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4 it igan
Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 80
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, December 12, 1973
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Freshperson Hopwood winners
Jenifer Levin of the Residential College has won first
prize in this year's freshperson Hopwood Competition for
a piece entitled "Essays on Four Shakespearean Plays."
Five second prizes go to Deborah Miller, David Mayer,
James Swiontek, Howard Belkin, and Carol Trager all
of LSA except Trager who is in the Residential College
(RC). Six third prizes go to Nancy Coons of the music
school, Jeannine Timm of theanursing school, James
Furlong of LSA, Emily Riddering of the natural resourc-
es school, Robert Krajeski of LSA, and Blair Davies of
the RC. The awards will be presented this afternoon in
the Rackham Amphitheater at 4 p.m. Novelist E. L.
Doctorow - recently nominated for the National Book
Award for his "Book of Daniel" - will deliver a lec-
ture at the presentation.
They dig their boss
The employes of the Betsy Ross Shop Restaurant in
the Arcade just want to say they think their boss -
Lynn Mead - is something special. They were there-
fore, somewhat horrified when they saw a profile of
restaurant waitresses in the Sunday Magazine which
mentioned him. Whatever goes on at other restaurants,
they say, their boss "neither screams at us, nor in-
sists we look busy when there is nothing to do . . . Our
boss works harder than any of the rest of us."
A step up?
Vice President Wilbur Pierpont - the University's
financial czar - has got himself a new job. As of
Jan. 1, in addition to running the Big 'U's' finances,
Pierpont will sit on the board of directors of Ex-Cell-O
Corporation, a Detroit-based battery firm. This is not
Pierpont's first venture in the higher eschelons of cor-
porate finance. He also sits on the board of Tecumseh
Products and the Kresge Foundation.
Bullard hits sexism
Ann Arbor State Rep. Perry Bullard thinks the
state's laws are sexist and he has introduced a series
of nine bills in the State House of Representatives to
deal with the situation. The bills would change all re-
ferences to "males," "men," and "chairmen," to
"persons," "personnel," and "chairpersons." Bullard
says the change would not affect the content of the laws
but "simply recognize that women are entitled to equal
rights and equal status under the law."
So long for now
Today is the last day of classes, and hence, the last
day of publication for The Daily. It's that time of year
when our reporters and editors finally drag themselves
bleary-eyed out of the city room and trek across the
frozen wastelands of the Diag to the UGLI to tend to
the serious business of staying in school. But, God and
the Administrative Board permitting, we'll be back again
next term, resuming publication on the second day of
classes, Jan. 8.
Yesterday, in an article about the LSA Government
election, we reported that Academic Action (AA)
candidates Joe Green, Richard Pattison, and Toni Guz-
zardo are all Residential College students. In fact, al-
though all three live in East Quad, only Guzzardo is in
the RC. Also, we incorrectly reported that Green is a
grad student (he's a sophomore) and Guzzardo is a fresh-
person (he's also a sophomore). Sorry 'bout that!
Happenings ...
... the Ann Arbor Civic Theater presents "Barefoot in
the Park" at Mendelssohn Theater (Michigan League)
tonight through Saturday night at 8 . . . the Ski Team
is meeting at 7:30 p.m. Anderson Rm. in the Union .. .
Rackham Student Government executive board meets
at 9:15 p.m. in the West Lecture Room of Rackham .. .
and the Stilyagi Air Corp Sci-fi Club meets at 7 p.m. in
the SGC Room of the Union.
Na tional car pool es
Use of census information in a federal computer pro-
gram aimed at getting millions of Americans into car
pools was announced yesterday. "We think this is the
fastest, cheapest and most efficient car pool system
now available," said Under Secretary of Comnierce John
Tabor, in introducing the program at a news confer-
ence. To lay out the problem the Bureau of Census
analyzed 1970 census information from 125 metropolitan
areas of 250,000 people or more and found that 31 mil-
lion of 47.2 million workers drove to work alone.
Cost of liing jumps seen
Fuel price increases could raise the cost of living in
the United States $27 billion next year, said Herbert Stein,
chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. Stein
told a congressional committee he based his estimate
on an expected 50 per cent increase in fuel prices. He
predicted that a 30 cents a gallon increase in gasoline
would be needed to balance supply and demand.
On the itI(Ie , ..
. . . Marnie Heyn and Stephen Selbst review the re-
vived Gargoyle on the Arts Page .. . Zach Schiller takes
a look at Israel on the Editorial Page ... and the
Supreme Court
widens poice
search power
WASHINGTON (,B--The Supreme Court ruled yesterday
that police may make a complete search of anyone under
lawful arrest.
The import of the 6-3 decision rests in the use of evidence
found in such searches, and the operation of the controversial
"exclusionary rule" which bans use of illegally gathered evi-
dence at trial.
"IT IS THE fact of the lawful arrest which establishes. the authority
to search, and we hold that in the case of a lawful custodial arrest a
full search of the person is not only an exception to the warrant require-
ment of the Fourth Amendment, but is also a 'reasonable' search under
that amendment," wrote Justice William Rehnquist for the majority.
Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
SpaCe d out
Former astronaut Jim Erwin autographs his new bo ok, To Rule the Night, at a guest appearance yester-
day in the basement of Logos bookstore, 1209 S. Uni versity. One of the handful of U. S. moonwalkers,
Erwin has written an autobiographical account of how he found God in outer space.
The ruling came in cases that
stem from traffic arrests.
IN ONE, a District of Columbia
man was arrested on an outstand-
ing traffic warrant. During the
search, a cigarette packet con-
taining heroin was found on his
person. The U.S. Circuit Court
overturned his conviction for pos-
session of the drug, saying that the
search that discovered it went be-
yond permissable limits. The high
court majority reversed that de-
In the second case, police in
Florida were permitted to use, as
evidence, marijuana discovered in
a search that followed a routine
warrantless traffic stop.
"A police officer's determination
as to how and where to search the
person of a suspect whom he has
arrested is necessarily a quick .. .
judgment which the Fourth Amend-
ment does not require to be broken
down in each instance into an
analysis of each step in the
search," said Rehnquist.
MARSHALL, joined by Justices
William Douglas and William
Brennan, declared that "the mere
fact of an arrest should be no
justification in and of itself for
invading the privacy of the in-
dividual's personal effects."
"There is always the possibility
that a police officer, lacking prob-
able cause to obtain a search war-
rant, will use a traffic arrest as a
pretext to conduct a search," Mar-
shall said.
Last term, the same lineup of
justices held that police need not
inform a suspect that he may re-
fuse a request from police to con-
duct a warrantless search.
passes limit on
Kent State
grand jury
to convene
next week
WASHINGTON (A") - The Justice
Department will take the renewed
investigation of the 1970 Kent State
University slayings before a fed-
eral grand jury in Ohio next week.
Asst. Atty. Gen. Stanley Pot-
tinger announced last night that a
grand jury will be convened in
Cleveland Dec. 18 "to receive
sworn testimony and act in its
capacity as an investigative body."
Bork concurred in Pottinger's de-
cision, which reversed the action
of former Atty. Gen. John Mitchell,
who chose in August, 1971, to drop
the investigation without present-
ing evidence to a federal grand
Four Kent State students were
slain on May 4, 1970, when a con-
tingent of Ohio National Guards-
men opened fire on a campus gath-
ering, including a group demon-
strating against the U. S. mili-
tary incursion, but a presidential
commission called the shootings
Pottinger said, "Based upon in-
formation developed in our recent
additional investigation, I am per-
suaded that it is necessary to call
witnesses before a grand jury be-
fore we can conclude the depart-
ment's investigation into the cir-
curmstances surrounding the fatal
shootings . .
Richardson had authorized Pottin-
ger to resurrect the investigation
four months ago. Pottinger has
said his civil rights division has
received some new information not
available to the FBI at the time it
produced an 8,000-page report of
its findings.
The new investigation focuses
on whether civil rights laws were
Speaking briefly with reporters
shortly afterbthe Justice Depart-
ment announced the decision, Pot-
tinger declined to say who will be
called before the grand jury but
he said some of the witnesses will
appear willingly.
loans to Soviet traders
WASHINGTON (A) - The House
voted overwhelmingly yesterday to
prohibit more than $5 billion in
U.S. credit loans for Soviet trade
until the Soviets permit freer emi-
The amendment by Rep. Charles
Vanik (D-Ohio) was approved 319
to 80 over the objections of the
Nixon administration. Later the
full trade bill was passed by voice
vote and sent to the Senate.
President most of the powers he
has requested to lower U.S. trade
barriers for a new round of inter-
national trade deals next year.
Most of the debate yesterday
centered on the emigration provi-
sion. For the Soviet Union to get
U.S. credit loans under the amend-
ment, the President would have to
certify that the Soviets permit
Jews and other citizens to emi-
grate freely. The measure applies
to all Communist countries except
Poland and Yugoslavia.
"Passage of this bill will be a
reminder to the world," Vanik
told the House, "that this country
still is the hope of free men every-
DENYING THAT the action in-
terferes with Soviet internal af-
fairs, Vanik said the U.S. taxpayer-
subsidized credit loans are gifts
to be withheld from countries that
do not grant basic human rights.]
But Rep. Barber Conable (R-
N.Y.) said the action by Congress
will create a new U.S.-Soviet con-
frontation and disrupt the develop-
ing detente.
Conable said the Senate is sure
to uphold the House action be-
cause 83 of the 100 senators have
already cosponsored the restriction.
"AMERICANS ARE sick of con-
frontation," Conable told the House,
"and there is plenty of evidence
the Soviets are sick of it also when
the risk is so high."
He said the Soviet Union is mak-
ing progress toward free emigra-
tion. The $20,000-range Soviet edu-
cation tax has been waived, he
said, and Jews are emigrating at
the rate of 30,000 a year.
Rep. David Obey (D-Wis.) said
Vanik's amendment will have the
adverse effect of angering the So-
See HOUSE, Page 8
Drilting for oil ray begin in
Santa Barbara Channel again
the opposition of hundreds of resi-
dents, drilling for oil may begin
again soon in the Santa Barbara
Channel, where a huge oil spill
four years ago helped make ecol-
ogy a nationwide concern.
The three members of the state's
land commission announced in ad-
vance that they would vote yester-
day in favor of renewing explora-
tory drilling in state-controlled
areas of the channel, which extends
26 miles off the beaches of this
well-to-do city.
IN LIFTING the moratorium, the
land commission said oil compan-
ies would have to have the state's
permission for each exploratory
well they propose to drill.
The United States Interior De-
partment has indicated that be-
cause of the energy crisis, it may
permit exploratory drilling again
on federal leases in the channel.
The decision is to be made soon.
Both state and federal govern-
ments declared a drilling mora-
torium in 1969 after an offshore rig
exploded, spilling oil for miles
down the channel. The slick lasted
for weeks, and protests erupted at
the sight of miles of oily beach
cluttered with dead and dying birds
unble to fly because the oil had
penetrated their feathers.
danger of an oil spill is as great
now as it was four years ago, and
cleanup technology hasn't im-
"I'm dead opposed to drilling,"
said Robert Frame, an art pro-
fessor at Santa Barbara City Col-
lege. Even now, Frame said, his
shoes are blackened when he runs
on the beach.
The state land commission, how-
ever, says the energy crisis manes
oil exploration a neecessity in the
Santa Barbara Channel. "To con-
tinue the moratorium is to ignore
that there is a serious shortage of
cheap energy in the short range,"
a commission staff report said.
OIL RESERVES in the channe'
are estimated at 200 million to 300
million barrels. Offshore oil now
accounts for 17 p e r c e n t of
America's domestic production of
10 millioi barrels daily. Most off-
"Now we need to trigger a revo-
lution against oil," Sanders said.
"We're too dependent on oil as an
energy source. It's a finite source
and it's running out."
A CITIZENS' group called Get
Oil Out, popularly known as GOO,
is organizing the antidrilling fight.
Ellen Sidenberg, executive secre-
See OIL, Page 8
Site next to Arcade
The Gino burger is going to have
some company soon.
At least that's the way it ap-
pears after a public hearing at city
hall last night failed to turn up
any opposition to the planned con-
struction of a McDonald's restaur-
ant next to the Nichol's Arcade on
Maynard St.
structure seemed to mute opposi-
Representatives from Hobbs and
Black Associates, local architects
who designed the Huron Valley
Bank branch at the corner of Thay-
er and North University, discus-
sed their plan for a new McDon-
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