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February 15, 1974 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-02-15

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<,,,~.. / GC atersiiminorityaffairs
' ve ''' ;r, CommitteeV dds new Positions

Student Government Council re-'
vamped the present organization
of its controversial office of Mi-
nority Affairs during last night's
The present directorships underi
the vice president for minority af-1
fairs were replaced by a minority
affairs committee that includes po-4

sitionls- for religious, ethnic and+
sexual groups as, well as racial
THE PROPOSAL, according toa
sponsor SGC member David Faye,;
was to "simplify the organization"1
of minority affairs groups related
to SGC, and to expand the repre-;
sentationp of the committee to in-
clude a wider variety of minorities

rep resent atives
meet wit studenits
(Continued from Page 1) Bobroff and Kaplan explaining
ing fellows if they agree to the their grievances against the ad-
new demand. ministration, dating from last fall.
The final statement sent to the "All TFs are not paid the same
TFs read: "We strongly urge that wages," said Kaplan. "There is
the TFs demand that tuition be' no standardization within the Uni-
frozen." versity."
Organizer Ann Bobroff assured KAPLAN went on to explain that

on campis.
Faye claimed the minority af-
fairs committee defined in the
SGC compiled code allowed for
a maximum of two appointments
to that body to be. made per term.
Former SGC President Lee Gill's
administration felt more positions
were needed, and created advisory
staff in charge of minority affairs
instead of altering the code.
FAYE CLAIMED that this was
actally illegal and the new com-
mittee would in effect legalize it.
An amendment was proposed by
Mat Hoffman that would ban voting
for all assistant directors of the
new committee without vote.
According to Hoffman, the as-
sistant directors "would outnumber
all the other minority representa-
tives put together," and thus would
overwhelm the council.
The amendment failed.
THE MAIN MOTION was passed
almost unanimously in what may
have been the quietest SGC session
in months.
After the meeting had adjourned,
some of the members of the abol-
ished minority affairs committee
challenged Faye concerning his

the students that the TFs would
try to cover all class material miss-
ed during a strike, and assured
them also that a demand was
added to prohibit penalization of
striking students.
The meeting began quietly, with

in the fall their demands were ver-
bally met only when the GE9
threatened to go on strike.
"The one tactic that that makes
the University pay attention to us
is when we talk about strike," said

he Kiwanis rummage sale
omethngor erybody
N OLD WOMAN sat quietly at a
side booth at the Kiwanis sale.
Her wrinkled hands fondled a bunch
of small German Shepherd puppies.
'Wanna a puppy anyone we gottum
any color, any shape and any size.
we got anything you want here
from soup ta nuts-you bettcha"
r: skates, old books ("The Wind in
the Willows, now there's adarn fine
piece of reading material), fur coats,
soup, topiary trees (Huh?), refriger-
ators, T.V.'s, chairs,scameos, watches,
flannel shirts, quilts, dusty pictures,
cracked pictures, picture frames,
hats, rickety rackety skiis and sleds,
X-Mas decorations, (even a partridge
in a pear tree), tuneless music boxes,
hand organs, toys-trucks, cars,
trains, bicycles, elegant, junk, ele-
gant-junk, silk-embroidered dresses,
sleazy, sneezy', breezy dresses, nylon
slips, wooden ships, potato chips,
Y$ .y shapeless shifts, posters, toasters,
roaters, someone else's memories in a
scrapbook, mittens (no kittens??9)
tiny paw-sized, patterned, nubby,
3 warm and threadbare, homemade
pastry, nice and tasy, glass covered
mugs, Indian beat belts, soundless
T.V.'s, pictureless T.V.'s, a rotten box
of jello, grand ma's soup in a can,
diaries, chairs, rings and things,
' nchipped and cracked China, gawdy
underwear (I swear), treasure bags,
a limousine, sewing machine, a bot-
tle of Mr. Clean. Enough, Enough,
enough of this stuff.
Said the Cat in the Hat, while he
. p was carrying a sack, filled with

Room 200 LANE HALL
February 18, MONDAY-8:00 p.m.
Sponsored by Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies

worthless old tacks,
like a snail from the

as he crawls
Kiwanis Club.

Third World People's Solidarity Conference
Prog ram of Events
Thursday, Feb. 21--Power Center.
7:30-introduction, opening of conference
8:00-Pat Sumi, chairperson, Third World Womens Alliance
9:00--Chicano Theatre, Teatro de los Estudiants
9:40-Ramsey Muniz, co-founder Raza Unida Party, presently gubernatorial
candidate in Texas
1 1 :00-Questions
Friday, Feb. 22-Hill Auditorium
8:00-Clyde Bellacourt, co-founder American Indian Movement (AIM),
active Native American leader
8:50-Slide Show
9:10-Angela Davis
"Stereotypes and Images." "An Awareness among minorities"
Speakers include:
-Aturo Ranjel, graduate student in social work and Political Science
-Phil Hayes, graduate student in Asian American Studies
-Moore Pomp, Native American Advocate
Little groups will be formulated in order to have deep discussions
10 :00-Workshop
"An Insight into the Minority Communities"
Speakers include:
--Pat Sumi, Third Word Womens Alliance
-Wagner Wheeler, Native American Student Association
-Olga Villa, Midwest Council of La Raza and other informed persons
"International Issues"
-Beatrice Berry, Black Africa
-Southeast Asia, a member of Indochina Peace Campaign
Fri. Workshops: Michigan League
Saturday, Feb. 23
11:00-MASS RALLY on the Diag to support sisters and brothers at the
Wounded Knee trials
Speakers include:
-Eddie Bentin, Native American leader, Minnesota
-Clyde Bellacourt
"Campus Politics: Misrepresentation and Repression"
Speakers include:
-Ted Liu, co-director of Minority Affairs Commission,
Student Govt. Council
-Lee Gill, former president of Student Govt. Council
-Lydia Ortiz, active member of Chicano at Michiaan,
co-director of Minority Affairs Commission, SGC
-Marcia Fishman, council person for Student Govt. Council
"The Racist Nature of Our Education"
Soeckers include:
-Arturo Marronuin, Profes-or of Psychcloav at U of M
-Les Owens, director of Afro-American Studies
-Bill Wei, Doctoral Candidate for Chinese Studies, member of Eastwind
-Kevin Hart, Native American Student Association
"Minority Programs: The Need and the Absence"
Speakers include:
-Wagner Wheeler, Native American Student A-sr-ciation
-Richard Garland, the Black Advocate
-Homero de Ia Crus
5:00-Work hoo
"National Issues"
Srenkers include:
-Farm Workers, David Super, member of CHcorm nrt Michigan

Photography by
Thomas Gottlieb
Ken Fink




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