she SfrIrign Iaitq Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1973 Seeing through Tineu FOR SOME TIME now, the Thieu gov- ernment in South Vietnam has been spreading rumors about an upcoming "communist offensive." These rumors have been given credence in the Penta- gon and the State Department, where of- ficials are once again pondering strate- gies to counter the purported attack. The White House is even studying the possibility of renewing the bombing in Indochina by exploiting loopholes in the presidential war powers bill passed by Congress last month. The U. S. com- mander in the Pacific said recently, for instance, that bombing could be renewed were an offensive to begin . Despite all of these moves, however, in- telligence estimates of the number of North Vietnamese in the South are no greater now than they were just after the cease-fire began in January. Moreover, the Provisional Revolution- ary Government directives Thieu says reveal an "intent to reinvade South Viet- nam by launching a new general offen- sive in early 1974" in fact emphasize the political, as opposed to the military, struggle. THESE ARGUMENTS amount to anoth- er attempt to deceive the American public into believing that "communist aggression" must be stopped, and more U. S. aid must be given. Yesterday's re- ports that Saigon troops have launched an offensive to retake a district capital will no doubt perpetuate this deception. As President Nixon himself probably realizes, his political position is not firm enough to withstand direct American re- involvement in Vietnam. But the phan- tom offensive conjured up by Nguyen Van Thieu may still be used to squeeze more aid out of the U. S. Congress. The American people are already foot- ing 80 per cent of Saigon's bills. This massive aid continues to flow in while reports indicate 40,000 soldiers in Thieu's army have been jailed because of opposi- tion to the war. The tens of thousands of neutralists, promised freedom in January's peace agreement, still remain in prison. It is time that the United States cease aiding corrupt and repressive South Viet- namese regimes. It is already more than 20 years too late. t ifi I C a I 4 i i I i I F I I 4 { Yik( i i t t C 1 i jjlk (!I i 1 Crisis By ANGUS McDONALD and YAMAKAWA AKIO IN 1941 the United States cut off oil and other vital supplies to Japan in an effort to retain that nation's growing economic and military strength in the P a c i f i c Basin. Shortly thereafter, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and i t s military drive for the oil fields of Indonesia. Today, Japan, still vitally de- pendent on foreign oil, is facing an energy scare from a different quarter. The worldwide energy crisis and cutbacks in Mideastern oil supplies are damaging the foun- dations of the Japanese economy. Oil supplies 75 per cent of Ja- pan's total energy needs. Since 1960, oil consumption has risen more than 350 per cent and the Japanese government estimates it will almost triple again by 1985. Already, this process has n o w been threatened by the fourth Arab-Israeli war. Deriving 85 per cent of its crude oil from Mideast- ern sources, Japan, more than any other country, depends upon this petroleum for economic survival. The first blow to the Japanese oil-based economy came when six Arab oil-producing states declared a 20 per cent price hike this fall. With the outbreak of war came a 10 per cent cut in crude oil pro- duction by the ten members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC). GIANT WESTERN OIL compan- ies - among them Exxon, Mobil, Gulf, Shell, and British Petroleum. - sell Japan almost 60 per cent of its petroleum products. Faced by the same cutbacks, they in- formed Japan that on Oct. 25 they would raise their prices by up to 40 per cent and cut their supply of crude oil by 10 per cent. Union Oil simultaneously announced price increases and a cut in its ship- ments of Indonesian crude oil to Japan. Japan has tried hard to extricate itself from its strait jacKet de- pendence on imported petroleum, now a full 99.7 per cent of its oil supply. Japanese companies have paid record prices for guaranteed supplies of oil from Abu Dhabi, an oil-producing kingdom on th, Persian Gulf. Business and government rere- sentatives have gone to oil-rich Iran and Saudi Arabia attempting to work out firm supply arrange- ments. Applications have b e e n made to the Hanoi government for permission to develop oil reserves in the Gulf of Tonkin. Other explor- ation agreements ;re under con- sideration with France anl Italy. Japanese oil compaies, in co- operation with the government, are planning a new Asian oil resources strategy to reduce dependence on Western oil giants and Mideaster-t oil. The primary components of this plan include: s e c u r i n g supply sources in Indonesia, es- tablishing a unified refining sys- tem in Singapore, Okinrwa a n d South Korea; and completing ar- for oil-dependent Japan THROUGH SUCH plapn;, Japan hopes to meet 30 per cent of its oil needs by 1985. But maintaining good relations with i-s oil sources is an increasingly treacherous task for the Japanese government. The USSR, for example, wants to tie its cooperation in the Tyu- men project to Japanese participa- tion in its proposed Asian collec- tive security pact. While the oSi is crucial, Japan's Prime Minister Tanaka, observers say, wvans to stay clear of the pact propisa. Adding to pressure from Russia is the powerful voice of an in- creasingly unified Arab bloc. As the Arab countries strengthen their mutual ties, they are beginning to criticize Japan's Mideastern policy (for its exclusive focus on oil pro- duction) and to demand the end of Japan's relations witth Israel. Already, the pressure is having an effect. On Oct. 19, the ambas- sadors of ten Arab nations request- ed that Japanese Foreign Minister Ohira issue a statement of support for the Arab cause. A week later, the Arab diplomats were handed a statement that, "Ja- pan fully understands the aspira- tion of the Arab nations for the return of their national territories." The Arabs are now united in crifi- cizingtJapan's close relationship with the U.S. and the major oil companies. JAPAN IS NOT aout to break off its relations with the United States. Partners since Japan's de- feat in World War II, the two countries have strong ries. In addition, the Japanese government is well aware that ii 1972 it pur- chased 72.2 per cent of its oil from Western oil concerns, primarily American, operating the Mideast- ern producing fields. Already, though, the Jananese are feeling the effects of these policies. Prices in Japan are sky- rocketing. The wholesale price in- dex went up a full ten per cent between Oct. 10 and 20. At that time, the oil price hikes had only begun to trickle through the sys- tem. This winter the Japanese peo- ple will feel the impact of petrol- eum shortages and price rises where it hurts the most, in their cold homes and their skyrocketing electricity bills. As uncomfortable as the oil crisis will be in the short run, the long-range prospects are even I i1acsayoshi Ohira grimmer. The oil crisis could burst the bubble of Japan's "economic miracle". Growth demands energy, and in Japan this means oil. As one ex- pert here put it, "The fantastic growth rate of the last decade is over and done with. It was buit on a cheap yen, a cheap labor force, and reasonably priced en- ergy. The yen has been revalued twice, the workers are striking twice a year these days, and there is no more cheap energy." Angus McDonald is a visiting professor of political science and sociology at Sophia University in Tokyo. Yantakawa Akio is a jour- nalist and an expert in internation- al relations. Copyright Pacific News Service, 1973. Haldeman rejoins the circus Kakuei Tanaka WITH THE NEWS of an 18-minute erasure of a key Watergate tape hardly off the front pages, a new act has come on stage In the continuing cir- cus of Watergate. It seems that former Presidential Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman was still telling his former aides what to do more than six months after he had left his White House post. During all that time, he re- tained sole possession of the combina- tion to the lock which kept his files se- cure. Just three weeks ago, Haldeman or- dered his former deputy, Lawrence Hig- by, to retrieve a document from Halde- man's files in the Executive Office Bldg. And curiously enough, the document turned out to be Haldeman's handwritten TODAY'S STAFF: News: Penny Blank, Jo Marcotty, Eugene Robinson, James Schuster, Rolfe Tes- sem Editorial Page: Cindy Hill, Zach Schiller, David Yalowitz Arts Page: Sara Rimer Sports Staff DAN BORUS Sports Editor FRANK LONGO Managing Sports Editor BOB McGINN................Executive Sports Editor CHUCK BLOOM .....:.......Associate Sports Editor JOEL GREER .................Associate Sports Editor RICH STUCK..............Contributing Sports Editor BOB HEUER..............Contributing Sports Editor Editorial Staff CHRISTOPHER PARKS and EUGENE ROBINSON Co-Editors in Chief record of the very meeting whose tape was partially erased. It was during that June 20, 1972, meet-j ing between the President and his chief of staff that Haldeman discussed a pub- lic relations offensive in the aftermath of the Watergate break-in. . S MERELY the latest in a continuing series of Watergate revelations, these latest disclosures are not especially sur- prising. However, it is still more than a bit odd that Haldeman wields the power that he appears to more than half a year after his retirement. Higby said Tuesday that a copy of the Haldeman notes was placed in the for- mer chief of staff's files as a substitute for the original. When the document comes before public view, we will most likely be told that there has been no alteration made from the original-just as with the nine tapes. This latest disclosure is only a small chapter in the Watergate affair. Halde- man's exercise of illegitimate authority is characteristic of Watergate. But to make this small incident paral- lel the case as a whole, one element is missing: we are still waiting to be told that Haldeman's sole knowledge of the lock combination was "in the interests of national security." Correctionll THE DAILY mistakenly misspelled the name of University Housing Direc- tor John Feldkamp in an article on this page yesterday. We regret the error. rangements for 25 to 40 million tons of oil per year from the Sov- iet Union's Tvumen fields in Siber- ia. Heir vindicates Mudgett name By ERIC SCHOCH and BOB BARKIN MORNINGS IN the Student Publications Building are pretty quiet. The phone rings a few times, a few people sweep the floor and empty the wastebaskets of the previous night's remains, and those of us who for some reason were not at The Daily until 2:00 a.m. the night before might be here in the morning, reading the paper. So we were sitting in the editorial office Tuesday morning, reading about the Univer- sity's alumnus world record murderer, accord- ing to the Guiness Book of World Records, Herman Webster Mudgett. A grisly, but true, tale to be sure. At that moment, a mysterious character ap- proached us. With a trench coat pulled up over his ears and a floppy brown hat pulled down over his eyes, he thrust what appeared to be a letter to the editor toward us. He was adorned with a rather scraggly beard and mustache that was obviously phony, through which he spoke with a quivering voice. "I could sue you for libel, you know," he said ominously. "But print this, -'nd I'll let it go at that." BUT AS we began to peruse the letter, he screamed shrilly that we were not to read it until he had left the building, and then he scurried out. After quickly scanning the astonishing con- tents of the letter, we jumped up and went to the window to see if we could catch a glimpse of him. There he was, hopping into a car in front of Mark's. But I had been wrong. He was not wearing a false mustache and beard. In fact, the entire face had been false. As Martin Landau used to do in Mission Impossible, he pulled it off before getting into the car. He was too far away to see his real face clearly, and he took the mask with him, so we shall never know who he was. His letter follows. We do not print it out of fear of legal action, but out of a greater fear: That history might repeat itself. I Letters to The Daily wronged I fight for peace To The Daily: IN AN UNCONSCIONABLE ac- tion paralleling the infamous Gulf of Tonkin Resolution of Aug. 7, 1964, (H. J. Res. 1145) which plung- ed America into the agony of Viet- nam, the U.S. Senate, on Oct. 18, 1973, resolved to commit American blood and treasure to the Mideast war. A propaganda campaign has al- ready begun conditioning citizens to accept a "new treaty" which will place America's soldier sons at the disposal of a foreign govern- ment "to defend Israel." Senator Hubert Humphrey, Coun- cil of Foreign Relations member, and fourteen other lawmakers, on order from their superiors, eng- ineered passage of fatal Senate Resolution No. 189, "A Resolutioi to Urge the Continued Transfer of Phantom Aircraft and Other Equip- ment to Israel." The other agents of "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace," are: Abraham Ribicoff, Herman Tal- madge, Walter Mondale, Gaylord Nelson, Henry Jackson, Robert Dole, Bill Brock, Gale McGee, Sam Nunn, Jacob Javits, Frank Church, Edward Gurney, Edward Brooke, and James Buckley. The concealed objective of the 1973 act is the same as the 1964 resolution: To secure vast oil re- serves for the financial/industrial cabal which rules the government. A secret monetary power con- The demand for individual lead- ership has never been greater. -Archibald Roberts, Lt. Col., AUS, ret. P.O. Box 986 Ft. Collins, Colo. 80521 tuition surplus To The Daily: BELOW IS A COPY of the letter sent to various interested individ- uals on November 9th. S i n c e then, some action was taken by the Board of Regents at the University of Michigan. While I can under- stand why that action was taken, I still do not agree with it, as my position is that the increase in tuition to the students which result- ed in a surplus in budget, was gained under false information to meet the budget as presented in July, 1973: It is ironic and almost unbeliev- able that when the respect for elected officials is at an all time low, the elected Board of Regents of the University of Michigan can be so callous in their attitude :f the over-charging of student tuition which will result in a surplus bud- get. It did not take a computer to calculate that the tuition r a i s e announced last July would result in a surplus of the amount r. Iuir- ed to balance their budget. Each and every student shouli be refunded that portion due him or her. If not, then the Board of Re- To The Daily: NORMALLY, I AM pretty neu- tral as concerns the Big 10, Mich- igan, or Ohio State football. My team, you see, is Oklahoma. But today, reading about the un- fairness and injustice committed by the Big 10 athletic directors, in denying Michigan its deserved :urn at the Rose Bowl, aroused my an- ger and raised my hackles consid- erable. The game of fotball is supposed to develop and engender sportsmanship among itstplayers and devotees. Viewed ;n that light the Big 10 Directors seem grossly guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct and Michigan has been wronged. -H. E. Prokesh Ft. Worth, Texas Nov. 27 OSU copy To The Daily: HAVING ATTENDED Michigan's grad school from 1969 to 1972, I must protest Bo's actions of Sa- turday last. What is he trying to do, make us into another 0 h i o State? Sure, we play football, and we're good at it. But that's not our real claim to fame. Our real signifi- cance lies in our Nobel laureates, our graduate and law schools, the strenth of our denartment and To The Daily: AS THE SOLE surviving des- cendant of the Mudgett name, I must take offense at the wanton and irresponsible attack on the name of my grandfather in the Dec. 4 Daily. It is true that my grandfather was hanged after com- mitting several murders, but tlhe account of the history of my grand- father's demise by Martin Porter did not tell the true tale: When my grandfather came to the University Medical School he was a brilliant and good man. He had graduated with the highest hon- ors from the University of Ver- mont and was acceptedsreadily by this prestigious university. B ii t before he left this institution of higher learning he was a thief treading down the primrose path to damnation. How could t h i s happen? My grandfather was an honors student in medicine, but he was a poor honors student. He did not have the money to live in fancy quarters so he let a room in Burton Towers. Besides going to school full-time, he also held a job as a security guard at the University. He had time to barely attend class, study and then trudge off to his job. But with his desire to make something of himself and to prove to his parents that he was as good as his brother Elmo, he was soon on his way to medical fame. But then came the apocalyp- se. In the year 1889, when Herman was entering his last year of his studies, the Regents of tho Uni- versity decreed that there would be a tuition hike of 24 per cent. This was too much for my grand- father. He could not make ends meet. The raise from $12 to $15 was more than he could stand. A fine man was broken. IP was the:i that he went on his rampage of the house of his dear friend Dean Palmer and stole his valuables. From then on the fate of my grand- father was sealed. I hope that you have the cour- age to print this exolanation in an attempt to restore the name of my revered grandfather. His honor and prestige are a guiding light to me any many others who have found the University the core of their demise. -Malcolm Mudgett Dec. 4 irr bow II MA -M % I IL , am- j