I Mtc Str iun a Ik1iI Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Rape: The victim pays for the crime 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1973 A little more deception PRESIDENTIAL SECRETARY Rose Mary Woods sat down at her desk and started transcribing the tape. Suddenly, her phone rang. She picked it up, pushing the "record" button on the machine- and erased 18 minutes of the taped con- versation. This, in essence, is the latest sad sack story the Administration would have us believe in its current installment of the Watergate comic serial. Nixon Administration officials say Woods "inadvertently" erased a key 18- minute section of one of the most im- portant Watergate tapes when she was preparing summaries of the recordings. A conversation between the President and his then chief of staff H. R. Halde- man has thus been permanently lost. Woods herself testified Monday that through some "terrible mistake" she had pushed down the record button instead of stopping the machine. Ironically, Pres- ident Nixon assured her that her untime- ly erasure did not matter. ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS main- tain that, because of an ambiguity in the subpoena, they thought the tape was not one of those required by Judge John Sirica, and hence their unconcern over the erased tape segment. The White House issued a 22-page document Monday in which executive privilege is once again asserted as a rea- son why one of the President's conver- sations should not be given to the judge. According to the White House statement, "There is no discussion or comment which related, either directly or indirect- ly, to the incident at the Democratic Na- tional Committee offices at Water- gate . . There is obsolutely no reason to believe this statement, or for that matter, vir- tually any other emanating from the Pennsylvania Avenue residence these days. The hoodwinking of the American people has become all but a deliberate policy. THE CONSISTENT deception practiced by the Nixon Administration did not begin with its "inoperative" statements this year, nor did it end with the Presi- dent's pledge to bare all about Water- gate. One of the more recent examples of this deception was the statement of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at the time of the U. S. alert of all its armed forces that the documents and informa- tion leading up the alert would be made public within a week. Now, Kissinger says he regrets making that promise-and has refused to make the information public. Furthermore, he stated that we must have some modicum of confidence in our leadership, and believe therefore that it would not be in the nation's best interest to release the information now. This is not a time for confidence of that sort. For there is no way that we can be confident, except of the fact that we will continue to be victimized by a de- ceptive administration. By BETSY BUNN IN ONE TRIAL for rape, the defense law- lawyer spun a bottle of pop around in front of the jury while attempting to poke a pencil in it. His point? You can't thread a needle while it's moving and you like- wise cannot rape an "unwilling" victim. So may end this society's treatment of a sexual assault, a treatment which on all levels is both irresponsible and criminal. In the first place, rape is the most un- reported of all crimes. Estimates vary from 3 to 10 times the number reported to police or hospitals. This means, for in- stance, that in Ann Arbor (which incident- ally has the highest incidence of rape per capita in Michigan and eighteenth highest in the nation) that rather than the 23 forcible rapes reported as high a number as 230 may actually have occurred. This 1972 figure, furthermore, represents an increase of approximately 33 per cent over that of 1971 (18 forcible rapes reported) making rape the fastest growing of all violent crimes. THE REASONS that so few rapes are reported is made clear by the treatment ac- corded the victim. Social attitudes from Victorian morality are glaringly obvious in police procedure. The original investiga- tion emphasizes the woman's role in the crime, playing especially on irrelevant his- torical information. It is not uncommon, for instance, for the police to question the vic- tim about her past sexual activity, cloth- ing she was wearing during the assault, and the nature of her assailant's advances (e.g. whether or not he ejaculated). Police are often skeptical; the female vic- tim is treated as the dissembler, the Mo- dern Eve who, if assaulted at all, brought the evil on to herself and her assailant through her own weakness and/or wiles. Again, Victorian morality dictates that a "chaste" woman would not be raped with- out sustaining substantial physical injury to prove her unwillingness. In a word, "nice girls don't get raped; bad girls shouldn't complain." POLICE personalities are only one as- pect of the problem, however. As it pre- sently exists in Ann Arbor, as in most places, police procedure in handling, rapes is itself shamefully archaic. First of all, there is no standard procedure in question- ing the victim. Often times she may be in- terrogated several times, at the scene of the rape, in the police station, and in the hospital waiting room, each time by dif- not include any follow-up treatment be it psychological or physical. Birth control and VD information is not even necessarily dis- pensed. It is ironic in this regard that the city of Ann Arbor pays for injuries incur- red by a criminal in the act of being appre- hended but not for the victim of rape. The rape trial, as mentioned, is only the culmination of the victim's dealings with the American criminal system. As in no "The law of rape can be seen as a patina of sexual psychology as interpreted by police, lawyers and judges, virtually all of them men." -Washington D.C. Task Force on Rape ., .....":........r.:".: ".........: : ...,v:1::".:r:."::. ::A ":.:.::":..". X':: r n......: ". 1 :.... . L....:.. }.:;: J.: :.::.:.i :.;":::;. :,:::; ferent officers. Secondly, in the case of rape the decision whether or not to pro- secute is a difficult one; an arduous trial with its personally debilitating effect on the plaintiff may be the result of prosecution. Yet, police procedure does not include re- lating information to the victim that would help in assessing her situation. Related to the decision to prosecute is that of whether or not to have a medical investigation. The exam costs $50 in Ann Arbor and since the physicians administer- ing it may very well not be trained in forensic medicine, he/she could miss val- uable information anyhow. FURTHERMORE, the medical form itself is not designed from the point of view of the victim. The head of the New York City All-Female Sexual Assault Squad has re- peatedly emphasized the importance of de- signing a form which will be most useful in substantiating the victim's "story" in court, in showing that a rape has occurred. Finally, physicians, often reluctant to tes- tify in court, have been known to falsify their reports. Most important from the victim's point. of view, of course is the $50 fee which does other crime, a Washington D.C. Task Force on rape pointed out, it "is the victim - the accuser -- who is made to 'run t h e gauntlet' from crime to conviction in rape cases." THE REPORT further notes that the law of rape can be seen as "a patina of sexual phychology as interpreted by police, law- yers and judges, virtually all of them men." It is important to see the rape trial in the context of other criminal trials. The victim must prove not only that she was in fact raped (doctrine of corroboration) but that she resisted as much as possible before submitting. In no other crime is the accuser required to show that a crime was really committed or that he/she was not to blame for it! This is not to recommend, of course, that our judicial system bear down more string- ently on the person accused of rape. In fact, historical attempts to deal with rape have resulted in greater injuhtices that have in no way benefitted the female vic- tim. The main reason, for instance, that the penalties for rape are so'harsh is that it was a convenient crime for which to con- vict black people. It would be impossible to estimate the number of blacks accused, convicted and sentenced for rape by white men in defense of their white women. The liberal solution to overly harsh penalties has been to protect the accused from the law entirely. THE POINT IS that nowhere is any re- gard accorded the woman, the victim of rape. It is with the victim or potential vic- tim in mind that real solutions must be sought. Firstly, the myths surrounding rape must be dispelled. It should be considered pri- marily a violent (not a sexual) crime - an act of domination and hostility perpetrated by one person against another. It usually occurs inside, the assailant and the victim generally are at least nominally acquainted and most (85 per cent) of sexual assaults include other acts of force. Secondly, the community should bear the costs and the responsibility that result from sexual assaults. All medical costs should be paid, 24-hour transportation provided, and lighting should be made adequate. The police department should include an all- female unit to handle all aspects of rape, self-defense courses for women be offered free of charge, and finally, the state crim- inal procedure be investigated and re-de- signed with the victim's best interests in mind. MUCH OF THIS has already been start- ed in Ann Arbor (by the Women's Crisis Center and other concerned women) and in the state (through the Traxler Bill) and it is essential that it be continued. It seems clear that rape is the direct product of a sexist and violent class society and that it shall be eliminated only when the social system has been altered drastically. The first step, however, is placing the respon- sibility of the crime onto the society and the community where it rightfully belongs. Betsy Bunn is city committee co-chair- person of the Human Rights Party. I Meet your next guy nah, Bobby Crim And a little less credibility [N A SPEECH to the Seafarers. tional Union on Monday, P Nixon assured his audience that ergy shortage is only temporary,a matters will be much improved: a year, "depending upon whatl in the international scene." In addition, Nixon suggested real hardships will be Involved that it might take a little longer "to see your mother in law." Meanwhile, various critics have the President of sugar-coating ti ity of the situation even while ad that his proposals such as Sund Ings of service stations will not f set the predicted fuel shortage. Many government officials, in some Presidential advisers, belie gasoline rationing is inevitable, ye TODAY'S STAFF: News: Dan Biddle, Andy Lilly, Robinson, Stephen Selbst, Paul ger, Rolfe Tessem Interna- ?resident the en- and that in about happens that no , except almost refuses to bring the subject up, as if to hold everyone in suspense. OTHER CRITICS, including former Sec- retary of the Interior Stewart Udall, have pointed out that the greatest prob- lem for the future is America's ever-in- creasing and often wasteful use of energy sources. By FRANK SHOICHET LOOK OUT, Y'ALL! Here comes Bobby Crim! Our next gover- nor! Who? Bobby Crim. And George Wal- lace is gonna get him elected. Oh, George don't know it yet, but thas' all right, he'll find out. And Bob- by, he knows it already. The Democrats are thinkin' they can knock off Smilin' Bill Milliken, but they can't find a candidate, which is a hell of a fix to be in when the election's less than a year away. Jerry Cavanagh wants to run. But everybuddy keepin' their eyes open these past six or eight years wouldn't buy a used car from ol' Jerry. Some city-slicker commen- tator pinned a Mafia label on him, and he ain't been able to shake it. And ol' Sander Levin. Well he nearly did it last time. But nearly ain't good enough. And it's close between Sandy and a bowl of Cheerios for which is more excit- in'. But a few of the UAW big shots took a likin' to Sandy a few ,years back, and he's countin' on that eternal friendship with them UAW guys to see him through the primary. Eternal friendship ain't one of the more noticeable quali- ties of politics in these or any other parts, but ol' Sandy, he went to Harvard and probably got it all figured out. NOW BOBBY, he came north from Missouri a few years ago. Taught high school in Davison, Michigan - where them Sinclair boys grew up. Lotsa other Missouri folks live 'round Davison, which is what they call a "suburb" of Flint - they came north to work in the automobile factories that's there. Lotta black folks came too, which was all right with the folks in Davison, long as they kept their asses out of .Davison. Bobby, he got on the town coun- cil for a couple of years, then ran for the State House in 1964 as a Democrat. Democrats did pretty good in 1964, and so did Bobby, who went off to Lansing and worked his ass off bein' a good Democrat lib- eral. That impressed a lotta folks in Lansing. But the folks in Lan- sing, they don't vote in Davison. So Bobby lost in 1966, even after I put all them bumper stickers up. And he went back to teachin' school for awhile. But ol' Bobby, he'd seen the big city, even if it was only as big as Lansing. So he finally got hired by the Speaker of the State House to be part of the Democrat staff. And Bobby went back to legislatin', even though he hadn't been elected to nothin'. Did the usual liberal Democrat legislatin'. Folks said he was "real effective", 'cause he'd learned to compromise pretty good. An' he kept workin' his ass off. Started joggin' and everything. Everbuddy had figured out ol' Bobby was a damn smart young man. His boss, the Speaker, he was named Ryan. And he got Bobby to doin' other stuff like pushin' for money for Catholic schools, and stoppin' them crazy abortion ladies, and other good stuff. SO WHEN Ryan and the boys in Lansing redrew the distact boundaries for the State House, damn if ol' Bobby didn't have him- self a real nice Democrat-type district to run in! But he didn't try any of that fancy liberal stuff this time. "I'm Bobby Crim," he'd say on the radio, "and I'm against bus- in'." Bobby, he'd taken a look at the results from the Presidential primary from 'round his district and found out that 62 per cent of the Democrats voted for G e o r g e Wallace. So he was against busin', and gun control, and abortion, and communism, too. And even though that McGovern fella got his ass whipped in Davison (which wasn't anything special for him), Bobby did alright and got elected back to his old seat. Went back to Lansin and got himself elected Democratic Floor Leader. That's number two, next to the Speaker. Did all the usual Democrat things. Some other stuff, too. Put his name on a bill to bring back capital punishment. That was for the folks in Davison. But Bobby, well shit, he didn't really want all that electric chair stuff, so he just helped to make sure his bill didn't get rep arted out of committee. Tihe way eve-y- body was happy. ANYWAY, the Democrat big- wheels been talkin' about a " mew face" for Governor And Bobby he figures he's it. Oh, he ain't a new face to the big-wheels, but to the folks outside of Davison he is. So now he's what's called a dark- horse. He got himself appointed Chair- man of a committee to inves+ig re all of this corruption goin' on in Lansing. "Just like Watergate," the Democrats keep sayin'. Sonic of the Civil Service folks hired some of their friends and some State Senator's wife, aad other unusual big scandalous stuff like that. And Bobby, he's a regular Sam Eevin, just layin' into all them crooks. Then a couple of days ago a "Draft Crim for Governor Com- mittee" announces itself. And Boby says he's honored, but he ain't made his mind up yet. But most folks ain't as dumb as they look, and they see who's on that committee. Art Cullers, who's the Chairman of the Wallace folks in Michigan. And Tom Roach, a big money-raised from Grosse PoiNte Farms who the Democrats ran for Regent at the University of Michi- gan last time. And ol' Neil Staeb- ler, who's the grandpa of the whole Michigan Democratic Party and the Hubert Humphrey man in Michigan. And some UAW buys from Davison and Flint. And even a few liberals. They say they want Bobby to unify the party. SO IT LOOKS like Bobby's gonna run all right. Probably get some support from those AFL-CIO folks, too. I'm willin' to stake all my Roy Clark albums that ol' Bobby will beat hell out of Levin and Cava- nagh, 'cause Bobby's smarter than them and besides Levin and Ca- vanagh couldn't even win an SGC election, which are pretty hard to lose these days if you know what you're doin'. He might even beat Smilin' Bill and sit in the Gover- nor's chair. 'Cause Bobby, he may by real liberal way deep down in- side, but he knows how ,to get along. to drive In addition to recent dire predictions of an economic recession to come many private economists now predict that un- accused employment will reach six per cent by he gray- the end of 1974, and only partly because dmitting of the energy crisis. ay cos- There is also considerable suspicion ully off- the crisis is a creation of the oil com- panies and the government, and perhaps ncluding has only been trumped up as a diversion ve that from Watergate. et Nixon It will take more than reassurances from Nixon that things "won't be too bad" to deal with this problem of "en- ergy credibility." Before the Arab boycott, the United Eugene States imported a rather small propor- Terwilli- tion of its petroleum needs from Arab countries. It would seem that reasons for Marnie the shortage go beyond the boycott. In addition to effective programs for eas- ing the present crisis, a more candid ex- planation of the causes of the shortage y are in order. Frank Shoichet, at the University. is a law student i Letters: Sue Nixon for negligence Editorial Page: Ted Heyn, Zach Schiller Hartzell, Arts Page: Jeff Sorensen Photo Technician: Terry McCarth 0 IM WOr A< 1Vc*! E EA'WiVES£eRS QQ * : e T- x .. 0 To The Daily: RECENTLY, IN A class in hos- pital law, a student asked, "If a hospital is liable for the negligent acts of its employees why isn't the President liable for the negligent acts of his staff, his advisors, and his reelection committee?" The professor responded that because the President himself is not the employer of his staff and reelection committee, and he does not pay their salaries, it is the federal government that is responsible for the negligent and criminal acts of the President's staff and the Re- publican party which is theore- tically responsible for the acts of the President's reelection campaign committees. Furthermore, he added, the Pre- sident himself is an employee and the doctrine of respondeat superior (the employer is liable for the neg- ligent acts of his employees com- mitted within the scope of their employment) cannot be used to sue an employee for the negligent and criminal acts of other employees. Though it seems clear that t h e President and the Republican par- ty cannot be held vicariously lia- ble for the acts of the respective staffs there seems to be sufficient evidence that both the President and the Republican party were per- sonally negligent in failing to exer- cise due care in hiring, controlling, and supervising their staffs. Thus it would seem logical that the Pre- sident and the Republican party are personally liable to the Amer- ican people for the damages caus- ed by their failure to properly su- pervise the individuals responsible for the Watergate Affair. T n e controling physicians behavior even though the hospital was not pay- ing the physician's salary. Perhajs it is unrealistic to ex- pect the American people or their' elected representatives to sue the President and the Republican par- ty for personal negligence. However it would be interesting to see the results of such a course of action. Furthermore, Congress might consider passing legislation holding the President and the poli- tical parties responsible for the negligent acts of their staffs. This would result in a much closer scrutiny of staff behavior and avoid the pleas that are currently being heard that the "higher-ups" were unaware of what the "lower-downs" were doing. Future Presidents and future reelection committees would not be so lax in supervising and controlling their staffs if they could be held liable for the dam- ages and illegal acts of those staffs. The immunity of the government for the official acts of its officers, agents and employees rests upon the doctrine that "the King can do no wrong." This doctrine has stood too long in the way of the Amer- ican people seeking redress from the President and his party for injuries sustained through the im- proper conduct of their respective staffs. Judge Frankfurter refer- red to this as "having a privileged position of legal irresponsibility". Certainly as the American people have a right to expect a high level of performance from physicians, nurses and hospitals they should have the right to expect high lev- els of performance from the Pres- ident and other elected officials. tion of democratic liberty is be- coming a daily occurrence in our so-called "Free World." Chile wit- nessed the military overthrow of Allende followed by a reign of ter- ror in which dissenters were killed or imprisoned. Newspapers were banned for unfavorable criticism of the new government and free elec- tions were withheld. For several years now Greece has followed a similar series of events in which even the illusion of democracy has been wiped out. General loannides, the new strong man, has recently been quoted by the New York Times as saying that "the new leaders would not toler- ate criticism." Hundreds of citi- zens have been imprisoned or kill- ed because ofntheir disapproval of government policies toward demo- cratic elections and their request for withdrawal of American sup- port for the dictatorial regime. In 1971 President Nixon assured Papadopoulos that he was ready to override any Congressional ban on military aid to Greece. This an- nouncement came a few months af- ter 15 Western European govern- ments denounced the Greek junta for "the torture and other ill treat- ment" of its political prisoners. The new Premier A. Androutso- poulos, anAmerican trained law- yer, is well known for his con- nections in the United States. The hypocrisy of the Nixon Ad- ministration in relation to a "Free World" is appalling. Their ignor- ance of the popular sentiment of the Third World for democratic liberties is an insult to every man's intellvigence. Thevconnstantly chidea To The Daily: I AM WRITING to the student newspapers of the top 10 rated foot- ball colleges, to determine which of you will rate number one with me by sending me the most letters. Anyone is eligible to write. I'll at- tempt to send a prompt, cheerful reply to every person who writes me. I am 44 years old, single, and a graduate of St. Bonaventure Uni- versity. I was elected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. I expect, to become president of the U.S. on January 20, 1977. My conviction in 1970 was not for a violent crime, and no weap- ons were involved. I am running for president on a platform of complete honesty and openness in government. I favor the legalization of marijuana, pro- stitution, and gambling, and t h e concentration of legal forces on reducing real crime. -John Desmond, Jr. 19491 U.S. Presidential Candidate Bow 1004) Steilacoom, Washington 98388 Nov. 1 The Editorial Page of The Michigan Daily is open to any- one who w i s h e s to submit articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than 1,000 words. - P 1P611 N' itlGt4. JULY', 19i S .74 -40e -! f 'iii pg