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September 09, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-09-09

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Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol LXXXIV,No. 4 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 9, 1973 Free Issue

Ten Pages


Subscribe now
Today's Daily is the last freebie, but don't let that
stop you from receiving an exciting array of behind-the-
scenes news stories, provacative editorials, and enter-
taining features. Call 764-0558 for a year-long subscription
to The Daily. It costs only $10. As in the past, The Daily
will be there to cover student-oriented news, wherever
it is. We aim to live up to our reputation-set down in
a recent New York Times articles-as a "professional
and aggressive newspaper."
Suit filed
Ann Arbor resident Jane Schmiedeskamp has filed suit
to prevent .the Republican-controlled City Council from
redrawing ward boundaries established by its Dem-
ocratic-Human Rights controlled predecessor. Washte-
naw County Circuit Court last week referred considera-
tion of the existing plan to the council. Schmiedeskamp's
suit seeks to have the state Court of Appeals vacate the
Circuit Court's order: Representatives of tie city's
Democratic and Human Rights parties have anounced
plans for similar suits in order to prevent the GOP from
redrawing their plan. Schmiedeskamp was unavailable
for comment yesterday on, the reasons for filing her suit.
SDS office raided?
Gerald Lefcourt; a New York attorney; says the gov-
ernment looted the offices of the Ann Arbor Students for
a Democratic Society in February, 1969. Lefcourt says
financial and membership records were stolen along
with a picture of an accused felon from a Vermont
College. Lefcourt made the charges in a letter to De-
troit Federal District Court Judge Damon Keith, who is
hearing a government case against former SDS mem-
Happenings . .
..Luther Allison and Otis Rush are featured at to-
night's Blues and Jazz Festival finale . . . Bogart will
be on Cinema Guild's screen at 7 and 9:05 p.m. in The
Big Sleep and Jan Kadan's Adrift is being presented by
Cinema II at Aud. A . . . The Pyramid Gallery, 109
N. Main, presents the opening of an art exhibition en-
titled "Women Artists", with a reception for the par-
ticipants between 4 and 6 p.m. . .. and last but not least,
Beverly Buchanan of Bloomfield Hills plays the summer's
final guest recital on the carillon at 7 p.m. Monday.
Explosion rocks station
Terrorists continued their campaign against London
yesterday as a time bomb exploded inside Victoria Sta-
tion just three minutes after hundreds of traveler had
cleared from the huge rail terminal. Four persons were
injured, including a policeman. Police had quickly evac-
uated the station when an office clerk spotted, the bomb
in an abandoned shopping bag., In the past three weeks
there have been more than 40 bomb incidents in London
and other cities, most of which have been blamed on
the Irish Republican Army.
Nixon speaks
President Nixon will deliver a nationwide radio, and
television address this afternoon to describe various legis-
lative proposals he will present to Congress tomorrow.
Included are bills to develop deepwater ports for super-
tankers, de-regulate natural gas prices and authorize
stripmining of coal. The address is to be taped for broad-
cast anytime after 2 p.m.
Spiked pot
Just back from a fact-finding tour of Southeast Asia,
the chairman of a special House narcotics subcommit-
tee says that marijuana laced with opium is beginning
to flow into the United States., Rep. Lester Wolff (D-N.Y.)
says that the spiked pot is designed to hook kids on nar-
cotics, and is being sold by Asiatic dope peddlers as
regular, unadulterated grass.
Steak and Save
A Louisville bank has found something more precious

than gold bullion to entice prospective customers with.
It's filet mignon steaks. Instead of the more traditional
items like silverware and china, Citizen's Fidelity Bank
& Trust Co. is dishing out steaks when new accounts are
opened. In addition, the bank is holding a beef drawing
in connection with the opening of two branch banks, First
prize is a side of beef, second prize a quarter of beef,
and third prize is two dozen 12-ounce sirloin steaks.
On the inside.. .
Roger Rossiter presents a revealing look at Frank
Lauterbut, mentor of the Iowa Hawkeyes on the Sports
Page . . . Zachary Schiller discusses rising food prices
on the Editorial Page . . . and the Arts Page, features





blas ts
ST. CHARLES, Ill. (P) - Vice
President Spiro Agnew, criticizing
"t h e persecutorial atmosphere
hanging over the American political
system," said last night that "mor-
bid preoccupation with Watergate"
threatens the government's ability
to function."
"It is, therefore, an indirect ob-
struction of the will of the people,"
he said.
AGNEW made his comments in a
speech prepared for delivery before
a Kane ! County, Ill., Republican
rally thonoringsLeslie Arends, a
20-term congressman.
Agnew, whose Maryland guber-
natorial campaigns are under fed-
eral investigation, said he wouldn't
"minimize the lessons of Water-
gate." But he said "the abuses
resulting from the current climate
are of much more subtle and tragic
"The preoccupation with any-
thing and everything related to
Watergate is the most obvious, but
not necessarily the most insidious
by-product of the affair," he said.
"Far more dangerous, in my opin-
ionis the persecutorial atmosphere
hanging over the American politi-
cal system."
has generally kept himself remov-
ed from the Watergate case and
has rarely spoken strongly in pub-
lic about it, said:
"Our opponents will argue that
the strength. of our free system lies
in our willingness to wash our
See VP, Page 2

Seeks relaxation of cleaic air
standards to meet il crisis

WASHINGTON (IP)'- President
Nixon, asserting the United States
cannot be "at the mercy of" Mid-
east oil producers, announced an
eight-point energy development pro-
gram yesterday that includes eas-
ing of clean air standards.
Nixon, giving reporters a run-
down on results of a two-h o u r
co'nference he had with his energy
policy advisers, took a generally
optimistic view and specifically
ruled out talk of an energy crisis.
"SHORT-TERM we face a prob-
lem," said Nixon, citing probable
shortages of heating oil this win-
"But long-term, and this is the
important thing for us to remem-
ber, the prospects for adequate en-
ergy for the United States are ex-
The nation's energy resources
can and will be fully developed,
he said, because "no industrial na-
tion must be in the position of be-
ing at the mercy of any other na-
tion by 'having its energy supply
suddenly cut off."
CITING the Arab oil-producing
countries which are threatening to
use petroleum as a club to force a
change in American policy toward
Israel, Nixon said: "We are go-
ing to do the very best we can
to work out problems with the
Mideastern countries.".
But again he added that steps
must be. taken to make certain
they are not in a position "where
they can cut off our oil."
.Nixon said the United States
"would prefer to continue to im-
port oil, petroleum products, from
the Mideast, from Venezuela, Can-
ada, from other countries," but is
"keenly aware "that some produc-
ers. might "take an unfrienlly at-
titude" and cut off supplies.
THE PRESIDENT said admin-

istrative action will. be taken
liberalize current restrictions
the sulphur content of oil used


Arguing this would increase sup-
plies of heating oil, Nixon said "un-
less those standards are relaxed,
we could have a very serious prob-
lem this winter."
The four pending bills Nixon said
should be passed as a matter of
the "highest urgency" would auth-
orize building of the Alaska pipe-
line, the development of deep-water
Hard tiit11

tanker ports, deregulation of na-
tural gas at the wellhead and en-
courage widespread strip mining of
coal, particularly in the West.
IN ADDITION, Nixon said the
administration will take adminis-
trative action to relax emission
standards, develop the Elk Hills
naval oil reserve in California,
step up sharply the development of
nuclear power and finance research
on extracting vast coal reserves
"in a way that is not too destruz-
tive to the environment."
es face

A shut-down by
protesting Preside
price restrictions
hardships on Detro
terday, and indicE
drivers here may
of the protest today
"Tomorrow will'
to .buy gas in Ar
local station mana
frozen prices att
of Jan. 10, 1973.
Detroit gas prices v
low due to a. gas
restrictions place
ship on Motor City
In addition to 1
freeze, major oilt
been placing rests
amount of gas in
can sell.
As a result, deal

car owners
LOVE and nationally re finding they
gasoline dealers can't afford to stay open.
nt Nixon's gas MOST DEALERS in the Ann
placed severe Arbor area said they were un-
it motorists yes- certain whether they would join
ations are .that the nafional protest.
feel the effects All Shell station- in the area will
y. be closed for the weekend, and
be a tough day Dennis Patrick of P&B Shell, 3242
nn Arbor," one Washtenaw Rd., said he will be
ger warned yes- closed all week.
"To be perfectly blunt, I think
egulations have we're getting screwed," Patrick
the profit level said yesterday. "We're caught be-
At that time, tween the oil companies and the
were abnormally government, and the only thing
war, thus the we can do is loose."
a special hard- PATRICK SAID under the cur-
dealers. rent restrictions it costs him 81h
the government cents per gallon to pump gas while
companies have he only makes between 7 and 8
rictions on the cents per. gallon.
dividual dealers Another local gas man-angered
by his inability to make a profit-
ers both locally See PRICE, Page 2

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
FOUR SPECTATORS at the Blues' and Jazz Festival yesterday man-
age to save their money and get an excellent view by climbing
high into the trees outside of the gate.I

Record 20,000 crowd
hears disappointing show
By DAN BIDDLE felt hat who played an oar-shaped But it wasn't Sam's day. "No
The 1973 Ann Arbor Blues and wooden board with a single steel chance. Ray Charles is my man,".
J F77 1 ctivLVi l IQt J d La oked its string, had some playful ideas she answered.

jazz restvai yeSterayw r~'e l
way from an old man named "One-
String Sam" to another old man
named Ray Charles.
By the time Charles and his
finely tailored show hit the stage,
police were estimating a record
crowd of more than 20,000 people.
And most of them went home
But in the afternoon, "One-
String Sam" was in his element.
One-String, a guy in a rumpled

when his set ended.
"If there's one thing I love more
than my music it's my women" he
announced in a voice that really
didn't have such singing left in it.
Sam extended a wrinkled arm and
intercepted a young woman in a
halter top.

"It's OK, honey," he cooed,
just step over here by ol'
String, and let's you and I
about some boogie."


Treasury Dept. calls.
FTC charges against
oilcompanies, untrue

However, it didn't seem to be
Ray Charles' day either. For 10
hours, the overflowing crowd had
sat through a series of slower sets
anticipating a rousing finale from
Mr. Charles and the Raelettes. But
Charles spent interminable minutes
before his set hassling over a
broadcasting contract with WDET,
who had planned to put his show
on the air with the rest of the fes-
tival. He finally came out and
played some oldies -"I'm Busted,"
"Georgia On My Mind," and "I
Can't Stop Loving You"-but the
crowd was too tired to dance by
the time his band rocked into
"What I'd Say."
Slow tempo, wasn't the only
problem. Early in Charles' set,
Festival sponsor Peter Andrews of
the Rainbow Multi-Media Corpora-
tion, the festival's sponsors, ran
across the backstage area shout-
ing, "Who's fouling us up? There's
some kind of radio transmission
going out over the P.A. system
and screwing the music!"
Andrews' chaotic face reflected
a day of hassles: blues guitarist
Jimmy Reed arrived 40 minutes
late after his truck broke down on
the road from Chicago. Shortly af-
ter sunset, the festival's water,
system broke down and al-
most simultaneously, concession-
naires announced that there was
no more available food for the
hungry masses.
Meanwhile, Drug Help staffers
had their hands full as dozens of
people werecarried into the medi-
cal tent .and treated for alcohol-

Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB

A t the fair

WASHINGTON (I)-Efforts to
keep the eight biggest oil com-
panies' 'economic empires intact
gained vigor this week with the.
distribution of a Treasury Depart-
ment report attacking the Federal
Trade Commission's antitrust ac-
The Treasury report, described
as the vanguard of more counter-
attacks to follow, characterized the
FTC study leading to the antitrust
complaint as inaccurate, biased,
misleading and dangerous.
THE FTC complained in July,
em the hasis of two-vear staff

would have to include splintering
of the various aspects of the oil
business: crude exploration and
production, transportation through
pipelines, refining, and marketing.
The Treasury report said, "Mis-
interpretations have caused the
FTC to incorrectly conclude that
the present shortage is a result of
sinister, anti-competitive actions on
the part of the major oil com-
panies. ....The shortage has been
caused by a variety of factors,
mostly governmental laws and poli-
"DIVESTITURE is not warrant-
ed from the facts. and it would

Saline fair features fun-
and touch of rural life, too

Special To The Daily
SALINE - Dirt covered tractors, smoking
steam engines, fat, contented cows and wooly
sheep-all a part of rural America, all located
on Ann Arbor's back doorstep.
Not more than fifteen minutes from Ann Ar-
bor, the crowded city streets give way to spacious
fields and pastures. It is here-among the small
farms and dirt roads-where the Saline Com-

cuts a bright chasm through the otherwise dark
night sky.
IT IS A FAMILY FAIR with something to
please everyone.
Small children smile with delight as they cling
to their whirling merry-go-round steeds. Older
brothers and sisfters shriek in mock horror as
,they brave the perils of the Tilt-aWhirl, The Zip-
per, and the Loop-o-Plane,
"That wan sreat" rasned two girls not look-

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