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December 06, 1973 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1973-12-06

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Thursday, December 6, 1973


rage Eleven

Thursday, December 6, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rage Eleven



The fun and games are over
for Rick Bay's Michigan Mat
The Wolverine wrestlers proved
last weekend that they can de-
stroytweak foes the way a super-
ior team is supposed to, with
consecutive 42-3 and 38-0 drub-
bings of Western Michigan and
Ohio U. This week, the grapplers
have a chance to show what they
can do against tough competi-
tion, as they swing East for a
dual meet tonight against Pitts-
burgh and an appearance this
weekend at the Penn State In-
"Pitt has a solid, nondescript
lineup without any superstars,"
Bay analyzed. "I don't anticipate
any individual slaughters like we
had against Western and Ohio.
If our team score is high it'll
be because we won the close
Pitt's toughest wrestler will
probably be 158-pounder Ray
Dallatore, who will be matched
against Wolverine Dan Brink.
One sign of Michigan's confi-
dence is that Rob Huizenga will
drop ten pounds to wrestle at
167 against the Panthers ... and
will gain that weight right back
for the Invitational.
"We'd better win this one,"
Bay emphasizes, "because we'll
be wrestling teams with much
better credentials in the future."
Like Oklahoma.
The Penn State Invitational
should be more interesting be-
cause it will unite three of last
year's top 11 teams: Penn State,
the Wolverines, and tiny Clarion
State with its three returning
NCAA individual champions.
Clarion State can't be found in
the official team standings of
the 1973 NCAA Wrestling Cham-
pionship because they're in the
college division and a silly NCAA
rule says a college division team
cannot officially compete against
university division teams even if
it can whip them. However, in-
dividuals from college division
teams can compete in the uni-
versity division championship,
and are free to win whatever
they can get. Logical, eh?
More to the point is the fact
that Clarion's Don Rohn, Wade
Schalles, and Bill Simpson will
be three of the most formidable
wrestlers in their weight classes
this year . . . as soon as they
decide which classes they're go-
ing to try and dominate. Rohn


~ 5~2.............:n.
Football Writer
Ohio State Lantern
And the Big Ten goes stumbling along.
This time they've really done it. TI
ruining two fine football teams.
They managed to come np with a
representative to the Rose Bowl which
winner as it is to the loser.
IN TIlS CASE there are no winner
State and Michigan. They tied on the
voting booths.
Michigan, of course, lost the electio
Lean Bo
results. The Buckeyes have been given
matum by the Big Ten and heaven i
shellacked by Southern California.
And that is the tragedy of two weeken
BEFORE I GO any further, let mes
sion had gone the other way it would ha
fair. Both Ohio State and Michigan dese

hey have succeeded in
method of selecting a
is as unfair to the
s. The losers are Ohio
field but lost in the
n. Ohio State lost the

view from Ohio

I don't buy this nonsense that Michigan deserved to go
because it played better in the second half. The score was 10-10
and will always remain 10-10.
Nor do I accept the argument that Ohio State should go
because the Bucks scored 30 points against Illinois while
Michigan scored only 21.
And using Dennis Franklin as a scapegoat defies belief.
Dennis Franklin did not stop the Buckeye ground attack in the
second half.
BUT THAT REALLY isn't the important point. The point is
that two teams deserved to go to the same bowl and the Big
Ten has an idiotic manner in deciding it.
They could have solved the problem years ago. They could
have allowed the runner-up to go to another bowl game. Woody
Hayes and Bo Schembechler wouldn't have really cared if they
had spent their New Year's in Pasadena or Miami.
But the Big Ten treasures the almighty dollar of the Rose
Bowl more than being fair and just to two great football teams.
The Big Ten is afraid of sending the runner-up to the Orange
Bowl for fear of watering downthe attention the Rose Bowl.
The Rose Bowl, of course, offers the most money. They're afraid
to do anything that might hurt that arrangement.
WHAT REALLY BOTHERS me about this whole situation
is that somehow, Ohio State is going to wind up the ogre. Nth
matterwho voted how, all anybody will ever remember is that
Ohio State went to the Rose Bowl instead of Michigan.
That type of thing has already started. Woody Hayes has
been accused of conning his way into the Rose Bowl by running
up big scores and bragging about his players.
That's ridiculous. What coach doesn't talk about his players?
THE BEST THAT can come out of this mess is that the Big
Ten will consider other bowl games as well. If they put fairness
before economics they might do something.

is the defending NCAA champ at
134 pounds, but may wrestle at
142 at the Invitational. Schalles
is the titleholder at 158, and will
probably move up to 167 this
weekend. Meanwhile Simpson,
last year's best at 167, will prob-
ably grapple at 177 for awhile.
It's not supposed to be easy to.
understand, and that's probably
why Clarion has decided to adopt
this tactic. If it doesn't work out,
their guys can always cut weight
in time for the Nationals. Either
way, the fact is that if Clarion
State had been eligible for th°
'73 NCAAs, it would have fin-
ished fourth, immediately behind
Penn State also has some in-
teresting credentials. The Nittany
Lions are defending Eastern In-
tercollegiate Wrestling Associa-
tion champions, finished eleventh
in the NCAAs, and have won 49
out of their last 50 dual meets.
That one defeat, a '1-6 loss to
Michigan a year ago in Ann Ar-
bor, provided notice loud and
clear that the Wolverines had put
together quite a wrestling team.
The Penn State Invitational has
some other interesting features
worthmentioning. In addition to
the host team, Michigan, and
Clarion State, the field includes
the University of Virginia, and
four other small-but-tough Penn-
sylvania schools: Indiana State,
Lock Haven, West Chester, and
ever-popular Slippery Rock.
"Slippery Rock is no joke,"
Bay hastens to explain, "rnd
neither are the other teams.
They all have a couple of decent
guys who will make an impact
somewhere, and they have an-
other advantage because the
seeding will be according to re-
gion as well as ability. Seeding
can win a tournament-even with
less talent and ability you can
win if you have it."
Invitational matches will be
only six minutes in length-a
factor which tends to favor grap-
plers who can gain a quick ad-

vantage or who aren't quite as
well-conditioned as their )ppo-
nents. And the partisan crowds
-wrestling is really big in Pvnn,-
sylvania-have been known to in-
fluence referee's decisions, and
that's putting it politely.
Even though no official t eamd
standings will be kept, "we still
want to make the best showing,'
Bay affirms. "Some of the small
schools might make up a stand-
ings just so that they can em-
barrass Penn State. And the re-
sults can affect the seedings for
the Nationals."
Rick Bay very much wants his
team to make a strong showing
in the Nationals. For example:
winning. After this weekend, he'll
have a pretty good idea of his
team's potential to do just that.

Fat Woody
a "win or else" ulti-
heip them if they get
ds ago.
say I think if the deci-
ve been equally as un-
rved to go to the Rose

Otherwise, this is going to happen again.
It's a shame that one of the greatest and most
football games I've ever seen had to be marred by
unhappy ending.

such an

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Sports of The Daily
McLean to rejoin cagers
Randy McLean, Johnny Orr's prized 6-9 recruit, will return
to school next semester. The Walled Lake Central graduate began
this semester on a rocky academic note and left school after the
first day of basketball practice. Michigan's coaches had raved
about McLean's play after his initial practice session and were
miffed when he promptly left Ann Arbor the next day.
McLean becomes eligible the first day of classes, January
8. He cannot even work out with the team until that date, how-
ever, and will require several performances with the varsity re-
serves to get his game back together. The blond-headed giant
has been running and shooting during his extended vacation,
working towards the days he rejoins the Wolverines.
Michigan's 2-0 cagers, who visit the University of Detroit
Saturday night, can use another big man up front along with
Campy Russell and C. J. Kupec. As was evidenced Tuesday night
against Toledo, when Kupec suffered through an off-night and
Billy Ayler got in foul trouble, another reserve would be greatly
Still under wraps is freshman forward Johnny Robinson, the
6-6 sleeper from Chicago Hirsch. Robinson hasn't seen any light
as yet this season, but the coaches have not forgotten about him.
Also Rick White, the football player who started working with
the varsity reserves just ten days ago and came up with 22
points and 14 rebounds against Lansing C. C. last Saturday, isn't
far from being added to the varsity.
One or more of the trio McLean, Robinson or White must
develop this season for Michigan to have a real chance at being
a factor in the Big Ten race.
Georgia Tech tabs Rodgers
ATLANTA WP) - Georgia Tech named UCLA football coach
Pepper Rodgers yesterday to succeed Bill Fulcher as Yellow
Jacket head football coach.
A Tech spokesman said the appointment was recommended
by Tech Athletic Director Bobby Dodd and was unanimously ac-
cepted by the Tech Athletic Board.
Rodgers, a 1954 Tech graduate, accepted the appointment
by long distance telephone from Los Angeles, the spokesman said.
"Pepper is the most colorful and enthusiastic coach I know
of in the United States today," Iodd said. "I feel we are very
fortunate to have him returning home to Georgia Tech."
Cummins suspended
MONTREAL (P) - Rookie defenseman Barry Cummins of the
flrnin ('nltAin .CA.,lc o sc cinanroA actr rAi +r t ran NTq-

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FORTY-FOUR SECONDS after this picture was taken, Michigan wrestling captain Jarrett Hubbard
turned the tables on Western Michigan's Mark Sa nds to get one of the quickest pins of his career.
The defending NCAA champion at 150 lbs., 'Hub' will join three other national titleholders this week-
end at the Penn State Invitationals, where he ho pes to lead his squad to an impressive showing.

Hawks thump Wings

Professional Theatre Program

By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Stan Mikita scored
three goals, two when Chicago tal-
lied four times in the first period,
to lead the Black Hawks to an 8-2
National Hockey League victory
last night over the Detroit Red
Chicago blitzed Dennis DeJordy
for three goals 1:10 apart in the
first period, Mikita, Dennis Hull,
and Dick Redmond getting the
Mikita added the final goal of the
period on a setup from defenseman
Redmond, who had three assists
to go with his score.
The other Black Hawk goals
were by Pit Martin and Dave Krv-
skow in the second period against
goaltender Doug Grant, and by
Darcy Rota and Mikita in the final
DeJordy was starting his first
game since last March, and made'
only four saves in handling eight
first period shots.
Red Berensen and Henry Bouche
scored for Detroit just 32 seconds
apart in the closing minutes of
the second period. Detroit has now
dropped four straight games.
Tony Esposito, who has started
all Chicago's games this seas3n,
in the Chicago net, was repiaced
late in the final period by Mke
Veisor. Veisor, making his NHL
debut, is the first Jewish goalie
in league history.
The Olympia Stadium organist
played "Hava Nagila," a tradi-
tional Jewish folk song whe:i Vei-
sor took to the ice, and repeated

es from linemates Jean Ratelle
and Rod Gilbert to give New York
a 1-0 lead after 8:41. Then Irvine
beat Blues goaltender John David-
son from close range at 18:13 of
the period and Rousseau scored
from 15 feet to Davidson's right at
19:00 to give the Rangers all the
goals they needed.
Chicago 8, Detroit 2
NY Rangers 5, St. Louis 1
Roston 119, New York 97
Cleveland 89. Philadelphia 75
Buffalo 114, Portland 110
KC-Omaha 117, Atlanta 105
Houston 109, Capitol 99
College Basketball
Indiana 72, Kansas 59
Louisville 75. Dayton 68
N. Carolina St. 79, E. Carolina 47
Maryland 106, E. Kentucky 57
LaSalle 83, Army 71
South Carolina 91, Georgia So. 78
St. Joseph's, Ja. 65, Rider 46
Ohio U. 80, Marietta 53
Marquette 67, Tennessee 65, ot
U. of Detroit 81, St. Johns, Mn. 77
Bowling Green 82, Cleveland St. 70
E. Michigan 61, Earlham 56
Clemson 81, Purdue 80, of
Cincinnati 72, Oregon St. 63
Xavier, O. 77, Ind-Purdue 42
Aquinas 94. Albion 87
loge 87, Lake Forest, III. 60
Cent. Michigan 68, Calvin 56
Grand Valley 50, Ferris St. 45
Mercy 88, Olivet 56
Oakland 116, Danish Nationals 66
41t. Union 84, Wayne it. 70
HDavidson 10),3 Brown 84
Holy Cross 91, Con necticut 85

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