e Mideast: Revolution or Genocide? By KEN RICHARDS BRUTAL conflict in t h e Middle East continually poses the possibility of turning into a full-fledged genocidal bloodbath, and, ultimately, a third world war. Since the rise of the Zionist state less than 26 years ago, the region has witnessed four outbreaks of full-scale combat, interspersed with tense interludes of sabre-rattling and chauvinistic exhortations to holy war by the various. ruling classes of the area. The Middle East situation proves but again Leon Trotsky's s t a t e- ment: in this era of decaying capi- talism, the choice confronting hu- manity is, very simply, socialism or barbarism. The Zionist solution to the geno- cidal anti-Semitism afflicting Euro- pean Jewry was to create the Is- raeli state, founded on a Jewish version of the same racialist ideol- ogy as Nazism, complete with its own doctrine of Lebensraum. Only by driving the Palestinians off their land through indiscrimin- ate terror (as with the Deir Yassin massacre) and by expropriating the land of the Palestinians w h o fled the battlefields of the 1948 war did they fulfill their dreams of a "Jewish homeland." The Zionist regime today main- tains that "homeland" through such props as the "Law of Re- turn," which they claim entitles any and all Jews to automatic Is- raeli citizenship - a law which should in fact apply not to world Jewry but to the Palestinians who were driven from their homes. war and in 1967) called for a pol- icy of revolutionary defeatism tin both sides. They recognize that the existing Arab regimes - t h e Sadats, Faisals, Quaddafis, and Husseins - are interested neither nd Israeli Defense Min- in fighting imperialism nor in lib- erating the Palestinian masses. The only way to defeat imper- ialism is through a social revolu- tion which overthrows the native capitalist ruling class of each coun- try. ALTHOUGH THE Arab capitalist regimes may accept aid from one or another imperialism power, or from the Soviet Union or China, they are still tied to the world im- perialist system. Thus, both Israel and Jordan are direct clients of U.S. imperialism though they are on opposing sides of the conflict. And the various im- perialist powers (e.g., Western Eur- ope and Japan took either a neu- tral or pro-Arab stance in the war), recognizing far more correctly than those ostensibly socialist groups that this is no struggle against im- perialism, have arrayed themselv- es on both sides. In the last war, the Egyptians and Syrians did not even make a pretense of fighting for the Pales- tinians' right of national self-dete-- mination and called instead simply for a return to the 1967 boundaries. This is not surprising. Hussein s army massacred nearly ten thous- and Palestinians, many of them un- armed refugees, during the 1970-71 civil war. And it was Sadat of Egypt who then negotiated the surrender of the Palestinian com- mandos whereby they were forced to disarm, disband, and move out of their bases on the East Bang. The military defeat of Israel, today as in 1967, would mean for the Palestinian people nothing but the replacement of one national op- pressor by another. THE ONLY genuine national lib- eration struggle against Israel, one that revolutionary sorialis-s could support, would be an uprising of the Palestinian masses them- selves. Yet the Palestinian popula- tion, isolated and atomized, lacks the social power which aerues even to a numerically small worxing class because of its strategic re- lationship to the means o° produc- tion under capitalism. Suca an uprising could hardly succeed un- less linked to an international movement among workers in the neighboring territories. Thus, the SL/RCY does not mindlessly en- thuse over the futile acts of in- dividual terrorists or the suicidal guerrilla strategy of "peoples war," no matter how courageous these fighters may be. Only the working class - Arab and Hebrew alike - can overcome the endless cycle of war, oppres- sion, and revenge througi united class struggle and creati:n of the proletarian vanguard party, a uni- fied multi-national party. Basing itself on the Trotskyist program of permanent revolution, such a party would champion the A TEARFUL RUSSIAN immigrant is reunited with rela- tives through a gap in the barrier as she waits to go through customs. Under Israeli law, she, like all Jews, will automatically become a citizen. Unfortunately, no such law exists for the Palestinians. k £i* n Dai Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 Jordan's King Hussein as ister Moshe Dayan DESPITE THE reactionary foun- dations of the Israeli state, a He- brew-speaking nation has in fact #been created, possessing legiti- mate national rights. Just as the Palestinians must not Ie made to pay for the tragedy of European fascism by their extinction as a na- tion, so the Hebrew workers and peasants must not be made to pay for the sins of the Meirs and Day- ans, the Zionist "Old Guard" which has ruled Israel. The only resolution to the con- flicting national claims of the Palestinians and Hebrews is a bi- national workers' state as part of a socialist federation of the Middle East. The Spartacist League and t h e Revolutionary Communist Youth (SL/RCY) (both in the most recent rights of all national groups - Hebrews ;and Arabs, as well as South Sudanese blacks and Kurds. It would thereby aocquire the poli- tical authority to cut thr)iigh the years of manipulated cha: :rism and accumulated mistrust; to ad- dress the Arab and Hebrew work- ers and unite them in a common struggle against their real enem- ies, their capitalist rulers. THE SL/RCY is committed lo the goal of constructing revolutixn- ary vanguard parties, here and ;n every country: sections of a re- born, Trotskyist, Fourth Interna- tional - world party of socialist revolution. The SL/RCY is sponsoring a pub- lic forum on this topic, "N e a r East - Proletarian Revolution or National Genocide" with speaker David Eastman, in Room 4203 of the Michigan Union, at 7:30 p.m. tonight. Ken Richards is a member of the Spartacist League! Revolutionary Communist Youth. THE CONTINUAL STRUGGLE for peace in the Mideast has been the focus of countless Security Council sessions. Here, Lebanon's Najati Kabbani, left foreground, and Jacob Doron, center, of Israel listen as Saudi Arabia's Jacob Baroody, gesturing, speaks at a session requested by both Israel and Lebanon. . SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1974 SGC: Arrogance clouds hope HRP battles party platform THE EVENTS of Thursday night's Stu- dent Government Council meeting are among the most disgraceful ever seen on this campus at any time. The un- easy mood of racial discontent which has been a spectre all year long raised its ugly head once again, providing drama- tic evidence that racial antagonism still exists on campus. It's easy to understand the root of such racial feelings. The tactics used by some members of Council have been calculat- ingly offensive. In particular, SGC member Mat Hoff- man's obstructionist tendencies have raised the ire of the black constituents who have been taking an active part in trying to determine Council's priorities. The earnestness and the hope of their efforts towards revitalizing Council are submarined when Council members con- tinually parade their arrogance in the face of constituents. Editorial Staff DANIEL BIDDLE Editor in chief JUDY RUSKIN and REBECCA WARNER Managing Editors SUE STEPRENSON.................Feature Editor MARNIE HEYN . ............. . .Editorial Director CINDY HILL....................-Executive Editor KENNETH FINK ......................Arts Editor TONY SCHWARTZ..................Sunday Editor MARTIN PORTER................. Sunday Editor Eating lettuce in front of the UFW rep- resentatives who came before Council to ask more money in their dignified and just struggle was a totally uncalled for slap at sincere people. It's difficult to remain unemotional in the face of such blatant insult. Hoffman is playing a very dangerous game with such acts. He dares people to disagree violently with him, and he may soon succeed. Emotionally charged atmospheres call for reason and tact, not a flaunting of elitist status. BUT WHEN Student Government Coun- cil degenerates to near violence, the real losers, as usual, are the students. Resorts to physical action only further serves to awaken the dignity and credi- bility of a body already accorded virtual- ly no respect by the students. And of course in the end Council too will suffer. Events of this ilk are in- stant fodder for those who wish to dis- solve Council. Henry Johnson's Commis- sion on Student Governance can certain- ly point to such incidents as evidence of Council's unworthiness to exist. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Dan Biddle, Mike Duweck, Jim Fraley, Chip Sinclair, Becky Warner Editorial Page: Cindy Hill, Sue Wilhelm Arts Page: Ken Fink, Jeff Sorensen Photo Technician: Karen Kasmuski *$ COI-UtvNBA, 9/$ By DWIGHT PELZ "fODAY AND tomorrow the Ann Arbor Human Rights Party will be holding its annual platform convention. The purpose of the convention is to update the HRP platform in light of recent local develop- ments and current radical perspectives on America's social problems. The HRP platform contains an analysis of national and local problems, viewed through a socialist perspective. We share an understanding that the solution to Amer- ica's injustices requires the elimination of a social order geared to increasing profi.s for the few. At the same time, the Human Rig'ts Party understands that America will not be changed by a handful of radicals roam- ing about prophesying about the upcoming day of Socialist Reckoning. Specific actions must be taken on the local level, both to im- prove our lives, and to illustrate the trie intentions of our political and econorni leaders. THE HRP PLATFORM contains b o t h discussion of the effects of the uneven dis- tribution of wealth, and concrete proposals to challenge this inequality in such areas as housing, transportation, and child care. The Democrats and Republicans write platforms that try to appeal to many diver- gent groups by saying as little of substance as possible. This approach turns a political platform into a deceptive tool rather than a statement of belief. Our platform is not designed to appeal to everyone. The Human Rights P a r t y makes no attempt to represent both the ten- ant and landlord, both the worker and boss, both the exploited and the exploiter. The basis of our politics is commitment, not consensus. Unlike the Democrat and Republican parties, the HRP takes its platform serious- ly. It is not merely a vacuous umbrella do- cument wheeled out conveniently at elec- tion times. Our platform is a meaningf1l statement of aims and interests that plays an ongoing role in the political life of the party. THE PLATFORM convention takes plac2 every year prior to the spring eleacions to insure that the platform remains an op- timal expression of the political thinking of HRP's membership. It is designed to give a wide range of HRP supporters through- wit the city the opportunity to have mean- ingful innut in determining the positions the party will t-ke in the upcoming election. HRP candidates are pledged to support this democratically determined )Iijformn both in their campaign positions andA their votes as elected officials. Between consme - tions, party mass meetings interpret the platform as it applies to current issues so that our elected representatives can speak and vote not for themselves alone but for the people they were elected to represent.' While the HRP considers this close ro ationship between its representatives and the party's platform to be one of our strontu points, it has become the subject of severe criticism from our Democratic opponents. Oir candidates are portrayed as mindless robots who are gagged and bound by the party platform, while Democratic and Re- publican candidates are "free to Speak their minds." ONE WONDERS WHY two political par- rhetoric ties whose rhetoric continuously glorifies American "democracy" find the idea of re- presentatives who actually "represent" so abhorrent. It is precisely the lack of re- sponsibility of these two status quo parties that has allowed the political leadership of this country to represent the interests of weaich and power at the expense of the working and lower classes. Yes, Democratic and Republican candi- dates can speak their minds, and looK at what they say. LBJ and the Democratic platform assured us in 1964 that Vietnam would not become an American war. A short year later, however, the emptiness of those words became'apparent. And what have Nixon and the Republicans promised us, honesty in government and "an open administration." Locally Ann Arbor Democrats will tell you rent control is bad if you live in the Fifth Ward and good if you live in the First. Obviously Democratic candidates are not bound to a meaningful platform. HRP candidates do not enjoy this "demo- cratic" freedom to betray. The record of our two City Council members, Jerry De Griek and Nancy Wechsfer, shows consist- ent support for both the party platfcrrn and dmocratic party decisions. THE HUMAN RIGHTS PARTY believes that political institutions should be open and responsive to people's needs. The struc- ture of the party reflects that concern, but we need you, your ideas and your energies. The convention begins today at 1 p.m. in Room 126 East Quad. Come to help us, whether you want to talk about socialism or the need for a new city approach to the rape problem. "EQ LY. 1 Dwight Pelz is man Rights Party. a member of the lu- Letters To The Daily: I AM writing in response to Kath- leen Fojtic's article concerning the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision on abortion.. Ms. Fojtic accuses the Right to Life groups of blocking legislation that would allow the teaching of contracep- tive methods to high school stu- dents. She blames the Right ;o Life for Congress dubbing such legislation permissive. Contrary to this, the National Right to Life takes no formal stand on birth control legislation unless such measures include abortion as a birth control method. It is unfor- tunate that some people are so indiscriminate to consider abor- tion as a contraceptive measure. For when conception has orcurrtd it is no longer the prevention of life but the destruction of a human life already begun. Similar to Ms. Fojtic's efforts, the Right to Life is seeking free- dom for all persons. The Right to Life especially seeks the freedomn +r. 1 - - -li -n 'a zin nr Reader defends Right to Life to Life is striving to enact legis- lation which would guarantee the basic freedom of life for all hu- man beings. This can only be achieved through the passage of a Human Life Amendment o' 'he Constitution. On January 22, 1973, the, S- preme Court irresponsibly and wrecklessly took away the unborn child's right to be considered a human being. Such haphazard de- humanizing legislation has not been equaled since the Supreme Court decided that the black man was not a person in the Dred Scott iDecision. It is this permissive legislation that the Right ta Life deplores. It is a tragedy that th , solution society is willing to provide for a distressed pregnant woman is the killing of her unborn child. In- stead it is imperative that all cf us provide counseling =nd positive assistance for both the motner and child. -Edward J. Manning C'rm-.n.,f Wnshteax-, The first is that Egypt is a leading "Arab" state. 25 years ago if you had asked an educated Egyptian if he were an Arab, he would have spit in your eye. Egypt was an ancient civiliza- tion with its own traditions ante- dating by centuries the invasion of Arab barbarians. Arabs were ,,orn- ed as primitive types, wandering through the desert with their cam- els. Egyptians were members of a historic urban tradition. According to Myles Copeland, Nasser's mentor from the CIA, it was his American advisers who convinced Nasser that he was an Arab with the mission of leading the Arab world. The rationale was that Nasser could be a stabili-ing force in the Arab world. THE SECOND historical irony is that the current Egyptian claim to the Sinai Peninsula dates back to time immemorial. One should always cast a fishy eve on historical claim to sovere- iguty. does not include the two key pass- es: Gidi and Mitla. The rest of the Sinai was part of the Turkish pro- vince of Hejaz, which was later incorporated into Saudi Arabia. Then in 1906, Egypt was granted -administrative rights to the rest of Sinai, to a line running rough- ly along the pre-1967 borders. The Turks, received from the British a statement that this "administra- tive" arrangement did not com- promise their basic sovereignty, however. DURING WORLD WAR I, the British conquered Turkish Sinai. After the war it was turned over to British Egypt. In short, t h e Egyptians have held title to the key area of the Sinai for only 55 years. Hardly time immemorial. So, in effect, when the Egyptians got Turkish Sinai from the Brit- ish, they were the receivers of stolen goods, i.e., from Saudi Arabia. Moreover, their claim is based on the legitimization o 'uth- less British imperialism. They can hardly claim the whole of Sinai Meinertzhagen's "Middle E a s t Diary", published in London in 1959. -Sanford Levin '75 Feb. S Orr-ation To The Daily: FOLLOWING TWO disappoint- ing seasons on the hard:ourt, many Michigan basketball fans, ourselv- es included, clamored or Johnny Orr's neck. When he was retained this year, many of us became irate at the notion of viewing another season of dismal basce'ball. After all, Michigan had lost many outstanding "individuals". Suddenly, to our amazement. Mich- igan has come up with what has to be the most exciting basketball team in the Big Ten. Besides be- ing enjoyable to w.ach, it is a well-drilled club. Most important- ly, however, it is a winr.ng ball club. Since Johnny absorbed the blame for last year's debl)i.e, we feel it is only fair to give Johnny h i s