*irr itau DaitjF SLUGGISH High-38 Low--18 See Today for details See editorial page Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 111 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 12, 1974 Ten Cents Eight Pages Union: Ripping off stud ent IFJSEE NEWSRAPPENCALL IY Burger wave The city's Planning Commission is holding a public hearing today at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Cham- bers at City Hall on the proposed construction of a "Liberty Commercial Center" at the corner of Liberty and Maynard. Included in the three-story design is a plan to introduce a Burger King restaurant as the building's ground floor. All citizens interested in ex- pressing their views about the proposal can speak at the hearing. If the Planning Commission approves the proposal, it goes next to the City Council, which will not necessarily hold a hearing on the issue. Thompson to speak Hunter Thompson, Prince of Gonzo Journalism, ex- sportswriter, and current national affairs editor for Roll- ing Stone magazine will speak today at Hill Aud. as this week's Future Worlds lecturer. Thompson's incisive writing style has caricatured such uniquely American target as Las Vegas, the Superbowl, and Richard Nixon, who he described in a charitable moment as "a broken little bully who would sacrifice us all to save himself." The lecture begins at 3 p.m. Admission costs $1. Drive supported The drive to halt a proposed McDonald's restaurant on Maynard St. apparently is gaining widespread sup- port among city residents. Petitions circulated for the past week by the Stop McDonald's Committee have been signed by over 4,000 people. Some 500 petitions have not yet been returned to the group's office. Those who wish to sign or circulate petitions can call 761-7148. Exchanges overloaded An extremely large volume of calls in the city's 76 and 66 telephone dialing districts has prompted Michigan Bell to install a third office under a 99 exchange. The new exchange, scheduled to open on March 2, will "redistribute traffic between the two existing offices," according to Harry Kenworthy of Michigan Bell. Pri- vate customers with the exchange numbers of 76 and 66 are being asked to change voluntarily to the 99 listing, and phones will be switched over to 99 as they go out of use, Kenworthy says. Happenings . . . . today are topped by a meeting of the University Housing Council in the SGC chambers on the third floor of the Union at 4 p.m. The group will discuss Alice Lloyd's coed bathrooms . . . Feminists in Struggle To- gether (FIST) are meeting in E. Quad's Strauss Lounge at 7:30 p.m. . . . students and staff from the business, law and social work schools are holding a lunchtime conversation on opportunities for women in traditional and non-traditional fields from noon to 2 p.m. in con- ference rooms 4 and 5 of the League . . . Sri Shinmoy, Indian Spiritual Master, will give a lecture and medita- tion at 10:30 a.m. at Rackham Amphitheater . . . and Princeton University music Prof. Milton Babbitt presents a lecture entitled, "Since Schoenberg" at 4 p.m. in the School of Music Recital Hall. 0 Consciousness up, Interest in raising families has declined and concern for women's rights has increased among college fresh- persons, a survey conducted by UCLA and the American Council of Education shows. The study, released over the weekend, was based on questioning of 189,733 fresh- persons entering 360 institutions across the country. Only 56 per cent listed "raising a family" as an essen- tial objective, a decline from 65 per cent last year and 71 per cent the year before. The statement, "Activities of married women are best confined to the home and family" drew a favorable response from 30.4 per cent, whereas three years ago 47.8 per cent agreed. Reporters to sue A reporters' organization has decided to sue AT&T to stop the telephone company from turning over jour- nalists' telephone records in secret to law enforcement officials. Responding to an: earlier demand by the Re- porters Committee for Freedom of the Press, AT&T disclosed that the telephone records of at least four news organizations and five journalists in Washington were secretly subpoenaed by federal officials in recent years. The committee said yesterday it would file suit within the next three weeks alleging that the telephone com- pany should be required to notify journalists and news organizations of any such subpoena. Dope note U. S. Customs agents at Miami International Airport thought something was wrong with Rip's sense of smell when the dog started barking at crates containing mas- sive concrete pedestals for a shipment of lawn statues. But they decided to investigate and checked out the 10 pedestals, each of which was about five feet tall and weighed 400 pounds. After drilling through 14 inches of steel-reinforced concrete on the. first pedestal, the agents discovered a sealed, galvanized steel can containing about 80 pounds of high quality Jamaican marijuana. On the inside . . ... The Arts Page presents a review of the Women in the Reel World film festival by Beth Nissen . . . David Stoll examines last week's Exxon demonstration on the Editorial Page . . and John Kahler and Jim Ecker have the full lowdown on the Mi-higan-Northwestern basket- bAl1 game on the Snorts Page. By ANET HARSHMAN Daily News Analysis "We put our h e a r t s into the Union; they are still there. If the boys give theirs, then indeed will the Michigan Union be the very heart of the campus." - Edward Parker, founder and first president of the Michigan Union, 1903. The former student president of the Michigan Union would prob- ably cringe today if he heard some of the comments made about the University center. One high University official called it "one of most anti-student places on campus." A Union worker claims that "many students never set foot inside the building." Inconsistencies, secrecy plague board's practic FEW STUDENTS realize that their money is being used to fund the Union. Fewer still realize that the Union policies are made by a Board of Directors described by a University official as an "outmod- ed governance system for some- thing that may once have existed." Consequently, he said, "students are getting screwed." While the Board of Directors has "full power to supervise and con- trol all activities of the Union," it lacks any real accountability to the students. Apparently, however, this does not bother some members. Prof. Sallie Churchill, one of the three faculty board members, says that the Michigan Union is "not a stu- dent Union where the primary pur- pose is for student services." THIS DEFINITION of purpose agrees with the Union's constitu- tion, which says the Union should "provide a meeting place for fac- ulty, alumni, and students of the University." But who supports the Union? Prof. Churchill claims th "primary support has been dollars." Their support is re in the Alumni Association offices in the basement Union-one of the plushest in the building. Only male students, ho pay a fee of $6.50 per stud( semester into the University eral fund to provide supp the Union. (Women's fees the League.) STRANGELY, SOME boar at the bers are reluctar alumni fact known. eflected Harlan Mulder 's free board member r of the bur Pierpont, vi offices chief financial off versity, refused wever, tions concerning ent per funding of the Uni 's gen- said he "has the ort for he is not going to support Furthermore, M give out any infor said, he had "the d mem- viewing" the qu patrons? possible relationships which might es be included in this article. CHRIS WHITE, University Ac- nt to make this tivities Center president and mem- ber of the board, points out that an ex-officio once the money is put into the epresenting Wil- general fund, which also consists ce-president and of state and federal endowments, icer for the tUni- and to the University, it is easy to answer ques- for the board to say the "money is direct student not student fees anymore." on. His secretary The Union, a non-profit organiza- information but tion, has no straight across-the- release it. board criteria for deciding rental [ulder refused to rates - the decisions are merely mation unless, he value judgments which, according privilege of re- to one University official, is a cam- otes, ideas and See INCONSISTENCIES, Page 2 Truckers start" work supl crisis relieved By AP and Reuter Despite pockets of resistance from militant drivers, the majority of independent truckers appeared yesterday to have abandoned their protest shutdown against higher fuel prices. After 11 violence-scarred days that left two drivers dead, scores injured and 100,000 workers temporarily without a job, truck traffic was reported at near-normal levels in most states and vital produce was rolling once more to market. OFFICIALS of the New England Produce Center and at several Midwest livestock markets reported receipts close to or above pre- strike levels. Truck stops in a number of states began pumping diesel Daily Phto by DAVID MARGOLICK A marriage Herb David, who has made musical instruments in Ann Arbor for twelve years, tunes up his most recent and perhaps proudest accomplish- ment-a Baroque lute-in his workshop on State Street. Begun more than a year ago, the lute is made of spruce from the Alps, rosewood from India, and Peruvian mahogany. "What I do is marry the wood," explains David. "I see if it lives well together, and if it does it's a lasting relationship." KISSINGER OUTLINES PLAN: U.S., Europe, Japan call oil talk fuel for the first time in a week. U. S. automakers reported that yesterday, and that 15,000 indus- try workers either laidoff or plac- ed on short shifts because of the truckers' strike were back at work. And in the state where the strike was believed strongest, Ohio, truck traffic was reported yesterday at 80 per cent of prestrike levels. Scattered incidents of violence continued, however, and some drivers pledged to continue the protest now or in the future, des- pite an agreement reached last Thursday with officials in Wash- ington. HIGHWAY GUNFIRE was re- rorted early yesterday in at least four states, and vandalism --most- 1v shattered windshields - in sev- eral others. WILLIAM USERY, the Nixon ad- ministration's chief labor negotia- tor, told reporters that a survey by the Department of Transporta- tion showed =truck traffic had in- creased for the second straight day. Usery said the Transportation Department survey included traffic counts and checks with state po- lice and truck stops. It showed that truck traffic was 90 per cent of what it was at the same time a year ago, he said. The settlement arrived at last week calls for a six per cent freight rate surcharge to make up for higher diesel fuel costs and guar- antees of ample supplies of fuel, including Sunday sales. However, some drivers insist they need an immediate price rollback. TRUCK TRAFFIC was up in Florida as in other states, but a spokesman for the owner-drivers there maintained the strike would resurface. "The truckers who are on the road today are fellows who have been shut down and are broke," said Ben Savage. Most Texas independent truckers also went back on the road yes- terday, although leaders complain- ed about the Washington agree- ment. production had returned to normal British coal strike goes into 2nd day By AP and Reuter LONDON -- Miners formed pic- ket lines in -driving rain and wind outside British coal mines yes- terday as the nation's campaign for the Feb. 28 general election began on the second day of a na- tionwide' coal strike. Fear of union-management vio- lence in the strikebound coalfields grew with reports of angry con- frontations at several mines. Pic- kets were out in force at some sites despite union instructions to, limit picketing to six men per mine. Generally, however, the strikers remained orderly in compliance with union leadership requests. LABOR Party leader Harold Wilson, embarking, on his fourth campaign, led the verbal attack on. Prime Minister Edward Heath, whom Wilson accused of using the strike by 270,00 as a smokescreen.' for failing economic policies. Wilson promised that a Labor Party government would national- ize Britain's all-important North Sea Oil resources and place the processing and distribution of the oil under "full government con- trol." Liberal party leader Jeremy Thorpe blasted the Conservatives' controversial pledge to cut strik- ers' welfare benefits, calling the plan half-baked and unjust. See BRITISH, Page 2 By AP and Reuter WASHINGTON - The U n i t e d States, the European Economic Community and Japan yesterday called for an early conference of both oil producing and consuming nations to help resolve the world- wide energy crisis. This early accord emerged in the opening hours of a 13-nation conference of the world's major users of oil arranged in Washing- ton by the United States. IT RAISED hopes that useful and constructive steps w o u 1 d emerge by the time the meeting ends today. Secretary of State Henry Kis- singer, along with President Nixon the driving force behind the confer- ence, set the scene with a U.S. offer to share its energy resources and technology to overcome the energy shortage. Nixon urged the leaders of 13 oil-consuming nations to avoid what he called "isolation in the energy field" by asking business deals that are in the interest of all nations. KISSINGER OUTLINED a seven- point plan for international co- operation; urged a second confer- ence of oil - consuming nations which would include the poorer states; and said a third conference should be held by May 1 between City Council passes election ordinance bill both producers and consumers. The nine - member C o m m o n Market said a joint meeting should come as soon as April 1. Japan set no date but said it should be held as early as possible. French Foreign Minister Michel Jobert, who has favored a confer- ence embracing all nations, has not yet spoken. There was ne im- mediate indication whether he would fall in line with the Ameri- cans, the Japanese and the Com- mon Market. Kissinger, who is presiding over the conference, spoke about TU S. plans to spend $23.5 billion in pri- vate and public funds over the next five years in launching its goal for e n e r g y self-sufficiency by the 1980s. "THE UNITED States," he said, "is prepared to make a major con- tribution of its most advanced energy research and dev..-lopnient to a broad program of international cooperation in energy." "We would be prepared to allo- cate an agreed portion of our total petroleum supply provided other consumer countries with indigen- ous production do likewise." Kissinger's seven-point program listed areas for international co- operation. These were: conservation; en- ergy sources other than oil; re- search and development; emer- gency energy sharing; international financial cooperation; aid to the less developed countries, and con- sumer-producer relations. THE AMERICAN views were echoed last night by President Nixon at a formal working dinner at the White House for the heads of delegations to the conference. Nixon said the United States will Kissinger By JACK KROST and STEPHEN SELBST City Council last night gave final approval to a slightly amend- ed version of the Election Control Ordinance that was initially ap- proved a month ago. The finalized ordinance, passed last night in a 7-4 vote, differed from the initital ordinance pro- posal in that it requires earlier disclosure of campaign finance statements, and flatly prohibits all contributions f r o m corporations and businesses. INSTEAD OF being required to file statements between the fifth and second day before taking of- fice, under the amended ordinance candidates must file between 'he te-th and seventh day, before. This itation on the total amount that, can be spent in a campaign, and charged that differences in the amount of funds available to can- didates can seriously influence an election's outcome. "I don't think any election re- form bill is going to be meaning- ful unless it has an upper limit on spending," council member Jerry DeGrieck (HRP-First Ward) ex- plained. "The only way to prevent an election from being bought is to have such an upper limit." M A Y O R JAMES Stephenson, however, countered this objection in a detailed address at the be- ginning of the meeting. The mayor contended that "an ordinance with spending limitations would be im- possible to enforce without aso nrovidrina 1Pa ew walchdoe agecvr Club revels in science fiction By MARY LONG Early each evening, countless students cover every square inch of the Markley Hall lobby, craning necks and heads in order to obtain a bet- ter view of "Star Trek" which glows from the elevated TV set. Ro Nagey, as president of the Stilyagi Air Corps, the University's science fiction organization, says that in the true science fiction fan world, these well-meaning enthusiasts would be tagged "mind- less trogs." NAGEY MAY be entitled to such contempt. He's been reading science fiction literature since the age of eight when "Analog" magazine first came to him, with, according to his description, "its covers filled with half-dressed airls in diaphon- stories are "our modern fables.' NAGEY SUGGESTED that people read science fiction for two reasons - to escape reality and to come closer to it, and the basically ideal story form, the fable, would allow them to do both. Science fiction can also be termed a "modern myth" as Nagey says. He admits it sounds preten- tious to claim that a field which can quickly de- generate into a dribble of a chilling or adventur- ous story may be the current day replacement for classical philosophy. "Well, it's not fiction about science, certainly." Nagey continued. "But it attempts to find the meaning in science as well as in the scientific- technological society mankind is creating." "IT'S MULTI-VARIEDf--call it speculative fic-