THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, February 8, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, February 8, 1914 300 VOTE: TF's Hass demands Hoffman deserves belly ache i 1- I (Continued from Page 1) neared, Marcia and Dan Fishman the spirit of the meeting when she bolted from the room to end the The teaching fellow leadership declared, "I no longer want to quorum rather than allow Liu to last night appearedrto change its speak to certain other members be humiliated by his enemies in a stance on an earlier position that of this Council." vote. no negotiated demands would be A move torecall Ted Liu, the Soon trouble evolved. several accepted if they lead to another Council's director of Asian affairs, constituents blocked the door in tuition hike. sparked another ugly racial de- an attempt to prevent Hoffman "We twould ,support any action bate. Liu was up for censure for from leaving. The trouble then taken against a tuition hike," Sil- allegedly using physical force and continued into the hall where Hoff- berstein said. But she refused to coercing other SGC members the man departed inside of a human flatly back the previous declara- night of former President Lee cordon, with angry constituents tion. Gill's resignation. reaching inside vainly trying to Numerous speakers at the meet- The charges were made by Jim get ahold of him. ing indicated a need for the teach- Hudler, a crony of Hoffman's and THE ANIMOSITY to Hoffman is ing fellows to achieve their de- a fellow Screw SGC member. mands regardless of economic con- sequences to the University and LIU ANGRILY d e n i e d the other students. charges. He disclaimed any knowl- P' h i ts "The teaching fellows have got edge of threats, implicit or overt. to take care of themselves, not When he began to respond to spe- everybody," one person said. Sil- cific allegations, the issue soon berstein added "it is the feeling of became a shouting match with5su rreu d e the (GEO-OTF) Executive Com. Hudler which covered a number mittee that we have earned our of extraneous issues. money and are entitled to it." When a vote on the Liu recall f 01 ine not a recent phenomenon. Hoff- man, a shrewd and articulate spokesman of conservative thought, has become the focus of wrath on the part of constituents, who see him as the chief racist on Council. The meeting also included a mo- tion to recall Hoffman from the Council. The proposal was found to 'be unconstitutional because of Hoffman's elected status. Due to the rowdy nature of the meeting, little legislative action was taken. David Faye's contro- versial series of amendments to the existing constitution were voted down en masse, following a period of lengthy debate and a number of procedural maneuvers. TON IGH T (Continued from Page 1) viser, James St. Clair, to meet University Players present Brecht's with the congressional impeach- ment inquiry panel-the first White House contact with the investi- * W b A~bgators. Rep. Peter Rodino (D-N.J.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, announced that St. Clair had written- him Tuesday stating that the President had in- structed him to make himself 8 P.M.-POW ER CENTER available to the panel's legal staff. W A R R E N reiterated previous Tickets available at U. Players ticket office, Men- statements that release of tapes delssohn Theatre lobby. Advance info.: 764-6300. piancation such as cout loeali POWER CENTER BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 6 P.M. ings, adverse pre-trial publicity and possible interference with Box Office Phone: 763-3333 successful prosecution. In other developments yesterday, the Senate Watergate committee filed -a brief with Federal Court Nx Judge Gerhard Gesell claiming Nixon failed to give adequate rea-! sons for refusing to give the com- AR L Nmittee tape recordings of White' House meetings relating to the Watergate investigation. *IA R LN o s e tigUe a inIo teA M B E R S theIVORY SOAPGIRL Karen Black .f..f y [ , .._. %:''i. c f:. :..,":