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January 29, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-01-29

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See Today for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 99 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 29, 1974 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

uhammad Ali




Cavanagh at St. Joe's
Jerome Cavanagh, former mayor of Detroit and a
contender for the Democratic nomination in this year's
gubernatorial race was admitted to St. Joseph's Mercy
Hospital Sunday for observation in the hospital's cardiac
unit, spokespersons said yesterday. Cavanagh, 45, was
sent to the hospital by his doctors after experiencing flu
symptoms and stomach pain. The length of Cavanagh's
hospital stay is as yet undetermined.
Ski session cancelled
A ski session scheduled for Wedenesday at 7 p.m.
by the Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Com-
mission has been cancelled due to predictions of a lack
of -good snow, a spokesperson reported yesterday. People
who registered for Wednesday's session in Island Park
will get their money back and may sign up for the com-
mission's next two sessions, Feb. 13 at Ypsi's middle
school at 7 p.m., and Feb. 27 at Henne Field in Saline
at 7 p.m. To register, send $2, your name, address, phone
number and the date of the session you want to the
commission in the County Building. Equipment is pro-
vided for free.
H appenings ...
today are topped by Ralph Nader's Future
Worlds lecture at 3 p.m. in Hill Aud. Admission costs
$1, the box office opens at 1 p.m., and the doors open
at 2:30 .. . The University Council will meet at 5:30
p.m. in the University Club's "Crofoot Room" to con-
tinue its discussion on recommendations for police and
security on campus . . . Feminists in Struggle Together
(FIST) meets at 6 p.m. in Rm. 124, East Quad. The
meeting is open to all interested . . . and a waitress who
claims she was fired for trying to get paid the federal
minimum is asking people to picket with her in front
of the Purple Pickle restaurant on E. Washington at
10:30 .m.
Urban fellowship offered
The Mayor's New York City Urban Fellowship is
now accepting applications for the 1974-75 school year.
The program spans an entire year from September
through June, and during this time students work with
a city agency four days a week and participate in a
seminar on the fifth day. A stipend of $4,000 and trans-
portation to and from New York are provided- by the
City of New York. Only seniors and grad students may
apply. To obtain an application, write Dr. Leonore Loft,
Director, New York City Urban Fellowship, 250 Broad-
way, New York, New York. The deadline for applying
is Feb. 15.
Daylight saving blasted
Legislation was introduced in the Senate yesterday
to repeal daylight savings time during the winter months.
"It's time to recognize that we may well have made a
mistake' in approving daylight savings, Sen. Dick Clark
(D-Iowa) said in a speech. He and several other senators
said that daylight savings time jeopardizes children by
forcing them to go to school in early-morning darkness.
Clark quoted Federal Power Commission estimates that
only 0.2 per cent of this month's fuel savings could be
attributed to daylight savings. "Such a saving is not
worth the risk to children," Clark said.
Favorable trade balance
The Commerce Department said yesterday that the
United States' total trade surplus for 1973 was $1,677,200,-
000, which compared with a trade deficit of $6.4 billion
in 1972 and a deficit of two billion dollars in 1971. The
main factor contributing to the big turnaround in the
country's trade, government economists said, was two
devaluations of the U.S. dollar, which made U.S. goods
cheaper overseas and foreign goods more expensive in
this country.
GI benefit hike asked
President Nixon yesterday proposed cost-of-living in-
creases in veterans' pensions and an eight per cent boost
in GI benefits as part of a $13.6 billion legislative package
for veterans. Nixon asked Congress to exempt Veteran's
Day from the 1968 "Monday holiday" law which changed
the holiday from Nov. 11 to the fourth Monday of each
October. Nixon further proclaimed last Sunday, the first

anniversary of the Vietnam ceasefire, as National MIA
Awareness Day, and named March 29, the first anniver-
sary of the return of prisoners of war, as Vietnam Veter-
ans Day.
Soviets test MIRVs
The Soviet Union tested a new intercontinental ris-
sile with multiple separately targetable warheads for the
,first time last weekend, Pentagon spokesman Jerry
Friedheim said yesterday. Friedheim said missile spec-
ialists in the Pentagon believe the tests indicate that
the Soviets are more than halfway toward possible de-
velopment of multiple warheads in the SS19 class of mis-
siles. The Pentagon announcement came as retiring
presidential adviser Melvin Laird warned that the Soviet
Union may be trying to "lull the United States into com-
placency" in order to gain strategic advantages.
On the inside .
Diane Levick reviews the Joni Mitchell concert
on the Arts Page . . . the Editorial Page features a story
by Gary Thomas on the failure of the Paris Peace Trea-
ty for Vietnam . . . and John Kahler discusses Michi-
gan's basketball battle with the Badgers on the Sporis

NEW YORK OP)-Muhammad Ali,
scoring with short left-and-right
counter punches to the head and
left jabs, outboxed and outpunched
Joe Frazier to win a unanimous
12-round decision last night at
Madison S q u a r e Garden and
avenge a defeat in their famous
first fight almost three years ago.
Ali, floating like a butterfly and
stinging like a bee, built up a
solid lead in the first six, rounds
and then, after Frazier seemed to
be coming on, rallied to outpunch
Joe in the final three rounds.
The victory set up Ali for a mul-
ti-million dollar shot at world
champion George Foreman. The
loss might have ended Frazier's
IT WAS AN action-packed fight
China to
free U.S.
men taken
in battle.
TOKYO (A') - An American
captured by the Chinese on the
Paracel Islands during fighting
between Chinese and South Viet-
namese forces will be released
Thursday, China announced.
The announcement early this
morning by the official Hsinhua
news agency said the American
was ill and would be repatriated
along with five sick and wounded
South Vietnamese troops.
The Hsinhua broadcast, monitor-
ed in Tokyo, did not name the
American. He previously was ident-
ified by the State Department in
Washington as Gerald Emil Kosh,
a 27-year-old Defense Department
repatriation would be made through
the Red Cross at Shumchun,
Kwangtung province, China. That
is the border crossing point outside
Hong Kong.
The Chinese announced previous-
ly thatnpersonnel captured during
fighting Jan. 19-20 that drove the
South Vietnamese off the disputed
Paracel Islands inthe South China
Sea would be released "at an
appropriate time."
The State Department said ear-
lier that Kosh had been assigned
to observe the efficiency of the
South Vietnamese at Da Nang, a
major Vietnamese port city about
350 miles north of Saigon.
THE PARACEL group of islands,
claimed by China, South Vietnam
and others is about 250 miles east
of Da Nang. The islands are unin-
habited and desolate, but interest
in them apparently has increased
since the energy crisis because of
possible oil reserves beneath them.

before a roaring sellout crowd at
the Garden. But the second round
had to be the wildest of all.
Frazier and Ali were each hold-
ing their own in the second when
Ali suddenly buckled Frazier's legs
with a straight right to the jaw.
As he moved in with both hands
punching and Frazier trying to
fight back, referee Tony Perez sud-
denly stepped in and-signaled both
men to their corners, thinking the
bell had rung.
However, there were still about
15 seconds to go.
Perez immediately realized his
mistake and motioned both men in
again, but there was only five sec-
onds left and no further damage
was done by either fighter.
THE FIGHT was similar to the

first one in which Frazier, -hen
champion, outpointed Ali. But this
time Joe could not knock Ali down
and Ali punched with more power
more often.
Never did Ali try to buy time-
he called it "clowning"-like he did
in the first fight and, although Fra-
zier had the better of the final
round, Ali was equally as fresh at
the finish.
The end of the fight signaled a
madhouse charge in which a horde
of fans, screaming "Ali, Ali"
stormed through the working press
section and into the ring where
many of them were pushed back
onto reporters by guards.
ALI, who avenged the only other
defeat of his brilliant and contro-

versial career when he outpointed
Ken Norton last September, came
out of the fight virtually unmarked
although he had bled a bit from
the nose.
Frazier bled slightly from the
mouth but at the end his face was
badly swollen as it had been after
the first fight.
Ali opened the fighting by danc-
ing and jabbing while Frazier was
chasing and this was the case
through most of the early rounds.
But this time Ali scored well
with fast flurries of counter pun-
ches to the head as Frazier was
trying to hook or get off a hook.
And Ali's punches carried some
per jur
By AP and Reuter
Porter, the former scheduling
director of President Nixon's
re-election campaign, pleaded
guilty yesterday to charges of
lying to FBI agents as part of
the Watergate cover-up.
At the same time the White
House refused to list the indi-
viduals with access to Nixon's
controversial Watergate tapes.
lied when he told FBI agents a
month after the 1972 Watergate
break-in that $100,000 had been
spent to hire college students to
campaign for Nixon's re-election.
Porter conceded the money was
actually spent on financing "dirty
tricks" against Democratic party
hopefuls in the 1972 presidential
Porter, 35, faces a maximum five
years in prison and a fine of $10,-
000. He pow works in his father-in-
law's construction business in La-
guna Niguel, Calif.
He said he lied at the sugges-
tion of J. E. B. Stuart Magruder,
deputy director of the re-election
committee, who has pleaded guil-
ty to conspiracy to obstruct justice
and defraud the United States.
PORTER TOLD U. S. District
Judge William Bryant that he had
been made no promises in return
for his guilty plea and that there
had been no coercion.
He then was sent to a probation

Doily Photo by KEN FINK
LAST NIGHT'S WINNER, once known as Cassius Clay, signs auto-
graphs in Ann Arbor last summer after visiting a local bone special-
ist for work on his delicate jaw.




officer, where he swore he would
appear each time he is called by z
the court or prosecutors for any
reason. t
Meanwhile, Deputy Press Secre- t
tary Gerald Warren was question-
ed about access to the tapes and
transcripts following disclosures t
that speechwriter Patrick Buchan-r
an and Republican congressional
leaders had seen or heard them.
WARREN REFUSED to identify
those who had done so, saying "I'm f
not in a position to do that . . .r
There are legal implications."C
He repeated previous assertions n
that the Watergate tape recordings
are in the hands of the special d
prosecutor, which he described as t
the "proper forum." He did ack- F
nowledge, under questioning, that r
copies of the tapes also have been f
retained in the White House. F

In other Watergate-related de-
velopments, House Speaker Carl
Albert said yesterday he believes
the full House will vote on whether
to impeach President Nixon.
"I have been led to believe by
pretty strong talk in the House
that one of thesecimpeachment
resolutions will be called up," 'Al-
bert said.
ALBERT TOLD newsmen the
full House would vote on whatever
recommendation its J u d i c i a r y
Committee delivers-to impeach or
not to impeach.
And if the Judiciary Committee
decides to make no recommenda-
:ion, Albert said, he assumes some
House member would exercise his
right to stand up on the House
foor "and demand a vote on im-
peachment then and there.

Supermarket strike
ends at four chains

AP Photo
SMOKIN' JOE FRAZIER lands a potent second round punch on the
jaw of Muhammad Ali during last night's 12-round decision at Madi-
son Square Garden in New York. Ali's face wasn't smiling in the
second round, but the three referees gave him a unanimous decision.


Violence continues while
truckers fight gas costs

lichman, indicted former top
aide to President Nixon, plans
to seek a subpoena today com-
pelling Nixon to appear at a
court hearing here Feb. 26, the
Los Angeles Times reported.
The Times said Ehrlichman
wanted the President's testi-
mony to bolster his assertion he
was acting as a law-enforcement
officer in the break-in of Daniel
Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office.


DETROIT (UPI) - Workers at
four major supermarket chains
which were struck by Teamsters
Local 337, Jan. 16 have approved
a new pact and union spokesper-
sons were confident truck drivers
and warehousemen at a fifth chain
would follow in their union broth-
er's steps.
Workers at Farmer Jack and
Wrigley stores last night voted
overwhelmingly to accept the new
agreement. Workers at Great'Scott
and Chatham stores had approved
a similar pact Thursday which em-
ployes at Farmer Jack, Wrigley
and Kroger stores had rejected.
RESULTS OF the, ratification
vote by Kroger workers - on the
second pact-which came after a
four-hour secret meeting , between
both sides Sunday-were not known
but Teamsters were predicting the
pact would be accepted.
The strike by 2,500 Teamsters
against 400 supermarkets and 250
independent groceries in south-

eastern Michigan had left many
stores without paper products and
pet foods. Supplies of staples such
as cereal, bread, flour, ,salt and
coffee were also low, market
spokesmen said.
Bernard Weisberg, president of
Chatham, said during the weekend
supplies were so low--20 per cent
below normal-it would have been
difficult to reopen yesterday with-
out new stock from warehouses.
HOWEVER, workers at Chatham
and Great Scott were expected to
return to their jobs early today
and workers at the other three
chains also were called back, pend-
ing approval at Kroger.
There had been an unwritten
agreement among workers at the
five food chains that no one would
return to the job unless all 2,500
approved one contract. However,
the deadlock in the strike began to
break Saturday when Great Scott
invited its employes back to work
and Chatham followed suit.

By The AP, UPI and Reuter
While violence flared as some
independent truckers continued
their protest against high fuel
prices and low freight rates, fed-
eral energy chief William Simon
continued to discuss possible gas
A few trucks were shot at, one
driver was hit and two others
beaten in Ohio and Pennsylvania
during the shutdown by several

hundred independent drivers who
pulled their rigs off the road last
week to push their demands.
SPOKESMEN for the protesting
independent truckers, who main-
tain they are hardest hit by the
government's failure to set a ceil-
ing on diesel fuel prices, denied
responsibility for continued spora-
dic violence.
Onektruck was found burning on
an Akron street, two drivers in

City Council accepts
C hat ha m site plans

Ohio and Pennsylvania said their
rigs were hit by gunfire as they
drove them, radiators were punc-
tured on more than 10 rigs at
various truck stops and several
truck windshields were reported
The shutdown began Jan. 20 at
East Liverpool, Ohio, with about
300 drivers reportedly taking part.
The protest centers on demands
for a guarantee of lower prices for
diesel fuel and increased freight
rates to make up what truckers are
losing to higher fuel prices and
lower speed limits.
MEANWHILE, Simon assured
Americans they would get at least
two weeks notice before any man-
datory gas rationing program is
put into effect.
As Simon maintained an air of
secrecy over the possible imposi-
tion of the first rationing program
at retail fuel pumns since World
War IT, gas rationing coupons
streamed off the presses at the
B!vreau of Engraving and Printing.
Simon ordered the coupons print-
ed on a standbv basis in case the
nation is forced to turn to formal

TE group to consider strike if
administration ignores .pleas

City Council approved site plans
for the building of a Chatham
supermarket near Packard and
Platt roads last night despite the
opposition of city residents from
the area.
Like the recently proposed Mc-
Donalds for Maynard St. near

along partisan lines, with council
Republicans voting solidly in favor
of the Chatham construction plan
and the Human Rights Party
(HRP) and Democratic council
members against the move, in a
7-4 vote.
THE TP SOIUTON approving
construction of the Chatham's

The Organization of Teaching Fellows (OTF),
founded last fall to seek improvement for Uni-
versity teaching assistants, is again threatening a
strike if the administration refuses to meet certain
demands now being compiled by the group.
Alleging that University officials have ignored
recent overtures, the OTF Executive Committee is
prepared to call for a strike vote among U-M's 1600
teaching fellows next month.
LAST SEMESTER OTF threatened to strike un-
less teaching fellow stipends were increased and in-
state status granted to all TF's. The University
partially met those demands.
OTF wants the University to sign formal con-

THE OTF leadership now believes a strike would
be endorsed by a majority of teaching fellows.
Executive Committee member David Ruhland
termed the strike call a last resort made necessary
because of the administration's failure to talk with
OTF representatives.
"There isa definite lack of faith among TF's in
the administration's credibility," Ruhland said.
"We are not satisfied with what we got this fall,
how we got it, and we fear that the gains will not
be carried through next fall."
LAST SEMESTER the teaching fellows received
a $2 million increase in stipends and financial aid.
The hike, however, amounted to only a 5.5 per cent

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