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January 24, 1974 - Image 1

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For details see Today

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 95 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 24, 1974 Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Residency applications due
The legal Aid Office reminds us that applications from
students seeking in-state residency status for this term
must be filed with the Student Certification Office, 1510
LSA Bldg., no later than Monday. In order to help appli-
cants strengthen their cases, Legal Aid is hosting two
rap sessions at' its headquarters, Room 4310 in the Union,
tomorrow at 5 p.m. and Monday at 8 a.m. People who
were denied in-state residency last term may reapply
this term if they want their cases reconsidered.
Impeachment info
The Ann Arbor chapter of tpe Committee to Impeach
Nixon has set up a table in the Fishbowl to advise
students on where to send letters urging Nixon's ouster
and to answer related questions. A spokesperson for
the new group says that students should write their
representatives in Congress as well as members of the
House Judiciary Committee, which is currently study-
ing the possibility of impeachment. The committee has
also opened an office in the Union, Room 4114, to focus
the local campaign against the President, which they
hope will culminate in a march on Washington this
Happenings .. .
. . . include a seminar for all Project Community
volunteers in the child-care program at 8 p.m. in the
Anderson' Room of the Union . . . the Bach Club will
present a program of classical guitar and food at 8
p.m. in Greene Lounge, East Quad . . . representatives
from the teaching fellows at the University of Wisconsin
will be at the East Conference Room of the Rackham
Bldg. at 8 p.m. for a meeting with Ann Arbor OTF
representatives and anyone else interested in working
with OTF . . . and State Representative Perry Bullard
(D-Ann Arbor) will hold a public discussion on oil in-
dustry nationalization and tuition cutbacks in the West
Lounge of South Quad at 7 p.m.
Elite demonstration

Truckers will vote today on the ratification of an
agreement to end their eight-day-old strike which
has halted food deliveries in 650 grocery stores in
the Detroit area.
The offer, which the supermarket industry described
as final, was passed on to the rank and file of
Teamsters Local 337 without recommendation. Voting
today are workers from three of the five chain stores
that have been affected by the strike-Chatham,
Great Scott and Wrigleys.
EVEN IF THE contract is accepted, the earliest
date for the resumption of deliveries will be Saturday,
pending the approval'of the other two affected stores
(Kroger and Farmer Jack) who vote tomorrow.





James Hoffman, chief negotiator and spokeperson
for the affected chains said he foresaw no difficulty in
getting the new agreement ratified. "Certainly mem-
bers should have no difficulty in ratifying it. If all
goes well, we should all be back to work on Saturday,"
he said.
The strike, the second in two months, failed to
produce the predicted panic buying which observers
feared would empty store shelves within days, causing
price increases and layoffs.
IN THE ANN ARBOR area, most stores are report-
ing plenty of stock, although some managers are
complaining of a lack of variety.
"We've got plenty of products," the manager of
one local store said. "We have most of the brand

names and plenty of produce-but we're short on
"The only area where we're really short is paper
products," said another manager who attributed the
problem to an overall paper shortage unrelated to
the strike. "Looking at the shelves, most of the peo-
ple don't even know there's a strike."
BUT IT MAY BE knowledge of the strike that is
keeping the shelves full. One manager said his busi-
ness was down considerably, because people were
buying only the goods they needed in an effort to
stave off shortages.
In spite of widespread optimism, even the casual
observer notices some shortages. At one store only

ii ffer
about one quarter of the produce bin was full. Some
stores are having trouble with pet food, and even
the best stocked stores are short on noodles.
The backrooms, which had been filled to capacity
with food stuffs in anticipation of the strike are now
emptying, and the only comment on how long they
will last is "no comment."
"WHAT I HAVE IS pretty much what's on my
counter," one manager said. "My back room looks
terrific. Clean and empty."
Local managers are hopeful that the shelves will
refill quickly once the strike is over. "There's no
real shortage of products," one manager said.
"There is a shortage of shipping. Once the strike
is over, supply channels can be filled quickly."

Nixon favors lower
pollution standard,
offshore oil drilling


A small group of demonstrators, which included
broadcaster Eric Sevareid, Democratic political operative
Frank Mankiewicz, and political analysts Ben Watten-
berg and Richard Scammon, picketed the Washington
office of the Soviet news agency Tass yesterday in pro-
test over the treatment of dissident author Alexander
Solzhenitsyn. A written denunciation handed through the
Tass office door said in part: "All the grain, all the
computers, all the gas and oil, all the vodka, and all
the Pepsi Cola traded stands as little compared with
the sovereign idea that men must be allowed to speak
their mind." The news agency had no comment.
Little 'Dr. Henry'
A small Henry Kissingerrwas born in Beerseha, Is-
rael Tuesday and officially registered by his Bedourin
parents. The father told the registrar that he had been
very moved by the Middle East peace efforts of Secre-
tary of State Henry Kissinger and he wanted his son
named after him. "I want to express my gratitude, and
so please call the boy Dr. Henry Kissinger Hassan Abar-
gad, of the Abargad Bedouin tribe," the proud father
said. Little "Dr. Henry" weighed in at just over seven
FTC: Stronger warning
Americans smoked an estimated 582 billion cigar-
ettes in 1973 - eight per day for every man, women
and child in the country. The Federal Trade Commis-
sion (FTC) said yesterday the 1973 estimates indicate a
record 3.8 per cent rise in cigarette consumption. The
agency renewed its appeal for stiffer warnings of the
hazards of smoking, urging that each package of cigar-
ettes be required to carry the message: "Cigarette
smoking is dangerous to your health and may ca'13e
death from cancer, coronary heart disease, chronic
bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema and other diseases."
Sight for the blind
Researchers at the University of Utah are working
on plans for an artificial eye that some day may give
sight to the blind. Writing in an article to be published
later this week by Electronics Magazine, researchers
for the Institute for Biomedical Engineering say the
device so far exists only on paper. In the theoretical
design, the artificial eye would be attached to a blind
person's eye muscles and would be able to pick up light.
The light, in turn, would be transmitted to electrodes
resting on the person's brain. Levels of light picked up
by the artificial eye would be transmitted to electronic
circuits built into the frames of a pair of glasses.
Bonehead trophy
The Dallas Bonehead Club will present its annual
"Bonehead of the Year" trophy tomorrow to the pro
football fans of America. "The award is being present-
ed to the fans for their quixotic loyalty to the sport,"
the organization said. "What other group would pur-
,chase over one million tickets to football games in 1973
and then not even show."
On the inside .
. . Marnie Heyn previews the Women's Film Fes-
tival in an article on the Arts Page . . Gordon Atcheson
writes about the morbid fear that goes along with a job
interview . . . and Dan Borus writes about three ball-
players who deserve to be installed in the Hall of Fame
nn a the noar ace

AP Photo
EGYPTIAN PRESIDENT Anwar Sadat speaks at a news conference in Rabat, Morocco, yesterday, where
he told reporters that he believes Syria is ready to conclude an agreement with Israel on military disen-
gagement in the Golan Heights. Sadat is visiting Arab colleagues in an attempt to explain the new Egyp-
tian mideast posture.

1troop dse
Sadat returns after
touring Arab capitals
CAIRO (Reuter)-President Anwar Sadat returned
to Cairo last night from Rabat, Morocco, at the end
of a whirlwind tour of Arab states to explain the
implications of his nation's disengagement of forces
agreement with Israel.
It was Sadat's most extensive tour of the Arab
world since he became president in 1970.
HIS FIVE-DAY journey took him to Saudi Arabia,
Syria, the Arab gulf states of Kuwait, Bahrain,
Qatar and Abu Dhabi, and finally to the North Afri-
can states of Algeria and Morocco.
In Rabat earlier yesterday he told reporters that
Syria was ready to discuss with Israel military dis-
engagement on the Golan Heights front.
Sadat said Tuesday that he would not attend the
Middle East peace conference in Geneva unless there
were disengagement on the Syrian front.
REITERATING HIS position in Rabat yesterday,
he declared, "The Geneva conference will not be re-
sumed until an agreement is reached between Syria
and Israel on disengagement. Damascus is ready to
enter into discussions to this end."
Sadat tried to convince leaders of all the nations
he visited that the disengagement agreement between
Egypt and Israel was a test of Israeli intentions and
the first phase of complete Israeli withdrawal from
all occupied Arab territories.
He also stressed that the participation of the
Palestinians in the Geneva conference was "an in-
HE EMPHASIZED that the disengagement agree-
ment was purely military in nature and was not con-
nected with a reopening of the Suez Canal.
"The canal reopening issue is for Egypt alone to
decide and we shall start the clearance operation in
the time we feel appropriate and not before," he
told an Algiers press conference Tuesday.
He also tried to convince Arab leaders that there
was no harm in confronting Israel on the political
front after confronting her militarily in the October


ea- o gagent


dent Nixon proposed yester-
day easing clean-air stand-
ards and cutting tax breaks
for overseas oil production by
U. S. companies, to cope with
the energy crisis.
Nixon also ordered a ten-
fold increase in federal off-
shore leasing for petroleum
development and a study of
possible future oil and gas
pipelines from northern Alas-
The new measures appeared
certain to arouse controversy pro-
voking environment groups and
oil companies.
Nixon also said he would pro-
pose that the federal government
spend $1.8 billion for energy re-
search in his forthcoming budget
for fiscal 1975. This would include
$426.7 million - 2.6 times as much
as in fiscal 1974 - for a coal re-
search program expected to total
some $2.9 billion over the next
five years.
NIXON ALSO revived his past
proposal for mandatory labelling
of automobiles and major appli-
ances to show how efficiently they
use energy.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and the Commerce
Departinent have launched such
labelling programs on a voluntary
basis, the EPA publicizes the gaso-
line - mileage performance of the
new cars it tests under its anti-
pollution programs.
Nixon also urged Congress to
complete fction on legislation pro-
posed earlier, including a stripped-
down emergencv energy bill to au-
thorize rationing and temoorary
relaxation of clean-air standards.
HE URGED passage of a sepa-
rate bill under which windfall pro-
fits made by oil companies as a
result of the energy crisis, would
pay for research aimed at increas-
ing energy supplies andtlowering
In New York, Exxon Corp., the
nation's largest oil company, esti-
mated yesterday that its profits in
the final three months of 1973 were
almost 60 per cent higher than
during the same period of 1972.

VP Smith: He
seldom forgot.

Syrian front poses
separation problems
TEL AVIV (Reuter)--Getting separation of forces
on the Syrian front is likely to be much more diffi-
cult than along the Suez Canal, informed sources here
said yesterday.
Suitable and clear-cut defensive lines will be hard
to define along the rugged Golan Heights plateau and
the area, smaller than the canal region, leaves less
room to establish wide buffer zones between the two
armies, the sources noted.
THE ISRAELI CABINET will not be considering
its policy with regard to Syria until Sunday-aftet
the first Israeli withdrawals have started in the Suez
Canal west bank-and the signs are not hopeful for
a quick start on the northern front.
Premier Golda Meir again made clear in her
policy statement to the Knesset (parliament) Tues-
day that Israel would not negotiate with Syria until
it hands over lists of names of Israeli war prisoners
and allows Red Cross visits to them.
Equally,, Israel will not sit with Syria at the
Geneva peace conference until this requirement has
been fulfilled.
BUT EGYPTIAN President Anwar Sadat has said
both that he is committed to getting a disengagement
on the Syrian front as part of his own deal with
Israel and that Syria's participation in the Geneva
conference is essential.
Meir told parliament Tuesday what everyone al-
ready knew, that for all his successful whirlwind
diplomacy with Egypt, U.S. Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger had not been able to persuade Syrian Presi-
dent Hafez Al-Assad to hand over the prisoner lists.
See PROBLEMS, Page 3
U0 S. refuses connment onl
Sadat's peace predictions
WASHINGTON (Reuter) - The State Department
yesterday declined to comment on a report from
Rabat, Morocco, quoting Egyptian President Anwar

how to say
First of Two Parts ed he wx
Soon after Vice President for the begin
Academic Affairs Allan Smith an- year an
nounced his intention to step down, positioni
former. literary college Dean Wil- took on
liam Haber finished an eulogy to 1965 after
Smith's administration and sum- Smith's
marized, "You can't be Santa has exte
Claus if you have nothing to give dramatic
away, and often he had nothing- Since th
he had to fight for everything in sity's tot
the budget." get hasg
No one would mistake Allan $317,421,9
Smith for Santa Claus. Long, lean risen fro
and dour, Smith has gained a whereas
reputation, since he took on the Arbor ca
academic vice presidency in 1965, ed off
as the University's toughest, most growth,i
closed, and least easily influenced only 32,55
executive officer. S
SO WILLING HAS Smith been to ly abund
take on the administration's less education
ttractive roles that observers tend "One of
to characterize him as a lank H.R. that hit
Haldeman guarding the academic enrollme
gates for the more personable and calls. "I
statesmanlike President Robben resource
Fleming. and not
At October's meeting of the

The international refiner also
said its profits for all of 1973 also
showed an increase of almost 60
per cent.
"WE MUST NOT permit private
profiteering at the expense of pub-
lic sacrifice," Nixon said. "The
sacrifices made by the American
people must be for the benefit of
all the people, not just for the
benefit of big business.
"In equal measure," he added,
"we must not permit the big oil
companies or any other major do-
mestic energy producers to manip-
ulate the public by withholding in-

formation on their energy sup-
To prevent that, Nixon again
proposed legislation requiring the
oil companies to report their in-
ventories, production, costs and re-
serves to the government.
THE AMERICAN Petroleum In-
stitute reported , yesterday that
crude oil imports, refinery opera-
tions and crude stockpiles drop-
ped last week, although imports of
refined products increased.
The crude oil imports were at
their lowest level since the week
See NIXON, Page 2

Regents, Smith announc-
vould leave office before
nning of the 1974-75 school
d return to a. teaching
in the law school. Smith
the vice presidency in
r five years as law dean.
tenure as academic chief
ended over a period of
change at the University.
t mid-sixties, the Univer-
al Ann Arbor campus bud-
grown from $165,114,603 to
950, and in-state tuition has
m $348 to $800 or more;
enrollment at the Ann
ampus has virtually level-
after a long period of
increasing from 29,194 to
TANEOUSLY, the former-
dant funding for higher
n has rapidly dried up.
the earliest documents
my desk in 1965 was an
nt projection," Smith re-
t was at that time that
s began to be restricted
automatically responsive
See VICE, Page 8


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