4it iOFau flail GROUNDY High-29 Low--23 For details see Today See Editorial Page Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXX IV, No. 103 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 2, 1974 Ten Cents Eight Pages $88 BILLION TOTAL J 7 * IF muSENPvS it * AL..7 M AFSCME negotiations The state-appointed fact-finder who was brought in to break a negotiation deadlock between the University and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes (AFSCME) Local 1583, the University em- ployes' union, has established a mediating schedule. Prof. Mark Kahn of Wayne State University told the union and the University to submit position statements to him on the issues in the contract dispute by Feb. 11 and supporting. statements by Feb. 18. A fact-finding hearing will be conducted Feb. 26 and 27 at the Michi- gan Employment Relations Commission in Detroit, and Kahn said he would issue his findings by mid-March. 0 Return to DST? Gov. William Milliken told President Nixon yesterday that Michigan will pass legislation exempting itself from Daylight Savings Time (DST) if it is not repealed na- tionwide. In a letter to the President, Milliken urged Nixon- and the Congress to repeal DST because it has caused "serious disruptions" and may not have saved any energy. Oopses The Graduate Employes' Organization - Organization of Teaching Fellows (GEO-OTF) represents only gradu- ate academic employes-Teaching Fellows, Research Assistants and Staff Assistants - not Resident Advisors nor Student Advisors as was reported in yesterday's story. And Executive Committee member Sandy Silber- stein's last name is not Silberman. Also a paragraph in the HRP campaign strategy story yesterday explaining a change in party policy - publicly acknowledging that HRP's Fourth Ward candidate has no chance of win- ning - was left out due to lack of space. All in all, a rough day. Happenigs... ... begin the day by picketing, the UFW picketers can get riders to Wrigleys from the Union at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. . . . for those women interested in archi- tecture, there will be an organizational meeting at 2 p.m. in Rm. 340, Section 4 of A & D . .. or for a change of pace, pay a visit to the Bentley Historical Library on north campus and wander among Michigan historical collections from 9 a.m. to 12. Syphilis study criticized Dr. Charles Barnett, emeritus professor of medicine at Stanford, feels that criticism of the Tuskegee project as a "medical atrocity" is totally unjustified. The Tus- kegee project consisted of a study of syphillis among poor blacks, in which the control group was not treated for the disease. The study, says Dr. Barnett, "stood a fair chance of adding immensely to our meager knowledge of the natural history of the disease. It is highly prob- able that the untreated blacks did not have treatment withheld from them 'deliberately, and their failure to get therapy was their own choice." 0 15 inch wingspan William Seely, of Port Huron, shows off his monstrous mustache that measures a little more than 15 inches from "end to end." Seely says he has been growing his "lip-warmer" for for years and its length has increased two inches in the past two years. Nixon increases efense bNu dget WASHINGTON (Reuter) - The new U. S. defense budget will total 88 billion dollars, an increase of six billion dollars, President Richard Nixon told congressional leaders yester- day. House Republican Leader John Rhodes (R-Ariz.) dis- closed the extent of defense spending after a meeting with the President in the White House. Senate Republican Leader Hugh Scott (R-Penn.) said the increase in defense spending for the 1975 financial year, beginning on July 1, resulted largely from inflation. But he said Nixon felt that the new defense budget was a strong and adequate spending program. THE PRESIDENT disclosed in his state of the union message on Thursday that the overall federal budget for the 1975 financial year would total 304.4 billion dollars, an increase of 29.7 billion dollars over spending in the current financial year. The budget, to be sent to Congress on Monday, would pro- ject a deficit of 9.4 billion dollars, he said. Scott said Nixon told Republican leaders that his budget was "anti- recessionary and anti-inflation- ary." It would be flexible so that new programs could be started if the energy crisis threatenedto harm the economy, he said. THE PRESIDENT at the meet- ing repeated a prediction he made in his State of the Union address that there would be no .recession in the United States this year, but conceded that there would be an economic slowdown and higher prices in the first few months. However, Herbert Stein, chair- man of the Councildof Economic Advisers, who attended the White House meeting predicted a change in the latter halfpof the year, with lower prices and a general im- provement in the economy. Scott said there were predictions of a revival in the depressed home construction industry and that the budget would be amended later to provide for an increase of 300,000 units in housing stock instead of the current estimated 200,000 units. increase of SCOTT SAID the congressional leaders engaged in a lively discus- sion of the wage-price control pro- gram, due to expire in April, as to whether the program should be ex- tended and in what form . He said the White House probab- ly would send its recommendations to Congress next week. The new defense budget, the meeting was told, represented six per cent of the U. S. Gross Na- tional Product (GNP), compared to 12 per cent in the 1960s. SCOTT ADDED that the Soviet Union was now spending 12 per cent of its GNP on defense. Rhodes reported that half of the 304.4 billion dollar federal budget in the 1975 financial year would be spent on human resources, and- 29 per cent on defense. He also said the Congressional leaders were told that the infla- tion rate would drop to below five per cent in the latter half of 1974 See DEFENSE, Page 8 "elf are plan outlined by Griffiths AP Photo Rodino News Conference Rep. Peter Rodino (D-N.J.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, talks with reporters on Capital Hill Thursday after the committee voted unanimously to ask the House for broad power to subpoena White House tapes and other evidence it needs for its presidential impeachment investigation. GRAHAM CONCERNED Dylan show still on By MARY LONG Congresswoman M artha Griffiths doesn't look half as hard-headed as she sounds. Fourth in seniority in the House Ways and Means Committee, Grif- fiths, scarcely five feet tall, rushed to the podium in the School of Edu- cation auditorium, in tiny short snow boots and a bright striped dress. A no-nonesense approach to complete welfare reform was then briskly presented to the packed, approving audience. THE INFLUENTIAL Democrat from Detroit spoke as part of a col- loquium series sponsored by the University's School of Social Work. Students and numerous community people alike braved the wet, fly- ing snow to hear her outline a pro- gram which would extend welfare benefits to all the poor. Griffiths belieyes such a system must include aid to able-bodied men and to those who are em- ployed but r e c e i v e inadequate wages. By JEFF DAY A tired and reportedly ill Bill Graham, chief promoter of the Bob Dylan tour has declared that to- night's Bob Dylan show at Crisler Arena will go on, despite evidence that his Detroit promoter was in- volved in a ticket scalping scandal. He also said that any money that had been made illegally would go to the campus, insead of to a "bunch of sharp slicksters." "IF MONEY was made by peo- ple who had no right to it, by peo- ple who had nothing to do with Bab Dylan or Dylan's ability, I'll get that money, and I'll give it to she campus or a campus cause,'' Graham said when contacted last night. The Daily reported yesterday that the local promoter in charge of the concert, Bamboo Enterprises, had been involved in a scalping operation involving most of the main floor seats, which were sup- posed to have gone to the general public. The promoter, Robert Bagaris, has flatly denied any involvement, but has not ruled out the possibil- ity that other Bamboo emploves were involved. "ANYTHING COULD have hap- pened," Bagaris, who could not be contacted last night, said Thurs- day. "But do I think our people were involved? No." In spite of the scalping opera- tion, Graham is determined to go with the concert. "We've worked hard," Graham said. "We're not going to deprive people of seeing the show. I'm nat making light of it nor are Bob Dylan and The Band, but what I'm worried about now is putting on a good show for the people who are there." GRAHAM CAME down hard on the entire atmosphere of scalping involving the music world. "If some kid paid $50 for articket I don't owe it to him to find out %!Io sold it. He didn't buy that ticket out of necessity. He did it of his own violation." Smoker' S By BONNIE CARNES There's a subtle pressure in the community these days to grad- ually eliminate cigarette smok- ing. TV advertising has ceased, health scares increase, and the once hot smoker's status is suf- fering a cool freeze. As a sign of the times, the Health Service launched a "Smoker's Clinic" last week to help people "kick the habit." THE PROGRAM, which costs twenty dollars, runs for six weeks with a conditional "money-back guarantee." Enrollees pay the entire program cost before the first meeting. If they follow the program, two dol- lars are returned at each of the subsequent meetings. Money not returned is placed in a Health Service fund. What must smokers do to re- cover these payments? They must simply show up and follow the program. There are two problems the Clinic will attack; the num- ber of cigarettes smoked, and the situations in which they are smok- ed. "I'm sure you've heard people say, 'If I don't see Dylan I'll die.' Well, they won't. Nobody is going to die because they didn't see Dylan." Meanwhile, University promoter S"e Young expressed her dismay at the entire situation. "It's a shame it happened, whether it's a See DYLAN, Page 8 CliniC ANN COMMORATO, the pro- gram director, takes a behavior modification approach to solving the problem. Cigarette smoking, she believes, is a conditioned re- sponse to certain "cues" in the environment. . A cue is the onset of any situa- tion in which a person usually smokes - drinking coffee, study- ing, or watching TV. Every week several of these "stimulus events" will become off-limits for smoking. The smoker can choose to quit while watching TV, for example, but continue smoking at other times. This facilitates a "phasing out" of smoking, rather than cold turkey withdrawal. Later on, larger parts of the environment become non-smoking events; places such as the car or office. And finally, no smoking is allowed anywhere. THE SMOKER is also required to cut down the number of cigar- ettes smoked daily. If clients start out smoking twenty a day, they must cut to sixteen the second week, twelve the next week, and so on until 'zero' at the end. "In 1969 it was considered as- tounding that able - bodied men should be provided for," Griffiths said. "The 24 men who sit beside me on our committee are still ex- tremely reluctant to give anything to another man." SHE POINTED OUT the unfair situations created by existing pro- grams. The resentment low-income workers feel when they find non- workers better off than themselves was particularly difficult for Grif- fiths to reconcile. "A person would have to earn $6500 in gross wages to equal the current welfare package, which in- cludes food stamps and medical care," Griffiths explained. "The system simply is not fair." Griffiths is annoyed that so much current welfare discussion centers on how much aid should be given. "WHEN SO MUCH concern is based on benefit levels," she said, "you miss where the real worry ought to be-on the conditions that make the aid a necessity." fhe believesethat no basic amount of money need be set; but that the benefit levels mustbe placed high enough to equal the amount garnered from the current com- bination of programs. Although Griffiths firmly feels that "there are at present, too many programs to deal with,' she emphasized that "no one must lose by a possible change." THE CONTROVERSIAL question See GRIFFITHS, Page 2 helps 'kick habit' The smokers do not have to quit completely, however. One mem- ber of the clinic group wants to cut down to five a day. The trick is to substitute new behaviors, when the environment "cues" the smoking urge. "Think in terms of pairing," Commorato told her clients at the first meeting. "That is," she said, "what you do, when you smoke. The object is to weaken stimulus control over smoking behavior." IF A PERSON, usually smokes while on the phone, for example, the telephone's ring can cue them See SMOKERS', Page 2 Nixon's taxes The California tax board yesterday ruled that Presi- dent Richard Nixon, one of the state's most famous na- tive sons, and his wife are not considered residents for personal income tax purposes. The decision follows pub- lic revelations that the president, who maintains a spa- cious western white house in San Clemente, had not paid California residency taxes from 1969 to 1972. Tax board executive officer Martin Huff told reporters that the general rule is that a California resident must spend nine months of the year in the'"state and that examinations of white house logs of the president's travels showed that he spent only 15 per cent of the year in the state. 0 On the inside . . ..Sports page hosts a typical Cogsdillian (Clark that is) piece on the wrestlers' meet at Iowa . . . and the Arts page presents two reviews, one by Bruce Shlain of the Woody Allen movie "Sleeper" and the other by Kurt H rju of Dylan's liew record, "Planet Waves". Food co-o ps, an alternative to retail food reap-offs' U pus hes VP Ford ?: medallonx By JEFFREY LUXENBERG The University is peddling me dallions of various sizes immortal- izing the stiff-jawed image of Gerald Ford in his vice presiden- tial inauguration last December. The medallions, officially de scribed as a money-getting gim . mick for the University's "Gerald Ford Scholarship Fund," have be- come the topic of some controversy due to their questionable political nature. UNIVERSITY President Robben Fleming has said the income from sales of the bronze, silver, and gold Y medallions would go to Ford if the new vice president had not chosen to augment the scholarship fund. Fleming bubbled with praise for 4 Ford this week, saying, "This}* generous act on the part of Vice President Ford is only one in a long series of testimonials to his devotion to and interest in his alma mater." .. BUT AT LEAST one faculty member isn't so sure of Ford'sf~ devotion. The professor, who asked n to remain anonymous, contends.":: By KIRKE WILCOX First in a series of three Have you shopped at a supermarket recently and wondered whether the store was competing against its rival commercial interests or against the consumers? Consumers are clearly in the red; just notice their bloodshot eyes. The grocery price index was 25.3 per cent higher in December. 1973 than December 1972, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. One must ask,, "Is there any way to beat the reaper?" ONE ALTERNATIVE to the retail food "reap- off" is the food co-op. Food co-ops give people a torinna ,er ad rii,;h- ts mad chemically fertilized, sprayed, dyed, or preserved) may be found here due to conscious community efforts and contributions. A. SUM OF $2,300 was donated, and an amazing $7,800 was loaned to the co-op in 1973. Can you imagine A&P or Wrigley's receiving donations? Weeeooo! Other significant contributions to the People's Food Co-op include four refrigerators, a 60 pound scale, and wooden shelves and bins. Volunteer workers bagging nuts, cutting cheese, etc., volunteer truckers going to Detroit and other places, and "customers" bringing their own egg cartons, jars,' and bags and weighing and pricing