Wednesday, December 12, 1973
Page Five
Wedne'd'y' 'e'e'b-r-1 2, 1 973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY
Sherman Hayes: A
tlent works
his way up
Things have been looking pret-
ty grim in the world of the
y:ighrv music industry lately .. .
irst those infamous dope "pay-
ur' trials and suits that began
I >lt spring and now an extreme
shortage of vinyl.
Brits have been tightened and
novice artists . . . well, they just
have to be better-than-usual be-
fore they reach the recording
studio. 'New talent' never did
guarantee gold album sales and
now it seems that lack of insur-
ance is shattering the dreams
of more success-starved musi-
cians than ever.
In many ways, this simply
highlights the importance of the
new artists we do hear.
They have always been inter-
esting. Sometimes they've been
pure garbage. Other times, they
have upstaged the music of their
time - tempered contemporaries.
In any case, mose of them now
deserve at least a first listen.
To name one in particular:
Sherman Hayes. Stylized coun-
try balladeer. Guitarist, vocal-
ist and songwriter. Capitol re-
cording a r t i s t. Discography:
V ghbond's Roost (Capitol ST
11212); Pan (Columbia KC 32062).
The son of a big band leader,
Sherman has been exposed to the
world of entertainment from a
very young age while travelling
on his father's tours through the
South and Midwest. At one time,
he even played with his father.
He has known and is now person-
ally learning how a musician
must 'pay them dues'.
When I spoke with him be-
fore his performance at East
Lansing's Mariah Coffeehouse,
this Los Angeles-born artist fell
into talking about his father:
"My dad tried to quit the busi-
ness a lot of times because of
the psychological and financial
hardships and the duality of try-
ing to dedicate yourself to music
and to a family. He was a mu-
sician all of his life, but I saw
him quit music at a time when
if he had stayed be might have
had some sort of consistent suc-
Like his father, Sherman has
a family and has quit the busi-
ness on occasion. But he has al-
ways returned.
"I enjoy music and have done
that more than I've done any-
thing else. Just becausenthings
are changing and we could reach
a state of panic in the world or
in the country, you have to keep
doing what you're doing and do
it well."
In other words, as Sherman
writes, "This music thing is in
my blood."
Pleasure is implicit when he
plays on stage with Steve van
Gelder (guitar, piano, mandolin,
banjo, fiddle) and Chris Whelan
time to be doing whatever you
can to share with people spirit-
ually, what am I doing to do
that? But maybe, as I under-
stand it more, that will come out
in the music. That sure is a nice
way to reach people."
His lyrics are thoughtful and
down to earth. They speak of the
Daily Photo by TERRP McCARTHY
Mime to music
Residential College performs "Duets," a concert in modern dance and mime, last night. Risa Fried-
man in foreground and Linda Reiff pictured.
(ampeg fretless bass).
"I'm not the sort of person who
can just go out and pick studio
players who are just sidemen.
We have to be friends," Sher-
man says. Friends, each con-
sistently good with their instru-
ments . . . this creates their
magnetic musical interplay on
Sherman has accepted Christ
and finds comfort in living
through the "guidance" of the
Lord. Sometimes, though, he sees
some conflict between his spiri-
tual and musical life.
"If it is a really important
human condition. Of bluegrass
cowboys and country scenes
where "the stream runs down
back by the shed" and the "as-
pen pines are putting on their
winter clothes."
There are few explicit words
about Jesus. Instead, the work-
ings of the Lord are a constant
undertone in the lyrics of a man
in his twenties who believes that
"the earth is like an extension of
the Lord."
Sherman Hayes: a talented
musician working his way up the
tower of power. Remember that
r Revived(
By MARNIE HEYN obscene
Initial reaction to the first is- Drive
sue of the revived 'Michigan beginnin
Gargoyle ranged from "thor- tary on
oughly disgusting" to "simply ecology
unfunny." toe-nail
While promising a "more so- was set
phisticated brand of humor," the mews s
Garg delivers 42 pages of near- mission
ly illiterate bathroom nonchuc- gotiatio
kles, locker room single enten- slew of
dres, dumb cartoons and the lar- shortag
gest collection of inane prose shortage
ever gathered between two cov- grueso
ers.ri s, a
The Garg's staff evidently tried gifts."
to find the funny bone of the on-
campus pre-pubescent set, but The g
missed. This social group is un- was bla
derpresented in the circulation Nationa
area, and it's doubtful that even steals of
they would be amused by Mr. the New
Beldequeer of the "Beldequeer to have
Erection Co." do it,
While we did stop gagging for w ithot
a few of the ads, and maybe one about R
of the cartoons was passable, the tical to
general content of the alleged change
humor magazine is unfunny, so
porific, and so devoid of any re- Perha
deeming social value as to be sexism,
eral rel
if the
nS OP .not, an
joint concert
T h e University's Symphony
Orchestra and University Choir
will join forces in the perform-
ance of Gustav Mahler's "Resur-
rection Symphony on Dec. 13, in.
Hill Aud.
All proceeds from the $2 gener-
al admission will go to the music R(
school's scholarship fund.
Requiring a substantially en- ou
larged orchestra, the Resurrec- ti
tion Symphony has been called a
"tonal allegory of the life of
Theo Alacantra will conduct
the orchestra while Maynard
Klein directs the choir, which
features faculty soloists Elizabeth
Mosher, soprano, and Rosemary
Russell, contralto.
inane hat
UL__E __I'IiA
e, even without the sex-
l flows from page to page,
ng with a witty commen-
the editorial page about
("In Dubuque, Iowa, a
clippings recycling plant
t up . . ."), on to clever
horts on secret bombing
s, pornography, labor ne-
ns, and racism, a whole
unreadable "features," a
ting analysis of the meat
e with five (5) candid and
me photos of atrocity vic-
and, capping it all off,
ed ads about "pine cone
general style of the Garg
atantly evocative of the
al Lampoon, with direct
f the Letters column and
ws shorts. The logic seems
been, if the Lampoon can
we can do it too, only
tany humor. The letter
Roberto Clemente is iden-
one that ran in the Lam-
nly the names have been
aps one could overlook the
the racism, and the gen-
iance on bathroom humor
thing was funny, but it's
d that's the single worst
nation of a humor mag-
To be sure, all of the above
mentioned elements are there in
excess. Sexismis ably repre-
sented by an abundance of un-
clever cartoons.
When was the last time that
you heard a good beaver joke?
Catch this issue of the Garg. The
caption on one cartoon reads,
"Now for some acupuncture
American style," while a leering
man prepares to assault an ap-
parently sleeping woman.
Really, this kind of stuff can
and should be left to painful me-
mories of junior high.
The ads for the Fourth Avenue
Bookstore asks, "couldn't you go
for a nice, juicy book right now,"
while a woman who looks like
Marilyn Monroe folds her arms
across her breasts, and hides all
other forms of direct exposure,
while promising further delights.
The American Massage Parlor
ad says that the customer, "gets
his" there, with "topless avail-
If this is the depth to which
campus humor has sunk, it's ap-
propriate that this sadly revived
corpse be returned to its grave,
hopefully never to be resurrected
again. This sorry piece of trash
simply hasn't proven itself wor-
thy of further support.
FILM-Ann Arbor Film Co-op presents Broca's King of
Hearts in Aud. A, Angell, at 7 and 9 tonight. New World
Film Co-op presents Downey's Greaser's Palace in Aud. 3,
MLB, at 7 and 9:30 tonight. Psych Film Series: Flatland,
Why Man Creates, Maurits Escher: Painter of Fantasies.
MUSEUM OF ART-German music concert in the West Gal-
lery at 8 tonight.
TV SPECIAL-The Trotter Gospel Choir will perform on
Channel 50 at 9 on Sunday evening, Dec. 23.
This Chris tmas
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Give this to your kids this Christmas.
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bers, children under 12 with adults, senior citizens-free.
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ir pre-Hanukah party. While you're having a good
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H ILLEL--1429 Hill St.
Reservations for Dinner by Tuesday, 5 p.m.-$2.0O
ENDS TODAY 231 S. STATE 0 DIAL 662-6264
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Open 12:45
Shows at
1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m.
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