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February 01, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-02-01

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Copyright 1974, The Michigan Daily
Hundreds of choice main floor
tickets for tomorrow night's Bob
Dylan concert at Crisler Arena
have been systematically rerouted
and sold at exorbitant prices in
violation of the concert contract.
A Daily investigation has pro-
duced evidence that employes and
associates of the Dylan tour's De-
troit promotional agency, Bamboo
Enterprises, have been directly in-
volved in a huge ticket-scalping op-
boo, the largest single promoter of
rock music in the Detroit area,
cooperated with the concert's
bonded Detroit agent in a scheme

to remove at least 300 and possi- ing) has actually taken place, I as- I
bly as many as 1000 choice seats sure you, I'll take action before
from the concert's contract-desig- we have an Ann Arbor show."
nated ticket distribution plan. Graham emphasized, that the
The abducted tickets were then show would go on. What do you
passed out to a group of at least think I am, crazy? We'll have a
five scalpers who offered the tic- show. But so far we haven't en-
kets wholesale to other sellers or countered a single goddamn scalp-
sold the seats themselves at prices ing incident on this tour, and I'll
ranging from $25 to $75 for seats see to it that the conditions (in Ann
on the main floor. Arbor) will change before the show
Bill Graham, one of the nation's goes on.
foremost rock impresarios and pro- "The main concern of (Dylan
moter of Dylan's tour, reacted with and his backup group, The Band)
anxiety when contacted last night is for the audience. We aren't do-
at Madison Square Garden, where ing this thing for these smucks that
Dylan was performing. wave $$100 bills and rip off tic-
kets," he said. "Mr. Bugaris will
"THE ONE THING we're not is be hearing from me immediately."
scalpers or ripoffs," said Gra-!
ham when told of the Detroit scalp- A CHECK run by The Daily on
ing network. "If this thing (scalp- high-price ticket offers produced

several near-identical accounts of involved in a scalping ring. But he ' Scalping is a misdemeanor pun-
the ticket racket from its lower- would not make a specific allega- ishalle by 90 days in jail or a
echelon scalpers. tion, saying, "I'm not suggesting maximum $100 fine. Conspiracy to
Three of the scalpers named anything, because I don't know violate the statute takes a maxi-
Bamboo Enterprises President Ro- anything. All I can say is that I mum penalty of $1,000 or one year
bert Bugaris as the source of the didn't do anything illegal." in jail.
illicitly-gainedtickets. Buglaris would- not rule out a The scalping ring violates the
Reached at his home in South- possible ticket scalping racket. contract's provisions stating "no
field last night, Bugaris denied the "Anything could have happened,' bulk ticket sales" and barring pro-
charge but would not flatly deny he said. "But do I think our peo- mooters-suchas Bamboo and sUAC
involvement of other Bamboo em- ple were involved? No." -from purchasing their own seats
ployes. in front of row 18 of the main floor.
"I REALLY THINK you're bark- work described by The Daily's ONE ANN ARBOR scalper who
ing up the wrong tree," said the sources violates the Dylan concert hasbeen peddling main floorseats
Detroit promoter. "To my know- contract as well as state statutes ay ach si het ou sgI
ledge, no one from Bamboo did barring conspiracy to "establish "any amount" of tickets origi-
anything that wasn't in the con- an agency or suboffice for the sale ing from Bugaris.
tract." of seat tickets of admission .. Im not selling these for my-
Bugaris hinted that staffers of to a place of public entertainment, self," he said. "I'd be ashamed
UAC-Daystar, the concert's Ann at a price greater than the sale to . . . Bugaris is the guy. He
Arbor promotional group, might be of seats at the box office." See SCALPING, Page 9



See Editorial Page


Bk igau

:43 a t t

For details see Today

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 102

Arin Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 1, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


HRP cleared
The Human Rights Party's (HRP) recent door-to-door,
voter registration drive violated no state or local laws,
according to City Attorney Edwin Pear. Pear said yes-
terday that the enrollment campaign merely violated
regulations established by the city clerk's office. The
Democratic Party has termed the HRP vote drive both
"illegal" and "highly partisan." Pear noted that the only
punitive action that could be taken against the deputy
registrars involved is dismissal from their duties.
Hospital expands
University Hospital is expanding like an uncontroll-
able amoeba in a science fiction movie. The latest ob-
jects to be absorbed by the Blob at the Top of the Hill
are two buildings, the old AEI sorority house on Fuller
St. and the University Motel on Broadway. Plans to
renovate the two acquisitions have gone into action,
with occupancy scheduled for May 1. The medical
center's official statement says the Hospital In-Service
Training Center will share the three-story sorority house
with the Physical Therapy Curriculum. The old motel
will magically convert itself into an outpatient psy-
chiatric service.




New tack on


By The AP, UPI and Reuter Rodina said itt
WASHINGTON - A unani- and irresponstibl
mous House Judiciary Com- for cutting off .t
mittee voted yesterday to seek this stage. Hev
broad authority to subpoena that position byI
The senior co
White House documents and can, Rep. Edwa
witnesses for its impeachment Mich.) has stat
inquiry. could not claim e
By voice vote, the 21 Demo- against a commi
crats and 16 Republicans on was joined yeste
highest ranking
the committee approved a res- Robert McClory{
olution that would confer on "I SEE NO in
it full authority to conduct ability to get
the investigation and to get
complete access to any in-
formation it needs.
APPROVAL BY the full House
is expected next Tuesday, setting
the stage for a possible confronta-
tion between the committee and
President Nixon.
rIn voting to send the suboena
resolution to the House for action,
the committee took notice of Presi-
dent Nixon's pledge in his State of By BARBA
the Union address to cooperate Departmental
with it in its investigation.thepOranai
Chairman Peter Rodino (D-N.Y.) the Organization
o said the subpoena autority was lows (Of mlast
necessary to assure a full, fair and toa eneran vot
ed professional investigation to deter- in gnet we
iat mine whether grounds exist for g next week.
nt impeaching Nixon. RECOGNITION
of IN HIS ADDRESS, Nixon quali- tion as the ssole
fied his offer of cooperation by for the TF's wa
saying he would not do anything primary demand
that would weaken the presidency. named chiefly to
But the committee was told by its versity from set
chief counsel, John Doar, that be- resentative barg
cause the Constitution gives Con- gotiate in behalf
gress the sole power of impeach- ticipants said.
ment, Nixon could not assert any The representa
claim of executive privilege to re- change the gro
sist a subpoena. Organization of'
Albert Jenner, the chief Repub- Graduate Emplo
lican counsel of the committee, (OTF-GEO) in
said he "concurred completely" in resident adviser
Doar's view, as did several Re- visers.
publican members of the commit The remainde
the tee. package, whi
of Doar said the power conferred unanimously, c
loa on the committee by the subpoena conditions, job
loan resolution would be broad enough conditions, disc
to compel Nixon's appearance be- non-discriminati
filed fore the Judiciary Committee if it minorities and
that desired. grievance proced
ition, BEFORE APPROVING the res- of the TF's to
ation olution by voice vote, the commit- activities.
pro- tee rejected two attempts by Re-
ctive publicans to put an April 30 dead- THE REPRES
line on the impeachment investiga- they felt unsure
ATA tion sions they wonI

would be "unwise want," said McClo
le" to fix a date Although sure of
he investigation at committee was less
was supported in could do if Nixon
Doar and Jenner. poena. It could cit
immittee Republi- tempt, but that w
rd Hutchinson (R- to send out the Ho
ed he felt Nixon arms to arrest him
executive privilege IN RELATED de
ttee subpoena. He terday:
erday by the next 0 An assistant sp
Republican, Rep. prosecutor said ev
(R-Ill.). the testimony give
impediment to our presidential accus
any material we See JUDICIA


f inalize

A Manhattan federal court judge has authorized an
attempt by the federal government to freeze about $40
million in assets in an English firm owned by fugitive
financier Robert Vesco. Court papers yesterday dis-
closed that Judge CharlestStewart authorizedea re-
ceiver to fly to London with an injunction request for
England's high court. Vesco is wanted by the U.S. gov-
ernment for embezzlement and illegal contributions to
President Nixon's re-election campaign.
Happenings ...
...today are plentiful. Michigan Congresswoman
Martha Griffiths will speak on "Reforming Welfare: Is
There an Easy Way Out?" at 2 p.m. in the education
school's Schorling Auditorium . . . United Farmworkers
supporters who want to picket Wrigley's can get rides
from the north door of the Union at 3:15 p.m. . . . the
ad hoc group fighting plans for construction of a Mc-
Donald's on Maynard St. meet at 2 p.m., Rm. 124 E.
Quad : . . our own State Rep. Perry Bullard will speak
on "Democratic Control of Corporate Power" to a 40
cent soup and sandwich luncheon at noon at Guild House,
802 Monroe . . . the University of Michigan Frisbee
Club will engage in some good old guts frisbee throwing
from 10 p.m. until midnight in Barbour Gym . . . the
National Black Christian Nationalist Players present
Ebony Ritual, a black 'ritual drama which takes its
audience from Africa to the black community at 8 p.m.
in South Quad . . . and the New World Media Interna-
tional Film Series presents Revolution Until Victory, a
documentary account of the Palestinian anti-Zionist
Tuesday's Today c o 1u m n reported that Michigan
League facilities director Wilma Steketee was named
the first female director of the Community Bank of
Washtenaw. The announcement incorrectly called Ste-
ketee a "former" facilities manager of the Michigan
On the inside . .
The Arts Page features Cinema Weekend . . .
the Editorial Page presents an article on Murray Cho-
tiner from Pacific News Service . . . and the Sports
Page spotlights IM paraphenalia in a story by Leslie
0 a

AP Phot
Young love
Tricia Nixon Cox exchanges a glance with her husband, Edward, as they walk through a crowd gather
in Washington's Lafayette Square yesterday to show support for the President. The Coxes stopped to ch.
with the Nixon supporters and to deny rumors that their marriage is "on the rocks." Although Tricia spe
18 days in California during the President's post-Christmas working vacation,'Edward dismissed reports+
marital difficulties as "a mess of bunk."
$221,000 IN QUESTION:*

City sued for
By SUE STEPHENSON for an accounting of the fu
Six Ann Arbor citizens and the
League of Women Voters yesterday "LAST APRIL, a two a
filed suit against the city, asking mill transportation tax
for an accounting and restoration mately $1,400,000 grossh
of funds wrongfully taken from the th-: AATA) was passed
Ann Arbor Transportation Author- voters," Vinter said, "an
ity (AATA). appears that the city h
"We're not bring charges for $221,000 and possibly m
deliberate or wrongful damages," the AATA's funds wit
said Sally Vinter, the leader of the AATA's approval."
six plaintiffs. "We're simply asking The maze of financ


its power, the
certain what it
resisted a sub
te him for con-
Mould require it
use sergeant-at-
evelopments yes-
pecial Watergate
vidence supports
n under oath by
er John Dean
RY, Page 2


RA CORNELL the tuiti
representatives of effect ne
of Teaching Fel- and a ur
night finalized a Execu
which will be put David R
to at a mass meet- specific
, (the ad
have fou
N of the organiza- what the
sbargaining agent
as accepted as the THE4
. This demand was to avoi
o prevent the Uni- their de
ting up a non-rep- they wi
aining agent to ne- They ex
f of the TF's, par- display
the adr
atives also voted to their der
up's name to the strike is
Teaching Fellows- The or
oyes' Organization ation fr
order to include sin Tea
s and student ad- tion (TA
the TA
r of the demands forcing
eih was approved sin to
concerns economic Accorm
security, working Aeeor
ipline and firing, tee m
t e m
on against women, tioOTF-CE
political activists, ton. It
dures, and the right none of
engage in union ourpho
e that the conces- nounced
last. fall regarding

on increase will remain in
ext year without a contract
inion to enforce it.
tive committee member
uhland asserted, "We want
commitments from them
ministration) because we
and that we cannot believe
ey say.'
OTF-GEO said they hope
d a strike by presenting
emands and showing that
ill strike if they have to.
xpressed the hope that a
of solidarity will force
ministration to recognize
mands and comply before a
rganization draws its inspir-
,om a strike of the Wiscon-
ching Assistants' Associa-
AA). Feeling unrecognized,
A struck for five weeks,
the University of Wiscon-
neet their demands.
ding to Executive Commit-
ember Sandy Silberman,
0 is in a similar situa-
has become too clear that
our letters and none of
ne calls are being answer-
e explained.
R THE organization an-
the possibility of a strike
See TF's, Page 8

i on funds

and a half
intake for
d by the
nd now it
has taken
ore from
thout the
ial inter-

Two students named
to major SGC posts
Student Government Council patched two holes in its executive
structure by naming Sandy Green as administrative vice president and
Dave Lambert as coordinating vice president.
Green is a former vice president of Council, elected last spring as
Lee Gill's running mate. He resigned this fall citing academic pressures.
LAMBERT HAD BEEN serving as a voting member of Council
prior to his elevation to the co-ordinating vice presidency. Lambert
disavowed further political ambition orb Council when accepting t'he
post, explaining, that at the end of this term he will be withdrawing
from the University and joining the Navy.
Council also voted, by a 9%-2. tally, to support the demands of the
Universityemployes' union in its contract dispute with the University.
Last week two members of the Screw SGC party broke quorum and
---A c-- (.,.,...1 ..-:..- -4- ---1-v - '.......I o n~~~r h

actions between the city and
AATA involve withdrawals
AATA funds to repay a 1970
from the city for AATA buses.
However, the legal brief
yesterday afternoon points out
last April's ballot propos:
which passed the transport
tax, did not contain language
viding funds for any retroa
"I'm delighted that the A
has taken the action it has,"
ter said, referring to the au
ity's request Wednesday for
city to return the $221,000 t,
from the AATA account lasty
However, Vinter continued,
still need an accounting of
funds. An accounting is necesi
at this point," she. said, "bec,
so many people are- conce7
about the issue that they need
legal assurance of the facts.'
President Naomi Gottlieb said
the League is petitioning thec
for a legal accounting beca
"We didn't feel that the ans5
to the questions raised concer
the finances of AATA and the
were adequate."
"The bad thing about this,"
ter grimaced, "is that ever;
wants to polarize and poin

d the
nt a

HRP decides on 4th Ward as
second priority in council race

At a mass meeting on campaign
strategies for the coming City
Council elections the Human Rights
Party (HRP) last night resolved
to run a "strong" vote-getting ef-
fort in the crucial Fourth Ward.
The party decided to run an in-
tense vote-getting Fourth Ward
campaign instead of taking a
lower-profile "educational" ap-
proach. This resolve was made in
addition to commitments for sim-
ilarly strong pushes for First and

HRP has most support in the
First and Second Wards, with only
moderate strength in the Fourth
and virtually none in the con-
servative Third and Fifth Wards.
As a result, the decision to run
strong campaigns in the First and
Second Wards was fairly automa-
tic, but the Fourth was more con-
In last year's city-wide elections,
Republican council member Rich-
ard Hadler won the contested
Fourth Ward seat.

the spokesperson said.
THEY ALSO emphasized that a
strong Fourth Ward race was de-
sirable since party representation
on the rent-control board, if the
rent-control ballot issue is ap-
proved this April, is determined
by the total voter support in the
elections. A strong Fourth Ward
campaign will mean more votes.
Supporters of a strong Fourth
Ward race, including City Council
member Nancy Wechsler, argued
that there is in fact very little dif-

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