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January 30, 1974 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-01-30

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e fr4iian Dait1
Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

All ethics aside




420 Maynard St:, Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

News Phone: 764-0552


Abusing the residency rule

THE IN-CITY residency requirement for
all Detroit municipal employees,
seemingly innocuous enough at first
glance, is proving hazardous to the free-
dom of some individuals affected by that
The rule, adopted several years ago, re-
quires that such city employes as mem-
bers of the police department reside
within the city limits of Detroit.
Although a circuit court decision ruled
the residency requirement illegal in 1970,
the decision was reversed two years
Unfortunately, the residency require-
ment has forced Detroit Police Lt. Eu-
gene Caviston to choose between his job
and his family.
Lt. Caviston chose divorce - it was the
only alternative he had to keep his 18-
year job on the force and not move his
wife and four children from their sub-
urban home.
CAVISTON HAD attempted to satisfy
the requirement by renting an
apartment with three other policemen
and visiting his family only on weekends,

but a police trial board ruled that Cavis-
ton was still not meeting his residency
requirements because his family lived
outside Detroit.
Caviston was ordered either to divorce
his wife or lose his job. His wife was un-
willing to move since she felt she was
not "Detroit property."
The residency requirement was first
instituted basically for economic reasons
-those who are paid by the city should
pay city taxes.
However, it makes little sense to force
Caviston to divorce his wife if he was
living in Detroit and paying city taxes.
CAVISTON'S WIFE feels that the police
board's ruling dicriminates against
married men because the residency of
single men is not determined by the lo-
cation of- their immediate family nor is
it affected by whom they choose to visit
on week ends.
The police board surpassed their power
by interfering in Caviston's personal life
to such an extent. This sort of action
damages rights guaranteed to all citi-
zens and certainly goes beyond the spirit
of the rule as it was conceived.

Republicans' white knight and defender
of virtue, has again leveled his lance at a
horde of continually troublesome dragons
- the kind that smoke marijuana.
Having led the charge to repeal Ann
Arbor's five dollar dope fine, Stephenson is
expending. just as much energy, time, and
wind to crush an effort to re-instate the law
as a city charter amendment.
Last week, the mayor spoke to his peo-
ple and told them what they wanted to
hear. "My office is available to coordinate
opposition to the (marijuana) proposal,"
Stephenson declared before the city Board
of Realtors.
By that he did not mean he would vo-
cally oppose the amendment as the mayor
of Ann Arbor but rather he would volunteer
the actual mayor's office as a headquarters.
Other city hall officials have already ques-
tioned the propriety and legality of using
facilities maintained at the taxpayer's ex-
pense to support or oppose election issues.
And well they should question.
THE MAYOR'S proposition, for some rea-
son, conjures up images of the South Viet-
namese election in which one could vote
for Thieu or not vote at all. Or perhaps
more similarly of a president running for
re-election using Air Force-1 to hop from
speech site to speech site - as the govern.
ment footed' the bill. In each case, the
people lending support were really given no
Apparently, however, no law would be
violated if Stphenson went ahead and open-
ed the office tod the anti-marijuana forces,
at least so says City Attorney Edwin Pear.
He ruled the mayor has the right to use
his office "to express his views" on the
issues. Pear, though, was nominated for his
post by Stephenson and received confirma-
tion thanks to the mayor and the six other
Republicans who surround the City Council
While the Attorney's opinion may be tech-
nically corect, his judgments have in the
Spain 1
ON DECEMBER 20, 1973, t h e ler and
president of the Spanish gov- Carrero
ernment, Carrero Blanco, died in casion t
an explosion, reportedly planned the agin
and executed by Basque separat- Arrivi
ists. This assassination and t h e Barcelo
governmental reshuffling that took learned
place afterwards were called by ed "un
certain observers "the most im- sread t
portant single event in Spanish his- killed; I
tory since the Civil War." seen hi
I was in Barcelona at the time of of the
the assassination, but left a few singer.
days afterwards to spend the It wa
Christmas holidays in France. At ning pa
the time of my departure the "official
whereabouts of the assassins were controll
as yet unknown. no news
What happened between the time who ha
Carrera Blanco died and the time to Fren
I departed for France could only
be described as a dictatorship in MEA
action: Seeking to avenge the death newspa
of one of its most faithful servants tional ]
and to hide the causes of his as- appearf
sassination. in Spai
ious Sp
FOR SPAIN is not only the "sun- chine-gu
ny country of bullfighters and fla- were in
menco dancers" that the tourist celonas
agencies make it sound like; al- The a
though the number one tourist wherei
country in the world, it is also the took ad
poorest country in Western Europe crackd
after Portugal, and controlled by ments,"
a repressive military regime. zations
The head of this regime, octogen- Arme
arian Francisco Franco, came into ports se

past occassionally been colored by a long
association with the GOP and its council
MOREOVER, EVEN IF Stephenson can
legally institute Operation Weedkiller, the
morality of doing so remains dubious. The
paper, the pencils, and the utilities in the
mayor's office are all paid for by the peo-
ple - many of whom back the charter
amendment. These persons should not be
forced to financially support a political posi-
tion they oppose.
Stephenson has tried to legitimize his offer
as a drive to educate the electorate con-
cerning the marijuana ballot question. He
has expressed confidence that once the vot-
ers "learn" about the five dollar, law they
will flock to the polls and drive the measure
into the ground.
The Republicans, most vociferously among
them Stephenson, have blasted Ann Ar-
bor's image as "the dope capital of the
Midwest" and promised that getting our
liberal dope law off the books would change
that reputation.
In his inaugural address last April, the
mrayor assailed marijuana dealers as "soc-
ial poison, who must be driven out of town."
From such a source will not flow particular-
ly unbiased information.
STEPHENSON TOLD the realtors he hop-
ed a direct mailing enumerating the "prob-
lems" with the charter amendment will be
sent out to the voters. He declined, however,
to say whether it would be done gratis city
hall and the taxpayers.
The proposed campaign should outrage
anyone concerned with the mere pretense of
"well-scrubbed-clean-behind-the-ears" gov-
ernment, let alone the real thing.
Of course at a time when public confi-
dence in government at every level has
been dearly shaken by Watergate and other
scandals, trying to pull off anything which
smells the least bit of fish cannot be politi-
cally productive or morally reassuring.
Perhaps that best demonstrates how im-
perative local conservative leadership feels

Mayor Jmes Stephenson

defeating the marijuana amendment is to
their constituency. It has promised to go
out on an ethical limb - pacifying the hard-
Republican party are ultimately fighting a
no-win war (sound familiar?) Even after
they laid the original five dollar law to rest
last July, dope smoking did not decrease
-although it may not be quite so open
now - and the final fate of the ballot ques-
tion will not alter present attitudes.
Stephenson can give the anti-marijuana

faction use of his office but in the long
run the only things hurt will be his own
already badly tarnished image and the pub-
lic's respect for its officials. Neither he
nor the GOP can stamp out dope - even
if they rip-off the entire city treasury to
finance the effort.
Were the mayor to realistically assess the
results of his holy quest, he would either
halt the crusade or find a paunchy side-
kick named Sancho Panza.
Gordon Atcheson is a staff report-
er for The Daily.

More papers capers

DESPITE THE President's brief fit of
"candor" regarding his rather large
tax deduction for his contribution of
vice presidential papers to the National
Archives questions have remained.
The latest curiosity about the affair,
which resulted in Nixon payment of min-
iscule amounts of income tax in recent
years, is the revelation that the deed for
the donation was dated a year before
it was actually signed.
Not only was the deed pre-dated, but
the signing took place long after Nixon's
eligibility for the deductions claimed had
expired by law.
According to the Deputy* Secretary of
the State of California, Thomas Quinn,
Nixon's tax lawyer Frank DeMarco and
others have admitted that the deed,
while bearing the date March 27, 1969,
Editorial Staff
Co-Editors in Chief
TONY SCHWARTZ...................Sunday Editor
DIANE LEVICK ........................ Arts Editor
MARTIN PORTER.................. Sunday Editor
MARILYN RILEY.........Associate Managing Editor
ZACHARY SCHILLER.............Editorial Director
ERIC SCHOCH..................Editorial Director
CHARLES STEIN ................... .. City Editor
TED STEIN ....................Executive Editor
ROLFE TESSEM..................Managing Editor.
wilbur, David Yalowitz
News: Dan Blugerman, Jo Marcotty, Judy
Ruskin, Stephen Selbst, Becky Warner
Editorial Page: Paul Haskins, M a r n i e
Heyn, Eric Schoch, Doug Zernow
Arts Page: Ken Phynques, Diane Levick
Photo Technician: David Margolick

was not actually signed and notarized
until April 10, 1970. In between, a law
went into effect on July 25, 1969 that
"would have drastically reduced the
amount of deductions Nixon could have
received for his papers.
IT SEEMS THAT Quinn has determined
that the typewriter upon which the
deed was typed was not purchased by the
law firm until after the deed was written.
DeMarco has claimed that an original
deed was drawn up on March 27, 1969,
but no one can seem to find, that origi-
nal deed nor any copies of it.
No doubt we will be told that they are
missing as a result of action taken by
those same "sinister forces" that erased
18 minutes of a Watergate tape.
This latest incident reveals the same
lack of concern for legality that has char-
acterized the entire Nixon administra-
tion. As long as our elected representa-
tives continue to avoid the issue of im-
peachment though, we can only wait for
the next installment.
No comment
FTER SELLING grain to the Soviet
Union in 1972, a move which was at
least partially responsible for the cur-
rent shortage of wheat in this country,
we see an article in yesterday's New
York Times, the first paragraph of
which follows:
"A Soviet trade official offered yes-
terday to sell wheat to the United States
to help replenish grain stocks that have
been drawn down to low levels after
heavy exports over the last two years."

974: Fascism

in tourist town

n 1939 with the help of Hit-
Musolini. The death of
Blanco gave me the oc-
o observe the real nature of
ng dictatorship.
ng at the University of
na for an examination, I
that the building was clos-
til further notice." Rumor
that the president had been
I couldn't believe it; I had
s picture on the front page
morning paper with Kis-
s, however, true. Tie eve-
pers ran a one-paragraph
J version," but the State-
ed television and radih had
broadcasts all day. Those
d powerful radios listened
ch and Italian stations.
NWHILE, many foreign
pers (including the Interna-
Herald Tribune) did i o t
for several days afterwards
n. Numerous arests in var-
anish cities resulted, ma-
in carrying Assault guards
creasingly visible on Bar-
tmosphere was tense everv-
in Spain; the government
vantage of the situation to
down on "subversive ele-
including workers' organi-
and certain Jesuit priests.
d guards checked our pass-
everal times on the way to

versives or assasins, they allowed
us to pass into French territory.
much different in appeacane from
La Junquera, on the Spanisn side:
both are lined with souvenir sn,)s,
money-changing shops, and post-
card sellers. On both sides of t h e
border the countryside is also much
the same: the majestic Pyrences
which have for centuries served
as a natural boundary between
the two countries.
Beyond the surface similarities,
however, enormous contrasts are
evident: on the French side anti-
Franquist grafitti abounds, FR'AN-
.JUAN CARLOS are typical exam-
ples. Wages on the Le Perthus sine
are also considerably higher; on
the Spanish side labor protection
laws and unions are in practize
Further on down the road to Per-
pignan, posters of France's num-
erous political parties and groups
and spray-painted anti-Gaullist slo-
gans are splattered over walls and
signposts. The messages range
from the extreme left to the ex-
treme right, every group from the
Maoists to the Monarchists encour-
ages French citizenry to support
its cause.
THE CONTRAST between this
and Spain, where there have been
no free elections since 1939, is

The first thing I did when I (ross-
ed the border into France was buy
newspapers (to find out what was
really happening in Spain). It was
a pleasure to read newsprint that
hadn't been directly controlled and
censored by the government.
While in Paris I saw two movies
a day (movies suffer an even more
rigorous censorship than printed
material does in Spain), and visited
numerous bookstores.
I enjoyed being in a country
which, althought it has its own
Watergate scandals, its own corrup-
tion, and serious racial problems,
has maintained the right to criti-
cize openly and to oppose the gov-
ernment (I have often seen Spanish
people close the doors and windows
and talk in whispered voices when
discussing politics in their o w n
ferences of the two countries as I
crossed back over the Pyrenees in-
to Spain last week. Although it
seemed that the air was cleaner
on the French side of the Pyrenees
than on the Spanish side, it must
have been my imagination.
Paul O'Donnell is a Univer-
sity student in foreign lan-
guages and journalism. He
has spent most of his college
career studying in France
and Spain.

Gen. Francisco. Franco
Le Perthus on the Fren:h border.
At the border there was a final se-
curity check; with all the rifle-tot-
ing guards and check points, I had
the impression that there might
have been an "iron curtain" be-
tween Spain and France. Our pap-
ers were all "in order," and as-
suming that none of us were sub-

I .

Letters: CIA

case importan

1973 HAD7


K ,





To The Daily:
A JOKE with no humor, h o w
true. Gary Thomas (Daily, Jan. 23)
has aptly soothed our paranoia
about the "Operators" of the CIA
and their Rube Goldberg schemes.
Rootin' tootin' Adam Wests ready
to head 'em off at the plot. They
are mostly a bunch of assholes
with some crazy projects. Yet, at
the same time we must not forget
that they are Fearful and Loath-
some dead-serious assholes with a
trick or two up their trenchcoats
worthy of notice.
In seeking to prevent former
agents Victor Marchetti and John
Marks from spilling the beans
about the CIA's ineptitude in a
book, the dirty tricksters scored
what Taylor Branch recently called
in Harper's (Jan.) "a Newtonian
advance in the prospects for quiot,
discreet government." In April
1972, the U.S. government got a
permanent court order enjoining
Marchetti and everybody he knows
from disclosing any information
without the prior consent of the
To quote Branch: "The Justice
Department, representing the
Agency, sees the sanctity of con-
tracts as the real issue. Marchetti
- like Ellsberg, Marks, and any-
one else dealing with classified
material - got his job only after
signing a contractured agreement
not to reveal secrets, and the gov-
ernment successfully contended
that such a contract overrides Mar-

freaked-out. No more haggling for
the CIA about National Security
and First Amendment objections to
prior restraint, before a jury with
lots of publicity. Just a boring se-
cret hearing before a judge to en-
join a government dissenter from
breaching his contractural obliga-
tion not to reveal classified in-
formation. The final outcome in
the courts about Marchetti could
be, as Branch puts it, "a victory
for zipper-lined government snat-
ched from the ashes of the Ells-
berg case, achieved quietly while
the public is pre-occupied with Nix-
on's sanity and his character
-Steven McClure '72
Jan. 29
To The Daily:
LEE GILL'S resignation as SGC
President paves the way for the
regeneration of student govern-
ment at Michigan. As an observer
or participant in student govern-
ment since 1969 perhaps my per-
spectives are of a little interest.
Until early 1972 SGC had its ups
and downs but on the whole it was
a reasonably representative and
sometimes influential body. I t s
supportive role in the 1970 BAM
strike was quite important, and its
attainment of student control over
the present Office of Special Ser-
vices and Programs was an ad-

pretense of restoring democratic
student government.
There remains no excuse for the
corporate University to meddle in
student affairs. SGC ought to en-
act a workable new constitution -
perhaps as a federation of school
and college governments - b u t
whatever form it takes, all students
should repudiate continued Admin-
istrative/Regental usurpation of
student self-determination.
-Bob Black '73
Jan. 10
To The Daily:
ON DECEMBER 6, an advercise-
ment on Arab racism and anti-
Semitism was published in t h e
Michigan Daily. Even if We as-
sume that all of the examples of
racism and persecution of minori-
ties by the Arabs are correct, the
article still did not clarity t h e
issues directly relating io the
Arab-Israeli conflict and diI not
contribute to producing an atmos-
phere in which these problems
might be rationally discussed.
For years Arab propagardists
have tried to argue that the on y-
solution to the Arab-Israeli con-
flict was the liquidation of the
State of Israel. In order to justify
this claim they tried to picture
Israel as a racist state This Arab
propaganda also does not contri-
bute to creating an at iisphere i-
which the real prN'em of tnu

of no Arab state which is m o r e
democratic than the State of Is-
rael and I do not ueieve that ie
placing Israel by a democratic
Arab state would give thy citizens
of Israel more freedom, equality,
and democracy :han they already
Arguments abort Israeli racism
and the replacement of Israel by
a democratic Arab state siniply
serve to obscure the real issues of
how a peace can be negotiated
between Israel and her neighbors.
They are arguments presented by
those who want Y.o peace.,'
After 25 years of hostilities Arabs
and Israelis are finally beginning
to negotiate directly. Ther is no
assurance that theie negotiations
will lead to dramatic breakthroughs
in the immediate future, but if the
Arab states and Israel have pro-
gressed to the stage wheye they
are trying to resolve their differ-
ences, it might be the right time
for both pro-Arab and pro-Israeli
propagandists to start disdussing
and not obscuring the issues which
can lead to a peaceful resolution
of the conflict.'
-Stephen Segall, Grad
Jan. 9
To The Daily:
UPON READING the frighten-
ing tale of the recent armed rob-
bery incidents, we were impressed
by Tim Ryback's stoic action in a

denly a masked man opened the
driver's door and forced the cou-
ple out of the car.
Drawing a circle in the dust next
to the roadway the villian demand-
ed that the U of M student stand
in it, moving only under penalty of
death. The deviant rogue then pro-
ceeded to destroy the young man's
car with an axe.
He looked at the student, w h o
stood in the circle with a s t-eat-
ing grin on his face. The bandit
pushed the demolished car off the
cliff. A grin creased the face of
the circle stander. The scalawag
grabbed the young coed, r a p e d
her, and threw her to her death.
The Ann Arborite grined on.
was exasperated, "I don't under-
stand you, man. I destroy your
car; push it off the cliff, rape your
girl, and throw her off and you
just stand there grinning. What's
the story?"
The maize and bluester smugly
replied, "I stepped out of the cir-
cle three times while your back
was turned."
Jan. 29
The Editorial Page of The
Michigan Daily is open to any-
one who w i s h e s to submit
articles. Generally speaking, all
articles should be less than 1,000

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