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For details see Today
See inside
Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXX IV, No. 105 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 5, 1974 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Protest against Exxon
A protest against the presence of Exxon recruiters
on campus is taking place today, for all those who
doubt the veracity of the energy crisis and want to
demonstrate against the big oil powers. A rally in the
Fishbowl at 1 p.m. will be followed by a march to the
Engineering Bldg., where Exxon will be holding court.
A leaflet on the march 'put out by the Ad Hoc Committee
Against Exxon Recruiters explains, "Exxon Corporation
will be on campus to recruit a select few of us to assist
in managing future 'energy crises.' The University
plays its part by providing executives and researchers
to keep Exxon going."
Women's film festival
Women in the Reel World, a "non-competitive fes-
tival" of films made by women of all cinematic eras
will be in process tomorrow through Sunday this week.
The festival, which is free and open to the public, will
be held in the Physics and Astronomy Bldg., Aud. E.
Film workshops on topics including "Feminist Film
Criticism," "Women as Artists," and "Political Film-
making" will be featured during the five-day film
marathon, along with appearances by well-known female
film-makers. Don't miss it.
Sale ruled improper
The Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled that the fore-
closure sale of the Campus Inn and several other apart-
ment buildings belonging to Campus Realty owner John
Stegeman was illegal and that the property must be
resold. The court upheld foreclosure on Stegeman's
mortgages, however, ruling only on a technicality which
specifies that the mortgage company must advertise a
foreclosure sale for 13 weeks before it is held. Stege-
man's lawyer said the appeals court decisionwill allow
Stegeman to take the foreclosure appeal to the State
Supreme Court, but q representative of the Detroit
Mortgage and Realty Co. said the company expects to
hold another sale to recover its money.
Happenings .. .
today are various. Carl Sagan, astronomer and
author of The Cosmic Connection, is this week's Future
Worlds lecturer at Hill Aud., 3 p.m. The lecture is
free . . . in-depth films and slides on the Skylab mission
highlight the Residential College Astronomical Film
Festival in East Quad Aud. at 9 p.m. Much of the mate-
rial has never been broadcast or published, and this
show is free too . . . Feminists in Struggle Together
(FIST) is holding a meeting in East Quad's Strauss
Lounge at 7:30 p.m. . . . you can hear Johnny Orr,
Campy Russell, and C.J. Kupec interviewed on "This
Week in Sports," WCBN-FM from 7 to 8 p.m. . . . the
Career Planning and Placement office presents a dis-
cussion on "Career Opportunities for Women in Manage-
ient, Data Processing, Personnel and Other Fields"
at noon in conference rooms 4 and 5 of the League . .
the LSA Coffee Hour is hosted by the Far Eastern Lan-
guages department in 3050 Frieze Bldg. at 3 p.m. .
and the Extension Service and the English department
present a poetry reading by Erica Jong in Aud. 3 MLB
at 4:10 p.m.
Sex and the SEC
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) yes-
terday asked a Federal District Court in Maryland to
prevent a West German company from raising funds in
the U.S. to invest in European "sex centers." The SEC
charged that Globus Anlage-Vermittlungeselchaft, of
Hamburg, violated the registration and anti-fratd pro-
visions of the securities laws in advertisements in major
U.S. newspapers that promised investors they could
double their money in as little as 10 months. The SEC
brief said the Globus invested funds in "integrated
Eros centers, or sex hotels, for prostitutes located in
Switzerland, Belgium, Italy and Holland."
African militant killed
Abraham Tiro, a former leader of the militant black
South African Students Organization, was killed in a
mysterious explosion at a house just outside Gaborone,
Botswana on Friday, reliable sources said yesterday.
Tiro, who fled from South Africa to Botswana last Sep-
tember, was found lying in a pool of blood Saturday
morning in the kitchen of the house where he was stav-
ing, the sources said. They claimed police were unable
to confirm reports that Tiro had been killed by a
parcel bomb.
Krogh on ice
Former presidential aide Egil Krogh yesterday said
"goodby for a while" to his family and began serving
a six-month sentence for conspiracy in the break-in of
the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist. "As I said
a week ago Thursday, I thought the sentence imposed
by Judge (Gerhardt) Gesell was a just one," Krogh
told reporters. "I told himr I'd do my best to serve it
well and effectively and I intend to do that." Krogh
could have been sentenced to a maximum of 10 years
in prison and a $10,000 fine.
On the inside...w
..the Arts Page presents an interview with Norman
Blake at the Ark by Joan Borus . . . Janet Hlarshmnan
discusses University security guards on the Editorial
Page. . and the Sports Page features Clarke Cogs-
dill's. coverage of the Oklahoma-Michigan wrestling
refuses to
TF group
Leaders from a group represent-
ing University teaching fellows met
yesterday with President Robben
Fleming and were told the admin-
istration would not collectively bar-
gain with the organization.
Although both sides characteriz-
ed the hour-long discussion as
"friendly," the issue under con-
sideration - whether Graduate
Employe Organization - Organiza-
tion of Teaching Fellows (GEO-
OTF) is a legitimate bargaining
agent for the University's 1600
TF's - remained unresolved.
Unless GEO-OTF can negotiate
with the University, a strike among
the teaching fellows appears prob-
able later this month.
GEO-OTF has sought recognition
to negotiate a formal written con-
tract, including increased finan-
cial benefits, for the teaching fel-
lows. But the administration has
refused to officially bargain with
the group.
D u r i n g yesterday's session,
Fleming said the University can-
not recognize GEO-OTF as the
teaching fellows' agent because it
is not authorized by the state Em-
ployment Relations Commission.
Giving the organization bargain-
ing power without such authoriza-
tion from the commission would
violate "a consistent University
policy," Fleming said.
RECOGNITION via the commis-
sion is unsatisfactory, according to
the leaders, because the University
could bottle up the process with
a lengthy, expensive lawsuit de-
siened to "kill" GEO-OTF.
This Thursday, a mass meeting
of TF's will put together a pack-
age of demands which will be pre-
sented to the administration. The
GEO-OTF Executive Committee
will recommend that if the Uni-
versity does not agree to a con-
tract by February 17, a strike vote
will be taken among TF's.
Fleming will meet with GEO-
OTF leaders a week from Thurs-
day to "talk about" the demands.
The President emphasized that the
administration "will not bargain
over issues."
OTF chairwoman, declared that
unless the University will sign a
negotiated contract "a strike will
be necessary, although it is not
what we want."
Gov. sendspice to
curb road violence
and National
By AP and UPI
- Gov. William Milliken ordered State Police
Guard helicopters to start surveillance of po-
tential trouble spots yesterday in efforts to curb truckers' strike
He acted after several incidents, one of them involving
the shooting and wounding of a trucker, Max Krugman, 28,
of Carpentersville, Ill., near the southwestern Michigan town
of New Buffalo late Sunday.
"This is a problem that extends beyond our borders," Milliken said.
"But we are taking all necessary steps to prevent violence and intimi-
dation within our borders;
He directed National Guard helicopters to overfly major truck
routes to watch for trouble and ordered extra State Police surveillance
. Milliken also said State Phlice
would provide escort service for
truckers who wish to move in
convoys for protection against the
type of shooting and stoning that
has disrupted trucking in several
other states.
Milliken's action fell short of
the measures taken in Pennsyl-
vania and Ohio, where National
Guards were called up to protect
independent truckers
have been trying to stop all truck
traffic to support their protests
against increased fuel costs and
lower speed limits.
The side effects of the protest by
driver-owners who claim fuel pric-
es are too high and freight rates
are too low have started to spread.
See GOV., Page 8
WASHINGTON (W) - Federal-
state negotiators and represent-
atives of striking independent
truckers neared a compromise
agreement late last night that
could send the truckers back to
work, sources close to the talks
The sources said the truckers
presented government mediat-
ors with an 11-point list of "min-
imum acceptable demands" last
night, dropping their key de-
mand for a rollback of diesel
fuel prices, which had stalled
the talks all day.
Bll to put
ceiling on
WASHINGTON (Reuter)-A joint
Senate-House conference commit-
tee agreed yesterday to put a ceil-
ing on the price of domestic crude
oil and freeze gasoline prices at
their level of Jan. 15.
The committee said the price per
barrel for domestic crude oil should
be reduced from its present levels,
as high as $10.35 in some cases,
to no more than $5.25 within 30
days after the bill becomes law.
An additional increase of 35 per
cent or $1.84 per barrel could be
added if the President finds this
is justified.
If the provision finally becomes
law, it would mean a reduction of
at least a few cents per gallon in
the price drivers pay for gasoline,;
but the measure is expected to
face strong opposition when it
reaches the full Senate and House
of Representatives.
the prices of other refined petro
AP Photo
SEVERAL TRUCKS are blocked in by other rigs just off I-94 freeway at the Halfway House Truck Stop
near Kalamazoo. The stop serves as a base for independent truckers and was founded since the latest
shutdown began. Citizen band radios are being used to direct the stoppage through communications with
autos, driven by striking volunteer truckers.
Nixon submits
WASHINGTON (Reuter)-Presi-
dent Nixon yesterday sent to Con-
gress a record 304.4 billion dollars
budget and a pledge that he is
ready to pump more money into
the economy if the energy crisis
worsens the already bleak outlook
for jobs and spiraling prices in
The budget for the 1975 financial
year beginning next July 1, was
29.7 billion dollars more than the
current 1974 budget. It estimated
federal revenues of 274.7 billion
dollars, and a 9.4 billion dollars
The national defense budget-in-
cluding Defense Department spend-
ing, the military aspects of atomic
energy and other programs-jump-
ed to 87.7 billion dollars, an in-
crease of 7.1 billion dollars.
Nixon said his budget was a
strong one, ensuring an adequate
defense in a period of peace, when
the United States is not at war
with any other country for the
first time in 12 years following dis-
engagement in Indochina.
le also called it a budget of
moderate restraint that would sup-
port high employment and restrain
HE PREDICTED severe inflation,
now running at a rate of seven
per cent, and higher unemploy-
ment, which last month rose from
4.8 to 5.2 per cent of the labor
force, as well as little or no eco-
nomic growth in the coming
months. But he foresaw better
times for Americans in the latter
part of 1974.
The President told Congress his
budget was flexible to permit steps
to protect the economy-with such.
measures as increasing unemploy-
ment benefits, speeding up fed-
erally-aided programs, increasing
the flow of payments to defense and
other contractors, and changing
monetary policy.
The budget asked for no new
taxes, apart from a previously an-
nounced windfall profits tax on
oil companies, estimated at three
billion dollars by June, to prevent
profiteering during the energy
T r e a s u r y Secretary George
Shultz, echoing the President's
statement in his State of the Union
address last week that there would
be no recession in 1974, told report-
ers a personal or business tax cut
to stimulate the economy "is at
the end of the line."
Schultz emphasized his philosophy
rejecting the classic definition of
a recession as two successive calen-
dar quatrers of negative growth.
But, pointing to the political na-
ture of a decision on whether a
recession did exist, Shultz com-
mented: "I am sure the President
will turn out to be right-particu-
larly as we define it (a recession)."
BUDGET BUREAU officials said
the President was prepared to do
what was necessary to support the
bruised economy if a recession
threatened the country, but the
Administration "will show patience
See NIXON, Page 2
Smith backs earlier
prof. retirement age
City Council
passes bill
Vice President Allan Smith an-
nounced yesterday that he will
recommend lowering the Univer-
sity faculty retirement age from
65 to 62.
Speaking at the LSA faculty
meeting, Smith listed a number of
reasons for the recommendation
which was the result of a recent
study of the University's retire-
ment policies.
According to Smith, a growing
national interest in earlier retire-
ment ages has developed due to
increased social security benefits.
Smith also mentioned that faculty
members tend to be retiring grad-
ually. Rather than working full
time up until the moment of re-
tirement, faculty members have
been working part time the last
several y e a r s of employment,
gradually cutting their workload
each year.
Smith said some members of the
University community "have ex-
pressed worry that the turnover of
faculty in LSA was slowing down."
This also prompted the suggestion
of early retirement, he said.
HOWEVER, SMITH stressed that
many problems remain concern-
ing the possibility of an earlier
retirement age.
One of the problems is deciding
upon the exact age of retirement
with full benefits. Although Smith
plans to recommend the age of
62, he claims others suggest 60,
and even 55.
Presently, 60 is the lowest age
.that a member of the faculty can
retire with any benefits. Accord-
ing to Smith, a compromise must
be reached so that those opting to
retire at the earlier ages can do
so without losing all the benefits
of salary and paid insurance.
Another problem that Smith feels
requires further s t u d y is the
University's mandatory retirement
policy for faculty members. At age
70, a faculty member is required
to retire.
Passage of a new ordinance de-
signed to help the city cope with
"snow emergencies" topped an
otherwise unexciting bill of fare
at City Council last night.
The ordinance, which was passed
unanimously at first reading, em-
powers the City Administrator to
designate certain city streets as
first priority snow emergency
routes, second priority streets,
with concurrent parking prohibi-
tions in the event of a snowstorm.
The ordinance is designed to fa-
cilitate snow removal by eliminat-
ing the problem of parked auto-
mobiles on essentiay city streets.
Under the terms of the initially
approved ordinance City Adminis-
trator Sylvester 'Murray with the
help of the Traffic Engineering and
Transportation Department, would
designate. the emergency routes.
These streets would be. marked
with appropriate traffic control
In the event of a snowstorm the
City Administrator would declare,
through local radio stations and
newspapers, the ordinance to be in
Parking in first priority snow
emergency routes would be pro-
on for disabled vehicles on days (HRP - First ward) suggested that
hat a snow emergency is declared, the ordinance might result in step-
wners of a stalled or disabled ped-up issuance of parking tickets
ar during a snowstorm must have by the police and requested that
heir vehicle towed or pushed off "someone knowledgable on the
he roadway. subject be brought before Council
Council member Jerry DeGrieck to speak."
New Daily editors :tA: 4.
~crude, effective' kY
The staff of The Daily has selected Dan Biddle to be Editor-in-x
Chief for the 1974-75 publication year.
Biddle, a Political Science major and former cheese packer
from Philadelphia, Pa., now takes command of the editorial and "t
news pages with a crew of editors that is somewhat smaller.
than usual.
BUT BIDDLE'S six comrades, who describe themselves as
"crude but effective," have got what it takes. Judy Ruskin, a
general studies major .and former economist from White Plains, f
N.Y., will share the title of Managing Editor with Becky Warner,:
a home-grown Ann Arborite studying Comparative Literature in a
the Residential College. Warner is a former birth registrar. k
Sue Stephenson, The Daily's new Feature Editor, hails from ,"4 '.#
Lansing, holds down a double major in Journalism and Political
Science, and used to be a Burger King employe.i
The editorial page will fall under the supervision of Editorial t, u' LIN