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November 30, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-11-30

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 70

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 30, 1973

Ten Cents

Ten Pages



302 and 687..
are this week's wining numbers in the Michigan
State Lottery. A Detroit auto worker with 11 grand-
children won the top prize of $200,000 in the super draw-
ing, while eight other persons won prizes totaling $205,-
0000. Second chance numbers drawn yesterday were 279
and 378 and the lottery anniversary bonus numbers were
094, 967, and 161. In the second chance drawing persons
must have both numbers to win $5,000. Persons who
have two of the three anniversary bonus numbers win
a shopping spree.
Another mini-course
The American Studies Department yesterday releas-
ed plans for a one-credit mini-course on Russian views
of the U.S. which will feature an appearance by the
director of the Soviet Academy of Science's Institute
of the USA. The course - jointly sponsored by the de-
partment and the Center for Russian and East European
Studies - is entitled "American Culture: Views from the
Outside." It will consist of three lectures and a discus-
sion, Dec. 4 and 6 and Jan. 15 and 17, in the East
Conference Room of Rackham at 4 p.m. Students wish-
ing to enroll should do so at the Center for Russian
Studies, 200 Lane Hall.
Let's transfer to Transy
Robben Fleming, Allan Smith, Wilbur Pierpont, et.
al. take note: Transylvania University in Pennsylvania
has announced that they will not raise tuition next year.
In fact, students at Transy have the added security of
what is known as a "guaranteed tuition plan." What
it means is that entering freshmen are assured that
their tuition assessment will not be increased during
their four years at the school. Dr. Irvin Lunger, presi-
dent of Transy, says the school "is determined to hold
the line on tuition charges." Sounds nice to us!
Buses to Ypsi
The Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA)
has given the go ahead for plans to open up bus lines
to Ypsilanti. The plan, which is slated to go into effect
Jan. 28, would include five busses - three running from
Arborland to Ypsi, and two looping around through Ypsi
Township - running at half hour intervals. The project-
ed cost of $140,000 would be born by AATA, Ypsi, Super-
ior and Ann Arbor Townships.
Happenings . .
have a distinct Latin flavor . . . Chicano Social
Wok Students and Los Trabajadores de la Raza are
sponsoring a Mexican benefit dinner for the Farah Strike
Support Committee and the United Farm Workers at the
Newman Center, 331 Thompson, froi 1-6 p.m. . . . New
World Media is sponsoring two Mexican films: T h e
Frozen Revolution and Nosotros Venceremos. They start
at 8 p.m. in the UGLI Multipurpose Rm. . . . the U-M
Ski Team will hold its annual "Ski Swap" today and to-
morrow. Today its at the Women's Athletic Building
from 1-9 p.m. Tomorrow same place from 9 a.m. to
6 p.m. . . . the U-M Astronomical Society is sponsoring
a show on "The Mysteries of Stonehenge" at MLB Lec.
Rm. 1 at 8 p.m. . . . and there is an "International
Travel Fair" at the Union from 7 p.m. through 10 p.m.
Kelley hits car dealers
State Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley yesterday accused 27
of 35 Motor City car dealers of dishonest and incompe-
tent service. He said a series of secret tests of dealers
for all four auto makers showed that only eight did
repairs honestly and.at a fair price. The survey, car-
ried out by the state and the Michigan Citizen's Lobby,
used cars with a "planted" defect - a faulty spark
plug. Kelley said that although a fair price for repairing
such a defect was roughly $10, prices charged by the
dealers ranged as high as $49.48 and averaged $20.32.
A spokesman for the Detroit Auto Dealers claimed a
"few bad apples" had made all the dealers look bad.
Sakharov asks to visit U.S.
Physicist Andrei Sakharov - one of the leaders of
the Soviet dissident intellectual movement - has asked
permission for him and his family to visit the United
States. He has received an invitation to lecture at
Princeton University. Sources have indicated that if
Sakharov leaves Russia is may mean permanent exile.

Pennsylvania sues the feds
The state of'Pennsylvania yesterday filed a $1 billion
lawsuit against the government, claiming federal offic-
ials failed to publicize the availability of flood insurance
to victims of Tropical Storm Agnes which hit Wilkes-
Barre and other Pennsylvania cities last year. The state
contends that the government is obligated under law
to publicize the availability of flood insurance and failed
to do so, resulting in massive property loss during the
flood. The class action suit also named a number of
major insurance companies as defendents.
on the inside...
alternative mechanisms for determining who
gets the Big Ten Rose Bowl bid are discussed by Chuck
Bloom on the Sports Page . . . Executive Editor Ted
Stein looks at Arthur Miller's stay at the 'U' on the
Editorial Page . . . and Arts Page features Cinema
A2's reather

Santa Claus isn't the only big
name coming to town.
Bob Dylan, one of popular
music's living legends, will roll
into Ann Arbor like his proverbial
stone for a one-night stand with
The Band at Crisler Arena Feb. 2.
Although it's not yet "legally"
final, a spokesperson for UAC-Day-
star, local concert promoters, said
yesterday, "As far as we're con-
cerned there will be a date in
Crisler in February."
"We're in the midst now of ex-
changing contracts and filling out
the necessary forms."
Dylan was not originally sched-

eo a ear
uled to play in Ann Arbor, but the papers this Sunday.
arena in which he was previously UAC-Daystar said, however, that
to perform in South Bend on the it has not yet decided how ticket
same day, could not be readied sales will be conducted locally.
early enough, the spokesperson Tickets for the two and a half-
said. hour concert will cost $6, $7.50 and
Since there were no dates plan- $8.50 and 14,400 seats will be sold.
ned in the state, and Crisler Arena Dylan is no stranger to Ann
is the largest facility in Michigan, Arbor. He has appeared here on
rock czar Bill Graham, who is at least three other occasions.
handling the tour, contacted UAC- In April 1962, when he was an
Daystar to set up a concert, the unknown living in Minneapoiis and
spokesperson added. calling himself Robert Dillon, he
According to some r e p o r t s, played at the Union Ballrom.
tickets for the concert dates will In 1963, he returned to Ann Ar-
be handled by nail order, with de- bor as Bob Dylan for another
tails to be announced in local Union Ballroom concert sponsured





by the Folklore Society and, in
1965, he performed at Pioneer High
The upcoming Dylan-The Band
tour, covering 25 cities during Jan-
uary and February is Dylan's first
tour since 1966.
Dylan last toured with The
Hawks, which later became The
Band in their solo work.
Dylan has made few public ap-
pearances since then - at the
Bangladesh benefit (1971), on the
Isle of Wight near England (1970)
and at a Woody Guthrie Memor-
ial concert (1968).
The tour, which is expected to

gross about $4.5 million, is booked
into such major concert auditor-
iums as Madison Square Garden
in New York, Chicago's Interna-
tional Amphitheater and the For-
um in Los Angeles. There is spec-
ulation there will also be a live re-
cord from the tour released next
Dylan's return to performing
comes as a surprise as it's been
three years since his last full al-
bum of new material, New Morn-
ing, and seven years since his
last tour.

Bob Dylan


It term





Aide to
i ndicted
for lying
White House appointments secre-
tary Dwight Chapin ,was indicted
yesterday on four counts of lying
to the Watergatergrand jury about
his contacts with political saboteur
Donald Segretti.
Chapin, 32, was charged with
making false declarations under
oath last April 11. Among other
things, Chapin swore he gave Se-
gretti no instructions about, any
political candidate, an -indictment
CHAPIN asked and was granted
a leave of absence from his job as
director of marketing planning for
Unted Air Lines in suburban Chi-
cago. The company indicated Cha-
pin will defend hmseilf aganst the
charges, which carry maximum
penalties of five years in jail and
a $10,000 fine on each of the in-
dictment's four counts.
There was no official reaction
from the White House. But presi-
dential press secretary Ronald
Ziegler, in a personal comment,
said the indictment "in no way
undercuts the presumption that
Dwight Chapin is innocent."
In other Watergate developments
* " Informed sources said the
White House has told federal in-
vestigators that full disclosure of a
still-secret project of the so-called
plumbers unit could endanger the
life of a foreign intelligence agent
working for the United States in-
side the Soviet Union. President
Nixon has said publicly that one of
the activities of the plumbers-who
were responsible for burglary of
the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psy-
chiatrist in 1971-can't be disclosed
without endangering national se-
* Special Watergate prosecutor
Leon Jaworski has asked Nixon to
turn over to a federal court four
additional tapes of White House
conversations revolving around the
Watergate scandal, he told the
court. He asked the court, mean-
while, to order the White House to
turn over all transcripts of sub-
poenaed Watergate tapes made by
Nixon's secretary, Rose Mary
See FORMER, Page 3

SGC condemns 'U
for use of 'quotas'
The University has made tentative plans to cut Winter
term tuition by six per cent in accordance with a Regental
order to return some $1.08 million in excess fee revenue to
A student representative of the Budget Priorities Com-
mittee announced the plan to cut tuition last night at the be-
ginning of a Student Government Council (SGC) regular
The meeting ended four hours later when SGC approved a resolu-
tion indirectly condemning the University's pledge to meet a 1970 Black
Action Movement (BAM) demand for 10 per cent minority enrollment.
Budget committee member Jim Weinstein said Vice President for
Academic Affairs Allan Smith offered the plan to reduce tuition at the
committee's meeting earlier last night.

AP Photo
Up in smoke
Dense smoke pours out of the windows of Taiyo Department Store in Kumamoto, Japan, after it caught
fire yesterday. The blaze claimed the lives of 99 and injured 86. Authorities expect to recover more
bodies when the search resumes today.
Campignspenlding ;bill
voted down by H1'ouse

In a draft proposal obtained by
The Daily last night, Smith cau-
tioned that his figures are "tenta-
tive" and that "there is still con-
siderable uncertainty inherent in
forecasting tuition income.
The rollback plan is expected to
take the form of a recommenda-
tion to the Regents at their meet-
ing next month, and will take ef-
fect pending Regental approval.
Smith's outline of the rollback,
will reduce:
-Winter term tuition for resi-
dent freshmen and sophomores
from $400 to, approximately $380;
-Non-resident fees in the same
category from $1300 to about $1220;
-In-state junior-senior fees from
$450 to $423;
-Non-resident tuition for upper-
classmen from $1400 to $1316.
Several budget committee mem-
bers objected to the plan on
grounds that students who paid
higher fees this term will not ben-
efit from the cutback if they fail
to enroll next semester.
Smith explained that the only
other alternative-a direct refund-
ing of excess fee money-would
involve astronomic administrative
Hedadded that the rollback alone
will cost the University about
$20,000 in office work.
Weinstein said he and other
committee members agreed that
the rollback would be "about the
gest way to give the money back".
Smith, who had earlier described
a tuition cut as "highly unlikely
and impractical", could not be
reached for comment on his plan
as last night
or The SGC resolution condemning
n- "the usage of quotas in any Uni-
se versity policy" passed by a vote
of 113/4 to 101/4 following nearly
nt three hours of raucous, antagonis-
i- tic debate.
he The resolution, offered by SGC
as member Mat Hoffman, censures
"the usage of quotas in any Uni-
versity policy,"'but according to
Hoffman is specifically directed at
ng the "fact that the 1970 BAM de-
T_ See 'U', Page 3

The University's Housing Policy
Committee (HPC) voted yesterday
to continue a boycott of all non-
union lettuce in residence hall
cafeterias. The boycott is in sup-
port of the United Farm Workers
The committee, which includes
student and faculty representatives
and Housing Director John Feld-
kamp, makes policy decisions for
all University-run housing.
IN MOVING yesterday to con-
tinue the boycott, the policy com-
mittee brushed aside an earlier
recommendation from the Univer-
sity Housing Council-an all-stu-
dent advisory panel-that the boy-
cott be lifted.
A majority of housing council
representatives voted last month
to lift the boycott arguing that it
was no longer supported by dorm
Paul Gustitus and David Lam-
bert, who sit on both the housing
council and the policy committee,
argued again yesterday that most
students oppose the boycott. Gus-
titus and Lambert represent the
"hill" dorms and central campus
dorms respectively.
t THE MAJORITY of those attend-
ing the meeting, including some
30 United Farm Workers sympa-
thizers, said students remain in
support of the boycott.
Housing Council President David
Faye cited a referendum at Alice
Lloyd Hall which showed students
favor the boycott six to one. Faye
also cited a referendum in this
fall's Student Government Council
elections which showed majority
support for the boycott.

WASHINGTON (A") - The House
yesterday rejected a Senate-passed
proposal for public financing of
presidential and congressional cam-
The House voted 347-54 to reject
a Senate-passed amendment to a
bill to raise the public debt ceil-
ing, and sent the measure back to
the Senate for further considera-

H 0 U S E LEADERS expressed
willingness to go along with public
financing of presidential elections
if the reference to congressional
races was deleted.
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.)
said Democratic leaders of Co:I-
gress agreed yesterday to support
such a compromise.

U.S. economist sees recession,
unemployment rise for 1974

He spoke briefly to newsmen
he emerged from a closed-do
meeting of top congressional Der
ocrats in the office of Hju'.
Speaker Carl Albert.
A PLAN TO double the curre
law's income tax check-off prov
sions, originally approved by tf
Senate, would be abandoned
part of the compromise proposa
Kennedy added.
Discussions centered on a rang
of possibilities, including droppi
House-election provisions and kee
ing the parts dealing with Sena
contests, along with retaining po
tions on presidential primarie
income-tax checkoff and relat:
Thereawas no assurance, h,
ever, that a majority of the Hout
would go along with any con
MOST OF THOSE taking partJ
the debate on a resolution return;r
the package to the Senate expres
ed opposition to any kind of pub]
fir;-inuof r in; ami- ;

WASHINGTON (A') - The energy
crisis will push the nation's econ-
omy down to near-recession levels
next year and force the unemploy-
ment rate up to nearly 6 per cent,
President Nixon's chief economist
said yesterday.
Herbert Stein, chairman of the

that Americans can also expect
sharply higher fuel prices. But he
said the inflation picture is too
cloudy to make a prediction.
If the jobless rate does rise to
the almost 6 per cent level fore-
cast by the administration, it
-- nc.t.a. nr .than nmiin

be rising at the rate of 2.5 per cent
at the end of the year.
They are going up at a rate of
about 8 per cent now.
AS STEIN reported the admin-
istration's view of the economic
impact of the crisis, the White


Bottle ordinance no
help, says 'U' prof.

City trash d i s p o s a 1 problems
would only be slightly reduced if
all soft drinks and beer were sold

Council earlier this year that
would have made sale of b ver-
ages in non-returnable b o t t l e s
illegal. The law was to have gone

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