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December 11, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-12-11

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tr tgan


Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 79

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, December 11, 1973

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages


Quality of 'U'

Restaurateur abducted
Police are holding Thomas Ross, 40, of Cleveland, as
a suspect in a robbery early yesterday of one of the
city's most popular eateries, the Pretzel Bell, and the
beating and temporary abduction of the restaurant's
owner, Clint Castor. According to police, Castor was
beaten when three men forced their way into his home,
tied up his wife, and forced him to drive to the restaur-
ant to empty its safe. One of the men remained at the
Castor residence while two others accompanied him to
the restaurant. Castor said the two men took about $1,500
from the safe, then released him near his home. Castor
was pistol-whipped, according to police, but did not suf-
fer serious injury; his wife was not injured.
Gargoyle is back
The Michigan Gargoyle is back, after a long period of
dormancy. Three thousand copies of the newest edition
of the campus humor magazine have been printed, and
are being sold beginning today. Gargoyle, first published
in 1909, enjoyed large popularity on campus until finally
hitting the skids two years ago. This year's Gargoyle
editors, Tom Field and Jeff Liebster, promise that the
new 44-page issue will display a "more sophisticated
brand of humor." The issue will sell for a quarter; and
if acceptance is sufficient, Gargoyle will again become
a regular campus publication.
Engineers needed
According to Prof. John Young, the director of the
engineering college's placement office, the job outlook
for University engineering graduates continues to im-
prove. Young says that more employers than ever be-
fore are clamoring to interview potential employes, and
that the number of job offers for bachelor of science
grads in engineering is three and one-half times greater
than at this time last year. Young calls the trend "high-
ly significant."
A clarification
In Sunday's issue, we referred to Jackie Bailey as the
University's lesbian advocate. Her official title is Female
Human Sexuality Advocate, and we apologize for not be-
ing more specific.
Ma Bell's ecology
Michigan Bell says it will recycle all of the 22,000
telephone directories issued to University students and
staff last year. The phone books must be bundled in
stacks of five to ten and deposited in designated stalls
which Ma Bell will provide in the University's parking
structures. The deadline is noon on Friday; on that day
trucks will ship the books to the Recycling Center south
of the city. Students in residence halls may unload their
phone books inside the dorms at locations provided by
the Housing Office.
Happenings .. .
... are moderate. The University Association for Col-
lective Margaining meets today at noon in the League.
Topics of discussion will include a session on collective
bargaining at Wayne State University . . . The Gay
Liberation Front meets tonight at 8 in the 3rd Flr. Con-
ference Room of the Union . . . The third annual Frieze
Bldg., 500 the wheelchair race between the Daily Dare-
devils and the meanies from the Office of Student Serv-
ices takes place at 4:45 p.m. on the first floor of the
Frieze Bldg. . . . The Ecology Center will close for the
holidays on Sunday, Dec. 22, and will open again on
Jan. 2; the recycling station will close Wednesday, Dec.
26 and will open again on Jan. 2 as well . . . The Resi-
dential College presents "Duets," a concert in dance
and mime, tonight at 8 in the E. Quad Auditorium.
A utonakers freed
The Cost of Living Council yesterday exempted the
four major automakers from wage and price controls
after getting "commitments" from three of them that
future price increases will not be excessively high. Coun-
cil director John Dunlap said he had been convinced
that the auto companies would constrain price increases,
limit the retail price of small cars, and keep as low as
possible price increases in the far future. Chrysler Corp.
was exempted from controls along with the other three
-General Motors, Ford and American Motors - even

though Chrysler refused to make "commitments" of any
Chile massacre?
The Swedish ambassador who was ousted from Chile
after the recent rightist coup claimed yesterday that
about 15,000 people have been killed since the revolu-
tion that overthrew Salvadore Allende. Former diplomat
Harald Edeistam estimated that 7,000 people have been
arrested by the military and 30,000 left homeless. He
accused the United States of playing a direct part in the
bloody coup, and reported that torture continues as a
way of life in Santiago.
On the inside . . .
Diane Levick, The Daily's Arts Editor, reviews a
mother-daughter art exhibit at North Campus Commons
on the Arts Page . . . Guest Writer Scott Twining looks
at the trend toward buying smill cars, on the Editorial
Page . . . The Sports Page features the results of last
night's basketball game with Xavier.

The University's Literary College may
have a hard time finding enough students
by 1980. The quantity and quality of its ap-
plicants is gradually decreasing.
That's the gist of a report prepared by
the Admissions Office for the LSA Admis-
sions Committee. Comprised primarily of
numerical tables, the report documents both
a decline in the number of applicants to
the college as well as an accompanying
decline in the academic credentials of
those applicants.
Since 1969, for example, out-of-state ap-

plicants have decreased by a l m o s t half,
with a corresponding decrease of almost a
thousand resident applicants.
TRANSLATED INTO raw data, out-of-
state applications went from 4051 to 2718
while Michigan applications dropped from
5418 to 4684 over the same time period.
On the academic side of the chart, me-
dian SAT scores for residents went from
1167 to 1130 and from 1287 to 1253 for non-
Similarly the percentages of out-of-state
freshmen admitted to LSA, who graduated

in the top 10 per cent of their high school
classes has gone down from 78 per cent
in 1971 to 68 per cent this fall. Freshmen
residents in the top ten per cent have
stayed at 64 per cent since 1971.
ACCORDING TO University officials,
similar declines are being experienced in
schools all across the country. Four years
ago 34 per cent of all college age people
were going to school. Today that number
has decreased to 33.1 per cent.
"These figures aren't very substantial,"
says Edward Dougherty, assistant dean

of LSA, "but the trend line is definitely
downward. By 1980 we predict the number
to be significantly less."
What has caused that decline?
"ANY NUMBER of reasons c o u l d be
speculated," comments Dougherty. "In-
creased tuition, increased competition for
students from good schools, desire to get
out, to delay education. These shifts are
not great enough to be of tremendous con-
cern, but we will want to watch and moni-
tor them.




art of





In spite of an earlier prediction that this year's black enrollment
figure would reach 8.6 per cent, the University yesterday announced
that blacks now constitute 7.3 per cent of the student body.
This figure still falls far short of the ten per cent enrollment goal
set by the Regents during the 1970 Black Action Movement (BAM)
GEORGE GOODMAN, director of the Opportunity Program which
oversees recruitment and scholarships for minority students, further
stated in the announcement that the University could be "reasonably
expected" to take two more years reaching the ten per cent figure.
The original ten per cent target date was this September. Goodman
blamed the University's failure to meet the goal on the large number
of black applicants who chose to go elsewhere after being accepted
here, and the high "attrition rate" among enrolled blacks.
In the University's official statement yesterday, Goodman said
black upperclassmen gave "voluntary reasons"-including personal, fi-
nancial, and family problems-as well as "involuntary" academic rea-
sons for failing to re-enroll.
BUT GOODMAN added that he was pleased with the fact that 352
of the 412 blacks who entered the University in 1972 returned this year.
Goodman's conclusion suggests that the major problem in keeping
black students may be in the Uni.ersity's failure to handle non-academic

University made a good faith

AP Photo
grin for reporters in Washington yesterday. Jaworski was happy
because the White House delivered to him several presidential tapes
which he requested. The man who held his job all summer was
fired for making such a request.
,New Watergate
tape~rs released
to prosecu tor
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-President Nixon's Operation Candor pressed slowly
forward yesterday with the disclosure that "a significant number" of
White House tapes were turned over to special Watergate prosecutor
Leon Jaworski during the weekend.
In addition, the special prosecutor received tapes of two subpoenaed
Watergate conversations from U. S. District Judge John Sirica.
THE TWO DELIVERIES marked the first time presidential tapes
have been turned over to the prosecutor's office.
The White House delivered the tapes the same weekend it released
a mass of documentation relating to President Nixon's personal finances.
- -Neither Jaworski nor the White
House would say which tapes were
C w cdelivered over the weekend.
"WE HAVE ASKED for these
and we have insisted they be de-
livered to us and they were de-
livered," Jaworski said. He added
that there were "still some out-
standing requests for tapes from
I a se the White House."
CO C Deputy White House Press Sec-
retary Gerald Warren said he
would "prefer to maintain the
confidentiality" of dealings with
sP The tapes Jaworski received
from Sirica yesterday deal with
By JACK KROST conservations held between Presi-
The high-speed p o 1 i c e chase dent Nixon and former White
scenes of French Connection fame House counsel John Dean. The con-
may soon become a thing of the versations were held on March 13
past within the city limits of Ann and 22, of this year.
City Councilman Norris Thomas ALSO MADE PUBLIC yesterday
(D-First Ward) last night an- was news that technical experts
nounced his intentions to bring be- were taking a second look at the
fore Council an ordinance propos- tape of a June 20 conversation be-
ing guidelines on such chases. tween the President and former
aide H. R. Haldeman in an effort
HE PROMISED to draft such an to determine what caused an 18%-
ordiaance with the help of City minute gap in the recording.

needs properly. "It appears," he
assistance is necessary for stu-
dents who remain beyond the fresh-
man year, and particularly for
those who are managing adequate-
ly academically."
Goodman could not be reached
last night for further explanation
of his official comments.
THE ANNOUNCED enrollment
figures brought a mixed reaction
from the campus community yes-
terday. While administration offi-
cials expressed satisfaction with
Goodman's report, black student
leaders were enraged.
Vice President for Student Serv-
ices Henry Johnson agreed with
Goodman's basic conclusions about
reasons for black students not re-
enrolling, noting that a major
problem is how "the minority stu-
dent perceives the majority-orient-
ed University."
Although Johnson agreed that the
University had failed somewhere,
he insisted that officials had ex-
hibited "a good faith effort" to-
wards attempting to meet the ten
per cent enrollment goal.
ALLAN SMITH, vice president
for academic affairs, would only
comment that the University has
"accepted all of the minority stu-
dents that are qualified." But he
refused to state whether or not he
feels there is a lack of qualified
minority applicants.
Henry Bernard Clay, vice presi-
dent of minority affairs for Stu-
dent Government Council, was out-
raged when he learned of the cur-
rent figures. "This is another in-
dication of the underlying racism
of this University, and the fact that
they have been juggling those
figures for years."

stated, "that more attention and

rej ects


police force

The University Council yesterday
voted to reject a proposal calling
for the establishment of an inde-
pendent University police force. At
the same time, the body recom-
mended the University sever its
current security arrangement with
the Burns Security Agency.
The council's decision, which still
has to be considered by the Senate
Assembly and the Regents, repre-
sents at least a partial rejection
of the findings of a special $17,000
study the council itself commis-
CONDUCTED BY the Interna-
tional Association of Chiefs of Po-
lice (IACP) the study suggested
the University hire its own 164-
man police force to replace its
commitments with the city police
and the Burns company.
According to council chairman
Charles Morris, associate dean of
the literary college, the council is
also recommending that the Uni-
versity "press" the city police for
improvements in service.
Although Morris would not make
public the five - page document
which the council approved, ne said
that services now provided by
Burns Security would, under the

council plan, be replaced by a
similar system run directly by the
University's Department of Safety.
recommendations, he said, have
been included as suggestions for
improving security even though the
IACP's major proposal for estab-
lishment of an independent police
force has been rejected.
Opposition to the independent po-
lice force was said to be based on
several key factors.
Some officials felt that setting up
a police force with its own juris-
diction independent of city and
county police would be an imprac-
tical proposition. Others including
Vice President for Student Serv-
ices Henry Johnson commented
that no branch of the University
would want to be saddled with the
responsibility of running tha force.
FINALLY THE expense (f oper-
ating the new unit, some $700,000
above current security expendi-
tures, was believed to have in-
spired further opposition.
The impetus for the current se-
curity debates stems from the
campus' rising rate of crime cou-
See 'U', Page 7

LSA elections get large turnout

The literary college (LSA) stu-
dent government election began
yesterday with what election offi-
cials called a "record high" turn-
out on the first day of balloting.
Election director Jim Glickman
said an estimated 400 students vot-
ed at polls in Waterman Gym
registration lines; the rest of LSA's

gram for Educational and Social
Change (PESC), which currently
holds a controlling majority on the
Glickman, who was elated by the
heavy first-day turnout, had earlier
echoed many council members'
fears that students would tend to
equate LSA'sgovernment with the
problems and pitfalls of Student
('government Council (SGC).

and the fledgling Academic Action
Party, as well as independents, are
divided over just how limited the
council's role should be, and what
direction its actions should take.
PESC incumbent Mark Gold, '75,
stresses his party's view that the
council should not isolate itself on
academic issues. "We should sup-
port creative, useful community
groups, says Gold, "and express

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