the final vote at 994 to 965.
the teaching fellows. The ordinance which will "pro-
To-extended applause, one teach- hibit the dissemination of porno-
ing fellow declared that if GEO graphic material" will completely
attempted to gain MERC recogni- shut down all adult movie theaters
tion, "Fleming will see us in hell and book stores in Ypsilanti.
See TFs, Page 8 See YPSILANTI, Page 8

GRADUATE EMPLOYES ORGANIZATION leader Sandra Silberstein (right) implores over 450 teaching fellows at a mass meeting last night,
as one TF (left) watches and listens attentively. The group began a strike vote against the University.


By AP and UPI
GRAND RAPIDS - Democratic
underdog Richard VanderVeen
ended 62 years of Republican rule
in the conservative 5th Congres-
sional district last night and dealt
President Nixon's political fortunes
a serious blow.
With all but two of 273 pre-
cincts reporting, VanderVeen had
an unofficial 52,691 votes while fa-
vored Republican candidate Rob-
ert VanderLaan had 45,101.



old seat

State GOP, chairman William
McLaughlin said the result meant
the voters were unhappy.
"EVERYTHING went our way
except one thing - Watergate,"
McLaughlin said. "That killed us."
VanderVeen, who hit the Water-
gate issue hard during the cam-
paign immediately called for Nix-
on's resignation.
"People want a change," he
said. "The vote is an expression of

The picturedwbeast, looking
as if he (it?) was assembled
from spare parts of several
different animals, is not the
latest star of a science fic-
tion thriller. R a t h e r, this
four-=pound S o u t h African
aardvark, only a few days
old, is the latest star of the
San Diego Zoo. Here, he
contemplates visitors at the
zoo's nursery.

Mitchell, Stais trial
beginsin NewYork
NEW YORK (P) - Two original members of President Nixon's Cabi-
net, John Mitchell and Maurice Stans, go on trial here today accused of
selling their influence for a secret $200,000 contribution to Nixon's re-
election campaign.
Neither man was still in the Cabinet when the alleged crime occurred
in 1972. Mitchell had quit as attorney general to take over operation
of the Committee to Re-elect the President. Former Commerce Secre-
tary Stans was the committee's chief fund raiser.
Delayed three times since last September, partly while both sides
wrangled over availability of White House tape recordings, jury selec-
tion may start today unless there are last-minute pretrial motions for
U. S. District Court Judge Lee Gagliardi.
MITCHELL and Stans are the first Cabinet men indicted on crimi-
nal charges since the Teapot Dome scandals of the 1920s. While this
case is not related directly to the Watergate scandal, the two former
administratorstand an alleged coconspirator, JohnDean, were major
witnesses in the Senate Watergate inquiry. Dean, not a defendant here,
has pleaded guilty to conspiring to obstruct the Watergate investigation.
A missing defendant is Robert Vesco, the financier who made the
secret cash contribution at a time when the Securities and Exchange
Commission was launching a major civil action against his business
Verc, n h ived in the nahamas and onta Rica since the indictment

No Democrat since World War
II had polled more than 40 per
cent of the vote in this western
constituency that Vice President
Gerald Ford held for 25 years.
VANDER VEEN, 51, was defeat-
ed by Ford in 1958.
The last Democratic victory
came in 1910 and two years later
Republicans regained control of
the district.
The special election was called
after Ford resigned in December
to succeed the disgraced Agnew.
VANDER LAAN, 43, who had
contested and won 15 different po-
litical campaigns and served in
the state senate since 1963, entered
the race a heavy favorite.
But he conceded in the cam-
paign's final days that the com-
bined effect of Watergate, infla-
tion, unemployment and the en-
ergy crisis had cut deeply into his
Republicans warned that if Van-
derLaan failed to poll at least 55
per cent of the vote that it coi'd
signal deep political trouble for
the GOP in elections later this
The 5th Congressional race was
the firstpost-Watergate election in
the state.
VANDER LAAN generally avoid-
ed Watergate during his campaign
and rarely invoked Nixon's name
despite taunts by VanderVeen.
VanderVeen, a native of Muske-
gon, 40 miles west of Grand Rapids
on Lake Michigan, came from a
lower middle class family of no
particular prominence. He eventu-
ally moved into a partnership in
one of the state's most prominent
law firms. His net worth was esti-
mated at $250,000.
His wife. Marion, and oldest son,

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Hon-k drive ma kes noiseByET ISN
Despite dismal, rainy weather, members of the
Committee to Impeach the President carried signs <
proclaiming "Honk for Impeachment and stood on
the city's street corners yesterday between 4:30 and
5:30 p.m.
Audible response to the signs was good, with a va-
riety of long and short honks from rusted Volkswag- .4
ens, shiny Catalinas and muddy Pintos.
AT LEAST HALF the people who drive by are
honking," estimated Larry Albert as he held his sign
toward the oncoming rush-hour traffic. "I even got
a cop to honk."
"All different ages and all different types of people
are honking," said worker Charlie Handley.
Not all was sweetness and ,light, however. Mem-
bers of the Committee reported a few raised middle
fingers. Other motorists slowed or stopped to com-
ment. One lady rolled down her window and said
"Why don't you have a trial before you impeach
him. That's what we do in America." :;

and his wife were classmates at
Muskegon High. They married just
before he entered Harvard in 1946.
VanderVeen's trim dark suits,
swept back hair receding in front
and soft speaking voice seem to
symbolize his Harvard background
and profession. But his nervous
frozen smile during the campaign
showed he is not a poised, public
VanderVeen has a definite policy
of never really speaking ill of a
political foe. He insisted through-
out his 1958 campaign that "Gerald
Ford is a fine fellow personally
and a hard worker."

On the inside . .
SAlbert Osburne writes about local playwright
Chris Christian on the Arts Page . . . Jim Ecker blasts
the Big Ten basketball television schedule . . . and
Edit Page examines Soviet dissident Vitali Rubin in an
article by Jeanne Vilnay.
A o -anarflAse

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