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January 23, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-01-23

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See Editorial Page



For details see Today

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 94

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 23, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Profs unionize
Unionization among college and university professors
is on the rise and will have a major impact on higher
education in the seventies, according to Prof. Terrence
Tice who has recently completed a nationwide survey on
the topic. "Faculty bargaining," Tice says, "is now
established as a major force in American academic
governance." According to Tice's survey, faculties at
314 colleges and universities are represented by 194 bar-
gaining units (unions) - an increase of 110 since 1969.
The unionization movement is being led by three,
major organizations: The National Education Associa-
tion (NEA), the American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
and the American Association of University Professors
(AAUP). NEA tops the list with 85 bargaining units. The
group, Tice comments, "got into the game early, not-
ably through the community colleges." Tied for second
are the AFL-CIO-backed AFT and the more established
EPA in use
According to its author, Michigan's Environmental Pro-
tection Act (EPA) which allows citizens to sue polluters
has been widely used since it came into effect in 1970.
Prof. Joseph Sax, the law school's environmental spe-
ialist says a survey of the past three years shows that
some 74 cases have been brought to court under EPA
covering .a wide range of environmental issues, indicat-
ing that the law is not "being written off in the minds
of judges, legtaislors and concerned citizens." While con-
ceding that no "big time test litigation" has come out
of the law, Sax says "we got what we bargained for in
drafting a grass roots law. The great bulk of the cases
involved quite localized problems-road widening, vaca-
tion home subdivisions, country land drainage or a
particular polluting factory."
Chess champ
"Tex" Rubin has been named the winner of the E.
Quad Chess Tournament. He received the honor byhbeat-
ing his opponent-Ira Kobllnski-in 36 moves in a match
held Monday night.
Due to a typing and editing error, the Daily mistakenly
printed yesterday that the containers surrounding radio-
active nuclear waste are "oak" casks. Actually, the
casks are constructed out of lead and steel to prevent
radioactive particles from escaping.

Democrats hoping to wrest pow-
er away from the Watergate-ridden
Republicans may be surprised to
discover that they aren't the only on CPS survey
beneficiaries of the Gop's political tremendous de
misfortune. trust in the f
According to Prof. Warren Miller The surveys s
of the University's Center for Po- confidence fell
litical Studies (CPS), George Wal- faster rate in 1
lace and his American Political er time in th
Party could pick up enough new history.
support in the next two years to As evidence
become the nation's number two ler points to<
political party. showed 75 per
MILLER BASES his prediction supporting thei




prof. foresees realignment of major

ys that document a
cline in the public's
ederal government.
how that levels of
to lower points at a
973 than at any oth-
e survey's 15 year
of this decline, Mil-
a 1958 finding that
cent of the voters
notion that the coun-

try was being run for the benefit
of everyone, not just for an elite.
In 1972, only 43 per cent of the
people felt the same way-a de-
cline of 32 per cent over a 14 year
period. By October 1973, the level
of agreement had dropped to 28
per cent, a decline of another 15
per cent in but a single year. '
SIMILARLY, public confidence
in the electoral system plunged

from 75 per cent to 51 per cent in
1973. This finding was particularly
noteworthy in light of the fact that
the level had remained constant in
the first 14 years of the study.
The Watergate scandal is the
"obvious" cause of these changes
in political attitude according to
Miller, who sees further erosion
of public confidence in 1974 with
the continuation of Watergate and
the energy crisis.

sult of t
Miller do
ment of
the realn
fears of
by the t
tally daz
Party in

Wa tergate
s dependents and conservative Dem-
rtiles ocrats will be looking for new
Given Wallace's image of a
h he foresees no structural champion of the little man in his
in the government as a re- battle with big government and big
he public's new cynicism, business, Miller thinks the Ala-
oes feel a massive realign- bama governor's third party could
party loyalties is within overtake the Republicans.
n of possibility. Though he is by no means sure
RDING TO Miller, new that such a political scenario will
big business touched off unfold, Miller thinks the Republi-
wo crisises could be mor- cans could pick up as little as 20
maging to the Republican per cent of the vote in 1976, with
1974 and 1976. As a con- Wallace and the Democrats split-
e a good many political in- ting the remainder.




w.r . e




hand 'U'
Shefty gift 2
Steep tuition fees are not the ~
University's only source of income.
In the current period of financial
cutbacks for many University de-
Spartments, the Center for Japanese
SStudies has received a gift of $1
million from the Japanese govern-
ement to strengthen its programs in -
JThaegiftwads presented to Uni-
versity President Robben Fleming
Syesterday by Japanese Consul Gen-
Seral Tateo Suzuki and Vice Consul
SGeneral Susumu Yamagishi at a
*brief formal ceremony held in the
Regents' Room of the adkninistra-
Ztion building.
After a visit to the United
States Japanese Premier Kakeui
STanaka announced last August thiat
ten American universities would PRESIDENT ROBBEN FLEMING, right, and Japanese Studies Center Director Richard Beards-
~be receiving identical gifts of $1 ley, center, are all smiles yesterday as they are presented with a check for one million dollars by *
See JAPAN, Page 2 Japanese Consul General Tateo Suzuki.
.. r V f ..y.TK.E .H.E..P..YA D..P..r ..f........{.<:..S ....
rrxwr..r..r..F....TAK...{E... HO.F M E.... PAY DROPS.......4.v. ............. .....".: q':.;....'i::viT":ri ",.r

Happenings .

. .

. .. recruiters for Action (Peace Corps and Vista) will
be at the student lounge in the Business Administration
Bldg. from 9 am until 5, pm . . . the Psych film series
is showing Powers of Ten), The Lottery, and Witches of
Salem at MLB Aud. 3 at 4 pm . . . and the Journalism
Dept. is showing the film I.F. Stone's Weekly at MLB
Aud. 4 at 4:15 pm.
Miners to strike
The British miners' union threatened a national strike
yesterday after the government refused to lift its wage
controls to permit a larger wage increase than is al--
lowed to other workers. A strike by the miners, whose
refusal to work overtime has already created an energy
shortage, could halt most of British industry by spring.
City police in Niles, Ohio were, amazed to find a
report that someone was inside a Goodwill Industries
used clothing deposit box near a local store was true.
The unidentified man said he fell in while putting cloth-
ing and other items into the box and then couldn't reopen
"the flap. Police didn't say how long he was trapped.
Restaurant kisser
Where were you on New Year's eve? If it was the
Soup and Salad restaurant in Seattle, Wash. and if you
kissed a singer there, she's looking for you. Jessica Bry-
an, a 27-year-old dressmaker and folksinger is seeking
a reunion with the man she's met-and kissed-only
twice. She sings at the restaurant and says three weeks
before New Year's she kissed on impulse a man who
dropped a dollar in the collection bowl at her feet. She
says he came in again New Years Eve and kissed her
(but didn't leave any money). Bryan placed the follow-
ing. ad in the local gaper: "Will the man who kissed me
at Soup and Salad New Year's please come again be-
fore I go nuts? Jessica."
On the inside ...
Ed Shuttlesworth and Paul Seal weredrafted by
the Detroit: franchise of the fledgling World Football
League. Read all about it on the Sports Page . .. Eileen
Loeher covers a poetry reading by Joseph Brodsky on
the Arts Page . . . and County Commissioner Kathy
Fojtik writes,'on the need for more rational abortion
laws on the Editorial P-ge.

Prices rose 8.8

per cent for


By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - Inflation clip-
ped almost nine cents off the dol-
lar's purchasing power in 1973 as
consumer prices rose 8.8 per cent,
the most in any year since the lift-
ing of World War II price controls.
At the same time the real take-
home pay of workers fell by
three per cent.
THE YEAR-END figure came
with the Labor Department's re-

port yesterday that the Consumer
Price Index, led by soaring food
and fuel prices, rose five-tenths of
1 per cent seasonally adjusted in
The nation's inflationary rate
more than doubled that of-the pre-
vious two years combined. Consum-
er prices rose 3.4 per cent in 1971
and again in 1972.
It also marked the biggest an-
nual increase since retail prices
rose 9 per cent in 1947 following

the end of war price controls.
price rise reflected "increasing
worldwide competition for pro-
ducts" that have "created extraor-
dinary pressures on our economy."
In a report to Congress, he con-
ceded "the picture was not as
bright as we would have liked,"
but said if the country responds
"to new challenges, including the
current energy shortage with the

Tribal Funding sues city over
cancelled revenue sharing, pac..t

Tribal Funding, Inc., filed suit
against Mayor James Stephenson
and City Councilman William Col-
burn (R-Third Ward) in Circuit
Court yesterday, charging the two
with illegally conspiring to break
the organizations' contract with the
city to provide community rock
The suit is the latest action in a
running battle between the Repub-
lican majority on council and the
Rainbow People's Party (RPP).
Tribal Funding is the financial arm

of the RPP-dominated Ann Arbor
Tribal Council.
IN A PARALLEL action, Tribal
Funding also filed suit against Col-
burn for making allegedly libelous
statements about the organization.
After the suits were filed, Cir-
cuit Court Judge Patrick Conlin
issued a temporary restraining or-
der barring the city from spending
the funds originally allocated to the
The suit stems from the Repub-
licans' December decision to break
the city's $18,000 contract with

Tribal Funding. The Republicans
charged that the group was guilty
of conflict of interest in its hand-
ling of the funds since it had rent-
ed office space from the First
Zenta Church, a tax front for an
RPP-owned house at 1520 Hill St.
fied their move on the grounds that
Tribal Funding had failed to de-
liver most of the concerts promis-
Counter - charging that the Re-
publicans' move was politically mo-
tivated, Tribal Funding spokesper-
sons pointed out that the Repub-
licans decided to break the con-
tract soon after they learned that
finds from it were about to be
used as a downpayment on a new
building for the People's Ballroom.
At a press conference yesterday
D~avid Sinclair farther charged that
Colb rn had collided with Univer-
sity Housing Director John Feld-
kmno, to nrevent Tribal Funding
from using University facilities for
its concerts.

same sense of poise and flexibil-
ity" as in the past "we can look
forward with assurance to a pros-
perous new year."
NIXON OFFERED no inflation
forecast this year but some private
economists predict it will be as bad
as 1973 with a new surge in meat
prices and continued high prices
for fuels, among other things.
The price surge has eaten deeply
into the paychecks of the nation's
workers, according to the govern-
ment's figures. In December, real
spendable earnings -- or weekly
pay after taxes stripped of the ef-
fects of inflation - fell one-tenth
of 1 per cent, the third consecu-
tive monthly decline. Over the
year, the Labor Department said,
real spendable earnings dropped 3
per cent, about half due to higher
taxes and the remainder to infla-
AFT..-CIO President G e o r g e
Meany said this would increase the
pressure for bigger wage increases
this year. "All indications are that
the cost of living will take a big
jump," he said on the NBC Today
The government blamed about
half of last year's annual increase
in consumer prices on a 20.1 per
cent jump in food prices, sharpest
rise in any year since 1946.
ALTHOUGH FOOD price surge
began tanering off in the second
half of the year, prices of other
commodities, including fu els and
other energy products, began to
Prices for gasoline and motor
oil were up 18.6 per cent for the
venr, while fuel oil and coal rose
44.7 per cent, and accounted for
more than a third of the increase
in Tecebrner's monthly price rise.
However, the government said
the increase was moderated some-

Long effort seen for
U.S. oil self-su pport
By AP and Reuter
The nation's seven biggest oil companies were put on
notice yesterday that Congress will have to reconsider the fuel
industry's long-standing preferential tax treatment.
The warning on taxes came as executives from the com-
panies predicted that 15 years of all-out effort will be needed
for the United States to become, self-sufficient in energy pro-
DURING the second day of stormy hearings before the Senate in-
vestigations subcommittee, the company chiefs came under fire for their
low level of tax payments.
Sen. Abraham Ribicoff (D-Conn.) told the executives that "while
the consumer is suffering the.companies are reaping a bonanza."
Ribicoff and other members of the panel challenged the oil con-
panies' use of depletion allowances, drilling expenses and foreign royalty
payments to offset payments to the federal government.
RIBICOFF said that in 1972 Exxon, the world's largest oil com-
pany, paid U. S. taxes at the rate
of 6.5 per cent, Mobil Oil at 1.3
per cent, Standard Oil of California
at 2.05 per cent and Texaco at 1.7 F a
He estimated that if the oil com - e
panies had paid at the standard
corporate tax rate of 48 per cent,
they would have paid out $3 billion
more in taxes.
"The time has come for real tax
reform," Ribicoff said. en e
"The oil industry is receiving
preference far beyond what every rob em s
ceiving," he added. "It's time you
pay a fair share of taxation."
TWO OF the seven executives Charles Overberger, the Univer-
predicted at yesterday's hearing sity's vice president for research,
that gasoline prices will jump 10 to opened the first faculty seminar
15 cents per gallon over the next on energy problems by calling on
year. Representatives of the five the University to act as "an intel-
other companies hesitated to join lectual resource in solving the
in the grim forecast. energy crisis."
In attempting to forecast U. S. Overberger spoke to some 100
energy needs and supplies, Rich- students and f a c u It y members
ard Leet, vice president of Stan- gathered for the premiere in a
dard Oil of Indiana, said, "Every planned series of "seminars for
year that's lost in mounting such the purpose of disseminating in-
a massive campaign puts us far- formation, arriving at common
ther behind and more dependent views, and planning action" on
on foreign sources." the nation's energy troubles.
Annon Card, senior vice presi-
dent of Texaco, told the Senate in- CHEMICAL engineering Prof.
vestigations subcommittee that the Donald Katz offered the first round
15-year prediction on achieving of information 'on a specialized
self-sufficiency assumes that no re- energy area, delving into the posi-
straints are placed on exploration tive and negative aspects of using
and production. coal as an alternative fuel source.
Noting that dwindling domestic
THE SUBCOMMITTEE, seeking oil supplies are making the nation
to determine the extent of the cur- "vulnerable" to f o r e i g n import
rent energy shortage, took sworn problems-such as the Arab oil
tesimony for the second consecu- embargo-Katz said the U.S. pos-
tive day from executives of the sesses a huge amount of coal.
seven big oil. firms. Natural gas extracted from coal
Much of yesterday's session was "produces a clean fuel, and evet
spent discussing oil profits, which at our present consumption rates,
generally shot upward during the we have a 200-year supply of it,"
first nine months of 1973, despite Katz explained. He warned, how-
only moderate increases in sales ever, that coal is "chemically
See CONGRESS, Page 8 See FACULTY, Page 8
Skills center miliage
slaughtered by voters
In a special election yesterday, Washtenaw County voters over-
whelmingly defeated a one mill property tax increase to finance an
expansive vocational skills center.
The two ballot propositions authorizing the tax hike and a $7.6
million bond issue to fund a site and building for the center both lost
by over a two to one margin.
FINAL TOTALS showed both questions lost with about 3,800 votes
in favor to 8,500 against. The voter turnout represented about 12 per
cent of the county-wide electorate.

Racki am dean slated
for post at Princeton

Rackham Dean Donald Stokes
will be stepping down shortly to
assume a new position as dean of
Princeton University's Woodrow
Wilson School of Public and Inter-

ben Fleming said, "We regret very
much Dean Stokes' decision to
leave the University. lie has been
a distinguished member of our
f culty, and a forward-looking dean
of our Ur-2)d1I1at school."

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