NUCLEAR RISK, See Editorial Page C I I 4c 5kPA6 Dztit1; LA CKLUSTER' High--45 Law--35 See Today for details Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol LXXXIV, No. 97 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 26, 1974 Ten Cents Eight Pages POSSIBLE DECREASE TO DEC. 1 LE VELS - i FYOUSEE NE wS PPEMCALL r yAy 'Trickster' Stephenson The members of the Blue Ribbon Citizen's Commission on Rent Control are hopping mad at Mayor James Steph- enson for what they call his "political tricksterism". Stephenson last week'leaked to the press the Commis- sion's preliminary findings, which the mayor claimed put the panel in direct opposition to the Human Rights Party sponsored Rent Control proposal. In a statement issued yesterday, the members blast Stephenson charging that his actions have "resulted in confusion and misconcep- tion rather than clarification." They say the Commis- sion's final report will be made public in several weeks and only then can citizens get the whole story on the panel's findings. " Hard bargain A fact-finder is expected to be named early next week to help resolve the dispute between the Univer- sity and negotiators for Local 1583 of the American Fed- eration of State, County and Municipal Employes (AFSC- ME). Both sides agreed to the introduction of a fact- finder at a Sunday meeting when-after some 300 hours and 40 sessions of bargaining-they felt themselves to be at an impasse. The dispute affects some 2400 service- maintenance employes at the University. ! 'U'" kudos Four 'U' creative writing students will have their work published in a book entitled "Intro 6" which is sched- uled to be released by Doubleday in August. The book is a collection of prize-winning poems from students across the country and is designed to aid in the teach- ing of creative writing. Local winners were Mary Berg- land, '75, Joseph Salerno, Grad, Kerry Thomas, Grad, and David Tucker, Grad. Bergland, Salerno and Tucker all won poetry awards in last year's Hopwood compe- tition.0 Tax dodger? Internal Revenue Service bloodhounds are apparently up to more these days than scrutinizing President Nix- on's income tax records, and are tackling smaller game as well. For failure to pay his telephone tax two and a half years ago, Daily photographer David Margolick has been threatened with seizure of his "salary or wages ..., bank accounts, receivable cmmissions, or other income, property, or rights to property" and anything else be- longing to him. The money in question, one dollar and nineteen cents, includes a five cent penalty and the nickel interest accrued to the account. Margolick plans to reluctantly pay his debt, but says that in the mean- time he will zealously guard his bed mattress, tooth- brush, and other personal effects from any anxious IRS agents. Happenings.... . are full on this Saturday and are topped by a big sock hop set to begin at 8:30 tonite at Markley. Several lip-synch bands will be on hand to provide entertainment and numerous prizes will be awarded for the best-dressed and best-dancing greasers . . . the Ann Arbor Chapter of the Indochina Peace Campaign is sponsoring a series of lectures and discussions today to commemorate the first anniversary of the Vietnam peace accords. Several pro- fessors will speak on the situation in various countries and discussions of future strategy will take place. Things get underway at 3:00 pm. in rooms 124 and 126 of East Quad . . . the sports file is heavy today with four sepa- rate events taking place around the 'U'. A gymnastics meet at Crisler Arena will be held at 1:30 pm. . . . Michi- gan swimmers meet Northwestern in Matt Mann Pool at 4:00 pm. . . . also at 4:00 pm. the top-ranked Michigan wrestlers host a meet with Illinois in Crisler Arena . . finally a Michigan-Minnesota hockey match swings into. action at 7:30 pm. in Yost Field House. ! Ieantown blues According to FBI statistics, the city of Boston leads the nation in the all-important category of auto thefts. Beantown autos are swiped at an average of two per hour and as a consequence, residents pay unusually high insurance premiums. Rumor has it that whole neighbor- hoods are contemplating a move to North Dakota, the safest state in the union to park a car according to the same FBI statistics. Impeachment note House Republican leader John Rhodes (R-Ariz.) said yesterday that members of the House Judiciary Commit- tee who have publicly called for President Nixon's im- peachment should disqualify themselves from voting on the issue. Three of the committee's 38 members have already introduced resolutions calling for the President's impeachment. One of those members, Rep. Robert Drin- nan (D.-Mass.) said yesterday Rhodes was "impunging our integrity. I have an open mind" he continued. "The President is going to have a hearing. I hope he can ex- culpate himself. 0 On the inside . . Enjoy the sunshine fast! A developing storm to the south of us in conjunction with a frontal system moving in from the west will cause increasing cloudiness with rain developing by evening. Maximum temps today 43-48 Govt. may order oil price rollback from $4.25 to $$5.25 a barrel-reflecting an annual rate WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Federal Energy Chief William Simon indi- cated yesterday he would not oppose a growing movement in Congress for a rollback in petroleum prices as long as it does not hurt the oil industry. "We have no problem in setting back the price so that it would be at reasonable levels," Simon said in testimony before the Senate Per- manent Investigations subcommittee. BUT HE QUICKLY added that he would oppose a rollback to "an uneconomic level" for the industry. Simon's Federal Energy Office (FEO) meanwhile reported it had discovered a "major discrepancy" in the oil industry's weekly crude oil production figures. The office said its figures differed from the in- dustry's figures by 1.1 million barrels. David Oliver, the FEO's acting chief of oil and gas statistics, said the error probably was "statistical," but he could not rule out the possi- bility the error indicated stockpiling or hoarding by the industry. HE SAID crude oil stocks now stand at 230 million barrels-the low- est since 1968. Sens. Adlai Stevenson (D-Ill.) and Warren Magnuson (D-Wash.) yes- terday joined a growing list of lawmakers calling for a rollback in pe- troleum prices. They said they would introduce legislation next week for a rollback to Dec. 1 levels of about $4.25 a barrel. Similar suggestions were made Thursday by Sens. Henry Jackson (D-Wash.) and Walter Mondale (D-Minn.). JACKSON, chairman of the investigations subcommittee, questioned Simon about the rollback proposals. Asked if prices could be rolled back to $7 a barrel, the energy chief replied: "That can be accomplished." Simon said he feared that a rollback might hurt the nation's smaller stripper oil wells. But he reiterated an earlier statement that the coun- try cannot allow the domestic price of oil to go to emotional levels." In a speech to the Consumer Federation of America, Stevenson re- called that the Cost of Living Council allowed the wholesale price of old oil to increase of 26 per cent. PRIOR TO that, he said, the administration removed price controls on new oil, allowing the price to go up from $3.40 to more than $10 a barrel in less than a year. Stevenson added that the major oil companies' revenues increased $25 billion in 1973 and predicted they would go up even more this year. "The massive transfer of dollars from consumers to oil companies has already gone far beyond the oil companies' ability to invest these funds in expanded exploration," Stevenson said. HE SAID that under his bill all petroleum price increases would be rolled back to Dec. 1 levels, except for nonpetroleum cost increases such as gasoline station overhead. He said this would cancel about one-fourth of the petroleum price increases of last year. Israeli troops pullout;, peace pact in effect By Reuter TEL AVIV - Convoys of Israeli troops and armor yester- day poured homewards across the Suez canal as Israel with- drew from the Egyptian territory it had taken during Octo- ber's Yom Kippur War. Formal withdrawal, agreed in the troop disengagement pact signed a week ago, was set for noon. But cheerful young Israelis were pulling back to new positions in the Sinai Desert days before the deadline. PACKED INTO BUSES, troop carriers, trucks and jeeps, they waved V-for victory signs as they sped across the desert roads and over "The Golden Gate", the huge concrete causeway south of Ismailia. Others rocked across pontoon bridges spanning the canal. Military sources here yesterday said one of the four original pontoon crossings had already been dismantled in readiness for the total withdrawal from the occupied area. Under the disergagement pact, the Israelis are to hand over their strongpoints and outposts to troops of the supervising United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) which in turn will hand them over to the Egyptians.-_ - AP Photo Strike talk brewing Two British miners grumble over their paltry pay checks yesterday. The miners have been prohibited from working overtime by their union, which has threatened a national strike. The government has been forced to abandon plans to relax curbs on the crisis-striken British indus- try. Leaders for the country's 269,000 coal miners called for a work stoppage that would cut off most fuel supplies from power stations across England. (See related story, Page 3.) Armed ebandits net $70 9 in two By DAN BLUGERMAN Three armed bandits stole a total of $70 in two related armed robberies in neighboring South and West Quads between midnight and 1 a.m. yesterday morning. According to victim Howard Jacobson, '77, three males casual- ly entered his half-open door at 12:15 a.m. and confronted his roommate Steve Iskowitz, '77, and a friend, Steve Fisher, '77, at knife-point. THE TALLEST of the three walk- ed up to lskowitz and demanded some dope while holding a 12-inch butcher knife to his throat. He then turned to Fisher and Jacobson and ordered them to lie face down on the floor. Turning back to Iskowitz, he threatened "you have three min- utes to find some dope or I'll slit your throat." ON THE ASSAILANT'S orders, Iskowitz searched the room, but could not produce any dope, Jacob- son continued. The armed assailant then repeat- ed his threat and began searching the room. After he found Jacobson's wallet containing $50, the shortest of the three bandits appeared nervous and urged his cohorts to leave. THE ROBBERS then instructed the students to count to 50 out loud as they feld out the door. On the way out, one of the three kicked Iskowitz, who was lying face. down on the floor. Thirty minutes later, across the street in South Quad, Mark Katzen- berger, '77, and Tim Ryback, '76, weretalking in their seventh floor room with Debra Joy, '75, when they heard a loid knock on the door. Katzenberger opened the ordered to lie face-down on the floor, the duo threw a sleeping bag over the students' heads and began to search the room. In the middle of the search, the taller assailant said to his accln- plice "check the closet Darryl." WHILE THE THREE were lying on the floor, the two bandits took $15 from Katzenberg's wallet and $5 from Joy's. dorm Then the robbers told the three to count out loud to 300 and kicked Katzenberger as they fled out the door. "We fooled them though," Ry- back added. "We only counted to 100." r THE THEIVES did not toucn the d e s k calculator, television, or stereo. It is believed they chose Jacob- raids son's West Quad room because it was near a stairway leading to a courtyard door with, a broken lock. All six victims concur in their descriptions of the weapon and the general description and apparel of the assailants. ANN ARBOR police detained but released one suspect early Friday morning after the victims could not positively identify him. Doctors discover cell damage in habitual. marijuana tokers BUT ALTHOUGH the withdrawal was in full swing today, the actual transfer of the whole southern sec- tor of the Israeli held area will not begin until noon on Monday. Six hours afterwards, Egyptian forces will move into the vacated positions to take over from the UNEF troops, under terms final- ized Thursday between the chiefs- of-staff of Egypt and Israel. The area to be evacuated on Mon- The area to be evacuated on Monday stretches south of the Suez-Cairo road. BY MIDDAY on Monday UNEF will also take over the section of the Sairo-Suez road held by Israel, which will completely lift the siege on the town of Suez. Before dusk the road will also be open for the Egyptian Third Army east of the canal, which has been virtually encircled by Israeli forces since the October war. The military accord, worked out within the framework of the Ge- neva peace conference, provides for the establishment east of' the canal of so - called "limitation zones", the Egyptian zone along the east bank proper and an Israeli zone some 13 miles east of the wat- erway. THE NUMBER of troops and types of armaments allowed in these two zones are to be limited and they will be separated by a buffer zone held by UNEF troops. The withdrawal from the west bank, which started earlier this week, appears to have been cheer- ful. In one village, correspondents saw Israeli soldiers giving joy rides to Egyptian children and vil- lagers chatted with troops. SOON TO DISAPPEAR is the fa- mous Kilometer 101 checkpoint on the Cairo-Suez highway, where the first truce contacts. were. made. It's also where the November six-point peace agreement was signed and the disengagement pact was en- dorsed last Friday. Yesterday, UNEF troops started removing the simple furniture and a refrigerator from the outpost which appears doomed to fade back into its former anonymity. The evacuation of the west bank occupied area is due to be com- n1lted h mid-Fehriurv while the Teamsters continue walkout! Union nixes final contract proposal By CHARLES COLEMAN Some 2,500 Teamster warehouse- men and truck drivers rejected a final contract offer from five De- troit area supermarket chains yes terday, continuing a two-week old strike. A majority of union members at two of the chains-Chatham and Great Scott-had ratified the con- tract, but members of Farmer Jack, Kroger and Wrigley super- markets rejected the same agree- ment. THE UNION, Teamster Local 337, will continue striking all the chains, since a majority of mem- bers working at each chain were needed to approve the contract. The Teamsters are striking over four basic issues-replacement of absentees, split work week .sched- ules, routes, and probationary per- iods for employes. During a lengthy bargaining ses- sion last Tuesday, supermarket ne- gotiators made what they called their "final offer." Teamster ne- gotiators took the proposal to the members with no recommendation either for or against ratification. ACCORDING TO Jim Hofmann, chief negotiator and spokesman for the supermarket chains, about 1,500 non-union employes have already been laid off by the chains. He ex- pects more layoffs in the 400 su- permarkets and 250 independent groceries affected by the strike if it continues. Spokesmen for the union said they plan to begin setting up pickets at several supermarket warehouses early today. Meanwhile, merchandise in Ann Arbor grocery stores seem to he holding out. The main items low in stock are fresh produce, pet foods and paper products. THE SHORTAGE of paper issue, toweling and napkins is not, how- ever, due to the trucker's strike, but to an overall paper shortage, according to one grocery store NEW YORK (UPI)-A Colum- bia University research group yesterday revealed findings it said represent "the first direct evidence of cellular damage" in man from habitual smoking of marijuana. The study, carried out by the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, stressed the role played by marijuana in apparently weakening the role of certain white blood cells in fighting vir- uses. It also dealt with the pos- sible genetic effects of the ex- tended use of dope. DR. GABRIEL NAHAS, who headed the four-member re- search team, said that "for a long time educators and legis- lators have wanted hard facts about biological damage from long-term use of this drug. Now we are in a position to start supplying them with such facts." The report called for a "Legislators have wanted hard facts about biological damage, from long-term use of this drug. Now we are in a position to supply such facts." -Dr. Gabriel Nahas legalization without further an- alysis of all the facts, ' Nahas said. IN TESTS with control groups Nahas' team said the white cells ability to divide-to reproduce- was 40 per cent less in regular marijuana smokers than in non- smokers. shima noted that this phenomon combined w i t h chromosome breakage may lead to "in- creased attrition of white blood cells and consequently to weak- ened resistance to invading organisms." NAHAS' GROUP, which in- cluded Drs. Nicole Suciu-Foca