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February 01, 1974 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1974-02-01

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Friday, February 1, 1974

THE~MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, February 1, 1974


Scalping racket hits Dylan concert

, . Y,

Friday, February 1
Day CalendarI
Hospital Commission for Women:
W10410 Hosp., noon,
Educ'l Media Ctr. Audio-Visual Ctr.:
"Black Women, Schorling Aud., SEB,
12:15 pm..1
Philosophy: D. Dennett, Harvard U,
"On the Absence of Phenomenology,";
Lect. Hall 2, MLB,. 4 pm.
Gymnastics: Michigan, Illinois, Indi-
ana, Crisler Arena, 7 pm.
Swimming: U-M vs. Princeton, Matt
Mann Pool, 7:30 pm.
U-M Folk Dance Club: Barbour, 8-11
Dance: "New Concepts in Theatre,"
Barbour Gym, 8 pm.
Career Planning & Placement
3200 SAB, 764-7456
Recruiting on Campus: Feb. 5: Abra-
ham & Straus & IRS; Feb. 7: Henry
Ford Hospital; Feb. 11l: Elect. Data Sys-
tems Corp.; Feb. 12: Elect. Data Sys-
tems Corp., Conn. Mutual Life Ins.;
Feb. 13: Office of Mgt. & Budget, S., S.
Kresge Co.; Feb. 14: Cincinnati Mila-
cron; Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of
Census; NCR & Henry Ford Hosp.; Feb.
15: Sears Roebuck & Co., U. S. Atomic
Energy Comm.

Summer Placement
3200 SAB, 763-4117
jnAnnouncement: Yale Univ., New Hav-
en, CT. Summer Research Prog. for Jr.
in physics, chemistry, electronics, work
involving air pollution, energy, com-
puter, etc. Details-appls. available.
Circus Kirk, East Berlin, PA. A sum-
mer experience you will never forget-
join the circus, be a clown, animal
trainer, rigger, press agent, many oth-
er opportunities. Details-appeavail-
Interviews: Register by phone or in
person. Abraham & Straus, NY. Will
iterview Mon., Tues., Feb. 4, 5. 9 to
5. Must have completed Jr. year and be
interested in retail career.
Camp Maplehurst, Mich. coed. Will
interview Thurs. Feb. 7, 1:30 to 5. All
camp openings available.
Falling Creek Camp for Boys, NC.
Will interview Thurs., Feb. 7, 9 to 4.
Openings includeuskills in riding,
swimming, crafts, judo, archery, riflery,
many others. Age 19 and up.
Camp Tamarack, Mich. coed. Fresh
Air Society Detroit. Will interview Fri.,
Feb. 8, 9 to 1. All camp positions open.
Camp Ramapo, Anchorage, N.Y. Coed.
Emotionally Disturbed. Will interview
Friday, Feb. 8, 9:30 to 11:00.

(Continued from Page 1) The OTF-GEO has opened an of-j
last week, President Robben Flem- fice from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Con-
ing consented to a "preliminary ference Room 9 in the Michigan
chat." Ruhland is sceptical of this League to encourage people with
concession. "We are going to talk '
to him, but I think we should questions or complaints to get in
make it clear that we are not go- touch with its' members.
ing to get anything out of him," he ®_ -
The OTF-GEO is planning to askf
for ratification of the demands in
a mass meeting Feb. 7 to be fol- if
lowed by a bargaining meeting
with Flerring Feb. 17. A second:
mass meeting will be held Feb. 18 you
for a strike vote.

(Continued from Page 1) ,
pulled hundreds (of tickets) out of
his coat and asked me if I wancd
Another local scalper said Bu-
garis "held back too many tickets"3
to distribute to his sellers. "I think
he ruined his name on this," said
the scalper. "He held back two
whole sections."
A SOURCE CLOSE to the ticket;
racket described a meeting held
early this month at the apartment!
of one of Bugaris' associates. The
source said Mike Watts, Bugaris'
assistant at Bamboo, called togeth-
er 10 to 15 "middlemen," gave
them blocks of choice tickets, and
arranged seat prices and percent-'
ages for each "middleman."
The source, who joined the three
scalpers in refusing to be identi-
fied, said the "middlemen" then
distributed the tickets to scalpers
for sale in Ann Arbor and Detroit.
Watts, who is a salaried Bamboo
employe and has an unlisted phone
number, could not be reached for
comment. A staffer at the Bamboo

AT LEAST one of the represen-
tatives is not sure of the possibili-
ty of a strike. "We're pushing for
support and we're moving too fast.
I'm afraid that we're going to
break," he said.
Silberman feels confident, how-
ever, and noted, "We apparently
have 200 people who have already
joined us."


office in Detroit refused to release Cobo box office sometime between Daily maintain that Bamboo's offi-
Watts' telephone number. Dec. 31, when Young made the de- cials tapped Variot and Palazcyk
The scalping ring is described livery, and late January, when the for "just about the whole main
by at least four sources as origi- scalpers began advertising in area floor" in exchange for a percentage
nating from Bamboo's role in the ;newspapers. of the scalping profits.
official ticket distribution process. The first ads-offering "ta qual- Variot, whose official title is di-
UAC-Daystar collected money or- ity seats" for prices ranging from rector of Detroit Civic Center
ders for Crisler Arena's 13,600 $25 to $75-ppeared in ,-ni Jams Ticket Service, at first denied that
available seats from a long line of ary, pre-dating the official ticket he had any involvement in the
Dylan fans at the Hill Auditorium mailings by several days. official ticket operation, saying
box office Dec. 16. UAC concert last week, "We're not handling it.
coordinator Sue Young and Bam- HENCE THE scalpers' hrge We were going to, but we're too
boo representative Mike Watts de- blocs of tickets could not have busy."
livered the ticket orders in 100- been obtained through purchase at
envelope bundles, along with the the Hill Aud. box office. None of LAST NIGHT VARIOT changed
tickets to the Cob Hall box office these tickets reached buyers until his story, but denied any wrong-
in Detroit on Dec. 31. Jan. 21-one day after the official doing. "The University told us what
Cobo mailing. to do, and we did it," he said,
JOE VARIOT, Cobo's t i c k e t UAC first became concerned with adding, "if there are any tickets
agent, had been previously desig- the possibility of ticket fraud when missing, it's a mystery to me."
nated as the "single bonded ticket dozens of irate Dylan fans called Young, who has been UAC's
agent" required by the Dylan con- to complain about receiving low- key agent in promoting the Dylan
cert. quality seats despite the buyers': show last night said the scalping
His assistant, Frankie Palaczyk, high position in the line at Hill. racket story confirms her suspi-
received the ticket order bundles. Other callers said they had held cions and those of other UAC
Young and other UAC staffers vig- positions higher than 2,000 in the l staffer.
orously maintain that "every pre- Hill line, but received refunds I cm,
caution was taken" to keep en- rather than seats. 'It's clear to me now that there
can be only one explanation for
velopes in the same order as the The planned ticket-ordering pro- the incredible foulup of ticket de-
buyers who placed orders at Hill. cedure would have covered a liveries to people who rightfully
But most of the best-in-the-house maximum of 8,000 seats-four to a; deserved tickets," Young said.
$8.50 tickets - in Crisler's main person-before reaching the two "Either the people at Cobo and
floor A-B-C sections - were re- thousandth position in line. Hence, Bamboo are incredibly stupid and
moved from the bundles at the Crisler's 13,600-seat capacity could;made huge mistakes, or those main
-- ----------- not have been filled by thetime' floor ticket orders were removed
"customer 2,000" reached the Hill Inproet upysapr.
tickt widowon purpose to supply scalpers."
ticket window.
S hop at YOUNG REACTED angrily to
A DAILY SURVEY of ticket Bugaris' suggestion that UAC ac-
holders and UAC complaints has tions might account for the. scalp-
OLLETTS shown thatmno more than 0 sof the ing and the ticket distribution
R Hill customers received seats. onprbes
C :. problems.
for TEX TB OKS the main floor. That figureleaves "The ticket order was never
f more than 700 of the choice seats touched," she said. "We did every-
and SUPPLIES unaccounted for. thing we could to insure that people
The scalpers contacted by The 'who deserved tickets got them."

WILL THEY SURVIVE? What Forms Will They Take?
Department of Sociology Department of Sociology
and Anthropology Loyola University, New Orleans
Marquette Urnversity
Milwaukee, Wisc.
8:00 P.M.-FRI DAY, FEB. 1, 1974


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or call John: 665-9888)

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United Methodist-Wesley Foundation

Canterbury House
University Reformed Church


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