Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, January 23, 1974 am . ..y rr , -Y- 4 1 h ' 3 V get the job done U - F FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY e __. . __.... ._ _. ._._. UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS 1 day 2 dove 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add. 0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3.90 4.50 .55 11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4.80 5.60 .75 16-20 1.30 2.60 3.60 4.80 5.90 6.80 .85 21-25 1.55 3.10 4.30 5.70 7.00 8.10 1.05 26-30 1.80 3.60 5.00 6.60 8.10 9.40 1.20 31-35 2.05 4.10 5.65 7.40. 9.05 10.50 1.35 36-40 2.30 4.60 6.30 8.20 10.00 11.60 1.50 41-45 2.55 5.10 6.95 900 10.95 12.70 1.65 46-50 2.80 5.60 7.60 9.80 11.90 13.80 1.80 INCHES 1 2.80 5.60 7.60 9.80 11.90 13.80 1.80 2 5.20 10.40 14.65 19.10 23.45 27.60 3.60 3 7.40 14.30 21.10 27.60 34.00 40.20 5.40 4 9.40 18.80 26.95 35.30 43.55 51.60 7.20 5 1 1.20 22.40 32.20 42.20 52.10 61.80 9.00 N.B.: Each group of characters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes tslephone numbers) 10 lines equals 1 inch 5 words per line FOR RENT This Fall Rent from a Company Where TENANTS LOST AND FOUND USED CARS TICKETS LOST - Silver Parker fountain pen, 1966 CHEVY, good running condition, WANTED-2 tickets to GREASE, Sun- prob. in Nat. St. Aud. or vicinity. price neg. 663-9863. 72N23 day night. 761-7142. 93Q125 Great sentimental as well as intrinsic - - - - - -____I-__ value. Bring to Daily Sports area for GAS SAVER-1969 Ford Econoline Van. WANTED-2 Joni Mitchell tickets, 663- $5.00 reward, no questions asked. dA25 Small 6-cylinder. Good tires. Owner 5403, 33Q24 sold business. 769-1156 days: 663-4388 WANTED TO BUY two tickets to Dy- KEYS and CASE found in parking lot nights. $725. 78N27 Ian concert Phone 662-7319. 38Q23 between E.Q. and Bus. Ad. Doug, . ne 769-4680. 40A23 ,70 SAAB wagon, 37,000 miles. 25 mpg. Excellent condition, $1800. Call 761- SUBLET HELP WANTED 9855. __ ___ 59N26 - ________ E A.2FEMALE-Own room in large, quiet, ---- ---- - - furnished 2-bdrm. apt. with nice CENTICORE BOOKSHOP needs full- ENGINES-Triumph GT6, 1972, 10,000 fied t. 395 time clerk/warehouse worker. Apply miles, $300. VW, 32,000 miles, 1970, 1view. Now through April. 662-9U2 ...., ....0-7nmlI, v To da:... _. - __.:i----- . 62270 412 Come First ! FOR RENT SINGE ROOM in country house co- operative. $50, must see. 9195 Jackson; Rd. 5 mile west, 2 mile past Parker Rd. Drop out sometime. 84C31 DOUBLE ROOM for rent. 820 Oxford,k No. 3. 77C27{ COME SEE Viscount Apts. for spacious living. 2 and 3 bdrm. bi-levels and tr-levels avail. Fall '74. Model open M-F; weekends 2-4. 1316 Geddes, Apt. 22. CAMPUS RENTALS LTD.-665-8825 cCtc ONE LARGE ROOM avail. in North Campus apt. Ideal for couple or single. 665-2167, 769-1240, 662-6258. Be persistent. 58C26 TWO BDRM. patio apt., Village Green, Plymouth Rd. Reduced rates - take over lease thru July, '74. Call 662- 5020 or 769-1313. 490127 CAMPUS DELUXE Room for one girl. Nicely furnished, comfortable, clean modern building, $95/month. Feb., Mar., Apri. 761-1932. eCtc IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, 2 and 3 bdrm. furnished apartments near Hospital and Arboretum. Lease thru Aug. Call after 6, 761-6263. 20025 PING-PONG POOL TABLES PIANO ROOM BRIDGEy CHESS MOVIES WEEKLY HOUSEKEEPING SWIMMING POOL UNIVERSITY TOWER APTS. 536 S. FOREST - 761-2680 .Ct STRATFORD APTS. is now taking ap- FOR RENT FEMALE, own room. modern 2 bed- room apartment. 761-3268, 761-7875. 92023 FALL RESERVATIONS Ore now being accepted at our campus locations. Newest furnished student apartments ovailable. DAHLMANN APARTMENTS 545 Church 761-7600 cCtc ON CAMPUS fall rentals-Old style, modern feature and space; large sprawling 3-bdrm. apt. in older bldg. Dishwasher, disposal. carpeting. Call NO 8-6906 or NO 3-3647. 210125 MODERN APARTMENTS 668-6906 2 PEOPLE NEEDED to share large room with alcove in house very close to campus. No pets. Communal kitchen. $150. 425 Church or 663-3267. 76C28 MALE GRAD needed for 2-bdrm. apart- ment now through April, $70/month, prefer non-smoker, jazz affielando. Call 662-3453 Wed. 5-7 p.m. and 10-12 p.m., Thur. 7-11 p.m. 75024 Available for Fall are this town's most < popular campus apartments: Albert Terrace Algonquinj The Abbey Dean Apartments Carriage House The Lion The Forvm The Lodge Maize & Blue F Management 300 S. Thayer, Suite A 761-3131 cC209 FALL RENTALS EXTREMELY NICE ON-CAMPUS APARTMENTS WELL FURNISHED Sharon, our rental associate will be glad to help you with your housing after 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 24, at 336 Maynard. 86H124 COOKS WANTED-Will train. Apply in person. Ramada West, 2800 Jackson Road. We are an equal opp, employer. 73H2-2 FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT CHILD CARE at Children's Community Cen- ter, licensed by Dept. of Social Serv- ices at 317 N. Seventh St. Movies- games-arts & crafts-books. Every weekend. 7 p.m.-1 a.m., 212-8 years. 50c/hr. (25c for second and third children). Call 663-4392 or 662-1916 eves. for reservations and to work or volunteer as a babysitter. 36H26 EARN a steadily increasing income by part-time work, building the new al- ternative weekly MICHIGAN FREE PRESS. Sell a 13-, 26-, or 52-week ad contract this week, and collect 20% COMMISSION every week for the term of the contract, while you con- tinue to build your earnings base. Contact MFP at 761-7981. 20H124 PEACE CORPS and VISTA need people with degrees in business, architec- ture. education, soclai work, health. naturaltresources, engineering, lib- eral arts. Meet ACTION Representa- tives at International Center January 21-24. 85H24 BABYSITTING: 17 month old girl. Northwood 5 apt. Mon.-Tues. 10-3, Wed. 12-10 p.m., Thurs. 3:30-6:30, Sat. (optional) 7 a.m.-i p.m. Please call 665-0998. 44H23 I UY I CASH BRING YOUR TITLE WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! TOP $$$ $200. Plymouth 318 14.000 miles, $200. Plymouth Ford 6 cyl., 46,000 miles, FEMALE WANTED to sublet (negoti- $125. Cal 971-1514 or 971-2734. 30N130 able). a double suite in Baits. Own 1967 AUSTIN America. Good condition. '01U208 Call 761-6372 persistently. 31N24 Tr"-r / '1rA I BUSINESS SERVICES Protect your DYLAN tickets and other things. Apt. Security System provides Burglar and Fire protection. Less than $60. ANN ARBOR SECURITY SYSTEMS, 662-9438. 71J202 PIANO INSTRUCTION, all levels. Call David Brassfield, 663-5284. 35J29 PERSONAL WHY WALK FARTHER? Get your Levi's cuffed flairs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP cFtc. THE COPY MILL 211 B. S. State: 662-3969 FOR QUALITY COPIES AND OFFSETf PRIVATE PILOT Ground School, 10 weeks beginning Mon., Jan. 28, 6:30 p.m., 3080 E. Engine. $30 includes text. Sponsored by U M Fliers. 53F124 INTRO-ACT Personal Growth Groups-. Weekly sessions, weekend groups, and a peer counseling group. Call Richard Kempter, 662-4826 or Michael Andes,; 662-2801. 52F29 FINALLY, AN ALTERNATIVE: t h e weekly MICHIGAN FREE PRESS, fea- turing a regional calendar of music, films, theater and events; PLUS Jack Anderson, Ralph Nader and TRB; PLUS local, regional, national and world news, reviews, cartoons. Pro- duced-by the non-profit New Morning media cooperative in Ann Arbor. New issue on sale each Wednesday, 20c cheap, Call in news, events, information' you konw about to MFP, 761-7981. 37F27 TYPING-769-2645, anytime. cFtc UPTIGHT? Relax in whirlpool. Angela massages muscles. Exclusive, confi-I dential, inexpensive. 971-6867. 03Ftc SELF-AWARENESS OF OTHERS Experimental, residential w e e k e n d workshop, Feb. 1-3. Call Bob and! Margaret Blood, 769-0046. 26F27! WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod, or tra- ditional style. Call 761-0942 anytime. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY - SPORTS CARS - -1hAS O O C TI M I '73 CAPRI V-6 automatic, silver- The A2 SCHOOL OF CREATIVE MUSIC metallic. 10,000 miles ........$3695 Private instruction on all instruments '73 FIAT 124 SPORTS COUPE, 11,000 mi. -jazz and classical techniques-mod- AM-FM, 5-speed, factory warranty ern theory and harmony-composition .$3695 -weekly jazz workshop-artistic spir- '72 DATSUN 240Z. low miles, auto- itual guidance. For interview appoint- matic, AM-FM, beautiful brown ment call Prof. Curtis, 662-8281. metallic, chestnut interior .. $479! 27J201 '72 PEUGEOT 4-door, 4-speed, modelM 504, dark blue finish, 24,000 miles. MOVING SERVIC, 769-2645.Jtc See today at. .... .........$3495 '71 FIAT 124 Spider, 5-speed, AM-FM, TYPING and EDITING, call Jean, 769- yellw, sarp............$2795 25.4J2 '71 PORSCHE 914, 5-speed transmis- 2256 . _.46J029 sion,hAM-FM, bright yellow TYPING-769-2645, anytime. cJtc !finish ....................$4395 ...--- 71 TRIUMPH GT=6, new paint, low WE GUARANTEE personal attention in miles, sharp .... .. .... $2695 handling shipments of your personal '71 JAGUAR XKE, V-12. A.T., P.S., AM- effects worldwide. Contact A. F. FM, Chrome wires, 15,000 miles, x- Burstrom. E. Gene. 983-4033. cJtc sharp.....................$7595 '70 LAND-CRUISER, 4-wheel drive, TRANSPORTATION Very sharp.. .............$2995 -TOYOTAS- WILL TRADE central campus parking 1969-1972 all models to choose from: space for weekly ride to shopping 100 per cent warranty on engines, center. 662-9241. 92G127 transmissions and diff. for 1000 miles or 30 days. WANTED TO BUY 1973 DEMO'S - Real dollar values. " PINBALL Laundromat Advertisements may be removed from publication, but will be billed according to original number of days ordered. This policy is appli- cable as well to ads requiring pre- payment, i.e., no refunds. AD SUB- MISSIONS, CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS M'UST BE MADE BY 12:00 NOON OF THE DAY PRIOR TO THE DAY THEY APPEAR IN THE PAPER. "Help Wanted" ads cannot discrimi- nate on the basis of sex, color. creed, at national origin to any extent (i.e., "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of-charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be disclosed p r io r to publication. Advertisers names may NEVER be revealed. Number of lines in advertisement is determined by total number of words-5 words/line. A WORD: Hyphenated words under 5 charac- ters. Hyphenated words over 5 char- acters, i.e., phone numbers--2 words. PERSONAL Do you speak French or Spanish? - PEACE CORPS and VISTA are look- ing for individuals with French and Spanish fluency. Meet ACTION Rep- resentatives at International Center January 21-24. 84F24 VENEZ AU CERCLE FRANCAIS: JOIN THE FRENCH CLUB! INFORMATION: TEL. 662-2050 AFTER 6 P.M. 48F25 VW, 1970, clean, $1350. 1969 Falcon St. Mg., 19 m.p.g., $650. Mercury, 1969, 4-dr., air. Call 971-1514 or 971-2374. 29N130 Red Zinger BUMPER STICKERS custom printed while-U-wait! $2. MBL Press, 1217 Prospect, Ann Arbor, 7640942. cFtc BOARD EXAM TUTORING Enrollments now being accepted for S. H. KAPLAN tutoring courses to prepare for the upcoming M.C.A.T., D.A.T., and L.S.A.T. Board Exams. Call (313) 354-0085. eFte XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, low cost duplicating. COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE rPROCESS ADDR E S S R Y R T NA RE ER j A MA A E ETERNAL MARGATE S 0RTS F ME 81 A TE TH ROID 0S G LID E R S E RINS P E D fOR M C RA S 4M E P E A R" P R A SH SA N TA DA RE D PI A S TRE H AUL A GE - - . A S needs. SUMMER CAMP OPENINGS for sailin STOP BY - OR CALL HER and horseback riding instructors. Nurse. Call 763-6341. 46H2 CAMPUS R ENTALS TEACHER'S AID alternative educatio 1Universityprogram: experience working wit adolescents. Call Don. 769-4338, after 665-8825 noons. 90H2 cCtc- MUSICAL MDSE., ROOM in apartment. $80. Good place RADIOS, REPAIRS to live. 761-5198. 75023 7" REEL TAPE RECORDER, ALC, acc. NEW CARS like new. Also Schwinn 3 speed bike Both best offer. Call 764-1061, after6 ANNOUNCING 87X1 fl g'~'~FOR SALE - Rabco FL8-E tone armi PEO Factory-sealed. $140.00. Stanton 68 EE cartridge with two styli. Pnic UP TO 24 MPG. Onegotiable. Call 663-6009. 96X2 NOW AT PEUGEOT OF TURNTABLE PE 2040, 1 YR OLD NE ANN ARBOR SHURE CARTRIDGE. $90. 663-5403. SEDANS AND WAGONS ' 15X2 FOR 1974 DUAL 1215-S. $110. Two EPI 202's, $325 901 N. MAIN 769-7935 Less than 1 year old. Cali Pete, 769 .,.... e e g 3 n h 3 6. Y- ,e l 25 W' 4 ALL NEW MACHINES 740 PACKARD WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY. $25V cF109 shoot- i WILL BUY! Used comics, magazines, Toyota Ann Arbor paperbacks, hardcovers, baseball cards. Call 761-0112, Mon.-Sat. 86K201 907 N. Main PERSONAL 769-7935- cNtc ALPHA EPSILON PI Fraternity, kosher - _______- and coed, invites you to meet us and REAL ESTATE see our house-eves. and weekends. -__ __ -80F124 DON'T WAIT for rent control. Here is ,_JENN is alrite-K.C. dF23 a 3 bdrm., central air conditioned,; __________ full basement home with all appi-I LET US FILL your next prescription. ances incl., that you can BUY for The Village Apothecary. cFtc only $2,500 down. Near North Campus. Cornell-Morris Realtors, 769-9288. PASS THE WORD that Centicore Book- 47R126 shop is selling every book in the --store at a 10% discount. Old books, FOR SALE new books, middle aged books, hard backs npaerbacks, evervthing. 336 ing fee, no minimum-Try it, you'll like it! 769-0053. cFtc Grad Party By Grad Coffee Hour people and friends. All grad's,faculty, and friends welcome. Friday, 9 p.m., Rive Gauche, 1024 Hill (corner of E.U. & Hill). BYO. Free. 57F25 MIXED BOWLING LEAGUES LAST CALL TO SIGN UP OPEN 11 A.M. UNION LANES cF24 ,t >' plications for fall and summer rent- als: 1 bdrm. apts., $175-$188, mod. 2- ROOMS available close to campus. Call bdrms., $275-$281. See apts, at 631 S. 769-3923. 902 Baldwin. 18C24 Forest, No. 3.or No. 11, or call 761- - 1840 or 663-2709. Very close to cam- ROOM FOR RENT-Meals als.o AEPi pus. 710202 Fraternity. 662-9538. 86023 cVtc 3117. 672 SUN GOIN down at five these day Get inside, put on some tunes. ge cozy and try and stay healthy. Slo it down a little and brew up som comfort. Herbal tea blends f rorr Celestial Seasonings. A good catalys between you and winter. Shuffle down to Applerose Natural Food They've got it. cX2 FOR SALE CHEAP-Gibson SG Stand ard electric guitar and four piec Rogers drum set. Both excellent con dition. Call 878-6084. 25X2 FENDER Pro-Reverb Amp. $225 or bes offer. Excellent condition. Call Mark 764-4821. 12X2 NEW AUTOHARP: Regular $89.95, NOW $79.50. 769-1400. cXt CRAIG 8-TRACK TAPE PLAYER. ra dios. voice of music stereo, head phones. All must go! Great prices, in ventory Sell-out. Apollo Music Cen ter, 322 S. Main. 761-9430. cXtc APOLLO DRUM CENTER: All makes, new and used. 4 piece sets. Zieldjiae cymbals and accessories. 5 piece So nor set. Snare drums by the dozen 322 S. Main. Free Parking. Open eves cXtc WANTED TO RENT $25 REWARD If you can keep me out of the gutte and find me a five to eight bedroom house to rent for next fal. Call 665 2410. 89L12 ROOM in Hill-E.U. area. Must be com posed of friendly people who enjo life and living together. Les Bohm 761-1170 or 662-6650. 42L2 4 RESPONSIBLE adults and child look ing for 4 to 5 bedrm. house. Call Con stance, 662-4048. dL12 5. MUST SELL - 1960 Pontiac. Leaving _ country. Good condition. Best offer. 5' 663-8732. 90B127t s. EXTENSIVE collection of American and et English rock 'n roll and folk albums.- w Excellent condition. $1.00 each.662- e 9559. 92B27 3M WOLLENSAK 6150 Tapedeck. Triple le heads. Excellent shape. $175 with [s, many tapes. Dave, 764-6083, call late, 7 or early. dB23 - PROFES. MICROSCOPE, 50X, 100X, e 400X, 1000X. Cost $360, asking $285. .- Call Steve, 763-6416, persistently. 3 48B23 A ROOMMATES 4 FEMALE-Own room. Modern 2 bdrm.; apt. Near Campus. $85. Call after 5, 663-2231. 81Y26 1 c . .- -- ----- - WANTED IMMEDIATELY - Woman to - share 4-man apartment, S. Forest.[ Call persistently, 769-5340. 60Y24 - APPRX. 25 yr. old fem. roommate, own c room, in $200.000 2-bdrm. apt. near UM. Prefer French or German speak- s er,nquiet on wkdays with interest in" n winter sport, lit., music. Rent ne- - gotiable. 434-1610 after 6 p.m. 97Y23 . FEMALE NEEDED to share 1-bdrm. apt. c William & Hamilton. $87.50 per month. Call 662-0702. 32Y22 WOMAN NEEDED to share house and living environment with other wo- r men. Own room, near transportation. n Washer/dryer. 663-8787 eves. 47Y27 5 MISCELLANEOUS _ - AMNESTY ACTION GROUP eager to, y locate families of war resisters and a, veterans with less than honorable 3 discharges. Call days, Interfaith Council, 663-1870 or Bartlett Beavin, 668-6881. 45M26 3 PEOPLE OR COUPLE wanted for 3 year sailing trip around the world. Leav-! ing 1975. About $8,000 per person.: Experience helpful. We are natural, open people. Call 761-8663. 91M201 PHOTOSP ES VIVITAR 85-205 telephoto lens/filters.' Best offer. 761-7483. 23D23 STUDIO C commercial photography. Custom darkroom services. 209 S. Fourth. 665-4550. 971-4663. 13D23 ineucned If you can spend some time, urt , VZj Luu , 0VC YV . 06 Maynard St., only. 85F130 GRAD COFFEE HOUR returns Wed. nights, 4th floor Rackham. Try it. cFtc ACU-I BOWLING TOURNEY SIGN UP UNION LANES WINNERS GO TO KENT STATE cF24 HAPPY WEDNESDAY, G-DIT! dF23 GIVE YOUR BODY the fuel it de- serves. Soybean Cellars and Eden Na- tural foods store both have have cozy little restaurants. Slide in for. a cup of herb tea. Mellow Mint. cF27 WERE YOU RAISED ON A FARM? PEACE CORPS can utilize your experi- ence. Meet ACTION Representatives at International Center January 21- 24. 83F24 LET ANN ARBOR'S only diamond ex- pert help you style your engagement ring. It costs less. Over 5.000 U-M men have. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. cFtc SHERRY HOUR at the Growth Center. Tues., Jan. 29, 7-9 p.m. No charge. Come see what we're about. . AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE 5520 State Rd. (South of Municipal Airport, behind Hoover Bearing) 79F29 Why buy mass produced WEDDING RINGS? Have your own personal de- sign made by Jhan. 769-7550. cFtc BARGAIN CORNER CARPET SPFCIAL Thousands of yards in stock-many colors and textures. $.99-$5.99 yd. None Higher. HAMBURG WAREHOUSE 10588 Hamburg Road 1-227-5690 cWtc Pitt's Place is the BOMB! EUROPE 74 LEARN ABOUT STUDY/TRAVEL ABROAD TODAY-Jan. 23rd CFS Coffee Hour 4-6 p.m. Center for Foreign Study 216 South State (above Marti Walker) 662-5575 dF23 56F23 PEOPLE'S PRODUCE CO-OP -A REAL ALTERNATIVE- 769-3995 5-8 P~M. DAILY PIPE SMOKERS! Handcrafted meer- schaum pipes. Exceptional values and the most personalized of service. Free Catalog. PMP Co., P.O. Box 444, Gaithersburg, Md. 20760. 66Ftc ~RIEL I E B10IL ID, TETM-11 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Get to know the two of you before you become the three of you. Get to know what you both really like. What you both really want out of life. Get to enjoy your freedom together until you both decide you want to let go of a little bit of it. But make it your choice. Research statistics show that more than half of all the pregnancies each year are accidental. Too many of them, to couples who thought they knew all about family planning methods. Get to know how the two of you don't have to become the three of you. Or the four of vou. Or. Co ACROSS 1 River bank. 5 Javelin. 10 Become gentle. 14 An astringent. 15 A Marx. 16 Here: Sp. 17 Firebug. 19 Seasonal log. 20 Dimmer .of glory. 21 Hockey scores. 22 "!" 23 Spin like a top. 25 Left port: Abbr. 28 Girl in Zola fiction. 30 "Bombs burst- ing - " 32 Parson-biog- rapher of Washington. 34 Dealer in kip. pered herring, etc.: Eng. 37 "- boy!" 38 Catnap. 39 Yugoslav chief. 40 Bit by bit. 42 Cleaners, at times. 43 Famous fountain of Rome. } 2 3 4 14 opr. '74 Gen'! Features Corp. 44 Cabbage salad. 46 Oily bean. 47 Coarsely ground grain. 49 Wavy molding. 51 Rob. 53 Signature of a Roosevelt V.P. 58 Treasure or fox. 59 Listings in hymnal index. 60 Poker word. 61 Troops: Fr. 62 Element No. 30. 63 Bernstein opus. 64 Western heights. 65 Old: Ger. H ARRY"S ARMY suuls 1166 Broadway (north of Broadway bridge) 769-9247 SAM'S STORE TRADITIONALS. 8.95 DOWN 1 Engrossed. 2 Russian man's name. 3 Contended sound. - 4 Included in. 5 California volcano. 6 Part of Texas or Oklahoma. 7 Toledo's water- front. 8 Aside from. 9 Fabled bird. 5 6 7 8 9 1s5 10 Civic office. 11 Evenly propor- tioned things. 12 Surcease. 13 Haberdashery items. 18 Appearances. 21 Lollobrigida. 24 Piece of straw. 25 Trade: Slang. 26 _._ ride (allow to continue undisturbed). 27 Modern cleaners. 29 Spaces. 31 Backward: Comb. form. 33 Wastes away. 35 Chinese waters. 36 Red-cheeked. 38 Struck hard. 41 Wicked. 42 Reside. 45 Marbles. 48 English county. 50 Shaw heroine. 51 Pretense. 52 Food fish. 54 Chair parts. 55 Indigo. 56 Coin. 57 Verb suffix. 59 Kin: Abbr. 10o11 12 13 16 19 BELL 38 BOTTOMS LENGTHS. 9.66 10.16 .. 8.00 ... 8.95 I BUTTONFLYS . . BOOT JEANS 20% OFF! JACKETS ........ 10.50 LEVIS-CORDUROYS Boots Jeans 8.50 & 9.50 BELL BOTTOMS .. 9.501 SELECTED WINTER STYLES OF JACKETS o 1 I 'I I I INCLUDING SOME LEATHERS SNORKEL PARKAS & DOWN COATS HOODED SWEATSHIRTS . .. 7.98 DOWN COATS .... ARCTIC PARKAS ... from 37.50 $40 & $50 32t 33 34 42 Wool Police Overcoat . 41 I 12.98 I I I I I I