Da it
See Today for details
See editorial page
Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 113
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 14, 1974
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Regents confer
The Regents gather here today and tomorrow for their
monthly schedule of meetings. Topping this round's
agenda is a proposal to reorganize the University's ath-
letics operation that, if passed, would make intramural,
club and recreational sports a separate division and
create an assistant directorship and a budget for
women's intercollegiate athletics. The Regents will also
discuss a plan to make Stockwell coed next fall. A
recent Medical Center Review Committee Report which
suggested establishment of an Allied Health Professions
school and a vice presidency for health affairs will also
be a topic this month. The Board meets in the Regents'
Room on the first floor of the Administration Bldg. Open
meetings include a Public Discussion at 2 p.m. today
followed by a Public Comments Session at 4, and a
public meeting tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Dope note
1,900 pounds of suspected marijuana were seized early
yesterday in a vice raid at an East Saginaw home. The
haul has an estimated street value of $500,000 and a pos-
sible value of $1 million if cut and sold as lids and joints.
A young man and his wife were arrested in the raid.
Coed johns coming?
The University Housing Council, an all-student ad-
visory body, voted unanimously yesterday to support a
resolution which states, "Students living in residence
halls shall democratically determine the use of bath-
room facilities on their own corridors." The issue will
be discussed at the meeting of the student-faculty Hous-
ing Policy Committee on Feb. 20 at 2:30 p.m. in Dining
Room 4 of West Quad.
Happenings ... .
. on this 1974 Valentine's Day begin at noon for
women students who are interested in a discussion on
career opportunities in computer science and the Federal
Government, in Conf. Rms. 4 & 5 of the Michigan
League . . . also at noon, there will be a meeting of the
secretarial sub-committee of the Women's Commission
in the Wolverine Rm. of the Union . . . then from 4 to
6 p.m. there will be a meeting for students interested in
studies in religion program in 407 Mason . . . at 7:30
p.m. State Representative Perry Bullard will be speak-
ing on Corporate Accountability, Impeachment and In-
vasion of Privacy at Bursley Hall's East Lounge .
and to end the day of hearts and flowers, Lisa Crawford,
professor of harpsichord at Oberlin Conservatory, will
present a harpsichord concert in the school of music
recital hall at 8 p.m. . . . James Del Rio, Detroit Re-
corder's Ct., will speak in faculty lounge of the Michigan
Union. 7 .m. Open to everyone, refreshments, sponsor-
ed by Black Pre-lawyer's Association . . . The Farm-
workers Support Committee is meeting at the north door
of the Union at 3 p.m. before picketing Wrigleys . .
students protesting the oil companies will meet at the
Fishbowl for a 1 p.m. march to the Engineering Building.
Nixon's health OK
President Nixon yesterday
was pronounced physically,
and emotionally well after '
an annual physical checkup
that took on political o v e r-
tones because of the pres-
sures of the Watergate scan- r
dal. The 61-year-old Nixon -
who says he will not resign
as long as he is phyically
able to carry on his jot) - isf
in "excellent shape," his doc-
tor, Air Force Maj.-Gen. Wal-
ter Tkach, reported after the
two and one half hour exam-
ination. Six specialists exam-
ined the President at t h e
nearby Bethesda Naval Hos
pital. "There is no evidence
whatsoever of mental strain,
and I don't see any evidence
of physical strain." Tkach re-
ported. He added that the
President was in "a very
good frame of mind."
Navy racism?
Ten black American seamen charged with assaulting
white sailors in a race riot aboard the 6th Fleet flag-
ship Little Rock accused the U.S. Navy of racism yes-
terday and said they were being denied a fair trial. The
seamen blamed the violence that broke out Nov. 8
aboard the guided missile light cruiser, on tensions that
built up in a month at sea during the Middle East
war because the captain allegedly failed to act on their
complaints of racism. The ten seamen and an eleventh
black sailor charged in an earlier incident aboard the
cruiser said at a news conference in a Naples hotel
that they considered their impending court-martial il-
legal because it was convened by Capt. P. K. Cullins,
45, commander of the Little Rock, who was directly
involved in the incident.
On the inside N.
Marcia Merker previews the Michigan-Michigan
State track meet on the Sports page . . . Marnie Heyn
reviews John Neihardt's new three record set on the
Arts Page . . . on the Editorial Page, three eminent
Daily staffers slash Hunter Thompson's Future Worlds'
«...n e.r #. #iw xrn~o ~l~nr <+ T-,
The Housing Policy Committee
(HPC) has taken issue with the
Housing Office's recommendation
that the rising cost of maintenance
and services be offset by an eight
per cent dorm fee increase for
Members of HPC, a student-
faculty policy board, contend that
the Housing Office could cover in-
flated costs by either enconomiz-
ing in non-vital areas of next year's
budget or dipping into monies
which normally are deposited else-
THE BUDGET suggestions from
HPC have added a new angle to
A ternate budgets proposed to forestall 8% hide
the growing dispute over the role
of student policy boards in Uni-
versity decision-making, with hous-
ing officials maintaining that HPC
and similar groups can only offer
advice, not policy.
Such measures as replacement
of professional dorm employes with
student workers, and removal of
such operations as the Student
Activities Building,ahave been sug-
gested by HPC to reduce Housing
These measures could, in the
committee's view, balance inflat-
ing prices on such items as food,
electricity, and sewage treatment.
The committee suggests that if
these cutbacks wouldn't be enough
to stem higher costs, inflating
prices cannot be balanced, deficits
should be covered with monies
normally deposited into the Build-
ing and Equipment ("B and E")
fund for major dorm repairs, and
the General Student Resident Re-
serve .(GSRR) for excess housing
Ron Beck, there are two factors
of equal importance behind the
committee's position. First, fol-
lowing Vice President for Student
Services Henry Johnson's descrip-
tion of the committtee as "merely
an advisory board," HPC fears it
may have practicaully no control
over how "B and E" and GSRR
monies are spent.
The committee says it will not
approve allocations into funds that
it may not control in the future.
The second factor behind the
anti-fee increase position is de-
scribed by HPC member David
Faye: "I think it's absolutely ri-
diculous to force students to pay
higher rates when the extra money
needed is available from eise-
An eight per cent hike would
mean a rate increase of approxi-
mately $100 for each dorm resi-
ASSOCIATE Director of Housing
Claude Orr maintains that spend-
ing the funds that would normally
be deposited into GSRR and "B
and E" is unfeasible.
Orr says that the student housing
repair budget, which pre-supposes
normal 1974-75 GSRR deposits, will
create a GSRR deficit. He holds
that the GSRR money must be
deposited because it is needed
Director of Housing John Feld-
kamp states that implementing a
plan including probable failure to
make "B and E" deposits for next
year would be "acting in bad
faith, and acting illegally." He
cites the University's bond inden-
ture mortgages with the Detroit
bank that loaned the dorm con-
struction funds.
See HPC, Page 2
-pI/1 act
By AP and Reuter
bulent 13-nation Washington
energy conference ended yes-
terday with an agreement to
meet quickly with producer
nations to ease the oil crisis.
Although France objected
to key provisions, Secretary
of State Henry Kissinger
called the three-day meeting
a complete success.
FRANCE disagreed on many
points but signed the communique
as a whole.
The efforts to compromise the
French views with those of the
other 12 nations sent the confer-
ence, originally scheduled only for
Monday and Tuesday, into a third
day of sessions.
At a news conference after the
last session, French foreign minis-
ter Michel Jobert indicated he
felt that the proposals went be-
yond common Market principles,
which provide for an economic, not
a political community.
JOBERT complained that he
"never quite understood the na-
ture of this conference and as a
matter of fact, as the days passed
by, I never could find out what
the nature should be."
All of the foreign ministers, in-
cluding France, agreed that solu-
tions to the world's energy psrob-
lems should be sought in consulta-
tion with the producer countries.
The American-promised compro-
mise machinery which France ob-
jected to established a coordinat-
ing group headed by senior offic-
ials. The group was instructed to
"direct preparations of a confer-
ence of consumer and producer
countries which is to be held at the
earliest possible opportunity and
which, if necessary, will be pre-
ceded by a further meeting of
consumer countries."
remaining 12 nations all "concur-
red in the need for a comprehen-
sive action program to deal with
all facets of the world energy situ-
ation by cooperative measures."
Kissinger emphatically declared
the United States does not con-
sider itself to be in a confronta-
tion with France. He said he had
read some articles in the Euro-
pean press about a divorce be-
tween France and the United
States. "That is absolutely not
true," he said.
KISSINGER told reporters that
he thinks international efforts to
meet the energy crisis will result
See WORLD, Page 7
AP Photo
Expelled Soviet author Alexander Solzhenitsyn, left, and his host, West German author Heinrich Boll
talk to villagers yesterday after the Soviet author arrived at Langenbroich. Banished from his own na-
tion, Solzhenitsyn will stay at Boll's summer home.
Banished Soviet author
arrives, in ry. ,,a
By The AP and Reuter about my family . . . said the deplaned.
LANGENBROICH, West Ger- 55-year-old author. He brushed
many -Banished from his own aside any questions. "You must IN MOSCOW, Solzhenitsyn's wi
country, a tired and stunned Alex- understand my situation. I cannot Natalya Svetlova said last nig
ander Solzhenitsyn arrived here hold a news conference and an- she and her three sons will foll
yesterday to begin a new life in swer your questions now." He add- him into exile, "but when, wh
exile in the West. ed he would refuse interviews for . . . we just don't know."
"Now I simply have to collect several days. Natalya Svetlova spoke to new
myself and to understand my situ- He said he first learned he was persons soon after her husba
ation," he told the press before to be expelled at 1 p.m. Moscow telephoned her from a distant We
telephoning his wife in Moscow. time yesterday, about two hours German country retreat. It w
He made his brief remarks in the before the scheduled departure of her first contact with Solzhenits
courtyard of the country retreat of the flight for Frankfurt. since he was dragged out of h
German author Heinrich Boll in Only one person met the author Moscow apartment by secret po1
the rolling Eifel mountains near in Frankfurt. Gerlinde Kutschera, agents Tuesday evening.
here, Solzhenitsyn's first haven an airport employe who had learn- At about the time Solzhenits
outside the Soviet Union. ed that Solzhenitsyn was aboard the was calling his wife, the Sov
"You understand, I am very plane, rushed to the ramp and government made its first domes
tired. I am worried. I am worried handed him a single rose as he public announcement thatt
--- author had been banished.
AP Photo
SECRETARY OF STATE Henry Kissinger speaks to a group of
Washington reporters yesterday on energy matters. The briefing
ended the three-day 13-nation energy conference.
Dorm residents urge
UFW grape boycott
Students in. University Housing
have gathered forces and started
a campaign urging dorm residents
to boycott non-union grapes as well
as non-union lettuce.
The campaign, which has been in
the planning for almost three weeks
now, varies from dorm to dorm.
However, the main goal of the
organizers has been to obtain sig-
natures on petitions circulating
throughout the dorms which call
for the University Housing Council
(UHC) to approve the boycott of
non-union grapes in the residence
halls. The group of students plan
to present the petitions to UHC
on Feb. 26.
THE PETITION simply calls for
the addition of grapes to the
United Farm Workers (UFW) boy-
cott of lettuce already in effect in
the dorms.
If approved ,the boycott would
last for an indefinite amount of
time, as long as the nationwide
boycott continues and no substan-
tial interest in revoking the boy-
cott appears.
This latest effort to support the
UFW- boycott comes at a time
when even the lettuce boycott in
residence halls has come under
Conservative elements in the
dorms have, within the past year,
circulated petitions to put lettuce
back on the dinner tables. When
the issue arose in UHC, it was
narrowly vetoed and the boycott
During last week's Student Cov-
ernment Council meeting, Council-
See DORMS, Page 7
Democratic hopeful
opens local campaign
Making his first appearance in
what he plans to be a strong cam-
pus campaign, Democratic candi-
date for the U. S. House of Repre-
sentatives John Reuther acknowl-
edged that Republican incumbent
Marvin Esch will not be easily
beaten. <
"It's more than Esch's record
that we have to look at - it's the
entire Nixon Administration," Reu-
ther told a small crowd in East
Quad's Greene Lounge last night.
STRONGLY supporting the im-
peachment of President Nixon, the f
30-year-old nephew of former Unit-
Broadcasters ended the Wedines-
day evening news broadcast with a
25-second statement t h a t the
author of "Gulag Archipelago" has
been "stripped of citizenship" for
actions "incompatible with being
a citizen of the USSR and detri-
mental" to the country.
"Gulag Archipelago," a detailed
study of Stalinist prison camps
published in Paris last December,
brought down an intense and con-
certed official attack on the
novelist and former camp inmate.
The attack culminated in a sum-
mons to the prosecutor's office last
Friday-whichSolzhenitsyn's wife
refused to accept-and the arrest
SVETLOVA SAID her husband
reassured her during their 15-
minute telephone talk that he felt
tired bt all right despite his 26-
hour ordeal.
le told her he was first taken
tn eot n irsnn the feared iail
Valentine peddlers id lovers'
market is loverly for business
Judging from Valentine's Day sales, Ann Arbor
is one helluva loving town. Shoppers are rushing
to buy everything from the traditional sweetheart
cards to Alex Comfort's The Joy of Sex.
According to Chris Swanson, manager of Logos <
gift shop, many of the more popular cards this
year feature the "Peanuts" characters because
they have a "nice blend of reality and humor."
One typical card finds Charlie Brown saying,
"I got to thinking about you at lunchtime today.
And I got so excited . . . I tied my peanut butter g
sandwich in a knot."
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