rage ien President knew of tape flaw (Continued from Page 1) Because of ambiguities in the subpoena, according to Nixon's at- torneys, it was not understood at the White House that the June 20, 1972, conversation between Nixon and Haldeman was one of those being demanded by the prosecutor. JUDGE SIRICA had ordered the White House on Aug. 29 to hand over tapes of nine conversations. But the White House said two of the conversations had never been recorded. While the physical turning over of the tapes was a milestone in the protracted legal battle be- tween the President and the Water- gate prosecutor's office, much courtroom skirmishingistill lies ahead. The President has not yet given up his claim that most of the con- versations were on matters other than the June 17, 1972, break-in at the Democratic party headquarters in the Watergate office building, and that these discussions should remain secret. . IN SUPPLYING the subpoenaed tapes to Judge Sirica yesterday, the White House also delivered a 22-page document to the judge claiming that large portions should be kept secret because they dealt with matters other than Watergate. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday. November 27 1973 . . _ _ _ . _. I Fleming speaks on education finances, By STEPHEN SELBST He also addressed himself to theI University President R o b b e n question of whether students would Fleming addressed the University be able to attend graduate school Senate yesterday afternoon in at all if they are in debt from un- Rackham Amphitheatre, stressing dergraduate education. And he said the importance of the way higher that the nature of graduate pro- education would be financed in the grams may change from academic future. to vocational in nature. The University Senate meets He wound up his remarks with just twice a year and is open to a brief description of the situation any faculty member who wishes to with respect to coordination of attend. Yesterday, a placid crowdertwithotheolleg r:h of about 85 listened in the decay- legislatures across the nati )n are ing elegance of the Amphitheatre. trying to reduce budgets to costs per student in a particular disci-- FLEMING SPOKE to the Senate pline, he said and in such a com- _ on what he termed "the most im- parison, an institution like Mich- portant developments in higher igan suffers because of the nature education." He said he felt that of the research (programs here. the future financing of higher edu- Research p r o g r a m s, especially cation is the most important single health sciences, are very expen-! issue. sive, and institutions like Michigan He broke the subject down into have higher costs because of these three parts-tuition, the condition programs. If appropriations are of graduate education and coordi- based on such cost comparisons, nation between institutions of high- the University suffers. er education. THE LONG RANGE planning Speaking on tuition, he said that committee came in with a report he wanted "to hold tuition as low which recommended that the num- as possible." But he added that ber of students at the Ann Arbor this desire had to be balanced campus be held constant. in the light of the recent Car- The report, presented by Wil- negie Commission Report which frid Kaplan, professor of mathe- stated t h a t public universities matics, utilized demographic data should hold tuition levels at about to support its assertion that the one - third of instructional cost. college age population will peak Fleming said that a balancing and then fall in the next two problesm was involved between ac- years. cess to education and higher fees. Allan Smith, University Vice- SPEAKING ON the subject of President, commented that, "Zero graduate education, he noted the student growth has a negative in- Nixon Administration's cutting of ference that nothing new will hap- funds. He speculated that this will pen." He then denied that this have an effect on graduate edu- will be the case, saying that the cation as soon as the GI benefits University will remain flexible and run out for the current group of responsive to the needs of the grad students. population. Thursday -Friday -Saturday NOVEMBER 29-30, DECEMBER 1 EDDIE IF UNWANTED PRAGNANCY IS A PROBLEM WE CAN HELP YOU . complete patient privacy . warm / comfortable atmosphere * qualified physicians and personnel Your Health is Our Primary Concern HOPE CLINIC Student Government Elections will be held during Registration 12 POSITIONS OPEN Applications are available at the LSA-SG office, room 3M, Michigan Union STOP BY or CALL 763-4799 for more information (313) 835-0070 p ----__________________________________________ I I 4 TRY DAILY CLASSIFIEDS -. - - DEADLINE: Thurs., Nov. P.S. LSA-SG is NOT SGC 29, 1973-5:00 P.M. i PSYCH MAJORS Graduation, Then What? Grad School Information Faculty Area Representatives -- -------- 1 . 2. 3.Alternatives to Grad School Panel TONIGHT Aud. D 7:30. if you see news happen call 76-DALY RE, t F I Y r; ,l A /, '7) MARRIS /1' I. I 't in1 F" COMING Reed Cleo won't eat out1 6761.9702Dec. 6-7-8 JimmyRe d C ow n'ea ou 1 Even if you don't plan to do much cooking, you'll b a kitchen if you get sick. No getting dressed to go o in line at a busy restaurant. You can fix your own back in bed and rest. We have many other reasons w here. So... make the right move. Come to where the living is easy. Ajoeph E Levine.dBrut Productions 2333 E.STADIUM BLVD Georg Glenda below the Frontier Restaurant a 1(near Washlenow) Ann Arbor e On AMPLE FREE PARKING AMelvin Frank Fim Call 663-9165 for informafion A ( 536 S. Forest Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 P Tlbuch Of Class 7:00 & 9:00 P.M 207 E. LIBERTY -BARNES-HIND )i 2 oz. VI ICX WETTING n SOLUTION No Limit ALL - CIGARETTES 3 PKGS. $ n No Limit ALL WACEHES WACHSVIP iscount Center 213 South State Street DISCOUNT 761-8816 WE CASH U OF M CHECKS HOURS-Monday-Saturday: 9-6 30's NEW STEREO 8-TRACK 1.2 oz. . PANTY H ONE-A-DAY TYPE 100 16 oz. Plirm,.f T'..i. . ...A n.. 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