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December 11, 1973 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-12-11

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Tuesday, December 11, 1973


Page Nine



Senate passes bill requiring
better mileage for automnobiles

against "gas guzzling monsters,"
the Senate yesterday passed a
sweeping energy conservation bill
that would require auto makers to
give more miles to the gallon by
h The bill, the first comprehen-

sive effort by Congress to control
America's growing appetite for en-
ergy, would put into effect a gov-
ernment-wide program to curtail
energy use in both the public and
private segments.
IT PASSED 75 to 15.
A key provision would require

Jaworski receives
new Watergate tapes

(Continued from Page 1)
Woods on the question of the gapl
in the tape.1
a group of advisors will sit downr
to discuss the Watergate scan-
dal's impact on the upcoming 1974
Congressional elections.l
Attending the meeting will bei
George Bush, chairman of the Re-t
publican National Committee, Sen.:
William Brock of Tennessee, head
of the Republican National Sena-
torial Committee, and Rep. Rob-
ert Michael of Illinois, who holds a
similar position in the House of
In recent weeks, numerous Re-
'i publican members of Congress
have both publicly and privately
related their fears that the Water-
El Capitan, a massive rock
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gate affair would destroy Repub-
lican chances next year. Some-'
including Sen. Edward Brooke (D-
Mass.) have asked the President to
resign to prevent such an occur-
POLLS TAKEN by other Repub-
licans indicate a significant erod-
ing of GOP strength among blue
collar workers who enthusiastical-
lv backed the President in 1972.
Thursday- Fri

car manifacturers to boost auto-
mobile gas mileage to at least 20
milhs per gallon by 1984.
Under its terms, the Transpor-
tation Department would begin en-
forcing unspecified minimum stan-
dards by 1978 on the number of
miles motor vehicles can get for
a gallon of gas.
THE STANDARDS would also
require that the industry-wide av-
erage fuel economy for new cars
be increased by at least 50 per
cent over the next 10 years.
Thus, the present average of 13.5
miles per gallon would have to be
raised to more than 20 miles per
The rules would go into effect forj
the 1978 model year and new cars
not meeting those standards could
not be bought or sold.
government shall "foster and pro-
mote comprehensive national fuels
a n d energy conservation pro-
day -Saturday
;R 13,14915

New b
WASHINGTON (') - The Senate
Watergate committee is pursuing
a theory that former Democratic
National Committee C h a i r m a n
Lawrence O'Brien may have had
embarrassing information on the
activities of President Nixon's
brother, Donald, when his Water-
gate office was broken into.
According to the theory, O'Brien,
at the time of the Watergate break-
in in 1972, may have had infor-
mation regarding an alleged re-
lationship between Donald Nixon
and the Hughes Tool Co., owned
by billionaire Howard Hughes.
SAMUEL DASH, the Watergate
Committee's chief counsel, con-
firmed that the theory exists and
is based on" evidence made avail-
able to us.' But he said it has not
been proved and is only one of
several theories actively being n-
The new information was con-

reak-in t
tained in the transcript of an ex-
ecutive session of the committee
held last week and came to light
woen it was placed in the public
record of a U.S. District Court
hearing here.
The transcript had been ec to
one of the principal witnesses in
that closed-door hearing, Chester
Davis, an attorney for the Simma
Corp., which is solely ownea by
provided to Davis by Watergate
Chairman Sam Ervin (D-N.C.) as
an aid in Davis' suit seeking to
prevent the committee from ques-
tioning him and more than a dozen
other Hughes employes in wier
than open and public hearings.
Dash said the question arose cr-
ing the executive session when
Davis challenged a comimittee re-
quest to be provided with cor:;s-
pondence and other documents be-

heory ex
tween O'Brien and llughes offi-
At the time of the Watergate
break-in on June 17, 1972 (VF;rien
was also serving as unpaid con-
sultant for the Hughes interests.
An attorney, O'Brien previolusly
had been paid for his work and it
is not clear how much he was ac-
tually doing for Hughes while DNC
IN RESPONSE to Davis' chal-
lenge, Dash said he and Ervin told
the Hughes attorney that one of
the reasons that may have leti to
the Watergate breaK-in and to the
attempted wiretapping of O'Brien's
telephone was the belief that
O'Brien had information concern-
ing a $100,000 contribution made
by a Hughes representative to
C. G. "Bebe" Rebozo, a close
friend and business associate of
the President.

The investigative theory also
stated the possibility that O'Brien
may have had knowledge of the
activities of the President's brother
Donald in relation to the H.:ghes
Tool Co., and one of its princi;jal
officers, John Meier.
Dash said the theory "is based
on reliable evidence we have re-
ceived." He did not elaborate.
"IT'S NOT A guess," he said.
"It's a viable theory. It's one that
we're seriously pursuing."
But Dash stressed that the 'te°ry
does not stand alone and is only
one of a number of other theories
also being vigorously pursued.
The Nebraska Sandhills are
one of the major livestock pro-
ducing grasslands in the United
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for grazing animals.

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