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February 09, 1974 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1974-02-09

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Special To The Daily
E AST LANSING-In by far their
best performance of the season,
Michigan's top-ranked wrestlers re-
duced 8,011 screaming Michigan
State fans to sei,.'chre-like silence
last night by methodically taking
apart the Spartan grapplers, 23-10.
MSU, rated second in the country,
by many knowledgeable observers,
wrestled well enough last night to
demonstrate it belongs in wrestl-


ien pmm
ing's elite. The Spartans simply The meet started out according
ran i.' to an aroused band of talent- to script, with Wolverine Jim
ed Wolverines, and when this Mich- Brown overcoming a third-period
igan team wrestles anywhere near reversal to top Randy Miller at
its potential, the Maize and Blue 118, 7-3; and Spartan Pat Milko-
are unstoppable in dual meet com- vich, the 1972 NCAA 126,pound



63- 10
John Ryan, the 167-pounder who
has improved splendidly under the
tutelage of Rick Bay and Rob!
Huizenga, came through to ride'
out the entire third period to clinch
his 2-0 decision over Jeff Hersha.
Huizenga clinched the match
with his 5-1 decision over Spartan
177-pounder Jeff Zindel.
Reigning Champion of the Week
Dave Curby had to battle back
from an early takedown to draw
o 3-3 with MSU's Scott Wickard at
n 190, and heavyweight Gary Ernst
s lost his fight for top seeding by
e coming out flat and losing, 5-1,

"It's amazing," marveled Wol-
verine assistant mat coach Bill:
Johannesen. "We wrestled so muchI
better tonight than we did against
Oklahoma-I couldn't believe it."
NEITHER DID the crowd.

champion, employing his superior| 3 KE.
upper-body strength and quickness '
on his feet to dominate the slump- NIGHT EDITOR:
ing Rich Valley, 11-4. MARC FELDMAN
Then came the first clear sign
that it was to be a Michigan night.-
134-pounders Billy Davids and Con- in a crate and sent him home t
rad Calender had previously run , mother in an 18-5 superior decisio
up similar scores against common which titillated the fun-and-game
opponents, and so there was every |crowd while surorising n-ne

_ -- -- ,_.-.. -. -, , WU W 1L U J 1 1 6 lV V 1 . - - ^" " ^ '1 , 1
logical reason to regard their Michigan's captain got a little to the Spartans' tough Larry Avery.
match as a tossup. careless and let Rodriguez get the "So many of the matches were
It wasn't. MSU's Calander scored first takedown, but when the Wol- decided by one' point-one mis-
a single-leg takedown at 1:23 the I verines' s o I e defending NCAA take," a sobered MSU mentor
first period, but the rest of the champion took all of nine seconds Grady Peninger claimed after this
action belonged to the Hazel Park to get his reversal, Rodriguez' meet. When you pit two of the top
Wolverine. Combining his standard hopes died. Hubbard garnered two teams in any sport against one
upper-body set-ups with a sneaky three-point near falls and four take- another, that's just about all you
'and e f f e c t i v e single-leg shot, down on his way to the rout. can expect.
Davids disappointed everyone ex- The Spartans' final dreams for
k cept the handful of Michigan sup- recovery vanished in the next two We're No. I
porters with a truly outstanding matches when Dan Brink and John I 118-Jim Brown (M) dec. Randy Mil-
tour de force. Ryan-the alleged weak links in ler (MSU), 7-3.
Rvan-theallged eaklink in 126-pat Milkovich (MSU) dec. Rich
Calander got a last-second take- the Maize and Blue chain-con-' Valley (M), 114.
down to avert a superior decision- verted t h e i r too-close-to-predict 134-Bill Davids (M) dec. Conrad
142-pounder Bill Schuck, who confrontations into a draw and a Calander (MSU), 17-9.
specializes in coming out on the victory, respectively. 142-Bill Schuck (M) dec. Ron Rod-
long end of short scores, did it In Brink's match at 158 against erM HU,3-2.bbard (M) dec. steve
again with a 3-2 decision over Spar-' MSU's Steve Greene, both wres-' Rodriguez (MSU), 18-5.
tan Don Rodgers. Rodgers wrestles ' tiers escaped quickly from their 158-Dan Brink (M) drew Rick
the way a sated grandmaster plays opponents when in the "down posi- Greene (MSU), 1-1
chess, but he let his guard slip at tion," and spent the remainder of 167-John Ryan (M) dec. Jeff Hersha
chess, mr, n chc i-I(MSU), 2-0.
the 3:13 mark, and Schuck im- their time futilely groping for 177-Bob Huizenga (M) dec. Jeff Zin-
mediately took advantage to score takedowns. With State in the hole, del (MSU), 5-1.
the deciding takedown. Brink's tie might just have been 190-Dave Curby (M) drew scott
UNDEFEATED Wolverine Jerry a win as far as the Spartans were: wickarrd (MyU), 3-3.
Hubbard packed Steve Rodriguez concerned. Ernst (M), 5-1.a
Blue shocks ech
By ROGER ROSSITER the great amount of team pride two shots in the opening stanza,
Don Dufek tipped in a goal that goes along with knocking and almost every one looked like
mouth pass from Angie Moretto off the best team in collegiate a sure goal. Moore's biggest
with 2:32 remaining in overtime hockey. save of the period came on a
last night to give Michigan a sur- "That was college hockey at its screaming 20-foot slapshot from
prising 5-4 upset victory over the best," beamed victorious Wolver- the slot by Mike Zuke, college
top ranked Michigan Tech Hus- ine coach Dan Farrell in the jubi- hockey's leading scorer.
kies. The vociferous Yost Ice Are- lant Michigan dressing room. The second period was all Michi-
na crowd went berserk when Du- "I *don't know how that shot gan, despite the fact that the goalst
fek slipped the game winner past went in, and I don't care," gushed were even - one apiece. The'
Huskie goalie Rick Quance. Dufek. "All I know is it's great Huskies were held to only four
Moretto's assist on the game to beat Tech." shots on goal in the period, but3
winning tally gave him a five Moretto got the Wolverines off one of them found the mark. Steve
point evening which included his and flying with the only two goals Jensen took a perfect two on one1
second three goal hat trick of the of the first period. Both came pass from Bill Steele and slipped'
season. Mgretto's third goal at from just outside the crease with it under Moore.I
oto 12:17 of the second stanza made Moretto parked all alone in front The third period found Tech all:
him Michigan's first twenty goal of Quaice. over the ice in a last ditch at-
scorer since the days of , Bernie The super goaltending of Rob- tempt to get back in the game.
Gagnon. hie Moore kept the Wolverines Mike Usitalo cut Michigan's
of But Moretto's personal heroics in the game through the early advantage to 3-2 with a lightning
were greatly overshadoowed by stages. Moore stopped twenty- fast wrist shot from the right


AP Photo
Up against the 'all
Cleveland Crusader Jim Wiste (feet in air) hits the boards after a collision with rambunctious Jim
Dorey of the New England Whalers in a WHA game.

in overtime

Rod burns
Olympic champion Rod Milburn set a world's record last ni
in the 55-meter hurdles at Madison Square Garden in a time
6.8 seconds.


Orrmen battle


Eleven weeks ago, the Ohio
State football team strode into
Ann Arbor, unbeaten, untied,
top - ranked and fighting for
possession of the Big Ten and
national championships. Today
the Buckeye basketball team
stumbles into town, for a spe-
cial 1:00 p.m. contest, with a
1-6 conference mark, occupying
the Big Ten cellar, and fighting
for "nothing but pride."
But if Buckeye fans can be ex-
cused fortattaching somewhat
less importance to this game
than they did to the gridiron
clash, the same is not true for
the Wolverine roundballers and
their supporters.
JOHNNY Orr's charges are
blessed with the league's most
murderous schedule in their

Campy Russell (6-8,22.5)
Wayman Britt (6-2,10.7)
C. J. Kupec (6-8,14.0)
Steve Grote (6-2.14.0)
Joe Johnson (5-10,10.3)


quest for the conference title,
and the hoopsters cannot afford
any letdowns against the weaker
teams like OSU if they are to
cop the crown.
The Wolverines should have no
trouble getting "up" for th'e con-
test. If the traditional Michigan-
OSU rivalry is not enough, a
sign in the Michigan locker room
reminds the squad of the result
of last year's final game when
the Bucks humiliated the Blue
in Ann Arbor by scoring 102
points. Then too, they can lis-
ten to their coaches, for to hear

Trackmen at MSU Relays
Michigan's track team travels to East Lansing today to com-
pete'in the MSU relays. Teams will be coming from throughout
the region to make up, what Coach Dixon Farmer calls "the
best relays meet in the Midwest."
The highlighted events will be the 600-yard run, expected to
be a battle between MSU's Bob Cassleman, Eastern Michigan's
Stan Vinson and the Wolverine's Dave Williams, and the 60-yard
dash, featuring Olympic gold medal winner Gerald. Tinker of
Kent State, Michigan State's Marshall Dill, and Spartan alumnus
Herb Washington.
Michigan is counting on strong performances by Williams,
defending triple jump winner Abe Butler and co-captains Kim
Rowe and Steve Adams in the 440 and shot put respectively.
* * *
Bears ink M' stars
The Chicago Bears took a long step toward bolstering their
sagging football fortunes on Thursday by announcing the signing
of two 1973 Michigan football stars, All-American defensive
tackle Dave Gallagher and offensive guard Mike Hoban. Gal-
lagher, the Bears' second pick in the first draft round was also
tabbed by Boston of the fledgling World Football League, but
Dave chose the Bears because "the Chicago people and their
offer were so good."
Hoban was not drafted by an NFL club, but signed with the

Bill Andreas (6-7,14.7)
Steve Wenner (6-6,9.8)
Craig Taylor (6-10,2.3)
Gary Repella (6-3,8.0)
Larry Bolden (6-0,12.3)
Bill Frieder, Jim Dutcher and
Johnny Orr talk, you'd think
that today's opponent is the most
underrated team around.
"Ohio State is not nearly as
bad as their record indicates,"
Frieder commented. "They took
Notre Dame, the number three
team in the nation, to overtime
before losingtby four. And
they've lost to Wisconsin by
four, and Purdue by only two -
in fact they should have beaten
Purdue! We'll have to play well
to beat them."
It may be tougher however,
for Coach Fred Taylor to moti-
vate his Buckeye squad. OSU,
originally regarded as a dark-
horse in the Big Ten picture has
dropped six of its last eight con-
tests, the last two to conference
tailenders Northwestern and
MOREOVER, it is rumored
that the Buckeyes have internal
troubles as well. Taylor benched
star forward and team captain
Wardell Jackson for Monday's
game against Minnesota, and
Jackson will not start again to-
While it's true that Jackson's
play has been a definite disap-
pointment this season, he is none-
the less the team's second lead-
ing rebounder (7.2) and third
leading scorer (10.4) and his in-
action bodes ill for Buckeye for-
OSU's major troubles of late
have been lack of rebounding
and a failure to penetrate offen-
sively. In fact the Ohio State
"inside offense" has been limit-

ed almost exclusively to 6'-7"
center - forward Bill Andreas
(6.5 reb. 14.7 p.).
"We have to have Billy in
there. Without him we don't
have any inside attack at all,
complained Taylor.
The statistics bear out Tay-
lor's words .Outside of An-
dreas, the Buckeye starters at
the forward positions have been
generally non-productive. Steve
Wenner, a 6-6 junior is averaging
a mediocre 7.7 rebounds and 9.8
ppg, while 6-10 sophomore Craig
Taylor sports an anemic 3.4 re-
bounds andh2.3 ppg record.
WHAT has kept OSU in ball-
games throughout the year has
been their ability to shoot the
basketball. Andreas (.530) and
6-3 senior guard Gary Repella
(.517) both convert better than
half their attempts, and 6-0
freshman guard Larry Bolden
connects better than 45 per cent
of the time in compiling his 12.3
scoring average. Bolden, who
led Ohio's high school cagers
in scoring one year ago is the
glue in the Scarlet and Gray at-
tack, and has been a Buckeyes'
bright spot.
A tougher task may be facing
the Orrmen Monday night when
Northwestern comes to town.
It's not that the Wildcats look
any better than Ohio State does
on paper, and their individual en-
counter resulted in a close seven
point victory for NU; but rather
that the Wolverines will not be
as prepared for theWildcats as
they will be for today's tilt.

night gime is played on momen-
tum from Saturday."
In any event, neither coach
Orr nor his players are under-
estimating the importance of
these next two games. The Big
Ten champion must consistently
beat second division clubs, and
they must consistently win at
As Orr put it, "A loss to Ohio
State or Northwestern counts
just the same in the standings
as a loss to Indiana or Purdue."

wing. Then Steele knotted the
score at three all when he block-
ed Tom Lindskog's shot from
the point and skated in all alone
on Moore. Steele fanned on his
shot, but Moore lost sight of it
and the puck trickled between
his pads.
Michigan forged back into the
lead, however, when Doug Linds-
kog deflected a Dave Shand shot
past Quance with only 4:45.left
in regulation time. Lindskog,
playing in his first game" since'
suffering a broken finger on New
Year's Eve, collected three points
with a goal and two assists.
Tech came right back with the
equalizer when Bob D'Alvise bang-
ed in a rebound after a Usitalo
steamer rattled off the post.
The, overtime period was a
scene of reckless abandon on
both sides, and each had numer-
ous golden opportunities before
Dufek netted the clincher.
Tech coach John MacInnes
claimed, "We played a great team
and a great team beat us." But a
couple minutes later he snapped,
"It would have been a lot differ-
ent if we didn't have those three
guys (Bruce Abbey, George Lyle,
and Graham Wise) out of the line-
Then MacInnes got almost livid
in criticizing the officials charging
that, "Zuke was getting butt end-
ed, cross checked, slashed, spear-
ed and everything else. It's about
time they started calling some of
Despite the win, the Wolverines
remain two points behind Notre
Dame in the fight for the eighth
and final WCHA play-off berth.


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Modern Two-Bedroom Apts.
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burglar alarm system
O private parking-free,
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See Randy or Andy Young
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1 2 3 ot F
Michigan Tech 0 1 3 0-4
MICHIGAN 2 1 1 1-5
SCORING: 1. M-Moretto (unassist-
ed) 1:52; 2. M-Moretto (D. Lindskog)
SCORING: 3. MT-Jensen (Steele,
Zuke) 7:45; 4. M-Moretto (Neal, D.
Lindskog) 12:17.
SCORING: 5. MT-Usitalo (Murray,
Nahrgang) 6:50; 6. MT - Steele (un-
assisted) 11:22; 7. M-D. Lindskog (MO-
retto, Shand) 15:15; 8. MT-D'Alvise
(Usitalo, S. Jensen) 17:10;
SCORING: 9. M-Dufek (Moretto)


Thursday * Friday * Saturday
Feb. 7, 8, 9
The 11 th House featuring
Larry Coryell
Also on the some show
(Former members of the
Paul Winter Consort)
2333 East Stadium Blvd.
(near Washtenaw)
Below Trickey Dick's Restaurant
For info call 663-1212


Michigan swimmers
challenge Hoosiers


"Fel1inips Roma"
11:15 p.m.

It seems almost impossible but,
sad to relate, the University of
Indiana's swimming team, winner
of the last six NCAA champion-
ships, is stroking faster than ever.
This week's unfortunate occupants
of the visitor's lanes in Blooming-
ton will be the Michigan Wolver-
The Maize and Blue swim-
mers will be faced today with
the same problem all other col-
legiate teams are confronted
with: how to remain competitive
against this outrageously talent-
ed team of Hoosiers who place
two or three of the nation's fast-
est swimmers in nearly every

"They are very intelligent swim-
mers," Stager claimed, "and
ours can learn from them. We
can win more often if we swim
smarter races and the competition
from Indiana will help us. You
don't improve unless you swim
against the best."
e a







Boetleboords of America
has designs on yjour car.

COACH Frieder
"Monday night ga
ways tougher. Thet
physically and m
the Saturday cont
have been preparing
urday rather than
opponent. Basically

explained, Three Indiana freestylegs have
mes are al- already splashed to the country's
team is tired quickest times in separate events
tentlly rom and both their 400-yard freestyle
entally from and 400-yard medley relays are
est and they
g for the Sat- national pace-setters.
the Monday The Hoosier backstroke and but-
the Monday terfly contingents are solidly ex-
cellent and even the breaststroke
-until recently the lone chink in
Indiana's armor - has improved
tS to a level nearly on a par with
the other strokes.
"We're in the same position as
other Big Ten teams against
PTS. AVG. them," the veteran mentor ob-





Michigan Big Ten St






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aenll 9 ftL12ic 27_At. An 2a





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