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February 13, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-02-13

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Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

P43a il

See Today for details

ILZ-l I . I % I k I- I


Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 13, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages



Author arrested by

Observatory honored
The decrepit-looking globular building on the Hill has
finally gotten itself into the history books. The Detroit
Observatory, the second oldest structure on the campus,
has been placed on the U. S. Interior Departments Na-
tional Register of Historic Places. The observatory,
which was built in 1854 at the enviable cost of $22,000,
joins President Fleming's elegant mansion on the list
of federally-honored old buildings. The observatory's
Fitz refracting telescope, installed 120 years ago, is still
in use today.
Keep on shovelin'
At Monday night's City Council meeting Mayor Jim
Stephenson took several minutes to extol the virtue of
those who had been diligent in shovelling their walks
and driveways making the city a safer place for children
and senior citizens. But somebody should tell Mayor Jim
that safety begins where you work. The steps of City
Hall were so icy and slippery one constituent present at
the meeting slipped and fell down a flight of stairs while
Yietnam casualties
The Defense Department announced Monday that
four servicemen previously listed as missing in action
in the Vietnam war have now been declared dead. One
of the four 'is Sergeant First Class Michael Wallace,
an Ann Arbor native who was missing since before the
official Vietnam ceasefire, more than a year ago.
Happenings .. .
._. feature plenty of meetings. The Rackham Student
Government holds its weekly executive session at 7 p.m.
on Rackham's 4th Floor . . . Tae-Kwon Do enthusiasts
gather at Trotter House . . . John Reuther, the Demo-
cratic Congressional candidate from the 2nd district is
holding a discussion in East Quad's Greene Lounge at
7 p.m. ... "Early Childhood Education for Black Chil-
dren" is the topic of a multi-cultural lecture at 7 p.m. in
Rackham Assembly Hall . .. it's Japanese night at the
Rive Gauche ... the Revolutionary Communist Youth
is meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Michigan Union Room 42Q
. . . the Guild House is sponsoring a discussion on male-
female relationships at noon.
Not forgotten
A certified letter containing the first state court sub-
poena of an American President apparently has been lost
in the mail. Superior Court Judge Gordon Ringer, the
judge in the "Watergate West" trial who issued the
historic order said the error left him "speechless."
Judge Ringer's clerk said federal postal officials have
put an immediate tracer on the missing envelope, but
they said they wouldn't begin to worry until the delay
exceeded 15 days. The subpoena was sent to Washing-
ton by certified mail a week ago in an attempt by a
state court judge to force President Nixon to testify
in. the conspiracy trial of three former White House
Mafia on trial
The trial of 76 alleged Mafia members opened in Pa-
lermo Sicily yesterday as part of a large-scale effort by
Italian authorities to crack down on organized crime ac-
tivities. The accused include figures who are reportedly
among Italy's most dangerous and feared men. The
group was rounded up in a police sweep against the Ma-
fia following the sensational slaying of Palermo's chief
public prosecutor, who died in a hail of machine gun
fire two years ago.
Happy hooking,
A district judge has ruled that Louisiana's prostitu-
tion laws are unconstitutional because they discriminate
against women. He claimed that the state prostitu-
tion laws only punish women and provide for no penal-
ties for men involved in such activities. The ruling
states: "Since sex is not criminal, and money is not

criminal, and male-female monied sex is not criminal,
but male-female monied sex is criminal, the law is ir-
Fingers in many pies
The staid, old agriculture department has interests
these days going far beyond its usual concern in hogs,
corn and wheat. It also owns a small, indirect interest
in a high-class night club and gambling casino in Leba-
non. If anyone wants to buy the department's share in
the casino and assorted other enterprises, including Mid-
dle East Airlines and a French' shipyard, the agency is
open to offers, an official said today.
On the inside
. . The editorial page fedtures fan mail and good
advice from our readers . . . the Arts Page presents an
interview with Groucho Marx . . . and Roger Rossiter
discusses the hockey team's chances for entering the
WCHA playoffs.

Journalist Thompson greets
enthusiastic campus following

The selfstyled "Prince of Gonzo Journalism"
Hunter Thompson came to town yesterday. as
"Fear and Loathing" hit the Future Worlds lecture
The frantic scene before 1,500 people at Hill Aud.
was one of delight for the author of Fear and
Loathing on the Campaign Trail. Playing the
media hero to the hilt, Thompson entered, stretch-
ed his arms in a "V" sign, and anticipated the
adulation the audience readily accorded him.
Gonzo journalism is a mystic recipe combining
fact, fiction, and active participation in the event
being reported. It is a recipe known only to the
high priests of the craft. Thompson-perhaps the
highest of them all-has been known to practice

the art while under the influence of foreign sub-
stances, both legal and otherwise.
THE FUN BEGAN when one fan rolled a bottle
of Wild Turkey bourbon - Thompson's favorite
brand-across the stage to Dr. Gonzo.
Following presentation of the gift, Shakin' Jake
-the city's own strolling troubador-played a brief
blues set before the crowd while a human being
masquerading as a gorilla moved to center stage
and bowed at Thompson's feet.
Throughout these antics and the appreciative
hoots from the audience, Thompson quietly defer-
red to Shakin' Jake.
THOMPSON, however, had warned the audience
at the outset that his speech would not follow the
See THOMPSON, Page 9

ref ushi
By The AP and Reuter
MOSCOW - S o v i e t police
muscled into a Moscow apart-
ment yesterday and arrested
Nobel Prize author Alexander
Solzhenitsyn, t h e dissident
writer's wife reported.
She said that Solzhenitsyn
was confronted by seven
"rough" men just inside the
d o o r of her apartment. A
counselor from the state pros-
ecutor's office named Sverev
showed a document authoriz-
ing use of force to take him
into custory, she added.
"I WON'T GO," she said Solz-
henitsyn told them. "I have ex-
plained why. I won't go unless you
take me by force."
The mother of Natalya Svetlova,
the noveltist's wife, said the police
then dragged him off. Ms. Solz-
henitsyn said the prosecutor's of-
fice advised her four hours later
that Solzhenitsyn was under arrest.
Since publication in the West of
his new book on the Soviet labor
camp system, "Gulag Archipela-
go," Solzhenitsyn has been attack-
ed in the tress, criticized on radio
and television and charicatured in
posters as an enemy of "every-
thing the Soviet Union holds dear."
SOLZHENITSYN has twice re-
fused to honor summonses to ap-
pear for questioning ."I refuse to
acknowledge the legality of your
summons and will not come for an
interrogation to any state organ,"
he said in a statement Monday.
Ms. Solzhenitsyn said she did not
know where they had taken her
husband, since she was unable to
leave the apartment. She added
that one of the locks on the door
had been broken by the police.
Correspondents who later visited
the prosecutor's office were told
by a high-ranking police officer at
the game that Solzhenitsyn was
not there.
YESTERDAY'S action could be
.the first step toward a trial for
"anti-Soviet slander." Or he could
be released soon in hopes his de-
tention would serve as a warning
to stop making statements to
Western newsmen.
The maximum sentence for anti-
Soviet slander is seven years in a

police after

labair camp and five additional
years in Siberian exile. If he is to
be tried, the author could be held
for investigation for up to nine
In Zurich Solzhenitsyn's Swiss
lawyer, Fritz Heeb, said the deten-
tion would not affect publication
of the author's books in the West.
"We will go ahead as planned,"
he said. "This changes nothing."
THE AUTHOR'S British publish-
ers said in London that they were
shocked, but not surprised. "We
were vaguely expecting it," a
spokesperson said.
The British Foreign Office said:
"This is an internal matter for the
Soviet Union."
The Royal Swedish Academy in
Stockholm, which awarded Solz-
henitsyn the Nobel Prize for litera-
ture in 1970, expressed concern
at the "deeply tragic" news.



French disagree with
conference proposals

Angela Davis to speak at
upcoming 'U' conference

WASHINGTON (P) - The 13-na-
tion Washington energy confer-
ence was forced into an unsched-
uled third day after France re-
fused yesterday to agree on a
communique based on U. S. pro-
posals for meeting the oil crisis.
After a day of private meetings
between Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger and French Foreign
Minister Michael Jobert and cau-
cuises by the European Common
Market nations, the conference
reached its original termination
date with little accomplished.
INSTEAD A drafting committee
was appointed to work through the
night on a draft communique that
might be acceptable to the French.
"We are coming back tomorrow
and we will be meeting during the
night to work on the communi-
que," Kissinger told newsmen yes-
Jobert told a news conference
that "we will do our best to re-
solve the problem."
HOWEVER, other statements by
Jobert and U. S. officials indicat-
ed little hope for accommodation.
American sources clearly felt any

compromise would have to come
from the French since the United
States and the other participants
were already in basic accord.
The American position as"agreed
to by all the Common Market
countries except France calls for
setting up a committee to prepare
for further meetings with less de-
veloped nations and ultimately
with the major oil producing coun-
The French have objected to any
plan based on strong international
cooperation which downgrades uni-
lateral agreements with the oil
Regardless of the French atti-
tude, U.S. and other officials said
a communique would be issued,
even if Jobert refuses to sign.
Meanwhile it was announced
that Iraq will boycott an Arab oil
meeting this week in Libya be-
cause oil ministers want to talk
about lifting the petroleum em-
bargo against the United States.
In, another anti-United States
move, Libya said it was national-
izing the final holdings of three
American oil companies.
The Chriptian Science Monitor
See FRENCH, Page 2

Despite the adverse affects of
administrative and financial diffi-
culties, the minority student-spon-
sored Third World People's Soli-
darity Conference is shaping up to
be one of the most enlightening
approaches to minority affairs in
a year that has been marked by
demonstrations and renewed ac-
The conference, scheduled for
Feb. 21 through 23, will bring ac-
tivist Angela Davis and American
Indian Movement co-founder Clyde
Bellacourt to campus.
Although the speakers will prob-
ably be the biggest drawing card
for both minority and non-minority
students at the University, the con-
ference will also draw students as'
a one credit mini-course spon-
sored by the literary college.
hard on the heels of a number of

setbacks for minority students.
Within recent months, the Univer-
sity revealed that the 1970 BAM
demands had failed by an even
greater degree than originadly an-
ticipated (7.3 per cent black en-
rollment of the 10 per cent de-
manded), and the resignation of
the first black Student Govern-
ment Council (SGC) president, Lee
The Third World Conference pur-
ports to educate and "promote
greater understanding and sensi-
tivity among third world students."
Ted Liu, co-director of SGC's
Minority Affairs Commission and
one of the chief organizers of the
conference, expressed the purpose
of the conference a little mcre
"We're trying to bring about an
awareness to minority students as
a group," said Liu. "There's a lot
who don't know they've got prob-
lems, they've been so filtered into
the system."
ALTHOUGH the conference has
been the major project of the Mi-
nority Affairs Commission and its
co-sponsors, East Wind (an Asian
organization) a n d Chicanos at
Michigano(CAM),, thehorganiza-
tional aspects of the program have
apparently not gone smoothly.
Inside sources claim the group
has been hampered by lack of co-
operation from the University and,
at times, outright antagonism.
LIU WOULD not commentton
these claims, except to say that
Vice-President for Student Services
Henry Johnson agreed to support
the program yesterday morning.


HEW alleges. drive to
sink rent proposal
The Human Rights Party (HRP) yesterday charged that local
landlord interests have planned to collect up to $85,000 to finance an
anti-rent control campaign.
Citizens Opposed to Rent Control, a landlord-dominated group, has
requested that each local landlord contribute $5 per rental unit managed
to a drive to sink an HRP-proposed rent control measure appearing
on April's city election ballot, according to party spokespersons.
The total fund could reach $85,000-"a massive sum by local cam-

paign standards"-HRP claimed.
TO DOCUMENT the charges,
HRP distributed copies of two let-
ters-allegedly written and circu-
lated by property owners-outlin-
ing plans for defeating the rent
control proposal.
One letter emphasized the use
of "alternative actions, legal or
otherwise" to perpetuate "t h e
right to retain private ownership
and 'maintain the free enterprise
The second letter from local
realtor Neil Snook to another real-
tor, Craig Hall, stated that rent
control is "intended to bring peo-
ple who own, operate or manage
income property to their knees."
The letter concludes that "a le-
gal effort to evaluate and stop
this petition (rent control) before
it gets can the ballot worl he the

Students battle 'U 'in
coed bathroom bowl

"Socially I have matured by
sharing a bathroom with the
women on the hall. I know that
they are not things or objects
put here for my amusement."
"I have a sneaking suspicion
about those who are trying to
rid dorms of coed johns. I think
they're'acting out of pure
"Big deal, so I see Tom, Dick
or Harry naked every other

Coed bathrooms currently exist
in both East Quad and Alice Lloyd.
The trouble all began last semes-
ter, following an editorial entitled
"Open Dorms and Coed Bath-
rooms" which appeared in the
Wall Street Journal.
Following the appearance of the
editorial, Housing Director John
Feldkamp sent a letter to all dorm
building directors asking them to
follow the Regent's ruling on bath-
rooms. The ruling commits the
University to provide and maintain


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