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December 07, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-12-07

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Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 76

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 7, 1973

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

- T JrI f 7 C S E r I S P C A 7 T t
319 (and 068
. . . are this week's winning numbers in the
Michigan State Lottery. Second chance numbers are
036 and 738, lottery anniversary bonus numbers are
506, 861, and 325, and the million dollar elimination
number is 430.
Nixon mandate a myth?
A University sociologist thinks President Nixon's
following has never been as massive as his 1972 land-
slide victory would seem to indicate. Prof. Donald War-
ren said yesterday that as many as half the people who
voted for Nixon were "former supporters of George
Wallace, and their loyalty has been tenuous from the
start." Warren said that a survey he conducted along
with former University Prof. Eugene Litwak shows that
Nixon owes his election to "Middle American Radicals."
He said the plummeting of Nixon's popularity reflects
the fleetingness of their support.
Block busting?
When you get back from Christmas vacation you
may be in for a big surprise-like your street being
torn up. The University has announced plans to rip
up three campus-area streets-Division from Hill to
Cross, Cross from Division to Packard and Monroe from
Packard to Haven-in order to lay some electrical
cables for the athletic and plant departments. Work
will begin late in December and be completed by the
end of January. They'll be out there with those lovely
little air hammers starting at 8 a.m. in the mornings.
Prof. supports controls
University economist Gardner Ackley told the Na-
tional Economists Club in Washington yesterday that
Congress ought to renew the President's wage-price
control authority. Ackley said economists predictions of
price level changes in the last few years have been
"uniformly terrible" and said it is important that the
government retain the authority to curb wages and
prices "until we know that the inflation problem is
finally beginning to wane."
Taxes to rise?
A recent action of the State Court of Appeals has
made it increasingly unlikely that Ann Arbor property
taxes will jump 5 per cent in January. The court has
denied a request from the Washtenaw County Town-
ships' Association to overturn plans of the State Tax
Commission to raise the "equalized value" of property
in large portions of the county. The "equalized value"
is the assessment of property upon which taxes are
based. In 1972, Ypsilanti Township filed a suit charging
that the equalized value of property in that township
had been set unfairly high in relation to other parts of
the county. An upward assessment of property in the rest
of the county, including Ann Arbor, eventually resulted
from that suit. Ann Arbor's city assessor has stated the
belief that the pending property tax hike may be uncon-
stitutional. He has alsi questioned the b7asis upon which
equalized values in the city were raised.
Happenings .. .
. . . there will be a seminar on Chile tonight at
6:30 p.m. at the Ecumenical Campus Center at 921
Church St. Call 662-5529 for reservation . . . The Farah
Strike Support Committee of the Attica Brigade is
picketing Fiegel's Mens Store on S. Main from 7-8:30
p.m. . . . New World Media is showing a film entitled
Tupamaros at 8 p.m. in the UGLI Multipurpose Rm.
. . . The Chess Nuts meet tonight at 8 p.m. at St. An-
drews Episcopal Church . . . and the Ark features
Marshall Dodge tonight at 9.
Rationing put off
The Nixon administration will not ration gasoline
before March 1, federal energy director William Simon
said yesterday. In testimony before the Senate Gov-
ernment Operations Committee, Simon indicated the
start of rationing program might take even longer,
once any decision to ration is made.

Prices up againi
A record monthly increase in fuel costs drove whole-
sale prices up sharply in November despite a decline
in farm product prices, the government said. The
explosion in fuel prices reflected the first big infla-
tionary impact of the Arab oil cutoff and put into
numbers what consumers know already: energy prices
have gone up and will continue to rise. The Bureau of
Labor Statistics said that over-all energy prices soared
by a record 19.3 per cent, with costs of refined petroleum
products rising at an unprecedented 34.7 per cent.
Royal picnic: No ants, just lava
Princess Anne and her husband Capt. Mark Phillips
picnicked yesterday on the slopes of a volcano 14,000
feet up in the Andes of Peru. The royal couple lunched
on cold chicken and beer just below the snow line of
Mount Cotopaxi, where the air is reportedly rather thin.
The newly-weds were on the third day of a part.private,
part-official tour of South America.
On tht e inside ...

as nati







AP Photo
NEW VICE PRESIDENT Gerald Ford flashes a broad grin and displays his confirmation papers for photographers yesterday, minutes
after his nomination cleared the House of Representatives by an impressive margin. Ford was sworn in later in the day.

2,000-RIG SNA RL:
as fuel
CHICAGO (Reuter)-Nearly 2,000
truck drivers, protesting high fuel
costs and reduced speed limits,
blocked the east-west Ohio Turn-
pike with their vehicles yesterday
and defied police orders to move.
The blockade in the Toledo area
was one of the biggest yet staged
in the series of traffic jams caused
by truck drivers in at least 10
states since Monday night.
OHIO POLICE, acting on the or-
ders of Governor John Gilligan,
arrested the drivers of eight trucks
blocking secondary roads in Ohio
and their vehicles were towed



protest goes on

But policemen, besieged by pro-
testing car drivers trapped in a
snowstorm and a 10-mile traffic
jam on the Turnpike, admitted it
would take a long time to haul the
2,000 trucks away.
The Ohio Turnpike is part of one
of the main east-west arteries
across the country and links up
with other major Interstate high-
ways. The action by the truck
drivers, whichtbegan yesterday
morning on a much smaller scale,
put 112 miles of the pike out of use.
Representatives of the truck

Current fuel crisis
makes those vacation
plans more difficult
Going home for the holidays may be a little bit more difficult this
year due to the energy crisis.
A random student survey, taken by The Daily yesterday, indicated
that students are adjusting their vacation plans to meet with increasing
fuel shortages.
"We were planning on going skiing," said Ed Snell '74. "We might
not go now. We usually drive all night which will mean problems with
gas because stations are closing early."

drivers had said they would extend
their protest demonstrations yester-
to Illinois, but state police here
said all roads were clear.
claiming to be a spokesman for a
group of truckers said 1,400 rigs
had stopped at Lamar, Pa. He said
they were waiting to see how one
of the truckers' representatives
fared in Washington with a list of
10 demands.
Pennsylvania Governor Milton
Shapp threatened to use the Na-
tional Guard if necessary to keep
the roads clear and New Jersey
Governor William Cahill, whose
state has been threatened with
truck stoppages, said deliberate
obstructions would not be tolerated.
Transportation Secretary Claude
Brinegar Monday urged truck
drivers to end their blockade and
promised to investigate claims by
the drivers that the price of diesel
fuel was rising too fast. Drivers
said the prices were varying from
one filling station to another and
were going as high as 43 cents a
The powerful Teamsters Union,
which supports the Nixon Adminis-
tration and has not backed the
drivers' protest movement, sent a
telegram from here to President
Nixon saying increased costs and
reduced speed limits were bank-
rupting union members as well as
employers. Many drivers are paid
by the mile.

cals toys
Holiday shoppers are still un-
protected from "negligent, profit-
minded" toy manufacturers and re-
tailers, according to PIRGIM ex-
ecutive director Joseph Tuchinsky.
In a report releaseed yesterday,
PIRGIM (Public Interest Research
Group in Michigan) reports that
although toy shelves arepless haz-
ardous this Christmas season,
"they are still far from safe."
IN RESPONSE to pressure from
PIRGIM and other organizations,
accordingeto Tuchinsky, sales of
toys on the Banned Products List,
which is issued by the Consumer
Product Safety C o m m i s s i o n
(CPSC), have significantly de-
creased since last year.
PIRGIM sent 50 people into 33
different stores in five areas of
the state to sample and investi-
gate toys in a cross section of both
large and small stores.
Toys were tested for flammibil-
ity, toxicity, sharp edges, break-
ibility, and electrical hazards.
Although the survey indicates
that the number of faulty toys has
dropped 85 per cent, a "large num-
ber of clearly dangerous toys not
covered by any federal regula-
tions" were discovered by PIRGIM
See UNSAFE, Page 8

in House,
By The UPI and Reuter
Ford was sworn in as he na-
tion's 40th vice president last
night, becoming the first man
to take office under the Con-
stitution's 25th Amendment.
With President Nixon at Ford's
side and with Ms. Ford holding
the Bible, Chief Justice Warren
Burger administered the 71-word
oath in the House chamber. Among
those present were the Cabinet,
members of the House and Senate,
Supreme Court justices and the
diplomatic corps.
THE FOUR Ford children were
in the distinguished visitors' gal-
lery and the public galleries were
In a brief speech stressing the
hope for national unity that has
been his theme since his nomina-
tion, Ford said he saw neither
Republicans nor Democrats in the
"At this moment of visible and
living unity," Ford said, "I see
only Americans.
"I SEE Americans who love
their country, Americans who work
and sacrifice for their country and
their children. I see Americans who
pray without ceasing for peace
among all nations and for harmony
at home."
In prepared remarks for the Sen-
ate afterward, Ford said he was
grateful to senators for confidence
they expressed "in the capacity
of our political institutions to meet
new challenges without the ex-
tremes of passion and partisan-
ship that have brought less sturdy
republics to ruin."
Ford was sworn in just over an
hour after the House, by a 387 to
35 vote, completed Congress' con-
firmation of his nomination as vice
REPUBLICANS broke into ap-
plause as the electronic vote coun-
ters on each end of the House
chamber hit an absolute majority
of 218 votes for Ford's confirma-
Afterward, the full House and
spectators jamming the public gal-
leries applauded as Ford himself
enteredthe chamber and joined
Speaker Carl Albert on the speak-
er's podium.
Ford, who has been House Re-
publican leader, had served in the
same chamber for 25 years.
DURING AN intermission be-
tween the confirmation and the
swearing-in ceremony, Ford went
to the White House to deliver his
confirmation resolution to Nixon.
When he returned to the House
for the ceremony, Ford, accom-
panied by Nixon, was greeted with
enthusiastic cheers, whistles and
applause from Democrats as well
as Republicans.
Ford took the oath solemnly until
he stumbled on the words near the
end and broke into his broad,
familiar smile.
THE DEBATE in the House,
which began about half an hour
after the chamber began sitting,
See FORD, Page 2

TONI DOHERTY, Nursing '75,
Export of
scarce ol
goods up
NEW YORK AP-Although petro-
chemicals are in short supply at
home beca-se of the energy crisis,
Commerce Department f i g u r e s

said the fuel shortage will probably
keep her closer to home once she
gets there, eliminating a lot of
traveling to nearby towns to visit
old friends.
"We were going up north snow-.
mobiling," Karen Swanson, '77,
sighed, "but that uses up a lot of
But those students taking to the
roads anyway, seem intent on ig-
noring President Nixon's recently
imposed 50 mph speed limit.
"Drive SO?" Madeline Chang,
'76, said incredulously. "I'm just
learning to stick to the old speed
limits." Venus Butler, '77, agreed.
"I couldn't drive 50. It would take

SGC reaffirms its support of
BAM goals; refutes prior stand

Student Government C o u n c i l
(SGC) last night overwhelmingly
affirmed "student support for the
Black Action Movement (BAM)
demands," in a reversal of Coun-
cil's decision last week to go on
record against the use of racial

condemned "the usage or quotas
in any University policy." It indi-
rectly condemned the University's
pladge to meet a 1970 BAM de-
mand for 10 per cent minority en-
Last night's motion counteracting
the resolution passed last week was

MARTY KAUFMAN, a radical
student activist, then introduced a
substitute motion which supported
the BAM demands and made no
mention of quotas.
The final resolution, which pro-
claimed "student support for the
Black Action demands" and put


. Chuck Wilbur writes on the approval of Gerard
as palace revolution on the Editorial Page . .
Rossiter writes about the hockey team on tie

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