4r £fr~i anPaU Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Bureaucratic 'U' victimizes secretaries 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1974 Undermining abortion reform OPPONENTS OF LEGAL abortion have struck another blow for their cause in the state legislature. State Rep. Wil- liam Bryant (R-Grosse Point) Tuesday introduced a bill that would make abor- tions in the first trimester of pregnancy legal only at the "advice" of a physician and at a place, time and manner indi- cated by the physician. Most obviously, the proposed legisla- tion is another assault on women's right to control their own bodies. The U. S. Su- preme Court has ruled that women have the constitutional right to decide for themselves whether to terminate un- wanted pregnancies. Attempts to limit this basic freedom of choice can only be interpreted as sup- port of the idea that women are the property of their doctors, fathers, hus- bands and lovers. More sinisterly, Bryant's bill opens the door for physician control of the abor- tion business. When New York legalized abortion, doctors added thousands of dollars to their incomes by charging ex- orbitant fees for the procedure and col- laborating with hospitals, clinics and re- ferral agencies all intent in taking the abortion consumer for all she was worth. UNDER BRYANT'S PROPOSAL, doctors would not only control the woman's chance to get an abortion, but would also name the facility she would pay for TODAY'S STAFF: News: Dan Biddle, Penny Blank, Charles Coleman, Della DiPietro, Mike Duweck, Sue Stephenson Editorial Page: Clifford Brown, Marnie Heyn, Eric Schoch Arts Page: Ken Fink, Mara Shapiro Photo Technician: Thomas Gottlieb the procedure - a kickback windfall for ambitious practitioners. America's predominantly male doctors have proved again and again that, espe- cially with regard to their female pa- tients, they are more concerned with making money and maintaining tradi- tional values than with providing for their patients' needs. To throw abortion patients to the mer- cy of a group of self-styled Marcus Wel- bys-paternalistic at best and quite prob- ably hostile to abortion - would be a disaster for the women of the state. Instead of trying to pass disguised re- strictions on abortion, Bryant would do better to concern himself with drafting legislation to control the gigantic pro- fits that doctors and health facilities reap from abortions. IT IS ALSO vitally important that this session of the state legislature pass strict and enforceable guidelines on the quality of services provided by abortion facilities. When the Supreme Court decision struck down the state statute, abortions were no longer illegal, but at the same time there were no protective regulations regarding treatment for abortion pa- tients. Thus, many women are forced to accept pot-luck treatment because there are no legal standards for abortion clinics. Lansing must accept the Supreme Court ruling once and for all and rea- lize that abortion is a widespread health need of Michigan women. High prices still make abortion the privilege of the middle class. Profit control, and quality control, not abortion control by physi- clan's consent, are what the state needs. By JOAN WEISS BUREAUCRACY. That's what comes to mind when I think of the U. of M. ad- ministration. One immense, terribly frus- trating jumble of offices, red tape, and sec- retaries who smile sweetly as they give directions to an office on the other side af campus. It had never occurred to me that secretaries, themselves, might be vic- tims of the administrative run-around as much as students. Being shuffled around on questions of course elections or drop-adds is undeniably irritating, yet the frustration of being un- able to obtain straight answers to ques- tions pertaining to making a living is much greater. Secretaries at the University are becorn- ing increasingly angry about their wages and, on a broader scale, about the de- meaning and condescending attitude of the University administration, particularly the Personnel Dept., toward their grievances. At a meeting of the Non-academic Uni- versity Workers Sub-Committee of the Wo- men's Commission on Jan. 24, 1974, re- cent dealings with the Personnel Dept. were discussed. In response to an article in the Ann Arbor News comparing starting sal- aries of University secretaries with that of other area universities in which the Uni- versity ranked lowest, two women from Personnel, Gloria Hovan and Emily Gard- ner, were dispatched to reassure the sec-e- taries. None of the secretaries at the Jan. 24 meeting seemed particularly calmed, how- ever. The general concensus, instead, was that their intelligence had been insulted. MUCH STRESS was laid on the subject of merit wage increases based on a vague system of classification of secretarial jobs as C-3, C-4, and on up to C-6. The scale is supposed to describe the progression of supervisory and management skills up the ladder. In reality, however, it seems that the classification system is a farce. Instead of jobs being classified clearly, often the secretary is labelled as a C-3, for instance, and asked to do the work of a C-4 as a personal favor to her boss, while still re- maining in the pay bracket of a C-3. "Classifications are only followed to jus- tify not granting a promotion," stated one secretary, who had applied for a C-4 job and was hired, but classified as and given the minimum wage of a C-3 because she was only 18. A year later, she was promot- ed to a C-4 when her work load (including running for coffee) was extended from two Fugitiv An effort was made to discredit the pay scales and comparisons drawn up by the secretaries of the Law School and to use comparisons instead, with other schools in the Big Ten, disregarding the discrepancy in standards of living between Ann Ar- bor, (which as we all know, is incredibly high), and places such as Illinois and In- diana. OTHER STATEMENTS were made by Personnel as to actual starting salaries and promotion policies, which, according to every secretary with whom I discussed this, are absolutely untrue. Yet, there seems to be no one who cares to listen or investi- gate the true state of affairs. Seemingly, Personnel is interested only in pacifying these women. Emily Gardner sug- gested that perhaps an effort should be made to get more men on the clerical staff, stating, "Face it, girls, men make more money." The sexism in this issue is blatant, so blatant that the women I spoke to were hardly upset by it anymore. More upset- ting to them is the lack of value placed on their worth as human beings, as work- ers whose services are important to the University. The University's failure to discuss wages and merit increases with them, the fact that the standards by which they are eval- uated are inconsistent and un-enforceable, the aspect of age discrimination in job class ification, all point to an incredible lack of respect or concern on the part of the University. "We are an easily replaced com- modity," one worker put it. THE UNIVERSITY uses the high turn- over rate as the reason why so few secre- taries ever reach the average salaries quot- ed on official pay scales, yet many women can find little reason to remain in a job which pays them so little. One woman, who is supporting her student husband and a child, was advised by her supervisor to go, on food stamps. The questionable prestige afforded by working for the University of Michigan is hardly enough to make up for subsistence- level wages. Regardless of the official line taken by the University on this issue, these women are convinced that they are receiv- ing a very raw deal from this University. It is unlikely that they will stand for it much longer. Joan Weiss is a staff writer for The Daily. professors to three. Her salary was raised to the minimum for a C-4. PROMOTIONS ARE supposedlytbased on evaluations, which are filled out by the professor for whom the secretary works, signed by that secretary, and given the final okay by the supervisor, usually a higher ranking secretary, a C-5 or C-6. I spoke to one women however, who, al- though classified as a C-4, supervised oth- er secretaries and performed many of the duties of the higher classifications, al- thought her pay remained at the C-4 level. Her feeling was that the evaluations had lost any validity they might have possessed as determinants in merit judgments (rais- es are supposed to be determined by merit). by the recent 3 per cent across-the-board raise. The validity of evaluations was also questioned by secretaries of the L a w School, who cited cases of evaluations be- ing changed after being signed by the secretary. s from in Doily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB The role of supervisor seemed question- able in that she (or he) rarely is in a position to see and evaluate the work of a secretary. THE INEFFECTIVENESS of such eval- uation processes in determining merit, and the feeling that merit has nothing to do with wage increases anyway, re-inforced by the across-the-board raise, led the secre- taries to send a letter to Budget Priorities Committee last Nov. 15, 1973, stating basic inequities in pay scales and wage increases, and questioning the possibility of using the surplus from mis-calculted tuition pay- ments last year toward a wage increase. This led to an article in the Ann Arbor News, which, in turn, led to the meeting with Personnel on Jan. 14, 1974. There is a feeling among the secretaries w i t h whom I spoke that the treatment they received at the hands of the two women, who are supposedly their representatives at Personnel, was incredibly shabby. justice: Two tales 4 WeO L"kE-lO LEAS1 YbUR 6L7I BI L. G AP -FoR USE; AS A S1tgA66 FA+CJ'. By JAMES WECHSLER THE PROCESSES of democracy are often complex, cumber- some and exasperating, but they still intermittently produce unex- pected events with the quality of miracles. Thus two 30-year-old black men who have been fugitives from in- justice in other states - one from Alabama and the other from Mary- land - have been early beneficiar- ies of Malcolm Wilson's rise to the governorship of New York. Both are escaped prisoners who established new lives in this city, winning the esteem of employers and friends - but continuing to dread the moment when they would be expelled from this sanctuary and sent back to jail, possibly for the rest of their lives. One is Donald Lewis Cox, a na- tive of Birmingham whose story was told in this space last April. The other is Nick Bagley, whose early home was Washington; his case was aired by Nat Hentoff in the Village Voice, taken up by The Times' Tom Wicker, and reported at length in The Post's news col- umns earlier this month. The chronicles vary in details, and the Governor's actions are not identical. But in both cases his hi- therto unreported moves will al- most certainly assure the two men a chance to pursue the new, useful lives they had begun. THE CHARGE against Cox was rape of a white woman. He was de- scribed by his victim as "bushy- bearded." Seeking to validate that description, the Birmingham au- thorities ordered him not to shave for two weeks before his trial. But no beard appeared; he was still too young to shave. Nevertheless, despite this and other flagrant flaws in the pro- secution's narrative, he was con- victed - partly because his lawyer extradition. But last spring Gov. Rockefeller rejected these appeals, insisting the issue of guilt or inno- cence could not affect extradition agreements. HIS COUNSEL, however, nego- tiated' with Gov. Wallace's aides, and on July 9 New York was told "Gov. Wallace has decided this matter must rest with the proper authorities in your state." There it "(Cox) was described by his victim as "bushy- bearded." Seeking to validate that description, the Birmingham authorities ordered him not to shave for two weeks before his trial. But no beard appeared; he was still too young to shave." BAGLEY'S LEGAL odyssey was tortuous. As a teenager hitchhik- ing through North Carolina, he be- came desperate about finding a temporary shelter: He "confessed" to police officials there that he had staged a robbery "somewhere in the Washington area." They ^,heck- ed out his story, found it full of gaps and sent him on his way. Ninety miles later, he embroider- ed his tale to police in Valdese, N.C., adding that he had shot his robbery victim. Baltimore p'lice got the report and decided to lino him to _a long unsolved local mur- der. They journeyed to North Carolina and extracted a confession from him (with no lawyer present). No other evidence was ever produced; witnesses swore he was not in Baltimore at the time of the mur- der; Bagley claimed the confession was coerced. But after one trial ended in a deadlock, a second, all- white jury convicted him. A life sentence was pronounced. For 10 years he was a "model prisoner" by all accounts. But when his last appeal to Maryland's highest court was rejected, he walked out of a minimum security prison and headed for New York. That was in October, 1972. HE GOT A job in a Long Island printshop and worked diligently. Ile luckily encountered a young Legal Aid attorney, Douglas Colbert, who became deeply committed to the case. He married a nursing direct- or at Kings County Hospital who had been his childhood sweetheart. But despite the growing outcry in the Baltimore press and here against extradition, he was appar- ently doomed. Then, on Jan. 14, Gov. Wilson wrote to Gov. Mandel describing Bagley's constructive existence and the legal vulnerabilities noted in the prosecution. He added: "In view of, the great public in- terest in this case . . . 1 feel it apropriate for me to inquire spec- ifically of you whether you would consider the parole of Mr. Bagley to New York authorities as an al- ternative to his rendition to Miry- land . " It is hard to believe this is an offer Mandel can refuse. I trust a heralding of these events here will not subject Gov. Wilson to any thunder on the right or alle- gations that he is a "closet lib- eral." They are humane, decent actions and; if some read I a r g e political meanings into them, that is a separate subject. What mat- ters at this moment are the salvag- ed lives of Donald Cox and N i c k Bagley. James Wechsler is Editorial Page Editor of the New York Post. Copyright 1974-New York Post Corporation. failed to challenge a monstrously prejudicial charge by the t r i a 1 judge. After serving four years of a life sentence, he escaped and fled to New York. He found a job in March, 1968, and his employer, Joseph Maimin, president of H. Maimin, a manufacturing firm, was to plead warmly for him five years later. He also won the support of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, and lawyer Jack Himmelstein devoted endless hours to the battle against rested inconclusively until G o v. Wilson quietly sent a letter to Wal- lace informing him he .had "re- called for reconsideration" the ex- tradition warrant issued by Ro'ke- feller. In his letter he said many citi- zens here were convinced that "Mr. Cox had demonstrated during the last seven years that he his been rehabilitated and that his return to prison would not serve any use- ful purpose but would in fact con- stitute an injustice." Letters: Legalized abortion must stay GUEST EDITORIAL Good noose THERE SEEMS TO be a trend in jour- nalism-not an entirely new trend, but suddenly more obvious and embar- rassing than ever. It's the trend toward so-called good news, especially prevelant in the broad- cast segments of the media. You've heard them: The Vietnam war was good be-. cause it restored much of our lost moral conscience. Watergate was good because it awakened America to the need for constant vigilance. Now the energy crisis is good because it is bringing us all together. Please spare us the euphemisms. There are no good wars, good scandals, nor good PERHAPS SOME journalists have guilt complexes about always having to tell people what they don't want to hear. But then perhaps a doctor would rather tell a woman with lung cancer that she is pregnant. For her welfare, we hope the doctor will be honest. But probably the biggest danger of good news journalism is that it breeds complacency. If people convince themselves that the war isn't so bad, they will do little to stop it. If people convince themselves that Watergate has its good points, they will do little to prevent, future Water- gates. And if people convince themselves To The Daily: YOU HAVE published quite a few letteers from people in this com- munity who challenge the legal- ity of abortion. I am afraid of what may happen if these voices become too strong. To repeal the new laws legalizing abortion would be a tra- gic mistake. I will not argue with these people on the question of abortion as murder - perhaps it is, but I have found that in order for morality to be useful in living a practical and orderly life one must be flexible. Nothing is "right" or "wrong" in all cases. In order to save one life of an unwanted child through il- legalization of abortion you threat- en the physical, mental, and emo- tional health of the mother, per- haps even her life if she's desper- ate enough to seek a dangerous il- legal abortion, the health of the baby who will be brought into the are not ready to have children will be forced to seek illegal, unhealthy, and unsafe abortions performed, not by licensed physicians, but by butchers. Abortion will fall into the hands of organized crime and help to perpetuate it. Also, the Catholics who wish to deny the world not only abortion, but also contracep- tion, are placing those women who do not agree with them in a hor- rendous trap. If you do not believe abortion is right for you, you are free to carry and give birth to your child. But let the rest of us decide for our- selves how we want to live our lives. In your love and compassion for these unfortunate unborn child- ren, you have forgotten the rights to life and happiness that belong to their mothers. -Perri Knize '77 .Jan. 29 registration ed response. Since I have been the personal target of Ms. Jones I would like to respond for myself, and no one else. What I find much more ob- jectionable is the holier-than-thou attitude of the Democrats. One would think that door-to-door regis- tration is the political equivaient of incest. In fact, several Demo- cratic registrars participated in and aided our efforts. Tim Smith, for example, when informed of about a trek through Alice Lloyd, told us he'd been planning to do the same thing but in a less visi- ble manner. Although he did supply us with the names of other regis- trars to help, he did not at first do so himself. Later, he assisted us in our extra efforts in student area registration. COUNCILWOMAN Jones was not only informed, she approved of the door-to-door effort. Her only com- plaint was that it was too nartisan. as few students as possible went out. City Administrator Murray specifically told me that voter reg- istration would not be allowed at registration in Waterman Gym, precisely because "too many" sto- dents would register, contrary to the pressures from the Republican majority. Time after time, broad hints were thrown our way that a second registration drive would not be held in February. We decided to make the most of the opportunity, at times staffing 6 out of the 1 registration sites throughout the city. BUT DOUBLE standards abound. When city officials abuse their discretion, when city delivery of registration materials is late by as much as 90 minutes out of 4 hours alloted to register, when hours for registration are deliberately set at inconvenient times - this is polite and accentable. But let nennie do opponents to forget to run a candi- date in the Second Ward. As Mr. Natural says, "None for roe, thanks!" -Frank Shoichet, Law Jan. 30 citizenship To The Daily: I AM WRITING in response to a letter written you by Delia C. Ieg gett, entitled expose (Jan. 22). Ms. Leggett correctly described the unhealthy situation existing in the women's showers and bath- room. It's a dreadfully depresing sight to behold after one has felt the exhilarations of life by exer- cising the body. However, I want to point out, that it is the women who use this facility that leave it in its ab- horrent condition. It is with shame itnat I report that a "sister" thoughtlessly discarded a sanitary nankin on a shelf. It remained