Thursday, January 10, 1974
rage 5even
ThrdyIaur 0 94TEMCIA AL
rage Seven
On December 29, 1973, the UCLA
Bruins beat Michigan, 90-70, for their
83rd consecutive win, and almost every-
one at Pauley Pavilion was surprised;
not surprised that UCLA had won, but
rather, at how Michigan had lost. For 25
minutes, they were all the Bruins could
John Wooden, UCLA's coach, (and
Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the
Year in 1972), called the Wolverines a
physical team, "a typical Big Ten
team in that respect." Perhaps he
meant that the Maize and Blue
wouldn't lay down for his team. Trail-
ing 8-5, the Wolverines ran off nine
straight points on a 15-foot jumper by
Wayman Britt, a lay-up and a jumper
by Campy Russell, a Joe Johnson free
throw and a Russell lay-up of a miss-
ed free throw. All of a sudden it
was 14-8, Michigan.
The near-capacity crowd of 12,618 was
buzzing. The night before they'd seen
the Bruins sleep to an easy 85-58 win
over Wyoming. They wanted a close
one tonight, to be sure, but Michigan
was giving them more than they had
bargained for.
It wasn't meant to be. UCLA, jerked
alert by the Michigan explosion, and
aided by some very poor (or very for-
tunate, depending on your point of Britt started the second half, and for
view) refereeing, outscored the Wolver- the first seven minutes the game was
ines 30-10 over the next 9 minutes to virtually even. But then history repeated
pull comfortably in front. Ten of those itself. Britt drew his fifth and last foul
points were by Bill Walton, UCLA's with 13:03 to go, and the Bruins prompt-
superman center. ly scored 12 in a row. Campy Russell
Even on his off nights, which are stopped 'the streak with a free throw,
few and far between, Walton has the Now that the Bruin fans knew they
knack of making the big play. No ex- were safe, they could afford some kind-
ception was the 29th of December. ness. When Russell hurt his knee late
With the score tied at 20 all, Walton in the game, the crowd gave the tourna-
grabbed an offensive rebound that he ment's leading scorer a' standing ova-
had no business even being near. On tion. Steve Grote scored three buckets
his attempt for a basket immediately down the stretch to make it a little
following, he was fouled by Wayman closer, but the game had already been
Britt. It was Britt's fourth personal, won by the better team.
and he, who had played brilliantly UCLA 90, MICHIGAN 70. What a
against the Bruins thus far, quickly shame.
departed for Chuck Rogers. No, not a shame that Michigan lost,
Up to that point the Wolverines had but a shame that the game wasn't
been playing superb defense - superb played at Crisler. Michigan fans aren't
team defense. Johnny Orr's men were used to playing David against Go-
switching and pressing and helping one liath. For the lucky Wolverine rooters
another out, generally keeping the it's usually the other way around.
Bruins off balance; they yielded few The ironic part, though, is that for
good-percentage shots. But when Britt such inexperienced Davids we gave a
left, the defensive flow slowed. The great showing. Most teams that face
Bruins, who needed 12 minutes to get the powerful Bruins seem to play in awe
their first 20 points, got 20 more in the of them for the first couple of minutes.
next six. Britt returned with two min- By then the score is 15-2 and any ques-
utes left and the Bruins got only two tion of an upset is gone.
more points, but the damage had been But the Wolverines didn't do that.
done. UCLA led 42-32 at the half. They came out and fought UCLA tooth
and nail, actually dominating the first
seven minutes of play. Were they un-
afraid of the legend they were facing?
Hardly. Campy Russell, who was su-
perb throughout, said afterwards that
he had "half expected UCLA to be a
team that never missed a shot, never
threw a bad pass or lost a rebound."
That's pretty frightening.
But the Wolverines played tough.
They made the Bruins work hard for
their win-something that few teams
can say. The way they came out and
played inspired basketball tells a lot
about this team's character.
In speaking with Steve Grote, after
the Wolverines' 88-66 win over San Fran-
cisco in the opening round, the raw
talent that each of these teams possess
became apparent as did the fire that
Grote has inside of him. He said, "I
wasn't good enough in high school to be
approached by UCLA, but even if I had
been, I don't think I would have gone.
I've heard a lot about them, and I want
to beat them soooo much."
Intensity can go just so far, though.
Grote again, a f t e r losing: "Every
team has certain physical limits-
things they can do and things they
just can't do." The look in his eyes
finished the sentence.
In the end it was Bill Walton who did
the Wolverines in. In the first half he
scored seven points in a minute and a
half to help UCLA increase their lead
from 23-20 to 30-24. At 52-41 in the sec-
ond (the point where Britt fouled out),
Walton smelled victory like a shark
smells blood. Twice the Wolverines
came down the floor looking to cut
their deficit to nine. Each time Walton
limited them to one shot. Then he
scored on a 12-foot turnaround jump.
Thirty seconds later he grabbed a re-
bound and threw an incredible full court
pass to Pete Trovich for an easy lay-up.
He rebounded Campy Russell's miss and
scored at the other end. He blocked a
Lionel Worrell shot. Walton had "turned
it on" for three minutes and suddenly
Michigan trailed 66-41.
Yes, it's a shame that Wolverine
rooters couldn't have seen this game.
Those spoiled football fans who cry for
more touchdowns when Michigan is
ahead 49-13 could have learned some-
thing. They could have known the pride
that Navy's fans must have had after
their 14-0 defeat at our hands; to have
faced impossible odds and to have given
a supreme effort in spite of them. The
pride of playing a team of supermen
evenly for a while. It seems a lot more
satisfying than beating Iowa 60-0. More
painful, but more satisfying.
Southern Illinois for two points as Campy Russell (20) and
Joe Johnson (24) follow up the shot before a sparse Crisler
Arena gathering.
- - - - ------- -- -------- -
periences the culture shocks of pos-
sessing a non-contending ballciub.
The Buckeyes stand 5-6 overall
this year and 0-1 in the Big Ten
after an opening homecourt loss to
Illinois last Saturday.
By Our Basketball Staff So far this year, Wisconsin has ing and most aggressive outtit
Although the Big Ten basketball lived up to their preseason clap- around.
season is nearly one week old, it pings. They have offed 8 of 9 -JIM ECKER
is not too late to take a capsulated opponents, including an easy romp * * *
look at what promises- to be an over Northwestern Saturday, with
interesting and exciting campaign. their only loss a one-point defeat Pud'
Graduation has depleted the at the hands of seventh-ranked The Purdue Boilermakers rate
Big Ten of what many fans con- arquette. as one of the favorites to cop the
sidered to be its finest collec- -GEORGE HASTINGS title. They have size, experience,
tion of individual talent. Just one * quickness and an excellent ',oach,
of last season's Top Ten scorers Fred Schaus. But thus far in the
returns in Michigan State's Mike Indianashort Big Ten season they have Js-
Robinson. Now a senior, Robin- Anybody who would write off played a quality that no other
son is favored to win his third Indiana after what happened in Schaus coached team has shown,
straight scoring crown. Crisler Arena last Saturday is be- the slow start.
Gone are Weatherspoon, Horn- ing a trifle premature. One game Against Michigan State the
yak, Kunnert, Wilmore, Downing, does not a season make, and the Riveters didn't gain the lead un-
Behagen, Sibley, and Turner and Hoosiers are loaded with talent. til late in the second half. At
many teams (including Minnesota The Hoosiers (8-3) play one of
and Michigan) faced wholesale re- the toughest schedules in the Big ,.
building. Ten. Before Michigan got to
The smoke has cleared from the them, Notre Dame and Oregon
whirlwind of New York to Hono- State (in the Far West Classic)
lulu tournaments and the confer- offed Indiana, but such teams as
ence teams can settle down to the entucky, South Carolina, and
old family quarrels here in middle Miami of Ohio have fallen beforeI
America. the Big Red Horde.
While most of the student body Chief among the army of return-,
of the Big Ten schools relaxed, the ing sophomores that Bobby Knight
basketball teams worked hard. can muster are the backcourt team {
Some made p r o g r e s s; others of Quinn Buckner and Jim Crews.
didn't. Here is our staff consensus Buckner spent last summer playi n
did't Hre s urstff onenusbasketball on touring American
and articles on each team in our tsg
predicted order of finish: Junior
DAILY STAFF CONSEUSUS Junior forward Steve Green an-
AILSTAFF CNE U chors the front. line. "That Greenf
1. Wisconsin 57 is a prety good ballplayer, re-
2. Indiana 51 flected Johnny Orr after he scored
3. MICHIGAN 49 18 points on Orr's Wolverines.
4. Purdue 45 The biggest disappointments onI
5. Iowa 34 the Hoosier team have been ient Purdue's Kendrick
6. Illinois 22 Bensen and Scott May, both of Northwestern the Boilermakers
7. (tie) Ohio State 21 whom were highly touted in pre- turned the ball over eight of their
Minnesota 21 season predictions. However, the first nine possessions. And an
Michigan State 21 bench has kept the Hoosiers cap- airine Winterostad aI
10. Northwestern 7 ably staffed. John Laskows ki don't Tew interte,"
* Bob Wilkerson, and Tom Aber- don't know if ay "
iconethy all have the talent to e uld have come back."
Wihyalshvetenalntton Purdue is basically a four man
ing the team with a 16.8 average
while Fegebank is second with 13.9
and leads in bounds, hauling down
7.7 a game.
After these two seniors the
Hawkeye hopes rest on freshmen
and sophomores. John Hairston,
6-2 frosh, is LaPrince's running
mate at guard and is hitting 10.2
markers per contest. It was his
20 point effort that keyed the
victory over Minnesota.
Helping Fegebank on the front
line are two sophomores, Scott
Thompson, 6-3 forward, and Nate
Washington, 6-6 center.
As Coach Schultz readily admits,
Iowa is short on experience and is
also lacking height and physical
force. And their 4-6 mark certainly
won't scare any teams. But with
the steadying hands of LaPrince
1-i. Fegebank along with the con-
tinued improvement of the 'resh-
men and sophomores, Iowa may
well upset a few more teams this
It is a rebuilding year at Illinois.
The Illini are figured to be among
the bottom rung of Big Ten teams,
but coach Harv Schmidt retains
a guarded optimism.
Schmidt has had to fill a pair
of big holes in his starting line-
up created by the graduations
of center Nick Conner and the
incredible Nick Weatherspoon.
But a residue of talent remains
and the Illini have parlayed this
to a 4-4 record this year, high-
lighted by a victory over Ohio
State in the'conference opener.
contend for the Big Ten. The Spar-
tans are not tall and do not figure
to do well on the boards, but will
have to rely on their running game
Eto beat any of the conference
Willie Williams, a 6-6 junior col-
lege transfer mans the other for-
ward spot and leads the Cats in
scoring with 15.5 points per
Northwestern's major problem
will be rebounding and a lack of
front court depth. Wisconsin man-
handled the Cats last Saturday,
87-53, mostly on a 51-27 advantage
in caroms. Another long season on
the shores of Lake Michigan.
Illinois' Dawson
For the first time in severa
years, the Wisconsin Badgers have
a legitimate contender in a major
Big Ten sport. In fact, the Badgers
with one of the biggest teams in
the country, are more than just a
contender-with Indiana's loss to
Michigan, Wisconsin now looms as
the Big Ten favorite.
When Badger coach John Pow-
less says that his team is "physi-
cal," he's not kidding. Wiscon-
sin's starting five averages an
unbelievable 6-8/, making it one
of the toughest teams on the
boards ever in the Big Ten.
Leading the way are the 6-11
twins, Kim and Kerry Hughes. The
Hughes boys rank as the top two
returning rebounders in the confer-
ence, and have been even better
this year. Both have also been
scoring in the high teens.
The third leading Badger, both
in scoring and rebounding, has
been the other forward, Dale
Koehler. Koehler is "only" 6-8.
Wisconsin's back court may be
its weakness. Of course, the
guards are huge, with Marcus
McCoy checking in at 6-6 and
Gary Anderson at 6-5. However,
their ballhandling has been sus-
pect. Thus, in every game so
far Powless has relied on little
6-1 Lamont Weaver to come off
the bench and boss the Badger
ski, in f
C f'ah
Super Sub" akw
s "Lasko-outfit, including three starters
act, may, well be the best fr
on the team. from last year's 8-6 squad. Junior
John Garett, 6-11, leads this year's
oac Knignt has a habit of get- squad scoring 24 points from the
ting the most out of his players, pivot while gathering nine rebounds
and the d e f e n d i n g conference per game. Last year's MVP, senior'
champs could very well repeat. forwam Lank edrick, gisi
o ~-JOHN KAHL.ER forward Frank Kendrick, gives r
-JON A some support inside with his 18
points and 11 rebounds per contest.
Mlichigan Jerry Nichols, 6-6, junior, whom
Michigan Coach John Orr re- Schaus compares to Jerry West
ceived more than his share of flak starts at the other forward, al-
last year when his highly-touted though his 10 points per game is
basketball team sputtered, flound- somewhat less than the venerable
ered and finally died through a West's.
miserable 6-8 Big Ten slate. This And last but not least among
year, with a younger, hungrier, the big four is 6-2 guard Bruce
scrappier crew, the much im- Parkinson. Parkinson, not a big
proved Wolverines rank as defi- scorer, is the quarterback of the
nite first-division finishers and pos- club and his most adament ad-
sible title contenders. mirer is Schaus.-
The Wolverines .came through With an easy schedule, Fred
preseason play with an impressive Schaus on the bench and the big
8-2 mark and opened conference four on the court, it's going to be
action with an exciting, come- tough to beat Purdue this year,
from-behind 73-71 shocker over de- real tough.I
fending Big Ten champion Indiana. -MIKE LISULL
Campy Russell leads Mich-
igan's five undergraduate start- Ioiv
ers with his All-American talent W
andleadership abilities. Russell, e Coach DickSchltz has
a versatile ballplayer capable of pegged 1974 as a rebuilding year,
playing all three court positions, don't sell the Iowa Hawkeyes snort.I
gives the Wolverines solid scor- ,While Iowa probably won't make
Sing (22.4 ppg) and rebounding a run at the Big Ten title they
(10.5 per game) consistency. will probably have a great deal :o
6-8 center and co-captain C.J. say about who the Big Ten sends
Kupec adds rebounding power to the NCAA's.
(123 per game) and a fine outside The Hawks did not look im-
scoring touch (12.1 ppg) for a big pressive duringtheir non-confer-
man. Forward Wayman Britt (31.3 ence slate, but this was basical-
ppg), although small, 6-2, and con- ly due to lineup juggling. But it
sequently plagued by foul troublenow appears that Schultz has
has nonetheless added stability 'ofound a winning combination, as
the Wil'terine lineup. evidenced by the upset of Min-
- M1!i 7higan's backcourt tandem nesota last Saturday.
of 5-10 Joe Johnson (10.7 ppg) [ spite the rebding claim the
and freshm -n gHa rd Steve GroteHwkeyes are led by seniors,
n . g -r --,e . Grt re L aPrince a d Nail
Jeff Dawson, one of the con-
ference's better guards, returns
his 18.6 scoring average to the
Illinois backcourt, where he is
teamed with junior Dave Roberts.
The forwards are freshman Brad
Grapp lers
mieet 'Cats
Michigan's wrestlers sweated
through their final challenge
matches of the week, and bar-
ring injury or other unforeseen
complications, the lineup for
this Saturday's meet at North-
western is set.
Bill Schuck successfully de-
fended his position at 142 lbs.
against Rick Neff in a tough 3-2
decision decided by a first-
period takedown. John Ryan
took over the starter's role at
167 with a semi-deceptive 5-2
triumph over Mark Johnson.
Rich Valley has recovered
well from his recent illness to
reclaim his berthat126, while
Bill Davids will move back to
his regular spot at 134. Other-
wise, the lineup should be iden-
tical to the one which obliterated
Ohio State.
Farnham, 6-6, and Rick Schmidt,
who has improved greatly over his
nondescript sophomore year.
Seven footer Bill Rucks and 6-7
Tom Carmichael occupy the pivot.
"Between them, they average ten
points and ten rebounds a game,
and that's not b a d," mused'
The Illini lost the two games'
they played in the ECAC tourna-
ment, but they did hand the Uni-
versity of Detroit its only loss this
year. A title contender in Cham-
paign is improbable, but not im-
Ohio State'
Fred Taylor has coached Ohio
State to seven Big Ten champion-
ships during his 15-year sojourn
i Columbus. Unfortunately for
Buckeye fans, the 1974 campaign
will not make it 8 out of 16.
What one first notices about
Ohio State is that Alan Hornyak
and Luke Witte (the core of the
Buckeyes' last three years) have
graduated, leaving OSU without
a high-scoring guard or a domi-
neering big man. Coach Taylor
juggled his lineup throughout the
preseason, looking for the best
working combination to bring in-
to league play.
Based on their last three games,
Ohio State has settled on a start-!
ing five of center Bill Andreas (6-6,
14 ppg); forwards Wardell Jack-
son (6-7, 11.6 ppg) and Steve Wen-
ner (6-6, 8 ppg); and guards Larry
Bolden (6-0, 11.3 ppg) and Gary
Repella (6-3, 10.2 ppg). Forward
Jack Wolfe (6-6, 8.9 ppg) and
guard Dan Gerhard (6-3, 7.0 ppg)
are the first Buckeyes off the
As is typical of past Ohio State
teams, this year's crew operates3
a patterned, patient o f f e n s e
which works a series of picks
and screens and displays good
shot selection. However, it lacks
a take-charge scoring threat and
a powerful rebounder, as senior
captain Jackson leads in the
carom department with a paltry
S8.7 per game.
1974 should prove a long year
for Ohio State as Columbus ex-
* * -- IUM E . K The biggest suspense up in4
East Lansing this year is houndf
Minnesota to concern MSU guard Miket
Robinson and his quest toMbe
"This is going, to be a rebuild- come only the fourth player in
ing year" is one of the most over- Big Ten history to lead the con-t
worked cliches in jock journalism.
In the case of the Minnesota bas- ference i scoring three straight
ketball team, Coach Bill Mussel- years.
man's wor is apply. The Gophers Only 5-11, Robinson nevertheless
won 39 of 51 games the past two is extremely quick and a superb
seasons, but Jim Brewer and Ron outside s h o o t e r, averaging 27
Behagen have changed into NBA points over the last two years. His
uniforms leaving Musselman with touch was a bit off in some of the
a deserted lockerroom. Spartans' early games, but it has
The 1973-74 Gophers have won come around lately and he remains
six of 11 games and scored over State's chief offensive threat.
70 points just twice. Minnesota Michigan State's second big-
freezes the ball looking for "high gest scorer this year has been
percentage shots" and In a triple 6-7 Lindsay Hairston, who, is
overtime threat against Butler, finally coming into his own as a
attempted only nine shots in the junior. He has been playing both
second half. forward and center, leading the
Dennis Shaffer leads the Goph- Spartans in rebounding and scor-
ers (15.4 ppg) and three of his ing about 15 per contest.
running mates in the typical Mus- The rest of the MSU cast is
selman "Iron Five" average in neither especially big nor distin-
low double figures. Bahaman cen- guished. Pete Davis plays guard
ter Pete Gilcud is scoring about next to Robinson, while a pair of
six ppg and if the Detroit game 6-4 leapers, Flint Northern's Terry
Tuesday night is any indication of Furlow and Tom McGill, see a lot
his board work, the Gophers may of time at forward along with 6-5
be headed for a long season. The Brian Breslin. Cedric Milton, 6-9,
Titans (not as tall as they sound) shares time with Hairston at
owned a 30-19 rebound advantage center.
and attempted 25 more iield goals In early season action, the Spar-
than Minnesota. Guard Phil Saun- tans have been less than fan-
ders pumped in a career high 22 tastic, recording a 5-5 mark. How-
points on 8-13 floor shooting and ever, in their conference opener at
6.6 from the line, but the Gophers Purdue, they played well for most
attempted ,just 32 shots.-1 of the game, leading up until the
Lack of offense will doom the final seconds in a tough 77-75 loss.
Gophers to the second division. -GEORGE HASTINGS
Michigan State Northwestern
The Michigan State Spartans are Undisputed possessor of the Big
a team which does not figure to Ten dungeon for each of the past
three seasons, the Northwestern
: "Wildcats are hoping for a reversal
of that trend this year under new
Coach Tex Winter.
..sWinter looked like a miracle
man in the early days of Decem-
ber when his charges ran up
four victories in five starts.
His earl record was especially
::}X;.: :'} i amazing in light of the reversals
suffered by thehWildcats. Forward
Greg Wells, NU's.loading rebound-
er last year was dismissed from
school and 6-10 center James Wal-
lace was declared academically in-
{. :x.,-,: " :::Winter had to drastically re-
".,r"'shuffle his lineup by moving
bulky 6-8 senior Brian Ashbaugh
Spartan Robinson to center and elevating 6-S sharp-
shooter Joe Otis to forward.
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