irh 3fr49ian Pau Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan A history of Chotiner the kingmaker 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1974 An excelent precedent THE RECENT RULING of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission that the S.S. Kresge Company must halt all past dis- criminatory practices and open manage- ment -positions to female applicants is an excellent beginning. This ruling is a landmark in the com- mission's activities, because it is the first case which deals with sex discrimination, and because it provides a broad prece- dent for future decisions. The Commission's ruling grew out of a complaint filed by Nelda High of Flint after a K-Mart official refused to pro- vide her with an application to the com- pany's management 'training program. The specific remedy for High's com- Jusie lo THE TRIAL OF FORMER presidential aide John Ehrlichman, indicted for the 1971 break-in at the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist, has hit an inter- esting snag involving the President, the courts, and legal manipulation. Nixon, declared a material witness by the defense, has been subpoenaed for personal testimony. He is expected to shun the o r d e r on constitutional grounds, and without his appearance, it is very possible the charges will be dis- missed on the contention of an unfair trial. There is still the chance Nixon will agree to submit written evidence. How- ever, the prosecution will then be forced plaint includes back wages and an of- fer to join the management training pro- gram. She certainly deserves both. She also deserves credit for helping win an important precedent in the ongoing struggle for justice for women in the eco- nomic marketplace. IT IS TIME that the Michigan Civil Rights Commission contributed vig- orously to that struggle. We trust that this ruling is only the beginning of its attack on organized sex discrimination. Jean King, local lawyer and feminist, said of the ruling, "I wish this type of thing would happen once a week for the next year.", We heartily agree. Editor's note: Murray Chotiner, long- time friend and adviser to Richard Nixon, died suddenly Wednesday at the age of 64. The following article was written before Chotiner's death. By LOWELL BERGMAN and JAN DIEPERSLOOT [URRAY CHOTINER, the man who wrote Richard Nixon's famous "Checkers speech," h a s been called many things: Nixon's secret link to the underworld, Nix- on's bagman, Nixon's hatchet- man, the best influence peddler in Washington, the grey eminence be- hind the Nixonian rise to power. Lawyer and public relations man, pioneer in American electoral cam- paigning, his low profile approach to politics left him little known to the American public despite the constant controversies which swirl- ed around him. But Mimi Nemeth knew him well. An attractive ex-model, she married Chotiner in 1965. "Mur- ray told me," she recalls, "t h a t someone called him up in 1946 and said, 'Would you have time to run an ex-naval lieutenant from Whit- tier for the (California) congres- sional seat?' When Murrav m e t Nixon, he told him, 'Just stand there in your navy uniform, keep your mouth shut, and I'll get you elected to Congress.' " Mimi Nemeth'has a lot of other behind-the-scenes memories of the Nixon era. Since she divorced Chotiner in 1970, she has also had a lot of time alone to sort them all out. WHEN MIMI thinks back to her first meeting with Murray, s h e says: "I just wish I had been a little less politically naive. B u t he wooed me in a blitz-kreig-like manner. After five and one half months, when I finally said yes, he looked at his calendar watch and said, 'Well, that's just about right. A good campaign should take about five and one half months.'" After the marriage, Mimi says she soon discovered that Chot- iner had no concept of a private life whatsoever. ("He was so con- cerned with his public image that I don't think there is a private one.") She paints him as a totally compulsive man, ,bsessed with power and posses . "If he wasn't dc:i gsh political work, putting clippings about him- self in his scrapbook o~ balancing his checkbook," she says, "he was at a total loss. The night of the 1968 inaugural that he had thrown away his whole life for, worked like mad for, guess who w -s asleep at a card table when his President was speaking." Today, whenever she sees Nixon on TV, she can't help thinking of him as Murray's creation. "The two men were so simil -tr thai it was eerie. They could he brothers. They looked more alike than broth- ers de. They both have the reced- ing hairline, the crinkly hair, the five o'clock shadow, the powls. When Mitchell became attorney five o'clock shadow, the jowls administration. He even plays ex- actly the same rinky-dink nickel- odeon-style piano that Murray did.' " BUT CHOTINER'S influence on Nixon goes far deeper tnan per- sonal mannerisms. He may have set the tone and substance for two decades of American political life. He was certainly the main figure responsible for Richard Nixon's meteoric rise in U.S. pohtics .tW'.SW..4M<.AV.....sen "When Murray met Nixon, he told him, 'Just stand there in your navy uniform, ke e p your mouth shut, and I'll get you elected to Congress,., Aide to Senator William F. Know- land, manager of Earl Warren's successful 1942 campaign for the California governorship, Chotiner pioneered a new advertising-style political campaign and hit upon Richard Nixon, just out of the U.S. Navy, as a perfect means for put- ting it into practice. According to William Costello, a Nixon biographer, "Chotiner's discovery was that, by ciim.sing an acceptable stereotype, a political personality could also be p icaged and merchandised withu refer- ence to any of the serious issues of life and politics.". He also brought "dirty trick'" into the modern political dictionary. "I say to you in all sinceritJ," he told Republican National Commit- teepersons privately in 1956, "that if you do not deflate the opposition candidate before your own cam- paign gets started, the odds are that you are going to be doomed to defeat." HE BECAME the master of cam- paign innuendo. He "red-baited" Jerry Voorhis in Nixon's 19 4 6 congressional campaign. He dis- torted Helen Douglas' congressiotn- al voting record and printed P up on pink paper in Nixoh's 1950 sen- atorial campaign. He cropped and mislabeled pictures of Edmund Brown for a California gubernator- ial campaign pamphlet in 1962 (the original mock-up is presently in Mimi Nemeth's possession). He made a television commer- cial with a dying Eisenhower in his hospital bed saying "Nixon's the one" in 1968 (the ad was vetied by the rest of the campaign staff). He employed political spies in 1968 and 1972 (Mimi Nemeth remembers the endless "spy calls" in the middle of the night in 1968); and the list goes on. With Ohotiner's "mastery of mo- dern communications and public re- lations . . . complete with scripts, speeches, itineraries, issues, strat- egy surveys, billboards, campaign- ing clubs and off stage whispers," he managed to. bring Richard Nix- on to the door of the vice presi- dency in only six years. In 1952, when the media discover- ed a secret Nixon slush fund set up by a group of rich southern Californians, Chotiner preserved Nixon's career. According to hIs ex-wife, a pajama-clad Chotiner intercepted Rosemary Woods (even then Nixon's secretary) in the hall- way of a Los Angeles hotel. She was carrying Nixon's resignalion telegram to be sent to presidential candidate Eisenhower. CHOTINER TORE it up. He then wrote Nixon's famous "Checkers speech", in which Nixon took to TV and movingly detailed his per- sonal finances to the nation. "Mur- ray is really proud of that Check- er's speech," Mimi recalls. "He always bragged that he was the one who wrote it." "He wanted to play the role of kingmaker," recalls Mimi Nemeth. But his own rise was brought up short in 1956 when a Senate invest- igation brought to light his role as an "influence peddler" for a group of Philadelphia-New Jersey mob- sters who had fraudulently abtained multi-million dollar military cloth- ing contracts. At the same time, Behind the Scenes magazine ac- cused him of having connections with organized crime and called him "Nixon's secret link to the un- derworld." His political effevtive- ness was ruined. While the scent of scandal d) we him politically underground, :t did not sever his links to Richard Nix- on. Despite the evident dislike and jealousy with which such 1 a t e r Nixon managers as Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Mitchell treated him, he reappeared in advisory roles in all the Nixon campaigns from 1962-1972. Just as consistent- ly during those years, his n a m e was linked with mobsters, influ- ence. peddling, and innuendo cam- paigning. IN 1970, for instance, as a "spec- ial counsel" for the President, (ac- cording to California's Oakland Tri- bune) he intervened with the U.S. attorney in Los Angeles, requesl: ng him to drop criminal indictments against Congressman Charles Tea- gue's son-in-law in connection with a Los Angeles housing development that "collapsed in a welter of fraid and looting" by its Mafia-Teamsters Union developers. In 1971, according to Jack An- derson, he intervened with Halde- of Nixon aides (also cilled t h e "Western headquarters" of organ- ized crime). There, .she, says, "I saw him receive cash from a Las Vegas gambler, and when we visit- ed Las Vegas, all bur bills were paid by this gambler." EVEN TODAY, Ms. Nemeth seems to have a sneaking respect for her former husband. "He did not use electronics, except for a little tape recorder telepinene at- tachment in his desk. He much pre- ferred methods that he coul der- sonally manipulate. He preferred these to bungler-burglars. to polities to admit his statements without the pow- er of cross-examination, or refuse the testimony on that basis and subsequently see the case dismissed. IT IS NOT CLEAR that the President is constitutionally protected from hav- ing to testify when ruled a material wit- ness, and it is certainly unreasonable that political figures such as Ehrlichman should continuously find refuge under the ever-lengthening cloak of the highest office in the nation. It now appears that another clever legal ploy combined with political power is about to thwart legal processes by fol- lowing the trend of circumventing jus- tice rather than confronting it. Murray Chotiner, who brought you Richard Nixon man to help gain parole for con- victedtTeamsters' boss, J a me s Hoffa. Hundreds of thousands of Teamster dollars flowed into Niix- on reelection headquarters a f * e r this move. Recently, his name had been linked with the quashing of indkct- ments against Las Vegas gamt)'ing interests in connection with $36 million in shady loans made to them by the Teamsters. Tt was re- ported (and denied by Cho~tner) that he had collected over $1 million from Teamster's h e a d Frank Fitzsimmons for the secret Nixon campaign fund, 'T vti Liddvy and Hunt flew to LasVegas and picked up $400,000 from the gamb- lers in one of the many payoffs used to finance Watergate. Mimi Nemeth recalls her own experiences with Chotiner and hs syndicate connections. She remem- bers visiting southern California's La Costo resort, a favoriie haunt "You have to give the old devil his die. He wasgavmaster strateg- ist and the only real pro that Nixon ever had around him. John Mitchell, for instance, was form- erly a bonds lawyer. He had never been involved in politics in his life. He never would have b e e n caught in this whole thing if he wasn't so naive. He :s a very poli- tically naive man, and it's interest- ing that on this Mr. Chotiper and I agreed." Jan Diepersloot is p r e s e n t l y writing a psychoanalytic history of Richard Nixon in American poli- ties and Lowell Bergman is pre- paring a special series on organized cfime in American politics. Copy- right 1974 - Pacific News Serv- Government at work DESPITE THE President's oft-espoused concern for holding the line on gov- ernment spending, a "peculiarity" in the method by which pay increases for the military are computed cost taxpayers $200 million in 1973. Since 1967, Congress and the execu- tive branch have followed the maxim that government employes, including the military, should receive a pay raise each year to keep their pay roughly equal to that received by non-governmental em- ployes. However, when the legislation approv- ing such action was passed, the late rep-, resentative L. Mendel Rivers (D-S.C.) Photography Staff THOMAS GOTTLIEB Chief Photographer KEN FINK ....................Staff Photographer STUART HOLLANDER...........Staff Photographer KAREN KASMAUSKI ........ .... Staff Photographer DAVID MARGOLICK............Staff Photographer ALLISON RUTTAN.............Staff Photographer JOHN UPTON ................... Staff Photographer TODAY'S STAFF: News: Gordon Atcheson, Dan B i d d I e, Bill Heenan, Jack Krost, Mary Long, Jim Schuster, Rebecca Warner Editorial Page: Paul Haskins, M a r n i e Heyn, Eric Schoch, Eric Williams Arts Page: Saro Rimer Photo Technician: Ken Fink added an .amendment which provided a pay increase formula for the military. Rivers spent most of his time as chair- man of the House Armed Services Com- mittee protecting and promoting the de- fense establishment, and he certainly did a good job with the pay formula, which orders the government to give greater pay increases to military than civilian employes each year. UNFORTUNATELY, at the time the rest of Congress apparently did not understand the formula, and now they really don't seem to care. In his budget message last year the President said this pay "peculiarity" should be eliminated but the White House then ignored the problem. According to the Brookings Institution, this system, which cost $200 million more this year than would have been neces- sary with equal pay raises, will cost $2 billion a year by 1980. It is just this sort of boondoggle that makes the budget cutting claims of both Congress and the President suspect, as well as leading the public to suspect that it is governed by buffoons. One thing is certain, however: The military is pleas- ed to have the buffoons around. Bringing equity to hearing aid" market By RICHARD CONLIN IN A WORLD that often seems filled with conflict and deception, it is a rare pleasure to ge able to report on one econ- omic institution that seems to be working to the mutual satisfaction of both sellers and buyers. It is an example of the principle t h a t privately owned enterprise can serve the public interest when it has an effective self- regulating mechanism, which means an in- formed public capable of making intelligent choices, and real price competition so that the choices are meaningful. Ironically, PIRGIM encountered it in the course of its investigation of hearing aid sales, a field we found rife with incom- petence, deception, and exploitation in many places. Yet, in Kalamazoo, Michigan, we found a model segment of the economy operating satisfactorily for both the entre- preneur and the consumer. HEARING AID SALES are part of the medical field, generally one of the least consumer-oriented aspects of the economy. Most medical areas are characterized by high prices and a nearly complete absence of both price competition and consumer in- formation. The average person is unable to judge the quality of medical services and feels very reluctant to shop around for prices for fear of sacrificing quality. In most places, hearing aid sales are the same situation. A person purchases an aid from a hearing aid dealer, in many cases without even medical assurance that it will be of use to him or her, and with almost no chance of getting the most suitable aid at the lowest price. A dealer's income is dependent upon sel- ling hearing aids: she or he has an incen- tive to diagnose that an aid is needed, and to recommend the aid which gives the most profit. THE ONLY WAY to resolve this conflict is to separate the diagnosis from the sale. One person should perform the diagnosis and receive a fixed fee regardless of whe- ther he or she recommends an aid or which aid is recommended. A different. person should actually sell the aid and realize any profit from the sale. In Kalamazoo, a system based on this principle is in operation. Due to. its effective publicity and an ex- cellent reputation, most persons with hear- ing problems are seen by audiologists, who are university-trained specialists in hear- ing problems, at the non-profit Speech and Hearing Center. operated by the United Fund. IN ITSELF, this is not so unusual: about 40 per cent of all hearing aids sold in Michigan come through referral by such speech and hearing centers, many affiliat- ed with universities. However, at most such centers, a pa- tient found in need of a hearing aid will be told the brand and model that will help him or her, and told to go out and pur- chase it. No options are given, nor any ex- planation of how to evaluate aids or com- parison-shop. The result is that the average aid is sold at 170 per cent mark-up over dealer cost. Al Davis, the audiologist who directs the Kalamazoo Center, felt that this wasn't good enough. He felt each person should be given a list. of appropriate aids and a cost comparison to allow the buyer to choose which aid to buy on the basis of cost, as well as other considerations such as distance from home to the hearing aid dealer. DAVIS BEGAN acquiring price lists from hearing aid dealers before he would give referrals, and attempted to select at least three aids for each patient with the need- ed characteristics but with different brands to allow comparison. The result was that educated consumers, with an impartial diagnosis assuring them of the adequacy of several possible choices, began choosing aids at least partially on cost considerations. This led to real' price competition, and the cutting of prices by dealers until a stable point was reached for each dealer, below which casts could not be cut. The net gain for the consumer, accord- ing to a PIRGIM price survey, was an average price difference of $87 between Kalamazoo and the rest of Michigan for the nine aids most frequently recommended. Average prices: $275 in Kalamazoo, $362 elsewhere. THE DEALERS gain too. Because buy- ers come by referral from the Speech and Hearing Center, they do not have to adver- tise and beat the bushes for customers. Because professional diagnosis is done at the Center, they need not spend time con- vincing customers -they need hearing aids, or trying to perform diagnoses most of them aren't trained to do adequately. Their overhead is thui reduced, and they can cut prices and still make a profit. The Kalamazoo hearing aid delivery sys- tem is a successful modification which makes capitalism work. Consumers informed by a nonpartisan, nonprofit, nongovef mental agency, w i t h assurance of quality, successfully imposed a free market on a system which previously ripped them off with an informally shared monopoly or oligopoly. NO DOUBT THIS type of market regula- tion which eliminates much governmental intervention in infeasible for many pro- ducts. However, that it can exist and can work is something to be kept in mind when we contemplate the future pattern of the American economy. The above is one in a series of articles by the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan. Richard Conlin is a PIRGIM staff member. Letter To The Daily: AS MUCH AS I despise adver- tising - the non-informative type - I feel that advertising responds to the views of the people and not vice-versa. To those who feel that the leaders of the advertising industry are a group of male sexists, I would point to Mary Wells of Wells, Rich and Greene. She gave us Braniff stewardesses who changed costum- es during flight. Sexist advertising will end when the American sexist mentality ends. That mentality will lend after women learn to take themselves seriously. A small percentage of the nation's -women are doing it now. When that percentage be- comes a majority, the end of the Sexist ads and sexist society photos of naked women holding water meters and valves. Finally, I wish you'd clean up your own house. On page five to- day you carried an ad for porno- graphic movies. Ironically, just above the ad were the words "Join The Daily". -Vic Cooperwasser, Grad January 28 p~osition To The Daily: AS A NON-MALE, non-white, and in effect non-free member of a very sexist society, I can't seem to escape this burning question. Because the vital issue of basic human freedom demands an an-- swer. And I in turn am moved to turday morning, opened my Daily as usual, and almost gagged in dis- belief. I felt my cheeks burn, slap- ped in the face by a half-p a g e visual layout by Karen Kasmau- ski, framing numerous signs such as "Abortion is Legal Murder", "Life is Worth Living", 'Speak for the Unborn". With the exception of Sorority Rush, no other issue this year has been granted such a large amount of photographic cov- erage by the Daily. I regard the Sorority Rush spread as a subtle ad campaign for th e Greeks, in the guise of news cov- erage. Similarly, the effect of all those anti-abortion photographs is to serve as an anti-abortion adver- tisement, especially in light of Ms. Vnem gir --vmnatat r tvt (if he hasn't abandoned the moth- er) also doesn't want you, is like coming to bat with two strikes against you. It may be hard on the mother, but for the children of foundling homes, socially stigma- tized ;as "bastards", or th: vic- tims of the hostile parental re- lease known as the "Battered Child Syndrome", it can be pure hell. I am aware that only days be- fore, The Daily published an abor- tion statement by Ms. Kathleen Fojtik, 14th District County Com- missioner and NOW chapter vice- president. However, Ms, Fojtik is not a member of the Daiiy's oper- ational anid editorial staff, whose stand I am interested in. Further, in my own mind, Saturday' sup- nortive anti-abortion spread undid sues this year, and up to now I have not been terribly enthuse.i by it, but not disappoited either Mar- cia Zoslaw wrote a biting criticism of sexist exploitation -f waitresses and Cheryl Pilate gave needed cov- erage to the Feminist Cred't Un- ion, among other supyo tive arti- cles and editorials that I noted. I was, however, disappointed by Jait. 27's probing of the Quee i B e e syndrome, because its summation that Queen Bees threate i to3'silence the Women's Liberation Movement. seemed to blame these women for a situation stemming from a sex- ist system, of wviicf they are a part, and which vi :timizes them into defensiveness. Thc fina' para- graph sounded lik-e somewhat more of a death-wish to the Movement Ar I AKWiAl ", /I 1 , i f/