sundciy inside: contributing editors: laura berman howie brick magazine books- page 4 ali vs. frazier--page 5 looking back-page 6 Number 15 Page Three February 3, 1974 FEATURES Rifles, dope and cream cheese: The wonders of the police property room By CHARLES STEIN ANN ARBOR POLICE patrolman Bruce Williams has the job that would make Monte Hall green with envy. As head of the police depart- ment's property division, Williams presides over a virtual kingdom of boxes, crates and barrels filled with mysterious merchandise. Like the great bargain - master of "set's Make a Deal" fame, Williams' outfit carries an amazing assortment of goods ranging from staples like color televisions to 29 cent bars of cream cheese. Williams, however, is not supplied by the Spiegel Catalog Chicago, Illi- nois. Instead he depends upon the city's men in blue to stock his myriad shelves and cubbyholes. And stock it they do, to the tune of several hundred thousand dollars worth of goods last year alone. Most of it is stolen property that has been recovered by the police and is await- ing use as evidence in upcoming trials. "There probably isn't anything we haven't had in this place at one time or another," says Williams, and a quick look around the room confirms the patrolman's observation. There are 12 television sets stolen from the Lamp Post Motel, half a dozen rifles lifted from the ROTC building, a murder victim's blood- soaked jeans, a taped confession ("you don't see many of these any- more"), a freezer full of shoplifted meat and three live frogs. How did the police recover three stolen frogs? "Would you believe on a phone tip- off? laughs Williams. The presence of numerous stereos and bicycles suggests the heavy in- fluence of the student community on the city's rip-off market. Bicycles are far and away the most popular item in Williams' showcase. They fill up an entire room ,in the police garage. THE JOB OF the property staff is to protect evidence and eventually return stolen property to the right- ful owners. Though it sounds simple enough, there are a number of occupational hazards that can make life difficult for Williams and his colleagues. As Williams explains, a single piece of missing property constitutes suf- and police officers are also required to drop the key into the drawer. Only Williams has a duplicate of the key, and so if something turns up missing the department knows exact- ly where to look. Captured narcotics require even stricter security precautions. New York City police learned this lesson the hard way when the heroin seized There are 12 television sets, half a dozen rifles, a murder .victims blood-soaked jeans, a freezer full of shoplifted m e a t and three live frogs, How did t h e police recover three stolen frogs? "Would you believe on a phone tip-off?" laughs Williams, ., " ..°ir,: r . :{ "...r . . .*.": } "r" " {' r:}...... :......... ..... "........ . a............. h':.J{tM:i i .ais:":h"...::..vX',dr.".h..i.Rn..n:{R..J. .{ '"mhxFi{R ...,. M."::.. CONFISCATED WEAPONS and li- quor merit much the same treat- ment. Weapons used in the commis- sion of crimes are sent to the state police where they are melted down. Alcohol, obtained largely in shoplift- ing cases, is poured down the drain under the watchful eye of an official from the state Liquor Control Com- mission. After a piece of evidence is no long- er required, it is returned to its origi- nal owner. Generally this takes a matter of months, but there are ex- ceptions. If, for ekample, a suspect skips town before his trial and drops out of sight, the police must hang on to all related evidence for an indefinite period of time. Some items in the property room have been around for 10 years-a long time to wait for your favorite TV set. Problems may also arise in deter- mining the rightful owner of a given piece of property-especially when no serial number or bill of sale can be produced. "If a guy comes in here and tells me he lost a Zenith color TV, there's no way I can give it to him" Wil- liams explains. "I could get 50 peo- ple to say they owned the same TV. But if he says my little Jonny smash- ed it with a hammer and made a big white mark across the side,' that's good enough for me." WILLIAMS IS PROUD of his staff's record in returning property. Of 1200 bicycles recovered last year, some 900 were returned. The percent- age for stereos and TVs was even higher. Property that for one reason or an- other is not claimed is auctioned off to the public at regular intervals. The only exceptions are items that have been found by citizens and turned over to the police in the hope that the rightful owner can be found. And after a six-month period, such items become the property of the people ficient grounds for getting a case thrown out of court. In addition, police must -be able to account for all property from the time it is obtained until it is present- ed as evidence in court. Failure to. do so can also result in dismissal on a technicality. To deal with this problem, the po- lice have devised a tight security sys- tem which puts the bulk of responsi- bility squarely on the shoulders of Bruce Williams. "If anything goes wrong with evi- dence, I know I'm through," he re- marks bluntly. Williams protects himself by keep- ing accurate records of the times evi- dence is checked in and out - even if it is only for a brief transfer to the crime lab. EVIDENCE BROUGHT in during the night is dropped in large draw- ers in front of the property office in the famous French Connection case was stolen from one of their property rooms. The thieves made off with heroin worth an estimated $12 million, and in its place left several bags full of powdered milk with an estimated street value of $1.63. Ann Arbor police have a special room where they keep narcotics and Williams has the only key to its door. Inside are a number of small green barrels filled with narcotics, each bearing the name of a particular po- lice detective. The barrels are securely locked and only the individual officer has the key for his barrel. Accordingly, it takes a minimum of two people to reach any of the nar- cotics-a built in system of checks and balances. "We don't have any French Con- nections here," Williams says confi- dently. who found them. "Very few people realize we oper- ate that way" Williams ventures. "They tend to think of us as boge-y- men." Daily Photo by KAREN KASMAUSKI likes the work he does and speaks about his accomplisnments with pride. And he give no indication that he is contemplating a move in the near future. So eat your heart out, Monte Hall. Though the ten get him hassles of the job of- down, Bruce Williams The politics of- -liquor licensing By STEPHEN SELBST IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT in Ann Ar- bor. People are out on the street drifting, looking for some action, There are a lot of little restaurants around campus that cater to this crowd. They all get by on a lumpen- prole combination of pizza, football and cheap entrees-all directed to the student munchie crowd. They're all about the same price, quality of the food, atmosphere. And none of them, until quite recently, served liquor. But today things have changed. With the lowering of the drinking age in Michigan back in January 1972, the possession of a liquor li- cense has become worth its weight in gold. The arrival of the 1970 census data in 1972 showed an increase in popu- lation warranting the addition of ten licenses for the next ten years. The city is permitted one liquor license for every 1500 residents, and the number of licenses the city could is- suejumped from 57 to 67. Obviously competition for the pri- vilege of peddling booze is keen, and made more so by the ease in meeting the application requirements. Just meeting the requirements does not guarantee getting a license, but it does provide resourceful entrepeneurs with an easy access to this fast buck market. There are bound to be losers in this liquor license lottery. being squeezed out of business by not having a liquor license. Nick and George aren't like the out of town executives who run the flashy new establishments like Bicy- cle Jim's. They have no fancy subur- ban office. The interview is con- ducted at a back table in the Cottage Inn. "I'm a business," George explained, "I try to make money. If you're not making money you're losing money. I'm not losing any money, but I'm not making any either. You under- stand? I pay my taxes, I own the property, I've never had any prob- lems. Why can't I get a license? Where's the justice?" "A liquor license would help my night business 100 per cent. Before on a Saturday night we used to have people lined up outside waiting to get in. Now ..." TE FORMAL PROCEDURE for getting a license is straight out of a high school civics text, but It reveals very little about what sub- jective criteria applications are de- cided upon. To start with, a potential licensee simply writes a letter to the Michi- gan Liquor Control Commission stat- ing a desire to obtain a liquor license. Applicants need not have a specific location, title to property, or any con- crete plans. Just a desire to get in on a good deal. After the state receives the appli- cations it simply relays the names of Current plans are for a restaurant called the Starboard Tack to be op- ened out by the Research Park near North campus. Another place which got Council approval is a combina- tion hotel and restaurant called Earl's to be opened in October. Fin- ally a student bar is slated for Church Street in the basement of the Campus Arcade. (IAROL JONES, WHO sat on this year's Liquor Commission for the city, explained how the committee de- cided who should get the favored positions. "Each case was decided on individual merit." Jones said that the Earl Hotel was okayed because it would help revita- lize the downtown area. The Star- board Tack will be located in an area where there is no other liquor li- cense nearby, making it easier for corporate types to go out and drink their lunches. The student bar at the Campus Arcade was a concession. Carol related what she looks for in an application. "I want to see va- riety, especially in the campus area. There's a need for a dancing place, where you can go out and boogie, and there's a need for a place to go and just socialize." Jones said she, "was fairly typical of people who like to go out and drink once in a while. Sometimes I go out with the express intention of getting drunk, and there's a need for that kind of place, too." ni.a11ci"Crwhy I(7 ~1 tike the+ 00t_ mission in the past. Talk of shady deals comes and goes, but definite proof is hard to come by. Certainly those involved -have a stake in pre- serving the secrecy of their collusive acts. Jones said that this year's dealings were "very clean". "In' all the time I've been on City Council, nobody has ever approach- ed me with a bribe and it makes me realize how little real power I have." THE RUMORS OF possible collu- sion in obtaining liquor licenses are lent credence by the reluctance of licensees to talk about how they came by their licenses. When asked about . the subject of liquor licenses the Brown Jug refused to make any com- ment at all. The manager at Bicycle Jim's said the owner was the only person who would talk about their license. Oddly, the owner wasn't in his office for two consecutive weeks. The future looks bleak for the stu- dent drinkers. City Council and the Liquor Commission have never en- joyed the reputation of being espe- cially responsive to student wishes. The Liquor Commission will prob- ably continue to be composed of two conservative Republican types, intent on insuring that suburbanites have a place close to home to get sloshed at. Probably one seat will be thrown to the liberals or the students. Nor does the future for the small time restaurant owners in Ann Arbor look any brighter. New quick food op- serve on the Commission for a year at a time and may be reappointed. The Liquor Commission then makes its recommendations to City Coun- cil, which rubber stamps the commis- sion's decisions. Now final state ap- proval is sought, but this too is mere- ly a formality. Daily Photo by STUART HOLLANDER This year Council awarded licenses to three more places, leaving a total of five for the next eight years. None of the three places which got approv- al for a license this year are in opera- tion yet, although all could be ready within six months of final approval of their licenses. Rumors have always surrounded the opera- tions of the Liquor Commission in the past. Talk of shady deals comes and goes, but definite proof,