Israelis: Fed up long before the war Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1974 Alienable rights? UESDAY TE supreme Court se t a precedent that further erodes the Fourth Amendment's principle of Amer- icans' "persons, houses, papers, and ef- fects, against unreasonable searches and seizures." By a 6-3 vote the justices decided evi- dence gathered illegally may now be used for grand jury probes, thus decreasing the procedural safeguards citizens enjoy in the pre-trial stage. This decision seems to rest on expedi- ency at the expense of principle. True, there is a tremendous backlog of cases awaiting adjudication all over the coun- try. And true, the practice of stringently upholding certain rights for the suspect undoubtedly has let some guilty people go free. The majority wrote of concern over suspects invoking the "exclusionary rule," a procedure they feel would "delay and disrupt grand jury proceedings." But even in purely practical terms it is doubtful to what extent foregoing the "exclusion- ary rule" will speed up the hearing of cases. AND IT IS preferable to insure the in- violacy of people, their possessions and their privacy, even if sanctions for privacy mean an occasional offender is not caught, tried, and sentenced. By keeping safeguards for the defend- ant at trial level but declaring these same safeguards no longer instrumental at the grand jury level, the court is tugging on both ends of the rope. Allowing the use of illegally obtained evidence in grand jury proceedings, the Supreme Court is In effect encouraging law enforcement agencies pushing for in- dictments to use illegal means. Also, it is impossible to see the logic that allows evidence to be used in one judicial pro- ceeding and not in another. Associate Justice Powell, who wrote for 1 f+I di+ g auaty Sports Staff DAN BORUS Sports Editor FRANK LONO Managing Sports Editor BOB MCGINN..............Executive Sports Editor CUCK BLOOM ......Assocate Sports Editor JOEL GREER...............Associate Sports Editor RICH STUCK.............Contributing Sports Editor BOB UEUER............ Contributing Sports Editor Editorial Staff CHRISTOPHER PARKS and EUGENE ROBINSON Co-Editors in Chief DIANS LEVICK........................ Arts Editor MARTIN PORTER.....................Sunday Editor MARILYN RILEY........Associate Managing Editor ZACHARY SCHILLER ............. Editorial Director ERIC SCHOCH..................Editorial Director TONY SCHWARTZ .................... Sunday Editor CHARLES STEIN .....:................... City Editor TED STEIN..... ................ Executive Editor ROLFE TESSEM .. Managing Editor EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS: Mariae Heyn Chuck Wilbur, David Yalowitz TODAY'S STAFF: News: Gordon Atcheson, J. Fraley Jr., Eu- gene Robinson, Judy Ruskin, Stephen Selbst, Rolfe Tessem Editorial Page: Ted Hartze lMarnie Heyn, Eric Schoch Arts Page: Diane Levick Photo Technician: Ken Fink the majority, sees the system as self-cor- recting: Those quick indictments result- ing from illegal evidence will be "ne- gated by the inadmissibility of the illeg- ally seized evidence in a subsequent criminal prosecution of the search vic- tim," and so the Fourth Amendment is preserved. THIS "CORRECTION" IS a dubious method at best, when cases contain- ing illegal evidence can be kept from the courts in the first place. To even count on courts discarding cases is tenuous, and the decision implies the desirability of creating indictments as well, disregard- ing the social stigmas involved. Yet if the result of yesterday's ruling seems contradictory, the direction in which it steers is evident. Following on the heels of last month's decision allow- ing searches of suspects without war- rants or probable cause, the trend is to- ward a whittling away at Fourth Amend- ment protections. Without becoming hysterical, it is nec- essary to question exactly how far this process may go under the "Nixon Court." Each precedent that reduces the rights of American citizens only legitimizes con- sideration of further reductions. Hopefully this process will end before suspects have no rights during arrest and trial and police have no restrictions on evidence-gathering procedures. At this point, however, that end does not appear to be in sight. Wallowing AS THE AMERICAN people and media focus their attention on the fire- works of government scandal and ener- gy belt-tightening, an economic brushfire is spreading in this country, of a magni- tude not generally experienced since the 1930's. The wholesale price index for Decem. ber 1973 outstripped all upward gains since the economic chaos following the end of World War II. Food, fuel, clothing, tools and appliances will now cost more than they ever have in the memories of most living Americans. There is no end in sight for this mas- sive rise in the cost of necessary goods, which will be increasingly be too expen- sive for ordinary people to afford. At the same time, the unemployment rate inches upward month by month. Nearly a quarter million people in Michigan alone are out of work and ac- tively seeking jobs. No economic system yet devised can long survive with mas- sive numbers of its population unable to participate in production and consump- tion. GOVERNMENT officials seem to be. able to do nothing but wring their hands and grumble about how the economy may soon go from bad to worse. Next we may hear the President urging Aieri- cans to "turn aside" from the muck of inflation and unemployment, to some issue yet unexploited. By KENNETH STEIN HAD THE ISRAELI elections been held last August or Sep- tember the results of the Parlia- mentary elections held a week ago would have been essentially t h e same. Coincidence, maybe. B u t most likely not. While the final tally of absentee and military ballots still remain to be counted, preliminary results show the Labour Alignment nead- ed by Prime Minister Meir with 50 seats in the Israeli Knesset (Par- liament) out of a possible 120 seat's. The recently formed Likud op- position received 39 seats and the National Religious Party 11 seats. In the former seventh Knesset the Labour Alignment held 56 seats, the Likud 32 seats and the Na- tional Religious Party 12 seats. The late summer survey research carried out for the Israeli d a i l y Haharets and published on the 26th of September ishvirtually iden- tical to the results for the eighth Knesset to be convened in two weeks time. Why? POLITICAL PUNDITS and their soothsayers have jumped to the conclusion that the Labour Align- ment's loss of 6 seats from the previous Knesset is a conclusive barometer of the Israeli public's "tough" stance vis-a-vis the peace (more precisely settlement) confer- ence now going on at Geneva. That most Israelis had decide before the October war that they were disillusioned with their ag- ing gerontocracy has been missed by most. The war seems to have catalyzed those notions of di-.. affection for Mrs. Meir's leader- ship and other septuagenarians st:ll on the Israeli political scene. The obvious manifestation of a feet on potential Israeli voting be- havior. Had elections been held in mid-November, wv:h the emo- tional wounds of war stil urband- aged by the Syrian prisoner-of-war issue and the positive prospects of Geneva, both major political blocks probably would have come out with approximately equal mandates. Such a result woul. have neces- sitated the calling rf new elections to solve the deadloaL of who would form a government coahitioa. While the prisoner-of-wir issue is still not solved, the Lanour Alignment's astute use of the Geneva talks per- mitted them the chance to form Israeli's next government. When the crun-h came and Is- raelis were forced to choose their party preference in Israel's si Zgle member constituency system each party receives seats in the Knes- set according to the percentages cast in its favor), the large unde- cided block of voters seer to have cast their lot with their previous allegiances. This despite feelngs fraught with misgivings over up- per-echelon party leadership. THE RESULTS of this war are numerous, but most substantive on the political scene. Yount former military generals will now find a placefor themselves in Israel's next cabinet. Names like Yariv, Amit, Herzog, Bar-Lev, Sharon, and Rabin wall be names to be reckoned with in future political constellations of Israeli politics, not because they have had good performances on the military field, but because they are hard thinkers, not willing to !nt the status quo and the meantime pass. A shot in the arm has been given to the formation of a potential op- Gen. Aharon Yariv position coalition whien now has to prove itself as a -iab lealternative to the Labour Alignment. Israeli democracy will face a tough test should negotiations get down to discussions about the West Bank of Jordan. The National Re'. ligious Party has a strong attach- ment to it. SHOULD THE coming Labour- dominated coaliti3n governinert reach a crisis over this issue, the likelihood of new elections being called is not out of the realm of possibility. Having such a refer- endum and its attendant lesults might only then tell us the t r u e meaning of this war's aftermath on the Israeli public. Kenneth Stein is a Ph. D. candi- date in Modern Near Eastern His- tory at the University. Golda Meir eyes election returns fed-up attitude, in however small form, appears with the presence of a new Civil Rights party head- ed by a feminist-lawyer Shulamit Aloni. The three seats her party will be allocated in the nex_ Knes- set probably best personify t h e solution to the cosmic oy-vey that has permeated the Israeli psyche since October. Her party did not even appear in the poll taken in September. THE WAR HAD a transitory e'- Fighting exploitation of waitresses By MARCIA ZOSLAW T HE STUDENT labor situation in Ann Arbor's restaurants is a vicious circle with the student caughtiin the squeeze of what is essentially smalltime business. In the owner's interest, waiaress- es may be denied adequate break time in order to give a semblance of busy-ness to the place, hopefuly drawing customers. It may mean dismissing a sched- uled waitress at the start or mid- way througheher shift in order to cut overhead when business is slow, paying waitresses without vouchers of deductions made for tax and social security or record of hours worked. The student proletariat's partici- pation in this vicious circle arises from short-run committments for the money it provides -- of the 40 waitresses surveyed half of them stated self-support as their reason for working-and finally, to quit when conditions become insuffcr- able. The student waitress in the mo- bile Ann Arbor community senses herself as doubly transient; 'in- committed, she accepts such ad- verse circumstances as well as smiling to the tune of the-custom- er-is-always-right because too of- ten she concedes fatalisdcally Lo her role and the inevitably of such hazards in a "shit job." SHE DOES NOT consider it in her interest to seek reform in this area because to her the waitress job is an aberration, not her ca- reer. Relief is to be found outside of it once she quits the job, re- ceives her degree and ascends up the job hierarchy where supposed- ly conditions are more civilized. Situated in Ann Arbor, "c~taciel of reason," it remains for the stu- dent worker to take advantage of her foothold in the worKing class world, to bring her ideals to the job and demand that human dignity be recognized in the community sphere. The cult of spontaneity ham been proclaimed, yet ironicailv t h e s e valid moments spent working, part time though the work nay be, are often repressed rather than dealt with, as if the waiter wai'ress is not truly present at her situation. With over half of the waitresses surveyed stating that they work at least sixteen hours a week, it seems that they are indeed putting in much bona fide time in their lives. It behooves them to insure that the time is passed at least de- cently, with job security, negotia- tion procedures for grievance3, pay recognition of time worked after the supposed end of a shift, and so forth. WHAT CAN BE done is to con- front managers with deaiands to correct the inequities of a "low class job," using the threat of un- ionization to force issues, if ne- cessary. Much of the management disi e- gard for waitresses is rooted in the feeling that the "students don't care, that "this is not their busi- ness" as one restaurant manager put it, even though they work at the business themselves. It re- mains for students to disute this, to show that they are intelligent and engaged enough to humanize their situation. Secondly, when a wai'.:ess is treated in an insulting mo he:-maid fashion, "hassled and proposition- ed," as if her, serving and smiling connotes she's "available," s h e should make clear that she is a dignified legitimate wo-ker a n d above such demeaning treatment. This swallowing of prid? for the sake of tips renders her liable again and again to the taditional game for the eating pub'ic. THUS IT MAY be necessary to scrap the tipping custon that now supplements a below m nmnum wage for a decent salary of ap- proximately $2.50 an hoax. The wo- man may, in the words )f a Crack- ed Crab waitress, be "somethino nice up front," and receive tips because of that, but the exploitive stereotype of her job may also serve to her detriment. The tips re unofficial, paternalistic ap- proval, purely "gratituous," often hidden under a plate or napkin; the waitress would be *oo embar- rassed to ask for her tio outright if after having given good serv- ice, she perceives that a cuistomnr has "ignored" or forgotten to tip. Too often the respect supposed to be paid is not. Rather their resigning themselves to the "sad situation" of the local glorified hamburger joints as be- yond change, waitresses and wai- ters should raise their 5,iching. to the levels of protest, be;-er their image to customers, management and finally to themselves by de- manding full human dignity in the work they do. Marcia Zoslaw is a former staff DailyPhoto by STEVE KAGAN writer for The Daily who investi- gated the ins and outs of being a waitress in Ann Arbor last semes- 0 1 I i Letters: Public campaign financing s'. ° . ai.r.+ a..W:.6rI~i ~t i',.cr.r3.A .-.s... r'li.3 r i+i.A Iw~~ +"ry+ Iw rw~.w. ~L.M- -{r a Ae7.4-All low,~ ,,t r,.i..Ct.y..-+....'r " rP/ rlgW6,.G c art . w~w.4w A~YQ +b«( .i~ .74 wr~r.~ .. + +fr' ++5« d~r. Y~w mo '/ ...A.* To The Daily: . WE MUST HAVE public financ- ing of all presidential and con- gressional campaigns, and we must have it now. It is a shame that af- ter all of the "court room" Water- gate coverage this summer that the people have lost interest in a very important part of the Nixon scan- dals, the financing of the Re-elect the President Committee. Richard Nixon spent more money in his campaign than anyone else has in the history of this nation. Recent testimony has proven the large part that corporate donations played in his campaign. Corpora- tions were pressured for money, or just gave out of the fear of what would happen to their govern- ment contracts if they didn't give. While Nixon was condeming the Democrats for instituting a "quota system" that allowed more wo- men, blacks, and young people in- to the Democratic National Con- vention, his agents were enforcing a quota for corporate donations. The American government was up for sale, and the American peo- ple were not entitled to' enter a bid. Public financing is the only way that the American people can get our government back from the corporations. Public financing alone, though, will not solve this problem. The existing penalties for illegal cor- porate donations must be made to fit the crime. Phillips Petroleum twenty per cent of the year's pro- fits, or at least a $500,000 fine, plus the immediate removal of all of- ficers involved in the donation as a possible answer. I know that seems drastic, but remember that when they buy a part of the gov- ernment, they are buying a piece of each of us. We must not al- low our government to be bought any longer! Public financing of congress onal campaigns would also make th Congress much more respon-ive to the needs of the peone. By provid- ing both candidates with equal amounts of money, and equal mass media coverage a candidate would no longer be able to buy a Seat in Congress. This would lead :o in- creased competition, a highe- turn over of members, and should al- low the better pers on to win. it would also allow a much more di- verse representation from the dif- ferent socio-economic groups. It is for these very reasons that many representatives' are against public financing. With the increas- ed competition, not being able to spend twice as much money as their opponent, many of these men would not be returned to Wash- ington in their next election. So let us take the power of government away from the cor- porations and give it back to the American people, a right guaran- teed to us by our Constitution. -Guy Cavallo '75 We have been active over t h e years in the struggle to force the costs of housing to tenants down. Precipitous rent raises, such as the one the University made during President Nixon's Rent Freeze, and which led to the Tenants Union's lawsuit in Federal Court challeng- ing the University's rent raise, are no longer justified in our eyes. Hopefully, with Students making dorm rate decisions, the costs to tenants for housing can be kept within reasonable limits. We strongly urge that the dorm rate decision making power be put into the hands of the Housing Policy Committee, with the an- propriate limitations on the Re- gents' powers to decide against the HPC, as quickly as possible. In a similar vein we urge people to support the effort in the Ann Arbor Community to implement an effective system of rent control. We would like also to point with disappointment at the stagnation of the efforts to build new 1 o w cost housing, as planned by many people over the past several years. It is agreed by many people in and out of the Univeristy that the Uni- versity could and should be doing more than it is to provide a better housing market for tenants, many of whom are attracted by the Uni- versity, in Ann Arbor. -David H. Raaflaul) for others and with others in the Tenants Union print my letter in your campus student newspaper. I am doing a 20 to 40 year sent- ence for marijuana with 10 years (1982) to serve before I see the Parole Board in the hopes of making a parole. I would appreciate any help anyone can assist me with in help- ing me obtain my freedom so as I may continue my college educa- tion. I am asking anyone that iny wish to help me for donations of any kind to be sent NOT to be but to my legal advisor, by money orders only, and if anyone should wish to write to me for more de- tails I would be more than .iappy to answer any questions you moy have. My address is: KENNETH E. WALLEN No. 135-283 SOIUTHERN OHIO CORRECTIONAL FACILITY P.O. BOX 787 LUCASVILLE, OHIO, 45648 The address of my legal advisor is: F. H. KEATING 135 WILSON AVE. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, 45505 Please help me if you caa by printing this letter in your paper. I have no one to turn to, and I can only hope and pray that some of you will at levit try to under- stand my situation. Thank you very much for your time and considerariop. I am and remain newspaper. I really dont know what to say. I would like to correspond with people on the outside. I am 29 years old, five feet eleven inches tall, 175 pounds, and iave black hair and hazel eyes. Thank you for any help you may give me. -~Elmo Jacobs No. 136865 PO Box 57 Marion, Ohio 43302 bikecentennial To The Daily: PLEASE MAKE known t} your readers the upcoming "Bikecen- tennial 76." It is a proposed bike trail, to be completed in 1916,bex- tending from Oregon to Virginia. The organization is non-proilt, is in muich need of publicity a n d support. Seeing as the University has so many bike riders, is al- ways in want of new bike trails besides Huron River Drive, you'd be doing them a great service by informing them. For more information write the organization: 317 Beverly Ave., Missonla, Montana 59801. Do not delay, please! All students and non-students will certainly apprec- iate this long-awaited happening. Thank you. -Not signed