THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1~age t-ive THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hoge IVQ 'hardt on the rape of the Sioux By MARNIE HEYN Eight famous people came from Nebraska, and John Neihardt is one of them. Neihardt is famous for epic poems, which almost no one has read, and for Black Elk Speaks, a volume, of interviews with an Oglala Sioux holy man. Nei- hardt was initiated into the tribe because of his long association with and deep understanding of its people. Now he has produced an al- bum of readings from 15 of his best prose and poetry descrip- tions of the death of the Sioux na- tion. The three record set will probably never sell a million, but it will ;provide anyone with the time and patience to sit through it with a stirring vision of the Sioux after the buffalo had gone. JOHN NEIHARDT/ Flaming Rainbow (United Artists LA 157- J3) begins with personal reflec- tions on people and events that have passed into history. He speaks of Sitting Bull, Black Elk, and Crazy Horse with intense emotion, but instead of choking on that emotion like a sentiment- al old man, he soars on top of it like the best historians in the oral tradition. His recollection of the old Sioux warriors and shamans is vivid, compassionate, and crackling with wit. If you discount the fact that you need electricity to play the records, and close your C ULTURE CrALE11WARk MUSKET-Gypsy in -the Power Center at 8 tonight. DRAMA-PTP presents Gay's Beggar's Opera at Mendels- sohn at 8 tonight. MUSIC-Bach Club presents works by Mozart, Beethoven on piano, violin and cello at Greene Lounge in East Quad at 8 tonight. SCHOOL OF MUSIC-Univesrity Concert Band, Harry Mc- Terry, conductor, at Hill Aud. at 8 tonight. FILM-Cinema Guild presents the Checkers Speech and The Young Mr. Lincoln in Arch. Aud. at 7, 9:05 tonight. Ann Arbor Film Co-op presents Truffaut's Jules and Jim in Aud. A, Angell, at 7 ,9 tonight. New World Film Co-op presents Behind the Green Door in Nat. Sci. Aud. at 7, 9 and 11 tonight. South Quad Films present Willard in Dining Rm. 2, South Quad, at 7:30, 9:30 tonight. Wo- men's Studies Films present Chopra and Weil's Joyce at 34 and Rothchild's Woo Who May Wilson in Lec. Rm. 1, MLB, at °7:30 tonight. nation eyes, you can imagine that you are sitting with Neihardt and the old, dying chiefs on a hilltop fac- ing the setting sun. Neihardt also relates tales of the great massacres like Sand Creek ,and Wounded Knee. Al- though his information is at least second hand, and often thirty years had passed between the event and the telling, his descrip- tions are very accurate - cer- tainly more reliable than news- paper accounts of the time. Finally, he explains some of the stranger byways of Sioux culture after white civilization's onslaught, like the Ghost Dance religion and assorted antics with sincere anthropologists and ling- uists. In doing so, he also gives us feed-back about our own strange notions. In the cut about Ghost Dancing, he explains that t he Sioux got their conception of con- quering death through flying from missionaries' explanations of Jesus' assumption to heaven. When Christian priests told that Jesus had been killed by his own people because they thought he was a troublemaker, the Sioux were not particularly surprised "They'd kill their own god. They tell it themselves!" The album title Flaming Rain- bow is Neihardt's Sioux name. In his own words: "Black Elk thus explained the name he gave me, Flaming Rainbow. The Sioux language has no word for poet, therefore he called me a word snder. 'He is a word sender. This world is like a garden. Over this garden go his words like raia, and where they fall they leave a little greener. And when his words have passed, the memory of them shall stand long in the west like a flaming rainbow.' " Inheritance disputed PARIS () - An attorney says an oiit-of-court settlement may be reached in an inheritance dis- pute between artist Pablo Pi- casso's two illegitimate children and his widow, Jacqueline, and a son. Picasso left a large collection of his own works and works by other artists when he died last year. His widow and son, Pablo, gave the works of other artists to the Louvre and claimed sole title to Picasso's works. But Claude and Paloma Pi- casso, the artist's children by Francoise Gillot, brought action under a French law giving il- legitimate children inheritance rights. A French civil court was to have rendered a decision in the case Tuesday, but it was delayed after the attorney for Claude and Paloma said an out-of-courtj settlement was being discussed. Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB Stanley Quartet The University's Stanley Quartet (Percy Kalt, violin; Robert Courte, viola; Jerome Jelinek, cello; and Benning Dexter, piano) performs a chamber music recital of works of Beethoven, Brahms, and Dohnanyi last night in Rackham Aud. B"loodrock, ZZ Top: Tighten your seat belt. You never had a trip like this be ore. CINTURY Fox COORYD LUX~e 8 FRIDAY and SATURDAY 8 and 10 p.m. COUZENS CAFETERIA Couzens Film Coop By RON LANGDON Bloodrock, to those who don't know, is the band who produced, back some time ago, the vivid and chillingly paranoid, but not too musical piece, "D.O.A." A novelty number in the vein of Black Sabbath, this songs of sorts gradually came to find air- space on progressive pop sta- tions last summer. The group had long since fallen dormant, its lead singer and guitarist having left for more viable out- lets. The band Bloodrock has now regrouped behind the vocal, woodwind, and writing talents of Warren Hahn, a young Fort Worth im'sician. With the re- lease of their new album, Whirl- wind Toungues (Capitol SMAS- 11259), the band proclaims it has found a "new direction." The group seems determined to demonstrate they can do ev- erything the big groups do. It's all there: the tight flute and drums of Jethro Tull; the dreamy guitar solos of Yes; the driving, searching progressions of Chicago. What's lacking is melody and theme, blend and flow. This album represents Blood- rock's self - proclaimed attempt to make a name in the world toavoid of FM rock, leaving behind the teeny scene. In the words of bas- sist Eddie Grundy: "The audi- ence will either grow up with us or drop off." I suspect, they will drop off. By DOUG ZERNOW The three-man rock group is a rarity in the music world today and to make it a trio must have some indefinitely outstanding feature. Grand Funk had their, incredible volume, Creem, their superb musicianship. ZZZ Top seems to depend on their raun- chiness. Their latest album, Tres Hom- bres (LONDON XPS-631), gives us three men who have a spec- ial talent for producing loud, boring music. Their songs, all in the "Fine Texas Tradition", as the jacket proclaims, sound as though they took at least two minutes to write and barely playing time to record. ZZ Top's problem lies in their inability to play different styles forget which might be helped by a keyboard player but only if they can come up with some better material. Every cut includes what sounds like the same screeching guitar solo and by the album's reliev- ing end you feel as it you've heard the same song ten times over. Until they "clean up their act", this is definitely not a group worth listening to. REHEARSAL PIANIST AUDITIONS rehearsal pianist needed for "ANNIE GET YOUR GUN" AUDITIONS SATURDAY FEBRUARY 16-10 A.M.-1 P.M. Call 761-2247 for appt. Ann Arbor Civic Theatre Building 201 Mulholland (off W. Washington) 3035 Washtenaw across from Lee Oldsmobile I I I 111 11 1 1 Fame and fortune can be yours for a song. 128,000 cash prizes THE AMER ICAN SONG FESTIVAL an international songwriting competition Let us enterita(inyo Rose (Margo Martindale) explains to children (Barbara Niemeyer, left, and Lauren Young, right) her plans to make them big Vaudeville headliners in M USKET'S production of 'Gypsy' which opens at Power Center tonight at 8. -#f i mediatrics pr esents ., }. FISTS OF FURY starring BRUCE LEE "High-powered martial arts action never stops" FRI. & SAT. $1.00 7 and 9:30 NATURAL SCIENCE AUDITORIUM NEXT WEEK-Second Annual New York Erotic Arts Festival ________. .____._v.. What is it? The beginning of a new era in music-the first annual international song- writing competition for both amateurs and professionals. The Festival will be crowned with a series of conce.rts to be held at the prestigious Sara- toga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., where winning songs will be performed by today's most popular enter- tainers. TV coverage of the Festival finale is planned. An album of the Festival's Best Songs will be released internationally. WHAT KIND OF SONGS? There are six ca- tegories for both amateur and professional: Rhythm and Blues/Soul/Jazz; Rock; Coun- try & Western; Popular; Folk; and Gospel/ Religious. A sang may be entered in more than one category. Amateurs compete against amateurs. Professionals against pro- fessionals. (Songwriters currently members of performing rights organizations: ASCAP, BMI, SESAC or their foreign counterparts will be considered professional.) HOW ARE WINNERS PICKED? Each song entered will be listened to by experts from the music industry. Thirty-six semi-f'inalists' songs will be chosen (three from each oro- fessionol and amateur category)o. These then will be judged by an international jury comprised of eminent composers, publishers, artists and other representatives of the re- cording and broadcast industries. PRIZES: Total cash prizes of $128,000 will be awarded. Each of the 36 semi-finalists will receive $500 cash and be the guest of the Festival for the August 30, through September 2, 1974 finals. Twelve finalists (a winner from each cate- gory, each division) will receive an addi- tional $5,000. The composers of the Best Amateur and Best Professonal song will each win an addi- tional $25,000. The, Laurel Award for best song of the Festival will be a concert grand piano in addition to cash prizes of $30,500. HOW TO ENTER: Start now. Enter as many songs as you wish for an entry fee of $10.85 per song. ($13.85 outside the USA and Canada). Send the application below with $10.85 for each song to the American Sona Festival. Applications must be post- marked no later than April 15, 1974. gook includes important information every songwriter should know; copyright laws, publishing, selling your songs, etc. Record your song on the blank cassette and return it. Instrumental and lyrical songs are accepted. You don't have to be able to write music- recording the cassette is enough. Elaborate production is not necessary. The song is what counts. IMPORTANT FACTS: You do not relin- quish ownership of a song by entering the Festival. All rights remain with the entrant. The Festival is a competition, not a music publishing organization. Prizes are not tied to publishing contracts. Songs previously re- corded and released commercially are not eligible for entry. CLOSING DATES: Application for entry must be. postmarked no later than April 15, 1974. The recorded cassette and entry form must be returned postmarked no later than June 3, 1974. Enter now-fill out and mail the coupon below today. You Kitd and will receive the Official Festival Entry ASF Cassette by Capitol, entry farm,, Songwriters' Handbook. This valuable I RULES AND REGULATIONS t It " Is Written . ...that working for a news- paper can be exciting, frus- L. Competition is oven to an nerson but emoloye"s, relatives, agents, independent contractors of the American Song Festival, Inc. (ASF, Inc.) 2. Each entry shall be wholly original and shall not. when used as contemplated herein, constitute an infringement of copyright or an invasion of the rights of any third party. Each entrant shall. by this entry, indemnify and hold the ASF, Inc., its agents, indepen- dent contractors, licensees and assigns harmless from and against any claims inconsistent with the foregoing., 3. Musical compositions heretofore recorded and released for commer- cial sales in any medium may not be entered. 4. An entry of $10.85 ($13.85 outside U.S. and Canada) shall be sub- mitted for each entry kit desired (blank cassette, Songwriters' Handbook, and official entry forml. After receipt, the entry form duly and accurately completed shall be returned with each recorded cassette. Any number of songs may be entered by an individual pro- vided that a separate entry fee is paid for each song. 5. The entrant must designate the category in which he wants his song judged. A song may be entered in more than one category by sending an additional fee of $6.25 for each additional category. 6. The rights to all songs remain with the entrant or the copyright owner. Not withstanding, the ASF, Inc., its licensees and assigns shall have the right to cause any song to be arranged, orchestrated and performed publicly. in connection with activities of ASP, Inc., at no cost to the entrant. Entrant, if requested, will issue or cause to be issued to the ASP. Inc., and its licensees and assigns a license to mechanically reproduce the song on an original sound track al- bum of the ASP in consideration of a payment calculated at the applicable rate set forth in the U.S. Copyright Act and will also issue or cause to be issued a license permitting the song to be re- corded and synchronized with a filmed or video-tape account of the ASP for use in any medium for a fee of $1.00. All materials sub- mitted in connection with entries shall become the sole property of ASP, Inc. and no materials shall be returned to the entrant. The ASP, Inc. shall exercise reasonable care in the handling of materials but assumes no responsibility of any kind for loss or damage to such entry materials prior to or after receipt by the ASP, Inc. 7. Each entry shall be judged on the basis of originality, quality of musical composition -and lyrical content, if applicable. Elabofate instrumentation or recording is not a factor in judging. All deci- sions of the screening panels and judges shall be °final and binding upon the ASP, Inc. and all entrants. 8. Application for entry must be postmarked no later than April 15, 1974. Recorded entries must be postmarked by June 3, 1974. trating, enjoyable and freshing re- ---ENTER NOW--------------------------------- The American Song Festival, P.O. Box 57, Hollywood, CA 90028 73 i i I IfiL... LE ma I... TUCI% A11V ofI I AT 9 P M nNLY I ®I a