t tgan &iaty Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 77 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, Decembeer 8, 1973 Ten Cents Eight Pages C IFYUSEE NE6 PAPPECALL %AILY Chapin pleads inuocent Former presidential appointments secretary Dwight Chapin pleaded innocent yesterday to charges that he lied to the Watergate grand jury about the activities of convicted political saboteur Donald Segretti. Chapin was released on personal recognizance. The Nov. 29 indict- ment alleged Chapin made numerous false statements to the grand jury regarding directions he gave Segretti and his knowledge of Segretti's doings. Chapin, a worker in Nixon election campaigns since 1962 and a top firt- term aide, was assistant to the President until he re- signed Feb. 28. His trial is scheduled to start Feb. 19. Mitchell refuses to cop plea Former Attorney General John Mitchell has refused to plead guilty to one count of participating in a Water- gate cover-up in order to escape prosecution on other possible charges, the Washington Star-News repored yesterday. The newspaper quoted informed sources as saying Mitchell, already under indictment on a cam- paign violation charge involving fugitive financier Ro- bert Vesco, was made the offer by former Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox. Truckers threaten stoppage Protesting truckers warned the government yester- day to ease the truck fuel shortage or face a two-day nationwide truck stoppage next week. In a two-hour meeting with Transportation Secretary Claude Brinegar, a delegation representing some of the protesting truckers asked for "concrete action to ease the crisis." Brinegar told the truckers they appeared "to have a legitimate complaint" about fuel shortages at truck stops, and promised to get them "some answers by Monday." The truckers have threatened a nationwide stoppage Dec. 13 and 14 to dramatize their plight. Happenings . . . .. .offer a plethora of cultural events . . . Cinema Guild presents the Marx Brothers in Monkey Business in the Arch. Aud., 7 and 9:05 p.m. . . . Cinema II shows The Kremlin Letter, Aud. A, Angell Hall, at 7 and 9 p.m. . . . in theatre, PTP presents Richard Kiley Plays Cervantes, Power Center, 3 and 8 p.m. and Shaw's You Never Can Tell, Mendelssohn, 3 and 8 p.m. . . . The University Players perform Shakespeare's Cymbeline in Trueblood Aud. at 8 p.m. . . . the R. C. Players pre- sent a demonstration of a work in progress in E. Quad Aud. at 8 p.m. . . . for the musically oriented, a Ren- aissance concert by the Oberlin Collegium Musicum takes place at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church at 8 p.m. . .. and Mitch Halberstadt will read his poetry at the Del Rio bar at 2 p.m. U.N. endorses military cuts The United Nations General Assembly last night overwhelmingly endorsed a Soviet proposal that the five nuclear powers cut their military budgets by 10 per cent and grant 10 per cent of the savings as aid to develop- ing countries. Eighty-three members voted for the Soviet resolution, Moscow's major political initiative at this current session. China and Albania voted against it, and 38 members - including the United Stated - abstained. Papers call for impeachment The Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Daily News, both of which supported President Nixon for re-election, yesterday urged that he be impeached. The newspapers, published by Marshall Field V, said that with Gerald Ford now sworn in as vice president, impeachment is imperative to determine Nixon's guilt or innocence i the Watergate scandal and related events. The Sun-Times said, "The President's culpability seems to us to be beyond question. But it is only through the impeach- ment procedure that his guilt or innocence can be estab- lished. The Daily News said, "The combined impact of the problems has seriously crippled the nation and the President himself in his capacity to govern . .. By fol- lowing the impeachment procedure, Congress will have done its duty to move the nation out of its disastrous slough and onto higher ground." Oopses In yesterday's Daily, we reported that SGC member David Faye co-sponsored a resolution last week con- demning the University's alleged use of "quotas." Faye did not, in fact, co-sponsor the resolution. And while we're apologizing, we reported that a 5 per cent property tax jump for Ann Arbor has grown unlikely thanks to a recent appeals court ruling. The truth of the matter is that the ruling makes the 5 per cent hike more likely. Market soars For the second consecutive day, bargain hunting in an enormously oversold market sent stocks to a spark- ling rally in hectic trading yesterday on the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow Jones industrial average, which soared to its sixth greatest gain ever in the prev- ious session - 25.81 points - was ahead 23.63 to 937.75 a few minutes befdre the close. The index of 30 blue chips gained almost non-stop all day. The two-day rally follows the worst five and a half week period in Dow history. On the inside The Arts Page features a review by Alvin Charles Katz of the PTP production of Shaw's You Never Can Tell . . . Beth Nissen remarks on abortion counseling in Ann Arbor on the Editorial Page . . . and sportswriter Bahama court not to extradite Vesco to U.S. NASSAU, Bahamas (T) - A Bahamian magistrate refused yesterday to order fugitive financier Robert Vesco extradicted to the United States. Magistrate Emmanuel Osadebay ruled that a federal wire fraud charge was not an extraditable offense under a 1931 Bahamian-American treaty. VESCO is wanted on two other major charges in the United States, including a federal conspiracy indictment involving an alleged secret $200,000 campaign contribution to President Nixon. He also faces a civil suit charging fraud of mutual fund investors of $224 million. After the ruling, U. S. Atty. Paul Curran of New York conferred with Bahamian counsel to find out whether "we may have some rights of review. If so, we may pur.sue them." A Pnoto FIRST-DAY VICE PRESIDENT Gerald Ford talks to reporters yesterday in Washington during a news conference. Ford rejected the possibility of impeachment and commented, "I know the President is not going to resign." PRESIDES OVER SENATE: For begins VP duties, Under Bahamian law no direct appeal of such a decision is pos- sible, but legal sources said there could be an appeal to the Baha- mian Supreme Court on a point of law. VESCO, 38, was not present in court. Authorities said that his $75,000 cash bond and travel docu- ments confiscated upon his arrest in Nassau on Nov. 6 will be return- ed. Osadebay ruled that "even if the wire fraud were an extraditable offense under the treaty, the Unit- ed States failed to produce evi- dence before this court sufficient to put the accused, Robert Vesco, to his trial . .." Osadebay said prosecution affi- davits were insufficient, some of them based on hearsay and lacking in documentation. HE SAID there is in Bahamian law no offense "substantially sim- ilar" to that of wire fraud in Amer- ican law, as required by the ex- tradition agreement. Vesco was charged with wire fraud in the embezzlement of $50,- 000 from International Controls Corp. of Fairfield, N. J., of which he was board chairman and chief executive officer. The indictment alleges Vesco used the money via wire to buy personal stock in In- vestors Overseas Services, Ltd., a Geneva-based mutual fund. In Buenos Aires, meanwhile, sources said Vesco could be liable for extradition in Argentina despite a court ruling in his favor. VESCO WENT to Argentina in October to prepare a haven in the event it became necessary, offic- ials said. He obtained a ruling from Federal Judge Luis Maria Rodri- guez that there would be no grounds for his extradition should any case arise. Sources said yesterday Rodri- guez ruled only on "political charges." "If Vesco came here, the Unit- ed Statesswould immediatelyask for his extradition on criminal grounds, and, according to the treaty, it looks like they would be successful," the source said. VESCO'S CHIEF defense coun- sel, Bahamian attorney Eugene Dupuch, told the court after the reading of the 31-page opinion that the prosecution's case had been "pitifully, woefully and abysmal- ly without virtue." It was the second time a country denied an American request for Vesco's extradition. Costa Rica was the first. Vesco has been a part-time resident and investor in both Costa Rica and the Bahamas. Lee Gill President Lee Gill has been ar- raigned on a charge of assault and battery stemming from a shoving incident in the SGC chambers sev- eral weeks ago. Gill has pleaded not guilty to the charge and faces a hearing on January 3 before District Court Judge Sandorf Elden. The crime he is charged with is a misde- meanor punishable by a maximum $100 fine and/or 90 days in jail. THE SHOVING incident occur- red when Gill attempted to remove controversial former SGC Treas- urer David Schaper from SGC's of- fices on the third floor of the Un- ion. A secretary complained to Gill that Schaper, who is not a stu- dent here, was making unauthor- ized use of council facilities. Gill asked Schaper to leave. Schaper refused, and Gill escorted him bodily from the office. Former SGC Vice President Sandy Green, who witnessed the incident, says that "absolutely no physical violence occurred. Lee forced David to leave the office, but I would have done the same thing myself." SCHAPER, who o r i g i n a l l y brought the assault charge against Gill, has refused to comment on the matter. Schaper has been involved in several efforts to remove Gill from office in past months. Recently he distributed an anonymous leaflet charging Gill with attempted em- bezzlement. No proof of the ac- cusation has yet been advanced, and Gill has denied the charge. reaffirms faith By AP and UPI WASHINGTON - Gerald Ford embarked on his vice presidency yesterday with a firm defense of President Nixon and a rejection of suggestions that Nixon has be- come a political liability for Re- publicans. He spent part of the day fulfill- ing his constitutional duty of pre- Minorty status of Orien11tais in doubt By SUSAN HINKO 1)o Oriental-Americans qualify for minority student scholarships? This issue appears to have been raised by the case of an Oriental- American student who was forced to bypass regular channels in the Graduate Office of Minority Affairs in order to receive a scholarship. Some of the office's Black and Chicano representatives have op- posed the classification of Orien- tal-Americans as a minority for purposes of granting University Opportunity Award Scholarships. IN CONTRAST, the prevailing attitude among Oriental students themselves and their sympathizers is that they are a legitimate minor- ity and deserve equal considera- tion with Blacks, Chicanos and others in the allocation of avail- able minority scholarship funds. The Opportunity Award program began operating in 1967 with limit- ed funding for graduate students. Monies were allocated to help graduate students with unusual or unexpected financial problems. D~ecisions were made by Rack- hani Dean George Hay and his assistant D~wight Durner. siding over the Senate, part on his new responsibilities and part in seeking to quell speculation he might soon have to take over for the Watergate-weakened President. "I DON'T THINK there is any possible prospect" of that, Ford told reporterssduringsa late-morn- ing photo session outside the Sen- ate. "I just took this job and I Jon't think I ought to talk about another." Several hours later, after a 45- minute White House meeting with Nixon, the new vice president told a formal news conference, "The President has no intention what- soever of resigning." As for the impeachment proceed- ings already under way in the House, Ford said these would con- tinue. However, he added, "I see no evidence whatever that wunid justify a favorable vote in the House of Representatives" on the impeachment resolution. HE SAID HE expects Nixon to release full details of his personal finances and his role in the Inter- national Telephone & Telegraph Co. (ITT) and milk fund cases by the end of December. "When all the facts are out," Ford said, "he did assure me he will be completely exonerated, there willnbe no fair charges of involvement." Ford also said: -He will preside over the Na- tional Security Council and the Do- mestic Council in Nixon's absence, has been given an office on the House side of the Capitol and will perform the same political role as have other vice presidents; -He plans to stick close to Con- gress until the present session ends and has "no plans at this point for any overseas travel;" -He accepted the somewhat ceremonial though potentially im- portant post as vice president be- cause "I wanted to help in any way I could the President and the administration and, to that extent, the country;" and, -"I don't think the President is Ln N ixon promptly pledged to see that GOP members are given a greater policy-making role at the White House. In an acceptance statement, Rhodes said, "Pennsylvania Av- enuetshould always be a two-way street and I feel strongly that members of the House should be permitted to make the policy-shap- ing contribution which they are fully capable of making. "It is my sincere hope that the Republican House members will be able to project to the American people a well-earned image of a truly united front." TO RESTORE confidence in the presidency, F o r d said, Nixon should continue to travel around the country, hold press confer- ences, and continue meetings with small groups of congressmen. "But the real thing that will swing the pendulum back to faith in the President is accomplish- ments," Ford said. He added that if Nixon can ne- gotiate a lasting peace in the Mid- dle East. "there will be a ground- swell of support." UAC-Daystar releases updated information on Dylan concert By DELLA DIPIETRO The mystery of the Dylan concert tickets continues. Ticket arrangements thus far have sounded like something out of Mission Impossible. Each time a new set of instructions has been issued, it has "self- destructed" in a few hours. THE LATEST reports from UAC-Daystar, the con- cert's promoters, say that tickets will go on sale next Friday, at a location to be disclosed that day by the Detroit News and the Ann Arbor News. Only money orders will be accepted, and they must be made payable to UAC-Daystar. There is a limit of four tickets per person. Prices are $6, $7, and $8.50. Each order must include a stamped self-addressed envelope. IF YOU WERE one of the lucky ones that didn't pet a hnsv signal and nreacevstr eat 763-