i i r s4Lu £wtgan tj Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Pass-fail reform tangled in LSA web' 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 News Phone: 764-0552 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1973 A junta for a junta FOR THE SECOND time in seven years, Greek military leaders have seized power in a coup d'etat toppling the exist- ing regime. Sunday's coup, however, turned the Greek tragedy into a farce. Armed forces broadcasts after the coup said the mili- tary had acted because of new threats to the nation arising out of deviation from the objectives of the first coup of April 1967. The overthrown Papadopoulos regime, in other words, was getting a little bit too liberal for Greek military circles. This "liberal" government, whose real authority rested almost exclusively with one man, George Papadopoulos, had tor- tured its opponents, curtailed civil liber- ties and forcibly suppressed dissent. THE ARMED FORCES say they acted to' save the country from "chaos and catastrophe." This "catastrophe," we must assume, lay in the miniscule degree to which the regime had lessened the severity of its dictatorial policies. The purported "liberalization" took place with the creation of an all-civilian cabinet under right-wing Premier Spyros Markezinis, the freeing of 300 political prisoners and. promised elections at the end of next year. The fundamental nature of the Papa- dopoulos regime was by no means threatened by these developments. Papa- dopoulos had maintained his solitary control over defense, foreign affairs and internal security. And he acted swiftly in smashing the student and worker demon- strations against his regime last week, reestablishing martial law and killing 13 persons in the process. The coup, in other words, merely re- places one repressive regime with one which will probably ruthlessly suppress any dissidence whatever. In this respect, the new military leadership will undoubt- edly vie for honors with the Chilean junta. Nixon Administration officials an- nounced shortly after Sunday's over- throw that they had considerable fore- warning of the coup d'etat. Serious ru- mors of a possible overthrow attempt apparently began circulating in Wash- ington during the summer, and recently Administration officials had received strong indications that a move was immi- nent. THE U. S. HAD been a strong supporter of the Papadopoulos regime, send- ing $29 million in military aid last year. Yet, even with it naval squadron in Greek waters while the coup took place, there seemed to be patent unconcern in Washington over the change in govern- ment. Diplomatic relations will continue as before. Such a situation hardly seems incon- gruous in light of the fact that the newly appointed premier, Adamandios Androut- sopoulos, is an American-trained lawyer and former Chicago resident who has been described as having "close Ameri- can connections." But then, U. S. support for military dictatorships around the world is hardly a new phenomenon. By ERIC SCHOCH ONE OF THE more interesting LSA re- gulations states that if you want to change your marks in a course from a grade to pass-fail, or vice versa, after only two weeks into the term, you cannot. For any reason. The Administrative Board has been "di- regted" by the LSA faculty government not to accept any appeals regarding changes in pass-fail status, after the first two weeks, despite the fact that all other LSA regula- tions may be excepted for "valid" scholas- tic reasons. Assistant to the Administrative Board Harry Marsden says that this rule "does not seem to be a burning issue." Among many students it may very well not be. But for George Glassman ('75 LSA) it is indeed a burning issue. Since the third week of this semester, Glassman has been fighting a one-man battle to get an exception in his particular case, and generally to get the rule changed. BECAUSE THE process of change is so incredibly slow in LSA, he never had a chance. He decided that he was getting the runaround, and so became determined not to quit. But it was not the countless people in Academic Counseling who gave him the runaround, it was, at the risk of sounding trite, the unresponsive system he was dealing with. The rule was passed, according to Char- les rJudge, Assistant Dean for Academic ICounseling, "with certain intentions in mind." Among them, he says, was to "make sure there was no way of playing t h e 'grades game.'" But everybody plays the 'grades game." As Glassman pointed out to many figures of authority during his odyssey through LSA counseling, everybody knows of per- "The most important factor in keeping educational reform at a snail's pace has been the faculty government itself. It always has, and no doubt always will fight innovation, no matter how carefully thought out over how 'long a time." }.!.%.v A; S { '"''::.:"{ r":."'"r+"r}:1" { vS :1wm ?: "+.;j m { m e" 9," .::-: S."rT'1".:iR.""1.'..hr .1: ":J. . C ' :th1 i^F$>+i"";i:: i"$"11"t~r{:S~g1f:^}1" ;": ."1;'',;:,'"""r-i iy::t ."OA .i"1.::?.1 {F.J: . ?,. sons who have dropped troublesome cours- es late in the term, with no pretense of any "valid scholastic reason." All you have to do is find a sympathetic counselor. IS THERE any difference between drop- ping a course to save your grade point average and changing your pass-fail status to help your grade point average? Judge points out, "If someone drops a 'course, they don't get credit for it." That's right, but it is still playing the is too strict, and would like to see it chang- ed, but for my particular case, at this time not much can be done." The reason that nothing can or will be done for George Glassman lies in the way changes in the literary college come about. Basically, they come about slowly. Rules changes must be made by the LSA Facul- ty Governance, that lumbering "town meet- ing" set-up which, even when it can garner a quorum, moves at a snail's pace when considering academic reform. "grades game," folks. What it amounts to is that you can play the 'grades game" in dropping courses because there is a pun- ishment (no credit) involved. There would be no punishment for changing pass-fail status halfway through the term, so, sor- ry, you can't do it. To be fair, the deans and assistant deans and counselers and special assistants to the Administrative Board do not seem to look at it in that way. In fact, it appears that most of them want the rule changed. "I'm personally very sorry it is worded as it is," says Judge. "I think two or three weeks is not very much time. It's restrictive to say that there will be no possible reason for exceptions," says Marsden. "THEY ALL SAID they are glad I'm pur- suing it," says Glassman of the people he's talked to. "They are all sympathetic and understanding, they all see that the rules ther package dealing with the "undergrad- uate experience," including the qdestion of 'pass-fail. There has been input into the commission on the no-exception rule, al- thought it is not yet known what they will recommend. THROUGHOUT THE time when theCUE and Graduate, Requirements reports have been "in the works," there has been no other move to change individual regulations. The result is a long, drawn-out process, which while providing the time for the ne- cessarily careful consideration of import- ant issues, has not helped individual stu- dents in the short run. Of course, the most important ,factor in keeping educational reform at a snail's pace has been the faculty government it- self. It always has, and no doubt always will fight innovation, no matter how care- fully thought out over how long a time. The introduction of the rejected CUE report states that ". . . the fundamental principle on which the College should oper- ate is that the primary responsibility for his/her education rests with each individual student." Unfortunately, this is still ap- parently a minority view. The more common view among the facul- ty would appear to be closer in philosophy to that of a professor remarking during the student power upheavals at the University during the 1960s: "A professor with no stu- dents constitutes a class. Students with no professor constitute nothing." Time will only tell if the Graduation Re- quirements report will be far-reaching enough to merit faculty rejection. But no matter what the faculty's decision, students like Glassman will find that they are stuck with whatever they might want changed, because those in LSA academic counseling who feel that changes should be made are basically powerless to change anything. J } I In addition, strong feeling exists in LSA that changes should be made systematical- ly, not one at a time. Thus, changes such as alteration of the "no appeal" clause are not made individually. INSTEAD, CHANGES are usually sug- gested in such broad proposals as t h e Committee on Underclass Experience (CUE) report last spring. The CUE report dealt with the pass-fail issue by suggesting that pass-fail grading be dropped. Instead, it suggested that all 100 and 200 level courses be graded on a pass-no record basis. That is, if you didn't pass, no record of the course would appear on the transcript. Like most reform proposals, the CUE report was rejected by the faculty govern- ment. However, in recent months another group, the Dean's Commission on Gradua- tion Requirements, has been devising ano- Squeezing energy out of the individual Thorns instead of roses THE VOTE OF the Big Ten athletic di- rectors to send Ohio State to the Rose Bowl is highly unfair to the UnI- versity's players and coaches. The Wolverines outplayed Woody's boys Saturday, as was apparent to most observers and borne out by the game sta- tistics. The coaches and players worked hard all season to win a trip to the bowl, and fought back Saturday after things looked pretty grim. The vote went to Ohio State on a tele- phone poll conducted by Big Ten Com- missioner Wayne Duke. Eight out of the ten athletic directors voting did not see the game. They demonstrated shocking ignorance about many particulars of the Business Staff RILL BLACKFORD Business Manager FLAY CATALINO............... operations Manager SHERRY CASTLE . ............ Advertising Manager SANDY FIENBERG................Finance Manager DAVE BURLESON...................Sales Manager DEPT. MORS.: Steve LeMire, Jane Dunning, Paula Schwach ASSOC. MORS.: Joan Ades, Chantal Banilihon, Linda Ross, Mark Sancrainte, s u a n noe Tiberlo, Kevin Trimmer ASST. MGRS.: Marlene Katz, Bill Nealon STAFF: Sue DeSmnet Laurie Gross, Debbie Novess, Carol Petok, Mimi Bar-on SALESPEOPLE: W e n d i Pohs, Tom Kettinger, Eric Phillips, P et e r Anders, R o b e r t Fischer, Paul* Schwach, Jack Mazzara, John Anderson TODAY'S STAFF: News: Chris Parks, Cheryl Pilate, Chip Sinclair, Sue Stephenson, Rolfe Tessem Editorial Page: Cindy Hill, Zach Schiller, Eric Schoch Arts Page: Diane Levick Photo Technician: David Margolick game when questioned by sportswriters after the vote. Several of the athletic directors indi- cated they felt that Ohio State would be the most "representative" team for the Rose Bowl because of the injury to Dennis Franklin. However, at this point it is not clear that Franklin would be unable to play in Pasadena. The athletic directors made no attempt to discover the exact status of Franklin's injury. MORE IMPORTANTLY, basing the vote on Franklin's injury is highly 'nfair to Franklin and the rest of the team. The implication is that the Michigan team cannot win without Franklin-an insult to say the least. Using the injury as a basis for decision also has the effect of placing the blame on Franklin when the blame obviously lies with the athletic directors. For the decision could have been made much more carefully. Instead of a hur- ried telephone poll of athletic directors who were basically ignorant of the game itself, they could have met in Chicago, and watched the game film. Because they apparently cared little about the Saturday's game and how the teams performed, it would seem that the athletic directors were acting on precon- ceived notions about Michigan and Ohio State. The whole situation is extremely un- fair to the team and the coaches who worked all season to win a championship, and then went out and outplayed their opponent last Saturday. They deserved better. By PACIFIC NEWS SERVICE I EN PRESIDENT Nixon flies this coming Christmas season to San Clemente, Key Biscayne or his hideaway in the Bahamas, it may be a drab landscape that he will see beneath him. Indeed, if the President has his way, the only holiday lights in the Christmas sky this year will be those of the great Comet Kohoutek and Air Force 1. The Administration's energy con- servation strategy is clear. Fuel shortages are to be taken care of by squeezing the individual c o n- sumer even though personal and household use of energy represents only a small fraction of total en- ergy consumption in the United States. President Nixon has stated that the key to the success of his plan lies "in every home, in every com- munity across this country." In the words of John Love, the Admin- istration's new energy czar: "We have met the enemy and it is us." HOUSEHOLD USE of energy re- presents less than 20 per cent of the total amount of energy c o n- sumed in America. The industrial/ commercial sector uses more than 55 per cent. Transportation takes up the rest. If the same degree of attention were put into the indus- trial sector as is now about to be put into individual consumption, the energy saving could be gigan- tic. Indeed, the Office of Emergency Preparedness, in an October 1972 report, indicated that industry could save up to 24 per cent of its total energy consumption by 1980 if more care was used in the industrial process. These projec- tions were based on the assump- tion that such energy savings would not require the sacrifice of any jobs. Transportation is also an area where a substantial energy-saving effort would be fruitful. The inter- nal combustion engine is notor- iously inefficient. Trucks, for ex- ample, use three times the amount of energy to move a ton of freight as do trains. In 1972, all modes of transportation in' the United Stat- es used 25 per cent of the nation's energy. BUT THE government's plan for energy conservation in transpor~a- tion focuses simplistically on the individual driver. Significant gaso- line rationing would impose gigan- tic problems on working people. Eighty-one per cent of all Amer- ican workers must depend on their cars for transportation to their work sites. Without the money to buy spec- ially taxed extra gas, they may be left high and dry. They will cer- tainly be hard-pressed to find ef- ficient public transportation to get to work; for governmental priori- ties have in the past short-changed programs for mass public trans- portation in order to guarantee pro- fits for the oil, automobile, high- way, rubber and. truckiig indus- tries. Thirty-two per cent of all basic energy in the United States is wasted in the generation and trans- mission of electricity (where three units of oil are required to provide one unit of electricity), by inef- ficient truck and auto engines, and by obsolete industrial processes. AND AS consumers reflect upon the President's request to t u r n down their home thermostats by six degrees, they can think about the billions of barrels of petroleum gobbled up by the military ;n Indo- china and the continuing top prior- ity given to the often inflated needs of the military services. The current crisis has provided the Administration with a good ex- cuse to attack the environmental- ists. In his Nov. 7 statement, the President 'took the lid off almost , all existing environmental controls on industrial pollution. In order to avoid serious power shortages in the future, the Presi- dent stated, existing air quality standards must be waived. Ener- gy production must be maximisted through the utilization of previous- ly unacceptable "dirty" fuels like high sulphur content coal and pe- troleum and the, exploitation of new energy sources like Alaskan oil. BUT CONSERVATIONISTS, of- ten involved in the battles f o r tougher environmental standards, point out that they are hardly to blame for the present crisis. They have long recommended important forms of government controls which would have prevented many of the current problems. If the government, for example, had pushed recommended legisla- tion to reduce the weight of the average American car from 3,500 to 2,500 pounds, the gasoline sav- ings alone would total 2.5 million barrels per day or the equivalent of the total maximum daily produc- tion expected from the first Alas- kan pipeline, long opposed by en- vironmentalists. Brock Evans, director of the Washington office of the Sierra Club, recently stated: ". . . for the long tern, Nixon is realy call- ing for massive strip mining for coal, massive destruction of t h e land and pollution of the land and water.", IN ADDITION to household con- suming units, the Arab producing countries are also high on the President's energy "enemy list." But the current crisis in petroleum supplies in this country is o n 1 y modestly affected by the A r a b oil embargo. Until January of this year, the , Administration itself maintained strict import controls on the amount of Middle East oil that could come into the United States. In 1972, less than five per cent of all U.S. oil needs were met by imports from the Mideast. Al- though that percentage increased to 10 per cent during the e a r I y months of 1973, the sudden cut-off of Mideast oil was not the major factor behind the present energy crisis. Administration policies - favoring oil industry profits, pro- tecting private trucking and trans- portation companies, and failing to encourage mass public transporta- tion programs - set the stage. BUT THE GIANT OIL companies created the actual crunch. Whether or not, as the Federal T r a d e Commission charges, the oil grafts deliberately contrived the energy crisis, creating shortages and con- sequent higher prices, certain facts are incontestable. Even as in-house oil publications proclaimed the coming of an en- ergy crisis, and industry executives attacked the environmentalists, the major oil companies acted almost in unison in 1972 to significantly reduce the operations of their re- fineries. This unique "coin,;idence" is now under investigation by the Senate Permanent Investigations Committee. In his Nov. 7 energy statement, President Nixon made no mertlon of the skyrocketing profit state- ments by the major oil companies. But the fact is that the energy crisis has been, good business fnr big oil. . THIRD QUARTER profits in 1973 increased 91 per cent for Gulf Oil, 80 per cent for Exxcon,' SI per cent for Standard Oil of California, 64 per cent for Mobil, and a whop- ping 274 per cent for Royal Dutch Shell. For the high energy consuming steel industry, things were even better. U.S. Steel showed a profit increase for the July-September period of 183 per cent and Bethle- hem Steel, 175 per cent. While the American Zonsumer may feel the squeeze of a future energy crunch, the Administration plans no major hardships. for big oil or big business. For them, the future shines brighter than it does for the average American worker. In spite of unprecedented o i1 profits, the Federal Cost of Living Council now allows price increases once each month to all segments of the oil industry. Thus,. the predic- tions that gasoline may cost.$1.25 per gallon by spring seem entirely possible. And, once again, the low and middle income people of the United States will pay the bill and do the suffering for this newest crisis in American life. Copyright 1973, Pacific News Service. L Letters: Readers blast Rose Bowl vote I To The Daily: WAYNE DUKE has come down from the mountain and there are some new rules about the land. Let everyone therefore be apprais- ed of the Big Ten Commandments: ! Play thy first line from kick- off to final gun. For what profit- eth it a man to win 31-7 using thine entire squad when thy foe winneth 60-0 using only his first line? 0 Thou shalt not win alone, but shalt run up mighty scores against thine enemies. For in this wise do the Scribes and Pharisees know of thy majesty. 0 Thou shalt not have a balanc- ed and superior team, but rather put thy strength in one or two star players. For thus shall Ye be judged! * Heed the Holy Ranking of :he Scribes, for though they write much qI 6A) MhAT7 EX 2A 1 cL.2 I c-X) MGCov 4 MtTCNEG( MY s1AF IN) A~CUWLL Ai5A Itmy rA6A' and see little, their words s 'a a 1 I triumph o'er the efforts of those that strive in battle. * Though a team shalt outplay their opponents on the field of bat- tle, lest they be ranked number one from the start, their victories shall be plucked from their grasp and delivered unto their enemies. * Thou shalt not be the under- dog. * Though thou defeat thine en- emy on the field of battle, thou must have friends in the Council of the Pharisees. * Thou shalt covet the glories of thy betters and after they have left the field, thou shalt secretly conspire to plunder their glories. 0 Thou shalt betray thy sister institutions and deliver theiz bou- quets into the hands of their en-' emies . . . * Give up! Thy fate hast been decided e'er the dawn of Saturday breaketh. -F. A. Johnson, grad Nov. 26 To The Daily: I WOULD LIKE to defend what is probably a minority view on this campus. I feel the Big Ten Com- missioners were justified in send- ing Ohio to the Rose Bowl. In 1972 both Michigan and OSU eazn lost' one game and Michigan beat Ohio State statistically. This year both teams are undefeated with one tie narrowmindedness To The Daily: RE: "Worm's eye world view from outstate" - Nov. 14, 1973. It may be hard to believe, Chris- topher Parks, but I'm from a small outstate town, and I know about birth control! My parents helped me make my first appointment with a gynecologist a few years ago - when I still lived in t h a t town smaller than any you men- tioned in your list (headed by Hud- sonville), a town situated very close to one city you named. I realize that now since I have been in close vicinity to the "edu- cated and sophisticated few in' places like Ann Arbor", you pro- bably don't consider me a t r u e representative of those outstate areas, and you may think that con- sequently it's okay for me to know about birth control. But how do you explain my parents? Are they clinging to "quaint notions," as all outstaters are, in y o u r mind? And do you expect anyone to believe that my fellow outstat- ers and I are here on this cam- pus because our parents back in our small towns believe that "knowledge is somehow evil as progress most assuredly is"? In case you haven't, guessed, Mr. Parks, I intensely resent your gen- eralization which encompasses my family and friends. Senator Byker may believe in a "19th century Some extreme narrowmindedness and intolerance for the views of others? Read your own editorials some time, Daily staff. You have condemned many a person, insti- tution, and issue in y r time, but your unjust criticism f my home- town area was one criticism too many for me to silently take. -L. Simpson '74 Nov. 14 locker rent To The Daily: MANY STUDENTS may be un- aware that the price of recreation at the University has doubled since last year. Renting a locker, which provides safety and ease, n o w costs 50 cents per 'day, a 100 per- cent increase over '72-'73 rates. Dr. Grambeau and other advisrs say the hike was necessitated by ris- ing costs. But they fail to consi4r the fairness of such an expensive fee to students who face limited financial resources. Isn't the administration concern- ed about thefts in Waterman Gym? The facility is unpoliced and pro- vides a haven for thieves. Cloth- ing and valuables are best protect- ed in lockers, so why not encour- age their use? A student consider- ing that 50 cent fee will ofteiA try to safeguard his clothing nearby on the gym floor, offering a fine .! l4 4 SAT! §F7W? - AEFCNO! NOT Y6)), Y JQ:VE: E thY)-r Vp E36 FO' CCCU i , .___ i i L 1