m1y4W1yWYlII yYIYiYYYYYyY1WI I YWIIYWYYYM YW YWWWIWY y yyyywa i Ie£d9an: Paili Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1974 Registration politicking THE RECENT FLAP about the Human Rights Party's (HRP) door-to-door voter registration campaign illustrates the entirely partisan aspects which the supposedly "neutral" process of voter registration may take, if nothing else. Trying to win elections by registering voters and then getting them to the polls on election day is one of the oldest political tactics, as are attempts to win by making it difficult for some por- tions of the voting public to register. The latter is obviously what city Re- publicans have in mind by refusing to allow door-to-door registration, and only reluctantly approving fixed site registra- tion in the various wards. The Republicans know that those most unable or unwilling to make the trip down to city hall to register to vote are those who would be least. likely to vote Republican. Foremost in GOP minds are students. STUDENTS ARE ALSO foremost in the minds of the Human Rights Party members, for they are HRP's greatest constituency. Thus it is not surpris- ing that they favor going out door-to- State of t PRESIDENT NIXON'S State of the Union Address Wednesday night was the usual fare of platitudes and national self-congratulation, which when stripped away, left little of substance. Perhaps the only really new proposal offered was his general call for some sort of national health insurance for those who "currently cannot obtain or afford .the private health insurance cov- erage they need." Several other vague suggestions made which appear good on the surface in- clude making credit more easily obtain- able by women, transference of more control over programs for American In- dians to the Indiabs and investigation of problems of invasion of privacy. The na- ture of any actions toward those goals remains problematic, though. His vague suggestions for reform of the welfare system and aid to education programs will also bear watching, in light of the Nixon Administration's pen- chant for cutting back programs and aid in the guise of reform. E PRESIDENT'S remarks on Viet- nam provided little assurance that the U. S. government is even consider- TODAY'S STAFF: News Page: Dan Biddle, Dan Borus, Jeff Day, Judy Ruskin, Chip Sinclair, Sue Stephenson Editorial Page: Ted Hartzell, Ma r n i e Heyn, Eric Schoch, Joan Weiss, S u e Wilhelm Arts Page: Ken Fink, Diane Levick Photo Technician: Karen Kosmauski door and have done so, contrary to the ruling of the city clerk but not in fact illegally. It is unfortunate that HRP, in sending registrars out to student dor- mitories, found it necessary to deliver a partisan pitch while registering voters. Such actions only left them open to po- litical attack. The Democrats have seen their chance to score a few political points by blasting the HRP for "desperate" acts that "vio- late the public trust," while claiming that they too have wanted door-to-door regis- tration all along. One wonders whether such Democrats as Thomas Wieder and Councilwoman Carol Jones (Second Ward) would rather have door-to-door registration or a chance to get in a few licks at HRP. IT IS OBVIOUS where the Republicans stand. Any strong registration drive in the campus area can only hurt them. The ideal in our system of democracy is to have as many people as possible registered to vote. Door-to-door registra- tion would be a good way to facilitate this. Unfortunately, politics seems to have gotten in the way. he union ing a policy of self-determination for the people of that country. Nixon was correct when he said that "we still have a responsibility there," and that "men and women are still dy- ing." America's responsibility is to see that the Vietnamese are allowed to work out their internal problems without con- tinued interference from the United States. Moreover, it is the Nixon Administra- tion's continued economic and military aid for a government that has little popu- lar support that is largely responsible for the continual warfare carried on by the Thieu regime. Most remarkable, however, were Nix- on's statements on Watergate, in which he served final notice that "Operation Candor" is a thing of the past. JE AGAIN STATED that he would co- operate with the House Judiciary Committee considering impeachment in a manner which he considers "consist- ent" with his "responsibilities for the presidency." In the past this has meant minimal cooperation at best, and we can expect no better in the future. One year might have been enough for Watergate if the President had chosen to provide the necessary materials to the special Watergate prosecutor, the Ervin committee and the House Judiciary Com- mittee. Instead he has chosen to ob- struct and cloud the investigation when- ever possible. Only when the necessary tapes and papers are provided to the House and the prosecutor enabling proper legal ac- tions to be taken can we effectively turn our attention to the rest of the issues facing this country. R Mary) By MARNIE HEYN heads t MARY ROTH'S story is hardly ting wh unique. In fact, the incidence of small inequities like hers makes THT each tale like this a microcosmic to any chapter in the ongoing history of by som labor struggles. hierarc Mary was a waitress. titude." She worked part-time at the Pur- ed, Ma ple Pickle, a local version of the she to Madison-Avenue-hippy sandwich press, 1 joint that enjoyed a brief period ployes. of vogue a few years back. Early She took the job because s h e sorted needed the money. She accepted et line the paltry wages offered because le. She she didn't know that she was en- man R titled to more. fellow P The discovery that she was be- that th ing cheated out of a fraction of signific the legal minimum wage began custom the transformation of her career, picket li and provides a rallying point for All th all those who are forced to t a k e what M what they can get in order to sr- took th vive, like waitresses. as nec FIRST, SHE asked Tom Rusin- stances. ow, the Purple Pickle owner, to lost her pay wages according to the mini- in sight mum standard. When he refused, she took her complaint to t h e WHIL Michigan Employment Se:urity the pic Commission. Rusinow told her it hour th would be a waste of time. policem The Employment Securty Com- at theP mission felt otherwise. They found told her Rusinow to be in violation, and or- police s dered him to raise wages, and to question pay back wages to past and pre- Pickle & sent employes. Rusinow told Mary Mary that he would not attempt to pen- ed Dav alize her, because she orny asked ied her for what she was rightfully entit- ly enou led to. one wa On January 25, three months lat- the two er, Rusinow fired Mary, allegedl to bef for incompetence. number Privately, he gave her different Rusin reasons. According to Mary, he question told her he was firing her "for his that he mental health," because "no one namesc respects me any more," because parentl the employes were "gettin; their been c Tips for By JEANNE FOX EACH SPRING, nearly half of the Univer- sity's student population starts thinking about where to live the following fall and during the summer., According to Peter Ostafin, associate director for planning and development in the housing office, 46.45 per cent of Mich- igan's enrollment, 15,346 students, lived off campus during 1972. He estimates t h a t slightly more liver off campus during 1973. Everyone looks for an apartment in a convenient location, and in good condi- tion. Each choice is a compromise, espec- ially as the overall quality of apariments seems to deteriorate each year. They also look for apartments that seem soundly constructed and need few repairs. Despite their patient search, many disputes arise each year between the tenants and their landlords over repairs, damage de- posit returns, subtenants, etc. HOW DO YOU AVOID as many hassles as possible? Where can you go for help? Whether you are a veteran apartment dweller, or looking for your first apart- ment, some tips from the people that work with tenants' problems can help you avoid many of them. While looking at different apartments, look closely at their condition, advises Her- bert Booker, lawyer for Mediation Service. "Most problems come about in areas of constant use, so look closely at the fix- tures. Make sure that everything is in working order." If there is something that should be done to the apartment, such as repairs, have it written into the lease. Also have whatever comes with the apartment written into the lease, e.g. storage space. ,Booker added that if the apartment is furnished, ask what "furnished" means and ?oth: A ogether, talking, an isplit- en I come around." STORY will sound iamiliar body who's been criticized nebody higher up in t h e hy for "having a bad at- Instead of being chasten- ry was so outraged that ok her complaint to the the public, and other em- this week, Mary and as- supporters threw up a piwk- ip front of the Purple Fick- was joined by friends, Hti- ights Party membecs, and Pickle workers.The; claim e Pickle's lunch trah_- was antly diminished because ers refused to crass t h e ine. is political activity was not Mary had in mind Wien she job, but she accepted that essary under the circum- She got her back pry, and job, but the end is no: yet t. E MARY was standing on ket line during the lunch is past Wednesday, t w o en who had ev-dently eaten Pickle approachedbher and rthat she was t j be at the tation at 3 p.m to answer ns about a robbery at the Saturday night. got a lawyer. She contact- e Goldstein, w'io accampan- to the police station. Odd- gh, no one expected her, no nted to question her, and policemen were nowhere found. Goldsteia left h i s and they departed. ow told Mary that the iing would be routine, and had given the police the of all his emu;oyes. Ap- y, no other employe has ontacted thus far. Mary feels like she is bel; harassed. OTHER PICKLE workers agree. Peggy Staiger has worked at the restaurant for a year, and has joined Mary on the picket line. She says that she has gone out on the line because of what she feels are Rusinow' s unfair labor practices, and because of Mary's firing. Peggy didn't get all the back pay .she is entitled t- -and which she says Rusinow praxmised her- because she's only l?. She says that he fired people on the grounds that he didn't iik them, regard- less of the quality of the r work. She also said that he "burned peo- ple out," worked thm hovertime hours, and then fired them when they were too tired to work any longer. She said, "I'm out on tha line because he lied to me about the back pay, and because of what happened to Mary.' Rusinow s :- i d that she was in~ mipetent :nd that she didn't get &'Jong with the other people. That's nt true- s- c wrk- ed hard and w is friendly with everyone except Rusinow, and she tried to get alond with him. PEGGY EXPEcTrs to get fired, but she's willing to rrike t h a t chance. She wan-s to get a oetter paying job anyrhow. Mary Rothis anot atone in feel- ing ripped offsoy local restaurant owners. There is an enormous working out housing hassles waitress fights back ask about the condition of the furniture. "No one should walk into an apartment with furniture in poor condition and pay full price. It's not worth it. Ask for a rent reduction." WHEN SIGNING the lease, Booker recom- mended watching out for "disclaims of lia- bility" in which the landlord can say what he isn't neglible for, "including his own gross neglibility." For example, if the roof leaked, and damaged the tenant's clothes or possessions, if such a clause was in the lease the damages wouldn't be the land- lord's responsibility. In addition, if there is something in the lease you don't want, try to negotiate with the landlord to have it taken out. Needed repairs and loss of utilities suzh as heat and water frequently occur during the time of the lease. Report anything in writing to the landlord as soon as it happens, keeping a copy. In such situations, you can also ask for a rent reduction or rebate for the period of time you had to put up with the loss of a utility, or with some- thing unuseable until it was repaired. "According to the lease, the landlord is providing furniture, utilities, etc. Any time there is a loss of anything the landlord is failing to keep his part of the contract and the value of the apartment is less," said Mr. Booker. He added that the land- lord will rarely suggest rent rebates the tenants must ask for it. CHARGES MADE against the damage de. posit and the condition of the apartment after moving out is another headache and source of contention between tenants and landlords. One way to agree on the extent of the damage is to make an appoint- ment with your landlord to take a check of inventory. In the past many deductions were made against the damage deposit for cleaning charges. According to the new housing legislation that went into effect last April, landlords can no longer deduct money for cleaning, only for damages. But Booker said that the new legislation is very vague about what constitutes dam- age, and still has to be tested in court. Under the new laws, the landlord must notify his tenants within 30 days after tbe end of the lease of any charges being made and return the rest of the damage deposit. If there are any charges that the tenant disagrees with, he must write the land- lord within seven days or else lose his right to challenge the charge. This is because the landlord must fiie suit within 45 days after the termination of the lease about any charges in dispute. A large number of students sublease their apartments, or look for apartments each simmer. Subleasing causes many prob- lems as subtenants "usually do more dam- age on th whole to the apartment and leave it dirtier than the prime tenants," corn- mented Elizabeth Leslie, director, Media- tion Service. TO CIRCUMVENT some of the trouble, Leslie suggested that the prime tenants request an inspection with the landlord when they move out. Subtenants must also put down a damage deposit, and this can be as much as one and a half month's rent. When tenants feel that they need help with a problem, there are several places they can go. The first is the Mediation Service, at 2205 Michigan Union. The Media- tion Service will work on any tenant prob- lem, including noise, illegal pets, co-tenant problems, damage deposits, and those brought to them by landlords. Booker and Leslie have found that land- lords will usually cooperate and work with the mediation service, unless "the land- Doily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB transient -- not necessarily by choice - popul tion of women who work where thev car, wear them- selves out at menaol jobs, and lose those jobs by as 'ng for what they deserve. This situation may not last much longer. There is growing sentiment that Ann Arbor shoold have a wai- tress union similar to the -ne in San Francisco, s that waitresses can earn a living wage without toadying to management or cus- tomers. It's an idea that's waited too long as it is. In the meanti re. actiivtv arond the Purple Pickle will go on. "m going back," says Mary Ro:h. "lie's not going to intimidate me." lord has a great deal of' money involved or there is a lot of antagonism against the tenants," said Booker. After a case is brought into the Mediation Service, one of the staff talks to both par- ties to try to reach a settlement. If no set- tlement can be made, they go into a media- tion session. If they agree to have the mediators make a recommendation, the derision is considered binding. IF THEY DON'T want a recommenda- tion, and no settlement is made, then it is suggested that the party with a complaint take it to court. The Student Legal Aid office on the fourth floor of the Michigan Union also handles many tenant cases. Jonathan Rose, director, said that the majority of their cases consist of landlords trying to evict their tenants, or disputes over damage de- posits, repairs, pets, and such. The Legal Aid office will generally take anv case brought to them, if the individual f-lls into the necessary income bracket to 3q'ialify for legal aid. Most of the cases are usually settled out of court, or are taken to a District or circuit court. CURRENTLY THE Legal Aid staff is very active in trying to change the exist- i"R housing legislation. According to Rose, two of the staff are on the Rent Control Commission. Rose would like to see rent control adopted in Ann Arbor, in which the rent commission would freeze rents at the August 1973 levels, and landlords would have to apply for rent in- creases. Rose would also like to see a total re- structuring of the landlord function, and senaration of the financing and mainten- ance functions. Jeanne Fox is a senior in journalism and political science at thb University. SEE! 1 TOLD YOU ISENATOR' 3'?CTT SAYS HE'S SEEN DOCUMENTS AT THE WHITE HOUSE THAT WILL CLEAR THE PRESIDENT OF ANY WATERGATE INVOLVEMENT! Fl: ,F jA, 2 IE Letters: To The Daily: against I WOULD LIKE to clarify sev was pl eral misrepresentations arising out or two of the recent HRP door to-door re- slowly1 gistration affair. attract A significant fact which neither Fran the Daily nor Frank Shoichet seem be don to realize is that Councilwoman impress Jones and Tom Wiede. are not of- wouldt ficial spokespersons of the Demo- dorms cratic Party. Carol represents the was nc voters who elected her and Tom visible represents himself. Fran When, in his letter on Jan. 30, registr Frank spoke of the atti-ude of tY-e nonpar Democrats he should have said I'd bee the attitude of Ms. Jones and Mr. man, w Wieder. Although I am a precinct gistrati captain for the Democratic Party would 1 I do not speak for it, but only for that it myself. partisa In his letter Frank mentioneo my HRP h involvement in HRP's r-egistrationi to Lloy activities. I would like to unravel they b the facts that Frank so neatly in the twisted together. Although J had My 1 considered the possibilizy of unau- tra eff thorized registration and nad sp-)x trationb en to Frank about it on several oc- amount casions, I eventually came to the table i conclusion that it was uwise. noons. I was concerned that if it came last da * - + I the one night biitz IIRP anning. I suggested that one registrars going quietly and through the dorm w o u 1 d less attention. k responded that it had to e in one night giving me the sion that similar drives be conducted in all of the on campus and that there ot enough time to use less means. k also assured me that the ation would be completely tisan. I soon learned that n misled. A very angry wo- who had helped with1 the re- on on the assurance that it he nonpartisan, informed me had in fact been Intensely n. It also turnad out that had restricted their efforts yd and East Quid, where elieve their strengtn to be Second Ward. ater assistance to the 'ex- orts in student area regis- ," which Frank mentioned ted to staffing a re i ;'ration n the Union several after- t wasn't aware until t h e y I was at the table that it a dissimilar tactic from that of the Republicans, who are trying not to register persons they think will vote against them. In relation to door-to- Toor regis- tration it should be remembered that the City's Democrats have long been in support of it. It was the Democrats on City Coincil who first introduced door-to-door registration to Ann Arbor in early 1972, before HRP had any mern- bers on Council. THE FINAL POINT I would like to make is in respect to Frank's claim that the Demac-ats h a d gotten "one of our opptvents to forget to run a candidate in the Second Ward". There is absolutely no truth to that claim. As a pr - cinct captain and a me nber of the 2nd Ward Candidate Search Com- mittee I never heard an.' sugges- tion that no Republican would Vle petitions. Neither Frank no- any- one else has offered an,, evidence in support of his allega on. -Tim Smith Law '75 Jan. 31 HRP and voter registration members present" to vote. It only needs a simple majority and Selbst after covering so many SGC meet- ings, should know this. Correction number 2: In the last paragraph, Selbst says, "But by calling them (David Faye's mo- tion on Constitutional revisions) a new constitution, they could be come immediately effective, ni- stead of being ratified by refer- endum." This is blatantly false. Faye never termed his motion a new constitution and his propos- ed changes would not become ef- fective until students did ratify them. I wish Selbst would learn the facts before printing f a ls e- hoods. I WOULD ALSO like to ,omnient on Marcia Fishman's quote about breaking q'iorum, "They've done it before." While I'm not defend- ing anyone who breaks quorum, it is not true that they have done it before so that a motion could not be discussed. The fact is Mar- cia and Dan Fishman did break quorum to disrup an SGC meeting. Although I've come to realize that it must be in the Daily's char- (and also SGC member) Robbie J. Gordon. -Robert Gordon SGC member, Dorm Dist. Jan. 25 cut short To The Daily: I GREATLY enjonv d the lecture by Ralph !V'der at Hill Auditorium on Jan. 29. I hope the Future Worlds lecture series continues to present relevant topics of major interest. My only regret was thot the question and answer session was cut short, apparently by the Futjre Worlds people ;snce Nader seemed eager to answer more ques- tions. Uonefully, this practice will not continue during s ;P iuert lec- tures. -Steve Rogers Thomas Rode Jan. 29 fE president To The Daily: I//AIII1\4 ~I. JVEIIIfill N .4MONMbi I