:I WHSTEAK E THE MICHIGAN DAILY 100 picket Exxon recruiters (Continued from Page 1) but few appeared to be participat- "COME ON and pretend you Along with the rest of the pe- ing in the protest. want a job sometime," he sug- troleum giants, whose profits also, "Though I don't know enough to! gested. skyrocketed4 in constructive sugges- According to Leitson, the Exxon * Corporation has been accused in tions about the energy crisis,'' sad activists will meet again in the Congress and in the press of fab- one engineering student waiting to Fishbowl at 1 p.m. today to repeat ricating the energy crisis to i- be interviewed, "I know it's not yesterday's performance. crease profits. as simple as these people think." "I really like to get this stuff Although p r o t e s t spokesman "I still like my job," commented off my chest," admitted one par- Mark Leitson, LSA '74, admitted one of the Exxon recruiters after ticipant as he strode out of the that yesterday's action had failed it was all over, "but the noise was building. to slow down the recruitment pro- a bother and it makes it hard on! N e x t Tuesday representatives cess, he called the action a "step" the students we're interviewing. from the Standard Oil companies in the effort "to build a mass "We'd like to talk to all of you," of Ohio, California, and Indiana- movement of the people" against! he told several departing demon- are scheduled to interview students the oil companies. strators, "but individually. at the placement office. "THE HARDER it is is to re- ; __.__------ - - --_____ .m_.__-_.____ cruit," added I eitson, "theaharder iwill be for the oil companies to operate." operate.CLEARANCE IA number of engineering stu- dents observed yesterday's action, ABORTION ALTERNATIVE OFFERED BY HARDCOVERS-many hundreds Problem Pregnancy Help Assorted, Fiction, Hist., Politics, etc. 24 hr. phone: 7697283 Values to $20.00 Priced $1.98 to 98c Office: Basement-400 S. Division (corner of William) Hrs. Mon.-Thurs. 1-4:30 p.m. SINGLE COPIES Thurs. evening 6-9 p.m.mk FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Come QUICK-CHEAP! 316 SO. STATE ST. ge the -ob done OPEN 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. M-SAT; 1 1-6 SUN. LOUIS NEEDS HELP-STILL BURIED Wednesday, February 6, 1974 Sagan: Life out there' (Continued from Page 1) tion on Earth would most likely be detected t h r o u g h radio emissions. "If there are intel- ligent beings 'out there,' we could be detected no farther away than 30 light years." Television broadcast waves, which were not emitted before 1940, could not yet have traveled farther than 30 light years, Sa- gan said. "THE FIRST examples of our culture to reach an extra-ter- restrial civilization would be Howdy-Doody, Milton Berle, and the McCarthy hearings," added Sagan. In an exclusive Daily inter- view, Sagan speculated that Martians may indeed exist, but due to the present inhospitable conditions on Mars, may be hibernating during the 25,000 year winter. Althoughrconsidered a "ro- mantic" among the astronomi- cal community, Sagan's theories have brought him wide acclaim + from both laymen and scientists. The much-publicized "canals" of Mars, which were the sub- ject of hot debate a few years ; back "seem to indicate that at one time, more habitable con- ditions existed on Mars." Al- though the canals are not the work of intelligent beings, they indicate that perhaps Mars was covered with rivers thousands of years ago. "I believe that it is very con- ceited for us to believe that we are the only intelligent civiliza- tion," Sagan said. "IN LABORATORY experi- ments, we have created simple nucleic acids, which are the building blocks of all forms of life," Sagan continued. "Life on earth was not as accidental as one would assume, the universe is put together in such a way as to permit, if not guarantee, the origin of life and the de- velopment of complex crea- tures." However, according to Sagan, the evolutionary details would not be the same on another planet even if "conditions were exactly the same as those on Earth. "It is typical chauvinism to assume that any other intelli- gent being would resemble man in the least," he continued. Although it is Sagan's policy to "assume all phenomena un- til proven otherwise" he does not place much credence on UFO reports. "I HAVEN'T leard of any UFO reports that are both re- liable and interesting," said Sa- gan. "The first thing 'people assume when theytsee blinking lights' is that they are extra-ter- restrial in origin when actually they are easily explained man- made phenomena." Sagan feels that an advanced civilization would probably have a very minimal interest in Earthlings. "We," he said, ,"are the in- tellectual low-man on the galac- tic totem pole." Cops hunt 2 PARK TERRACE Fall Rentals 848 TAPPAN at OAKLAND Deluxe 1-2-3 Bedroom Apts. escapees I (Continued from Page 1) cape, Washtenaw County Sheriff' Fred Postillnsaidit was likely that the two men-both 25 years old and described as at least six feet tall- had prearranged a roadside pickup prior to the escape.. State police suggested that the escapees walked to I-94 and hitch- ed a ride. Postill noted, "Both men are charged with serious crimes and certainly could be considered dan- gerous." Police expect to continue a full- force search today. 0 " 0 !; I + Fully furnished & carpeted Garbage disposals Locked storage Live-in resident manager Private underground parking-free 24 hr. emergency service Burglar alarm system for each apt. Cable TV-free coud a See Brent or Sharon Clark, Apt. 10--769-5014 FOREST TERRACE 1001 SOUTH FOREST put a labe on it, call it a snack... and chargeyomre I I I i E t 1 ( r FalI Rentals Modern Two-Bedroom Apts. " 0 "' 0 0 0 SUMMER JOBS Guys & Gals needed for summer employment at National P ar k s, Private Camps, Dude Ranches and Resorts throughout the nation Over 5Q,000 students aided each year. For FREE information on student assistance program send self-addressed STAMPED envelope to Opportunity Research, Dept. SJO, 55 Flathead Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901. -YOU MUST APPLY EARLY- This Student Assistance Program Has Been Reviewed by the Federal Trade Commission fully furnished & carpeted each apt. equipped with its own burglar alarm system private parking-free garbage disposals 24 hr. emergency maintenance service live in resident manager Cable TV-free 8 or 12 month lease available See Randy or Andy Young Apt. 211, 769-6374 I ruwr..i I. Gerber bebyfoodstaste like delicious snacks, because they are. Greet puddings. Luscious fruits. And speci I treats, likhrcobler or ry buckle. Gerber baby foods Cost less than snacks, 5 because they aren't----lit1 so like those snacs in puI-t4p Cahs. Gerber babyfools come in corivenient sIze jars- enogh for one serving. Gerber baby foods dOn't haveto be tefrigerateI until they're opened. -So you can keep them anywhere for snacking anyime. Instead, You callita snackloand ,'9II charge yu even less. Campus Interviews minds MITRE is a place which daily faces the challenge of minds over matter, and where, even more importantly, minds matter a lot. Since we're a nonprofit system engineering company operating wholly in the public interest and dealing with tough problems assigned to us by more than a score of governmental agencies, we know that our greatest resource is the human mind. And we know that the kind of mind we need also needs to know that it will be working on important problems with other professionals. What's more, we'll be quite specific in spelling out your assignment to you. All of this because you matter.. . and because at MITRE, minds matter. We are currently seeking new graduates to work in command and control systems, information processing systems, electronic surveillance systems, communications systems, and environmental, health and other social systems. If you're an EE, Computer Science, Math, Operations Research, or Physics major, you could be working on problems in telecommunications, voice communications, micro- wave and digital signal processing, educational information systems, radar design, propagation studies or advanced modulation, coding, error control and data compression techniques. Or, you might want to get involved with water quality management, digital information systems, data handling and reduction, microprogramming techniques, data base structure, time sharing, text processing, management information systems for courts and police, computer program design and development or evaluation of present day software for phase-over to next generation machines. These are just a few of the areas in which you might get involved at MITRE. All of these positions require a minimum of a BS degree. If you have more than a bachelor's, that's even better. Almost 2/3 of our 700 technical staff members have advanced degrees. All these openings are at our corporate headquarters at Bedford, Massachusetts (suburban Boston). If you are interested and think you can meet our standards, send us your resume. Better yet, we'd like to talk to you on campus. Sign up at your Placement Office. We'll be there on February 7. Mr. Kenneth B. Keeler The MITRE Corporation Box 208 Bedford, Massachusetts 01730 THE _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 'A Ar 'rw " " 1- T" STORE COUPON on the purchase of any jar of Gerber baby food Notice to retailer: Gerber f Gerber salesman or mail will redeem this coupon at with your invoice to Ger- 100, plus 3ยข handling, BA FOODS ber Products Company, when accepted toward the Dept. TM, Fremont, Michi- purchase of any Gerber gan 49412.g baby food. Give it to your 51-126