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January 22, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-01-22

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Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
VoI. LXXXfV, No. 93 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 22, 1974 Ten Cents

Eight Pages



nuclear waste attacked

Vote today
A special election is being held county wide today to
determine if a vocational training center should be es-
tablished to serve high school students in Washtenaw
County. The two ballot questions would authorize a one
mill increase in the property tax to fund the center un-
der the auspices of the Washtenaw Intermediate School
District. The center has been endorsed by various local
leaders including Mayor James Stephenson and State
Congressman Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) and State
Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor). The Daily urges you
to get out and vote.
Japanese to present gift
Two Japanese diplomats will formally present to the
University today a $1 million gift to help build up its
Center for Japanese Studies. Consul General Tateo Eu-
zuki and Vice Consul General Susumu Yamagishi will be
on hand to present the gift to President Fleming in the
Regents' room at 5 p.m. The University is one of 10
American colleges to receive $1 million to bolster its
Japanese studies program. The endowments were an-
nounced last August following a visit by premier Kakuei
Tanaka to the United States.
Happenings. .
. . . are headlined by Russian poet Joseph Brodsky
reading his own poetry at MLB, Aud. 3, at 4:10 p.m.
members of the University's Energy Conservation
Task Force, including Daily staffer Dan Bugerman, dis-
cuss the energy crisis with President Fleming over
WUOM at 8 p.m. . . . a lecture-discussion of energy re-
search at the University will take place at Rackham
Amphitheater, 7:30 p.m. . . . and the Skydiving Club
hosts a mass meeting, also at 7:30, in the Anderson Rm
of the Union.
Porter charged with lying
Herbert Porter, 35, former scheduling director of the
Committee to Re-elect the President, was charged-yes-
terday by the special Watergate prosecutor with one
count of lying to the FBI. Porter's attorney said his
client intends to plead guilty. Porter told the Senate
Watergate Committee last summer that he had lied to
the FBI, the federal grand jury and at the original
Watergate trial. But the federal charge against him
merely reads that on July 19, 1972, Porter "did knowing-
ly and willfully, make false, fictitous and fraudulent
statements and representations" to FBI agents. The
charge carries a maximum penalty of five years in pri-
son and a $10,000 fine.
Brookings: Cut army reserves
A civilian research organization has concluded that the
military Reserves and National Guard could be cut by
one-third without affecting U. S. combat readiness. The
study by senior analyst Martin Binkin of the Brookings
Institution said as much as $1.4 billion annually could be
saved by reductions in both forces, which together spend
$4.4 billion each year. National Guard and military Re-
serve officials are currently attempting to persuade Con-
gress that the best way to make up current shortages
in their ranks would be expensive recruiting induce-
ments of higher pay and benefits. To the contrary, Binkin
argues, the emphasis should be on quality not quantity.
A presidential spokesman confirmed that all White
House staff members have been asked by senior offic-
ials to report any contacts they have with members of
the news media. Deputy Press Secretary Gerald Warren
said it was simply an effort to be informed about "con-
cerns being expressed by the press." There was no in-
tention to intimidate or curb contacts with the press, he
Cancer probability test
Researchers at the M. D. Anderson Hospital and
Tumor Institute in Houston have, developed an experi-
mental blood test that apparently can determine the
chances of a heavy smoker falling victim to lung can-
cer. "This is strictly concerned with the cause of cancer
and could possibly lead to ways of preventing it," said
the project's chief investigator, Dr. Charles Shaw. The

test measures the increase in activity of an enzyme when
it comes into contact with hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons
seep into the blood through cigarette smoke inhaled into
the lungs, but can only cause cancer after they are acted
on by the enzyme.
Impeach or exorcise
Rep. Robert Drinan (D-Mass.), said he received this
message yesterday from a constituent: "If you can't
impeach him, exorcise him." Drinan, the only Roman
Catholic priest who is a member of Congress, introduced
a resolution last year for the 'impeachment of Presi-
dent Nixon. He is' a member of the Judiciary Commit-
tee, which is conducting a preliminary inquiry as to whe-
ther impeachment proceedings should be instituted.
On the inside . .
Eric Schoch writes about the city's bus service on
the Editorial Page . . . on the Arts Page, everything you
wanted to know about Seals and Crofts and their Sun-
day night concert here . . . and the Sports Page features
a lively rendering of last night's basketball game at

In a report scheduled for release
this afternoon, Michigan's Public
Interest Research Group (PIRGIM)
charges that the transportation of
radioactive waste materials poses
the serious danger of nuclear fall-
out on the state's highways.
The PIRGIM report alleges that
the dangers are created by "ser-
ious deficiencies" in the methods
of transportation and calls for the
adoption of more stringent safe-
AT PRESENT, radioactive mate-

PIRGIM reveals fallout possibilities

rials are transported by both
truck and rail through cities
across the U.S. and Michigan, in-
cluding Ann Arbor.
The student-supported consumers
group points to the possible con-
sequences of the leakage of radio-
active waste-a highly increased
incidence of cancer and the death
of infants and young children.
The group also charges that
cesium-a highly radioactive sub-

stance "not publicly discussed by
the Atomic Energy Commission
(AEC)" - poses greater danger
t h a n "previously acknowledged
legislative director and author of
the report, said its findings are
based on original research by sev-
eral scientists, including Univer-
sity nuclear physicist Marc Ross.

Although the much-discussed oak
casks used to transport cesium and
other radioactive substances are
"very heavy, sturdy container.,
they are particularly vulnerable in
one respect," the report states.
The casks are insulated with
highly-pressurized w a t e r which
cools the cesium's intense heat. In
the event of faulty workmanship
or an accident, water or steam
may escape and cause the cesium's

temperature to rise to about
1450°F, causing it to 7aporize and
escape through the opening in the
cask, it says.
THE REPORT points to the lack
of requirements in tne shipment
of nuclear waste-there are no spe-
cial inspections, most truck driv-
ers don't realize how potentially
hazardous radioactive material ;s
and road conditions are rarely
A federal report of the General
Accounting Office (GAO), has also
revealed that most AEC offices

didn't have enough trained people
to evaluate the adequacy of the
oak -casks and that the ultimate
resistance of the casks had never
even been tested.
"We've got to improve the qual-
ity of workmanship and the qual-
ity of design" of the oak casks,
an AEC spokesman has acknowl-
Even though m a a y companies
have "been caught in serious non-
compliance" with AEC regulations
for as long as ten years, they are
still "open, operating, and turn-
See PIRGIM, Page 8





c "
on talks
Negotiators for the University
and Local 1583 of the American
Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employes (AFSCME)
have agreed to an indefinite exten-
sion of their deadlocked contract
talks. It is the third extension of
the talks since they began last
The union negotiators-who rep-
resent some 2,400 of the Univer-
sity's service and maintenance em-
ployes-agreed to the extension
after a Sunday meeting with the
union membership. The last dead-
line for settlement of the contract
dispute was midnight last night.
THE UNION and the University
have also agreed to call in a fact-
finder from the Michigan Employ-
ment R e l a t i o n s Commission
(MERC). The fact-finder will work
along with a state mediator called
in last week.
Under Michigan law, state fact-
finders are chargedawith studying
unresolved issues in labor disputes
and making advisory recommenda-
tions based on their 'findings.
Neither side in the dispute is bound
by a fact-finder's recommenda-
The current extension of the
contract deadline is scheduled to
last at least until the fact-finder
has completed his mission and filed
a report.
A strike by the union against the
University could cripple food and
maintenance services to Univer-
sity buildings.

Senate subcommittee
probes fuel crisis
By The AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-Major international oil companies yester-
day defended themselves against an angry Congress, rejecting
charges the oil crunch in the United States was the result of a
Executives of seven firms, subpoenaed to testify before a
Congressional panel, claimed the oil shortage was real and not
contrived by the industry to push up prices and profits.
THE EXECUTIVES testified before a Senate subcommittee inves-
tigating the severity of the energy crisis. The hearing opened with Sen.
Abraham Ribicoff (D-Conn.) accusing the oil industry of "cheating the
American public"
Ribicoff said major oil companies had deliberately misled the

AP Photo
SHELL OIL PRESIDENT HARRY BRIDGES denies accusations before a Senate committee yesterday
that large oil companies conspired to cause the present energy shortage. Testifying before a panel prob-
ing the energy crisis, Bridges asserted that the fuel shortage is real and the worst is yet to come.

public about the scope of the
energy crisis to create a panic
situation. He said the result was
that"people are so frightened about
tomorrow that every time they
pass a gasoline station they fill
up, just like a dog stopping at
every telegraph pole."
The industry leaders spoke as
Congress, resuming after its Christ-
mas recess, moved to take up
pending emergency energy legis-
lation and as Senate Republican
leader Hugh Scott restated hopes
the Arab oil embargo might soon
BUT WHETHER AN end of the
Arab embargo, imposed to counter
U.S. support of Israel in the Octo-
ber Middle East war, will provide
an immediate answer to the U.S.
energy crunch is debatable.
The embargo, according to the
oil companies, is only one reason
for the crunch. They argue that its
lifting will not solve overnight the
alleged current U.S. shortage of
about 2.6 million barrels of oil a,
day and they predict more prob-
lems lie in store for Americans.
The oil company executives pre-
dicted in testimony to the Senate
subcommittee on investigations
that higher costs for imported oil
would lead to steeper prices for
consumers, although at a slower
rate than in recent months.
had been warning against the
shortages since 1972. Shell Presi-
dent Harry Bridges warned his
company's oil stocks would drop
sharply in the next few weeks and
its refineries would be forced to
operate 15 to 16 per cent below.
Other executives appearing be-
fore the committee represented
Exxon, Mobil, Texaco, Gulf, Stan-
dard Oil of California, and Stan-
dard Oil of Indiana.
While the hearings went on
through the day, Senator Scott re-
vived hopes an end to the Arab
oil embargo might be in sight as'
as a result of the Israeli-Egyptian
accord on troop disengagement..

optimi s tc
abut oil
1 C7
WASHINGTON (JP) - Reflectini
the optimistic viewpoint espoused
by Secretary of State Henry Kis-
singer, Senate Republican Leader
Hugh Scott said yesterday the lar-
gest obstacle to an end to the Arab
oil embargo has been removed with
the signing of the Israeli-Egyptian
disengagement agreement.
After attending. a 90-minute
briefing by Kissinger, along with
other Republican and Democratic
congressional leaders, Scott said
the agreement was a hopeful sign
that "constructive progress" has
been made.
HOWEVER, he would not predict
when the Arabs might resume oil
shipments to the United States. The
exports were cut off to protest U.S.
policy toward Israel.
Meanwhile, a Kuwait spokesman
said speculation that the embargo
might be relaxed was "prema-
"Lifting of all oil measures is
still linked to Israeli withdrawal
from occupied Arab territories and
the restoration of the national
rights of the Palestinian people,"
Kuwait Foreign Minister Sabah el-
Ahmed said in an interview in the
Beirut, Lebanon newspaper Al Rai
al-Aam - public opinion.
SCOTT OF Pennsylvania and
Majority Leader Mike Mansfield
(D-Mont.), told reporters the Kis-
singer briefing after that there
were "no secret agreements" and
that the United States acted in the
Middle East solely as a go-be-

Council hears of budget deficit,

calls for
City Administrator Sylvester
Murray told City Council last night
that the city faces a budgetary de-
ficit amounting to a staggering
$341,000, at a discussion of the
city's dire financial plight.
This predicted deficit figure does
include some $300,000 that the city
has promised to pay the state for
past debts. Without the state com-
mitment, the city would face a
smaller deficit of only $41,000.

belt-tightening moves

port sparked a resolution by Coun-
cilman Colburn (R-Third Ward)
that would require all department
heads of city agencies to submit
written reports to Council by Jan-
uary 31, with proposals for reduc-
ing their budgets.
Following heated debate, the mo-
tion was passed by a seven to three
tally, with Council Republicans all
voting in favor of it.
According to the resolution de-
partment heads must submit three
proposals for reducing their bud-
gets by various percentages, in-

Public speaks out on
reform, McDonalds

cluding an 8 per cent reduction, a
5 per cent slash, and a 3 per cent
SPEAKING IN favor of his reso-
lution, Colburn said that it is a
fair proposal since all cuts are to
be made across the board, with no
favoritism for any single agency
or social service.
Council member Jerry DeGrieck
(HRP-First Ward) had no kind
words for the resolution however,
saying that if cuts were made by
department heads, lower echelon
employees in less important city
agencies would probably be the
first to lose their jobs.
DeGrieck offered an amendment
to the resolution which would have
made any wage reductions uniform
across all levels of employment.
Council, however, failed to adopt
the plan.
MURRAY'S dire financial report
injects a pessimistic note to the
city's hopes of fulfilling its pro-
mises to the state to start paying
back the accumulated past debts.
Presently the city owes some $1.1
million in accumulated past debts,
a deficit it inherited from previous


$300,000 by next June.
The new deficit prediction could
however, force the city to take
some drastic budget reduction
steps to meet the commitment.
In the report, Murray concluded
that his recalculated budget esti-
mates "place the city in v e r y
serious circumstances."
THE REPORT goes on to elab-
orate on various additional budge-
tary expenses causing the latest
See CITY, Page 8

Big Jim cleans up,

Two public hearings on issues of
importance to Ann Arbor's politi-
cal and esthetic future,bbrought
large crowds to Ann Arbor's City
Council meeting last night.
Hearings on Council's proposed
election reform ordinance and a
nronosal for constructing a Mc-

ment on just how that reform
should be implemented.
The election reform ordinance,
coming in the wake of the Water-
gate scandals, was . initially sug-
gested by Mayor James Stephen-
son last October 30 as a means
of restoring public confidence in
aovernment at the local level. Fol-

CHICAGO (Reuter)-The name sign on the desk
reads: "The very lovable Big Jim Thompson."
Thirty potted plants are scattered around the
office, an ancient chess set is laid out, a stuffed
eagle surveys the scene and chiming clocks sound
the hours. Models of an English judge and
barristers scowl over the whole affair.

convictions, including those of a judge, a county
clerk, four aldermen, a couple of dozen policemen
-with more awaiting trial-building officials and
state aides, many on bribery and extortion charges.
Thompson, who, at 37, is one of Chicago's most
eligible bachelors, is seldom out of the headlines
in the city as he digs deeper into corruption in high

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