' ' y Itj tati 4w Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 81 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 8, 1974 Free Issue Eight Pages x.WfYuSEE NES[KAPPENCALL R'tY Tuition drop The slash in tuition is in the record book now and not even Rose Mary Woods can erase it. At their De- cember meeting, the Regents approved winter term tuition rates at a level 5 per cent lower than the fall rates. The cut was made because of the large surplus that resulted from the whobping 24 per cent tuition hike the Regents levied in the fall. The reduction in fees will also apply to spring term. An additional four dollars was deducted from student bills at the recommendation of Vice-President Allan Smith. The money - slated to go toward the construction of new recreation facilities -will come instead from existing funds. 0 Dylan note It's all right ma, tickets for the Dylan concert haven't been mailed out yet. According to UAC's Sue Young the Detroit agency handling the tickets is taking its time with the orders in an effort to insure correct distribution. Tickets should be in your hands well before the Feb. 2 concert date. 0 Energy success The University scored a major victory in its fight against the fuel crisis over Christmas break. As a result of building shutdowns and temperature reductions, the plant department was able to save some $15,500 in fuel and operating costs. Department officials are optimistic that the 'U' can now make it through the rest of the school year without any serious hardships to students and faculty. Buildings will still be kept at 68 degrees and students are urged to continue energy-saving practices in the dorms. 0 Bullard bulletin State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) was busy over vacation co-sponsoring bills related to the energy crisis. Along with thirty fellow representatives Bullard introduced legislation calling for the nationalization of the United State oil industry. In addition Bullard put his John Hancock on a bill calling for the legalization of hitch-hiking in the state of Michigan. Said Bullard, "In these times of fuel shortage with the prospects of gas rationing, there may be more and more people will will have to rely on their thumbs for transportation." Builard has something of a personal stake in the hitch-hiking bill as he was slapped with a fine for hitch-hiking early last fall. Happenings ... . . .are light on this Tuesday. There will be an Outreach meeting tonite at 7:30 in Hill Aud . . . the film "The Violent Universe", a BBC documentary on modern astrophysics, will be shown at 9:00 p.m. this evening in the East Quad Auditorium . . . the African Student Association will host a lecture on the "Famine in Africa" at 4:00 p.m. in the University Club Lounge in the Union . . . voter registration drives are going on now and will continue through Jan. 21. Anyone who will be 18 by Feb. 19 is eligible. Voters may register at the North Campus Commons from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, at the Ann Arbor Public Library 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, and at the Ann Arbor Com- munity Center from 4:00-8:00 p.m. Monday through Fri- day and the City Clerk's office at City Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. 0 LSA elections Despite general campus apathy, a relatively healthy 26 per cent of the electorate turned out in the recent LSA Student Government elections held during Decem- ber pre-registration. Leading the pack was Mark Gold of the Program for Educational Change (PESC) who col- lected 16 per cent of the vote. Other winners were Madeline Chang (PESC), William Furniss (Independent), Laurie Gross (Independent), Rick Pattison (Academic Action), Joe Green (Academic Action), David Rosenthal (Campus Coalition), Tom Taylor (Campus Coalition), Shari Grant (PESC), Gary Baker (Independent), Toni Guzzardo (Academic Action), Michael Baron (PESC). The election was run for a mere $700 - a far cry from the free-spending, poorly-attended fiascos handled by SGC. 0 HRP petitiotns The Human Rights Party has submitted petitions to the city clerk which would place before the voters pro- posals to write a permanent $5 fine for marijuana use and city-wide rent control into the city charter. The clerk reports that each petition bears close to 6,000 sig- natures - well over the 3,663 legally necessary to put the issues on the April 1 ballot. The clerk cautions, however, that the figures may be reduced somewhat after the petitions have been examined and checked for fraudulent signatures. The City used to have an ordinance making madijuaia use subject to a $5 fine. This ordin- ance was repealed in favor of the harsher state law last year when the Republican Party took control of the City Council. 0 On the inside .. . . . The Arts Page features a story by Kurt larju on blues and jazz clubs in Ann Arbor . . . Eric Schoch writes about Nixon and impeachment on the Editorial Page . . . and the Sports Page has a report on Michi- gan's amazing victory over Indiana by sportswriter Jim Ecker. a e a0 REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT Health studies over aul urged By CHERYL PILATE mittee which was appointed last struction and research." "The first renovation, which in- clinical training now takes place A review committee has recom- June as the result of a 1969 Re- volves the surgery and radiology at other affiliated hospitals. I I mended sweeping changes within the University Medical Center bu- reaucracy which would centralize the responsibility for all health ed- ucation under a newly-created vice presidential position. The committee also recommend- ed the establishment of a new school of Allied Health Profes- sions and the planning and financ- ing of a new main hospital build- ing. gental request, submitted its re- port to President Fleming, who is studying the recommendations. The committee analyzed the problems and assets of the med center from a physical and clini- cal standpoint. Citing the "lameritable condi- tion" of University Hospital, the report stated that even the "ut- most ingenuity in reconstruction and adaptation cannot equip it for efficient patient care, much less the accompanying activities of in- THE 14-MEMBER review com- THE HOSPITAL, which was c structed in 1925, has been label as "irretrievably obsolete" by view committees. In early 1972 team of consulting engineers commended that the Hospi should either be "demolished or signed other, less intensive ft tions. According to Vice-President Ian Smith, the Hospital is about undergo a series of major renc, tions which will be completed 10-12 years at a cost of $8.2 mill Erviln sues departments, will be completed in about one year," said Smith. THE COST OF FUNDING the renovations will come from federal and state appropriations. Although structuring changes in the Hospital are planned, they will be "very gradual." Meanwhile, clinical demands in the areas of research and educa- tions are mutiplying at an ever- increasing rate. Out of necessity, 60 per cent of the med school's THE COMMITTEE feels that "conditions have reached a stage at which the hospital administra- tion and staff feel that student ac- tivities impose impediments to pa- tient care." The committee's recommenda- tions were designed to answer spe- cific objectives - to establish an expanded coordination between the various health schools, recon- cile their competing demands, and See HOSPITAL, Page 2 committee Nixon Presidential AP Photo HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITEE Chairman Peter Rodino (D-N.J.) peers over a mountain of impeachment related material as his committee conducts its inquiry yesterday. Councilgiesaniia val' t election reform ordinance WASHINGTON (Reuter)- President Nixon was chal- lenged yesterday in court by the Senate Watergate Com- mittee for Presidential tapes, but signs were that the White House would not budge from its restated refusal to give the panel any recordings or docu- ments. The committee told Judge John Sirica's Federal District Court that Nixon's arguments for withholding tapes and documents on grounds of con- fidentiality was "a cloak hid- ing possible wrongdoing." IT FILED a 30-page legal brief seeking five tapes which it origin- ally subpoenaed from the White House last July. This request was rejected by Nixon. Last Friday the President re- jected three other subpoenaes from the committee seeking more than 500 tapes and documents, saying that to release the material would destroy presidentialmconfidential- ity - a reason he has used be- fore in refusing to hand over items which could possibly clear up ques- tions posed by Watergate. The White House has 10 days to reply to the committee filing. IN A SEPARATE legal docu- ment, the committee pointed out that a recent law passed by Con- gress empowered the court to en- force subpoenas issued by the committee. The committee has pending be- fore the court a suit seeking the five Presidential tapes it subpoen- aed last summer. Sirica said he had no jurisdiction but the suit was later returned to him after Congress passed the special legis- lation. The committee's new legal brief referred only to the five tapes sought last summer and not to the 500-odd documents the President refused to hand over last weekend. BUT THE BRIEF challenged the confidentiality argument raised by the President and argued that the strong public interest overrode Nix- on's argument. "The normal interest for confi- dentiality vanishes when it be- comes a cloak for possible wrong- doing and it would be against pub- lic interest to recognize a privilege whereby executive officials could suppress evidence relating to pos- sible wrongdoing by themselves or by their close associates," the brief said. In San Clemente, the White House said Nixon's position on handing over tapes and documents was the same as stated last Fri- day - negative - and there was no hint of the President backing down. Gill acquitted of assault charges; led own PRESIDENTIAL S P O K E S- man Gerald Warren, referring to a weekend statement by Vice Presi- dent Gerald Ford that a compro- mise might be possible, said Ford was simply stating his own opin- ion. The new moves over Watergate came as three Cuban exiles, jailed for taking part in the June 17, 1972 burglary of the Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate complex here, heard from the U.S. parole board that they would be See ERVIN, Page 8 By JACK KROST City Council last night gave in- itial approval to a post-Watergate campaign reform ordinance spon- sored by Republican Mayor James Stephenson. The ordinance-first proposed in the fall-would place severe re- 'U' deanll defends " ]" admiB-ssion standards By STEPHEN SELBST Dr. Clifford Sjorgren, the Uni- versity's new director of admis- sions, defended thetdecline in ad- missions standards to a meeting of the LSA faculty yesterday after- noon, calling the University, "the most selective public institution in the country." The LSA faculty also heard a r e p o r t from Associate Dean Charles Morris on the Office of Academic Action and the trends in University academic disciplinary action. Sjorgren's r e p o r t, apparently made in response to critical ar- ticles printed in December in the Ann Arbor News and The Daily, centered on explaining the phe- nonena which have led to a lower a r issio-s standard. strictions on campaign contribu- tions to candidates for city offices and require the filing of elaborate campaign finance statements. THE ORDINANCE was passed on "first reading" which means it will have to be approved a sec- ond time before it becomes law. The vote was nine to two in favor of the proposal, with Council members Gerald DeGrieck (HRP- First Ward) and Nancy Wechler (HRP-Second Ward) dissenting. The matter is scheduled to be discussed again two weeks from now, when a public hearing will be held before the regular Council meeting. In the meantime, a tri- partisan council committee is to come up with a finalized version of the ordinance, taking into ac- count objections that were raised and additions to the ordinance that were proposed last night. AS PRESENTED last night, the mayor's initially approved ordi- nance would regulate election campaign financing by: -Placing a $100 liimt on indi- vidual contributions, -Flatly prohibiting contributions to candidates from businesses and labor organizations, such as cor- porations, partnerships, and labor unions, and -Requiring candidates, or their campaign treasurers, to file detail- ed campaign statements, listing the name and address of every con- tributor, the amount contributed, and to record and provide receipts for all campaign expenditures over $25. The campaign statements would have to be filed between the fifth a. d second day prior to the elec- By DAN BIDDLE Student Government Council President Lee Gill played a slim- med - down version of Perry Ma- son over Christmas break and won a fast acquittal for his client in Washtenaw County Circuit Court. The client, accused of assault and battery, was none other than Mr. Gill himself. The charge stemmed from a shoving incident involving Gill and controversial former SGC Treasurer David Schaper last November in the Council chambers. SCHAPER and prosecuting at- torney John Thompson claimed Gill physically assaulted the ex- treasurer while escorting him from SGC's offices, but the jury re- turned a not-guilty verdict to Cir- cuit Court Judge Pieter Thomas- sen after only 20 minutes of delib- eration Thursday afternoon. The one-day trial featured tes- timony from half a dozen prose- cution witnesses, all of whom were present when the incident between Gill and Schaper occur- red. Thompson attempted to show that Schaper had received physical harm, but none of the witnesses could state that Gill had done more than apply a gentle push. Daily reporter Cindy Hill of- defense fered the strongest description of the incident, calling it "a violent argument" or "a cat fight." But Gill asked, "Did you see any bruises on Mr. Schaper's body?" Hill said she saw none. THE ONLY DEFENSE witness See GILL, Page 2 Lee Gill COUNCIL ELECTIONS Republicans won't run candidate in By GORDON ATCHESON For the first time in recent memory, the Re- publicans will not field a candidate for the Second Ward City Council seat, spawning charges of a political deal struck between the Democrats and the GOP designed to kill off the Human Rights Party. Although all three parties have- settled on their candidates in the critical races for the February 18 primary and subsequent general election in April, Human Rights Party members suggest the Renhlicans intentionally chose to run no candi- 2nd Ward to be IIRP's strongest ward, despite a slim Demo- cratic victory there last year. HRP leaders sus- pect traditionally Republican voters may cast their ballots for a Democrat, if no GOP candidate runs -vastly increasing chances for an HRP defeat. THE REPUBLICANS clearly have no chance to win the Second Ward and had difficulty finding a candidate to run last year. Shortly after the 1973 election the candidate, Clan Crawford, was ap- pointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals - quite possibly for his service to the party.