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December 06, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-12-06

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Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 75 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, December 6, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages

A necessary alteration
The newsprint shortage, caused primarily by striking
paper mill workers in Canada, has caused cutbacks and
alterations in the operations of most American news-
papers, and The Daily is no exception. Being low on the
priority lists of major newsprint suppliers, we have
been forced to take whatever paper shipments we can
get. After a few weeks of panic which verged on the
frenetic, we managed to locate enough paper to carry
us through until after Christmas, at which time, we
hope, the shortage will be somewhat alleviated. One
catch: The paper we received is in a narrower width
than our usual stock. Thus, at least temporarily, The
Daily will be slimmer, containing only seven columns of
type as opposed to our usual eight. Please bear with us.
Dylan concert confirmed
Bob Dylan and The Band will definitely be in town
for a concert on the night of Feb. 2. Scheduling conflicts
with a gymnastics meet set for that afternoon at Crisler
have been worked out by gymnastics coach Newt Loken
and UAC-Daystar representative Sue Young. According
to Young, Loken's willingness to compromise and make
concessions can be credited with saving the concert. She
also reports that a number to be called for ticket in-
formation will be in operation starting tomorrow. That
number is 763-1109.
Trial on wards Dec. 18
The city's contested ward boundaries plan will go to
trial Dec. 18, less than two weeks before political candi-
dates in the city are required to have their nomination
petitions filed for the primary election in February. The
case will be heard in Washtenaw County Circuit Court by
visiting judge William Peterson of Cadillac. The case
has been tied up in the courts since a coalition of Demo-
crats and Human Rights Party members on the City
Council approved the plan last December over Republi-
can objections. Amendments to the plan passed by the
GOP majority now on council are apparently in a state
of legal limbo pending the outcome of the trial. Both
sides accuse the other of jerrymander.
PIRGIM probes hearing aids
The Public Interest Group in Michigan (PIRGIM)
has released a survey which attacks hearing aid dealers
in the state as being unqualified and opportunistic. The
report calls for'new legislation to stopt hearing aid deal-
ers from selling aids without examination of the patient
by a physician and a professional audiologist. Under cur-
rent law, any high school graduate who is over 18 years
old and is "of good moral character" can sell hearing
aids, providing he or she passes a simple test and an
apprenticeship period. "The hearing aid dealer makes
money only if he sells hearing aids," says the reports.
"Thus, there is an incentive to sell an aid to anyone
the dealer can get hold of. However, only about 19 per
cent of people with hearing problems can be helped by
an aid alone."
Happenings,. .
... are relatively light. They include a mass meeting
of registered student organizations tonight at 8:30 p.m.,
Rm 2207-09 of the Union, to discuss upcoming negotia-
tions over guidelines for the use of University facilities
by student groups . . . Democrats from the Second Ward
will meet tonight at 8:30 p.m. in Klein Lounge, Alice
Lloyd Hall, to discuss candidate selection and other city
issues . . . The Chile Support Coalition meets tonight at
7:30 p.m. in the Newman Center. . . The Naked Wrench
Bicycle Co-op is sponsoring a meeting concerning pend-
ing bike safety legislation, tonight in Rm 4203 of the
Union, at 8 p.m. . . . The Kelsey Museum is sponsoring
a lecture by Prof. S. G. Turner of the University of
London on "Menander, Mosaics and Paypri," at 4:10
p.m., Rm 2009 Angell Hall.
Take me, I'm yours
Bobby Ferguson, pictured at
left, has asked Gov. Robert Ray of
,...Iowa to give him a life term in the
Iowa State Penitentiary, even
though Ferguson has done nothing

to deserve incarceration. Fergu-
son, 39; who was born of a con-
vict mother whom he never knew,
says he considers the penitentiary
to be his home: He has spent all
but 16 months of his life in various
state institutions.
Stock market divebombs
The stock market resumed what appears to be an in-
exorable slide yesterday, dragging the Dow Jones indus-
trial average below 800 to its lowest close in more than
three years The market finished down 14.90 at 788.31,
continuing what has been the decline which many invest-
ors have blamed on the energy crisis. Dow has plunged
198.75 points since Oct. 29. Investors yesterday were not
even voicing their usual protestations that the market's
decline is a "slump," or their exhortations to the coun-
try's big money to be "bullish on America." The experts
were predicting that the worst is yet to come.
On the inside . ..
The Arts Page continues its coverage of the local cul-
tural scene ... A Pacific News Service feature on the
effect of the oil crisis on Japan graces the Editorial
Page ...And Sports Writer Roger Rossiter writes about


By DAN BIDDLE poured fro
YPSILANTI-Bob Battleday, a truckdriver shared rc
for the last 15 years, leaned forward on the with his
counter at Oleson's Truck Stop and let the four and
steam from a cup of coffee warm his face. from Ohio
"You're gonna see trouble now," he said Along t
slowly, "because your whole so-called fuel wooden ta
crisis is just starting to hit the trucker too with worr
hard. One thing is certain-" he patted his problems
wallet and smiled-"the tenderest part of east on I
a truck driver's anatomy is his left hip big juncti
pocket." aded the
limits and
OLESON'S, AN Ypsi truckstop half a said they
mile from I-94, was noisy and crowded last blockades
night. Tammy Wynette's sugar-sweet voice two state
City to be




om the jukebox as a burly trucker
o u n d after round of pinball
wife and some friends. Outside,
five axle trailer rigs rumbled in
, Illinois, and Indiana.
he counter and at half a dozen
ables, men in thick jackets spoke
,y and amazement about their new
on the highway. In Toledo, back
I-80 through Pennsylvania, at a
on in Gary, Ind., trucks had block-
highway to protest low speed
d high fuel prices. State troopers
might arrest the drivers if the
couldn't be cleared. In at least
s, delegations of truckers were

already conferring with governor's aides
and coming away dissatisfied.
At Oleson's, everybody was dissatisfied.
Battleday ordered a veal cutlet platter and
announced: "There isn't much that makis
a guy madder than havin' a $30,000 rig sit-
tin' out there, and all of the sudden he
can't afford to drive it. One guy gets fired
up, then a couple of other guys, and before
you know it everything stops working until
they straighten this damn thing out."
EARLY LAST SUMMER he was buying
his diesel fuel at 25.9 cents a gallon. Now,
Battleday said, the cheapest station in De-
troit posts 33 cents. "I heard a guy yester-
day sayin' it's up to 74 a gallon in Grand

Rapids," he added.
At the other end of the counter, a younger
man in overalls looked up and shouted,
"Seventy-four! Cents? A gallon?"
Battleday nodded and grinned. "But you
shouldn't believe everything you hear."
A WAITRESS with bobbed hair delivered
Battleday's veal and said, "I don't worry.
I don't even drive a car."
None of the truckers in Oleson's had seen
any blockades yet, but everyone had heard
the news and agreed that something had
to be done.
Paul Richart was on his way from Detroit
to Belvedere, Ill., with a five-axle rig full
See DRIVERS, Page 8

0Oil price hiked


attempt to

Tribal Funding Inc. intends to
take legal action to retreive $15,900
the organization feels is still owed
it under a federal revenue sharing
contract with the city, spokesman
John Sinclair announced yesterday.
In a special press conference
yesterday, Sinclair estimated that
"within a week" the organization
will file suit against the city of
Ann Arbor, demanding full pay-
ment of the remainder of the con-
tract money.
TRIBAL FUNDING is the finan-
cial arm of Tribal Council, a local
community organization committed
to providing various youth oriented
The contract in question, orig-
inally signed under the previous
Democrat dominated City Council
administration last March, was
rescinded at last Monday's Coun-
cil meeting.
As the Council Republicans who
sponsored the move saw it, Tribal
Funding wasn't fulfilling their end
of the contract bargain and had
committed several contract viola-
tions-which entitled the city to
stop further payments.
UNDER THE NOW rescinded
contract, the city had agreed to
pay Tribal Funding $16,500 plus
three $400 quarterly payments for
office expenses, using federal rev-
enue sharing money, over a peri'd
of 12 months, in exchange for var-
ious services by Tribal Funding,
including presenting 24 concerts.
However, in a 6-4 vote last Mon-
day night the Republican majorny
on City Council forced the resolu-
tion through Council prohibiting all
further payment on the remaining
money due Tribal Funding.
Up to this point, only $1,370 of
the $16,500 total plus two quarterly
payments have been paid.
AS THE BASIS for their resolu-
tion Monday, the Republicans
charged Tribal Funding with non-
performance of the contract terms.
Accompanied at the press con-
ference by Democratic City Council
member Carole Jones (Second
Ward), Sinclair also presented his
own version on the Republican
He maintained that the reason
Tribal Funding has presented only
one of the 24 concerts originally
contracted for is because tie or-
ganization hasn't been able to lo-
cate a ballroom, which is a pre-
requisite to putting on concerts.
HE ALLEGED that the Univer-
sity is unwilling to rent Tribal
Funding auditoriums or the Mich-
igan Union ballroom for concerts,
because of what he calls "its com-
mitment to prevent University stu-
dents from mixing with community

WASHINGTON (I)-The government yesterday authorized a two
cent a gallon increase in the price of home heating oil in an effort to
increase production of the fuel.
The Cost of Living Council simultaneously ordered a one cent de-
crease in the price of gasoline at the refinery level.
MEANWHILE, the Saudi Arabian oil minister, Sheik Ahmen Zaki
Yamani, said his government would be willing to relax its oil embargo
to this country in phased steps with Israeli withdrawal from occupied

Arab lands.
Yamani met with Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger and later
told newsmen "if Israel decides to
withdraw and agrees'to a timetable
there could be a timetable to relax
the embargo."
Consumers will begin paying the
extra two cents a gallon for home
heating oil in January. But they
probably will not see any price de-
crease in gasoline at the pump
because of other increased costs in
producing gasoline.
THE INCREASE permitted for
heating oil applies to all distillate
oils from refineries including diesel
fuel, kerosene, and jet fuel.
The action will serve as a test of
the theory of many high adminis-
tration officials that the government
can force adjustments to the coun-
try's energy shortage by changing
In other energy developments:
0 The Cost of Living Council
said it has received complaints that
some truck stop operators have
been overcharging truck drivers
for diesel fuel, and it promised an
immediate investigation.
* The council said it is estimat-
ing the potential shortage of pe-
troleum resulting from the Arab
oil embargo at 2.1 million barrels
a day, considerably less than the

White House estimate of 3.5 million.
barrels a day.
0 The Law Enforcement Assist-
ance Administration said the nation
may face an increase in street
crime and consumer fraud as a
result of the energy crisis. Brown-
outs could curtail street lighting,
it said, and a target of con men
could be activities related to the
energy crisis.
* Senate-House conferees will
meet today to work out a com-
promise bill that would put the na-
tion on year-around daylight saving
time, probably by Dec. 30.
" Arthur Okun, an economic ad-
viser to the late President Lyndon
Johnson, said that gasoline station
riots may occur if the government
fails to act quickly to ration gaso-
line or pass a tax to dampen its
* The deputy White House press
secretary, Gerald Warren, asked
whether Nixon condones the truck-
ers' highway blockades, said "it's
not that simple a situation." He
said Nixon told a Cabinet meeting
that there was an urgent need "to
meet problems of inequity."
* The Senate refused to delay
action on a $20 billion, 10-year pro-
gram of energy research and de-
Teamsters president Frank Fitz-
simmons requested a conference
on the energy crisis with President
Nixon to discuss the impact on the
trucking industry and Teamsters
See PRICE, Page 7

AP Photo
TRUCKERS, protesting highway speed limits and diesel fuel prices
block the Delaware Memorial Bridge near Wilmington, Del., yes-
terday. Trucks are on the approaches leading to the bridge from the
New Jersey side, looking into Delaware. The bridge is part of a
main artery between Washington, D.C. and New York City.

Haig: Nixon
by tape eras

WASHINGTON OP) - President
Nixon was described yesterday as
being "very, very disturbed" at
hearing three weeks ago that 18
minutes of a subpoenaed Water-
gate tape had been obliterated.
"He was almost incredulous that
this could have happened," Nix-
on's chief of staff Alexander Haig
told U. S. District Judge John
court the sequence of events that
resulted in public disclosure that
a crucial segment of a June 20,
1972 Nixon conversation with H. R.
Haldeman was supplanted by a
buzz lasting 18 minutes.
Nixon had been told on Oct. 1 by

his secretary, R
that she believed
ed over 41/2-5 mi
versation acciden
cribing the tape,
testimony. Miss
that Nixon believ
deman conversat
cluded in a subpo
gate tapes by th
gate prosecutor.
"I recalled fo
dent," Haig sai
formed him tha
ion that this wa
conversation had
turbed. He was a
that this could ha

" 4
Lire incident
ose Mary Woods, Earlier, Miss Woods was called
she had record- hurriedly to the witness stand for
nutes of that con- the third time and she again said
ntly while trans- forcefully that "I could see no way
according to her at all I could have caused the 18-
Woods testified minute gap."
ved that the Hal- She complained to the judge that
ion was not in- news accounts made her feel she
ena issued Water- was on trial by newspapers, radio
ie special Water- and television and that she had
read that Sirica had reasonable
r him the acci- doubt that she told the truth.
d, "and then in-
t counsel's opin- "I KNOW you're not satisfied
s not subpoenaed with my testimony," she told Siri-
changed. ca. At her first appearance -
Nov. 8 - at the fact finding hear-
ERY, very dis- ing into questions surrounding the
lmost incredulous Watergate tapes, Miss Woods said
ve happened." See NIXON, Page 2

Geneva conference endangered

By Reuter
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmy yesterday summoned the
Soviet and American ambassadors in Cairo to his office for separate
meetings on the growing tension along the Suez front and the forth-
rri a Ct nan , ..nnfaronro

to attend a peace conference.
The sources would not discount the possibility that Egypt was seri-
ously considering a postponement of the Geneva talks until Israel had
fully met the six-point- ceasefire agreement.
EGYPT SUSPENDED the Kilometer 101 military talks last Thurs-

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